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Our House Part Two


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Hi all,


Quickie post yet again!! Love all the projects I saw tonight- Dusti, Shay, Mary2- great work!!!


Chrizty- Yup- there are lots of enablers here- which is great!!!


Kiyo- Good news!!!


Judy- Glad you had a great visit with Jean!


Wow- all the talk about all these dishes!!! I have one set of everyday dishes and another set of "good china"!! I wouldn't know where to keep 5-6 sets of dishes!!


See you all in the AM!

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Good morning Glories!


Rise and shine! Ok, rise, but you don't have to shine until you've had your coffee!! (or tea, or coke, or hot chocolate or whatever your early morning beverage of choice is):lol


I thoroughly enjoyed Idol last night- I'm just amazed at the wonderful talented musical artists! This is the first season that I'm 'hooked' on Idol- they are just ALL so amazing- each in their own special 'genre'!


:eek Just took a look at the clock- time to get a move on and get ready for Paradise!!!


Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!:hug

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WOW yens are so chatty, dont know if Ill ever catch up from my last post lol. I had to open up "notepad" to try to keep up with posting back and im still lost:lol thats good though.


Notepads are used alot around here


Wrennie, Have fun on your trip to Hobby Lobby:D!!!

I will

Sorry bout your customer.:(

and thanks


Ive learned to make a granny square! whoohoo!:yay Im haveing so much fun I may never knit again:lol Its soooooo addicting!! I cant stop:lol



However, DD is sleeping since she worked last night and is on again tonight, so I need to be very quiet, and that is definitely slowing me down.


Being quiet is very difficult when trying to clean


Wrennie~ How sad it was to read about the fire at your customer's house. That's heartbreaking.

Yeah,they plan to bulldoze the house and ge a modular o put on the same spot.

Wow! Do you ever have dishes to choose from. Holiday tables at your house must be beautiful with all of those sets to choose from.

They were when I had my big house. Now we don't have a table to 'dress up'. We do use special plates for holidays tho'.

Ooooh, a shopping trip to Hobby Lobby. DH found one for me last summer, and we had a grand time browsing through all of the departments. Yes, I made a few purchases, too.

This will be Deb and Steph's first time to a hobby lobby. My second. I have a shopping list building in my head already! Then we're off to Christmas Tree shop in the same mall area. That one I didn't care for last time Iwas there. Maybe it was just my mood cause it was really crowded and I don't like crowds at all.

I hope your boss was understanding and let you organize your patterns and yarn quantities during the work-day, yesterday ;) Have fun :shop

I didn't organize. Wanted to, but behaved.


Hi, Chrizty. It sounds as though you are picking up crochet tips and talents left-and-right. If there is any way we can help, just give a shout-out. Otherwise, we are happy to keep you buried in new pattern ideas and inpiration :lol Here is a quick picture of the Double Irish Chain I made a couple of years back. [ATTACH]37971[/ATTACH] It was a labor of love, as I donated it to my daughter's school for a fundraiser. The pattern is so pretty. What colors are you using?

WOW! Thats pretty! I hate the sewing part.


finished projects from last night...uh..errr..this morning :D


I was sound asleep and a friend (kinda a son :yes) came in at 11 and woke me up..well Moose woke me up growling at him :rolleyes I sleep in the recliner and he and DH sat and talked for 1/2 hour.


So then I couldn't get back to sleep until about 1:30..and what else is there to do??? :hook


They were both WIP and it was great to get them both finished.

Very nice!


Good morning Glories!


Rise and shine! Ok, rise, but you don't have to shine until you've had your coffee!! (or tea, or coke, or hot chocolate or whatever your early morning beverage of choice is):lol

Phew, glad you said that. Just having my first sip now.


:eek Just took a look at the clock- time to get a move on and get ready for Paradise!!!

NO! Don't look at the clock!:lol

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!:hug


:clap 2 more days till hobby lobby!

Rained all day yesterday. That makes me so tired staring out gray windows all day. Todays supposed to be nice, I may have to take a walk at lunch.

I started making rubber ducky ami's yesterday. They're going to be cute. Now I just have to find my 'eye' beads. I know I have a big box somewhere. Hmmm, maybe with my regular jewelry beads. ( Now that would make sense) Uh, oh, if I go near the bead box I know I'm going to get sucked in and feel the need to make stitch markers. I guess it'll be give-away time again soon.


The daffodila sre almost ready to bloom in my garden. Funny thing about living in a narrow valley, my garden is about 2-3 weeks behind the ones in town only 2 miles away. The daffys have been in full bloom for a few days now.

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Good morning one and all! Just a quick :hello before I log on to work.


Joanne, see you were the last one here and first one this morning. Got my ;coffee and ready to meet the day. Have chemo this afternoon, last one until I get my eyes done :yay, so won't be back until later.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, peeps!

Tam, I like your picture/avatar in your post!:yes


I'm wiped out this moring...overtired last night from my full day. Couldn't get to sleep after watching the Yankees WIN, switiching to MI5, and the Rangers hockey playoff (loss in overtime) AND hubby woke up after midnight and had stuff on his mind he wanted to talk about.

He says he does his best thinking in the middle of the night:tired


Off to get going here....BBL!

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Good morning, housemates. We've got blue skies and sunshine today. Unfortunately, Kim had another rough night last night. Very restless and then about 4:30 when John got her up to the bathroom her right side went all limp again. He got her back to bed and she was okay the last time he got her up. I will be keeping a very close eye on her today. The last time this happened she had aspiration pneumonia and spent a week in the hospital. Prayers for her would be much appreciated. This scares me.


On the brighter side, the latest prayer shawl is all done except for hiding the tails and washing it. Then it's off to its new owner. I got 3 1/2 rows done on the RR last night while watching TV. Just 3 1/2 more to go.


finished projects from last night...uh..errr..this morning :D


I was sound asleep and a friend (kinda a son :yes) came in at 11 and woke me up..well Moose woke me up growling at him :rolleyes I sleep in the recliner and he and DH sat and talked for 1/2 hour.


So then I couldn't get back to sleep until about 1:30..and what else is there to do??? :hook


They were both WIP and it was great to get them both finished.

Those are lovely, Mary. I especially like the hat. Where did you find that pattern? I think I'd like to try it out.


On the silly side, I now know that your name here at Crochetville stands for French Lop Rabbits Lady, but before that my head did a sommersault and came up with Fruit Loop Lady. :lol :lol :lol Since I happen to like Fruit Loops, that is a complement. :lol :lol :lol

Good morning one and all! Just a quick :hello before I log on to work.


Joanne, see you were the last one here and first one this morning. Got my ;coffee and ready to meet the day. Have chemo this afternoon, last one until I get my eyes done :yay, so won't be back until later.


Have a great day everyone!

I'm not sure whether to opt for tea or cocoa this morning. Hope the chemo session goes well today, Tina.




You come up with some of the neatest stuff, Tammy. Bravo!

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~~Ggggggood morning girlies~~~ Happy Thursday again! Had my coffee this early morning, Sun is shining, lil brisk but nice to see clear sky for a day!

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Good morning one and all! Just a quick :hello before I log on to work.


Joanne, see you were the last one here and first one this morning. Got my ;coffee and ready to meet the day. Have chemo this afternoon, last one until I get my eyes done :yay, so won't be back until later.


Have a great day everyone!

Sending you lots of :hug:manyheart and Prayers today sweetie!!!!!



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~~Ggggggood morning girlies~~~ Happy Thursday again! Had my coffee this early morning, Sun is shining, lil brisk but nice to see clear sky for a day!

Good Mornin' back at ya hon!

its cool here... 54* and rainy! But thats okay... a nice day inside.. got my coffee.. NO ONE is here with me! just the animals... :D So I get some peace and quiet for a while!

which is good because I have to redo the sock I was working on yesterday.. because one of the grandkids got ahold of it and ripped it over half out... . :sigh

okay.. off for more :mug

catch up more in a bit



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Kim's running a temp again today and it's a bit higher than yesterday. I just checked with John and we're going to start her on antibiotics and prednisone this afternoon in case there is something brewing in her chest. This is too similar to what happened last time when she landed in the hospital for a week. Maybe by starting it now we can head it off before it gets a good hold on her if that's what's going on. She's obviously sick. Her eyes are dull and she's super tired.

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Kim's running a temp again today and it's a bit higher than yesterday. I just checked with John and we're going to start her on antibiotics and prednisone this afternoon in case there is something brewing in her chest. This is too similar to what happened last time when she landed in the hospital for a week. Maybe by starting it now we can head it off before it gets a good hold on her if that's what's going on. She's obviously sick. Her eyes are dull and she's super tired.



I hope the meds work and that she gets better soon and doesn't end in the hospital again...:hug and prayers for you all.

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Good Mornin' back at ya hon!


its cool here... 54* and rainy! But thats okay... a nice day inside.. got my coffee.. NO ONE is here with me! just the animals... :D So I get some peace and quiet for a while!

which is good because I have to redo the sock I was working on yesterday.. because one of the grandkids got ahold of it and ripped it over half out... . :sigh


okay.. off for more :mug

catch up more in a bit





Tammy...enjoy your free time we all know how hard it is to come by....i could use a cup of that coffee...we are out till DH gets home :(

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Linda, I hope and pray that Kim isn't any worse:hug:manyheart:hug


Toni, I hope the chemo went ok....:hug:manyheart:hugRest up!


Well, other than working on some rectangles for HAP I haven't done any crafting today...or reading...I did take Sparkie for a walk and ran an errand.

It's so nice and sunny outside I was just enjoying the view out back. Too bad we have to wait about another month before flowers can be put out.


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Hi, Friends :hi


This is going to be quick. DH is working out of town until the Saturday before Easter, and it always takes me a couple of days to get my "sea legs" as a single parent. The girls got to-and-from school on time :yay, I completed the grocery shopping, the ironing, and I have dinner prepped. :whewI think we'll make it. Tomorrow will be the first, big test, as we have to all be out the door and dressed nicely for Mass by 7:15a.m. As far as I can tell, the only thing that is going to throw a wrench into my best-laid plans is the weather -- we are supposed to get 1-3" of snow by mid-day, tomorrow. Can you believe it? "Oh, Spring, where aaaarrrrreee you???" :rabbit


Tam ~ Ohhh, nooooo. Were you able to figure out where you were on the unraveled sock? Sorry you had to re-do your work. But, it's great to hear that you had the house to yourself for awhile in which to sit, drink your coffee in peace and think.


Linda ~ Prayers being said for Kim. How is she doing this afternoon? Does the high pollen content of the air make it more likely for pneumonia to take hold in her lungs? I sure hope you are able to head-off anything more serious with the antibiotics and prednisone. :hug


Shay ~ VERY PRETTY hexagons your are working on. And, I have to compliment you on your quilt-ghan -- that is stunning :clap. Did you keep it for yourself, or was it a gift?


Kiyo ~ Hi, back at you. I missed your morning greeting. Are you finished being in charge at the office, once this week is over? It sounded as though you had everything under control, but it must have been a lot of extra duties.


Joanne ~ How's Paradise? Any time for crocheting?


Cindy ~ Were you teaching just a one-day class? Or, do you have to go back again, tomorrow? Hope all went well.


Toni ~ Gentle :hug for you this evening. Hope you are feeling alright after your treatment. Is is today that you are super-energetic? Or, will you be pretty wrung out for awhile?


Judy ~ Were you able to sneak a nap into your day, today? It was nice you were still awake and able to listen to DH's thoughts last night, but I would have been a bit groggy in the light of day, too.


I am not sure if I will be able to get in here tomorrow morning, so I will show off two of the projects I finished this week. A cap for Kyri to wear in the spring: post-20536-135897649422_thumb.jpg



My ruffled shrug/jacket for Mass tomorrow: post-20536-135897649448_thumb.jpg




Have a good night, everyone! :hugto Everyone.

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Very, very nice work, Dusti!

And no, I didn't nap today. I never nap, unless I'm feeling sick. One day I may just try it, though:lol It would certainly help make the nights I don't sleep a little easier to deal with.


Sounds like you're organized for your day tomorrow!:yes

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Cindy, yup - you didn't become a nurse to teach ...patient care is why you do it!

Have a good night everyone...:hug:manyheart

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Another long day in Paradise- and then to top it off, it took me about 55 minutes to get home- It must have been just the time I left since there was no accident or anything- I've found a 5-10 minute difference in the time leaving for work in the morning or the time I leave work to come home can make a big difference in the amount of traffic. I just finished dinner and have the Yankees on and can't believe it's almost 8PM!!!


Linda- I will keep Kim in my prayers and hope that the antibiotics and prednisone will help ward off a stay in the hospital. She is just very lucky to have you to watch over her!! WTG on finishing the shawl!


Dusti- Love your shrug and the hat you made- You make such lovely items!!!! I chuckled at your "getting my sea legs". You are a strong woman and didn't you just spend a month in HI as a single parent? (oh, yea, you had your Mom_;) Good luck tomorrow being out by 7:15- I know that part isn't fun!!! And really, SNOW????? NOOOOOOO- Maybe they are wrong and SPRING will come to your neck of the woods!!!


Kiyo- Hidy ho to you!!


Judy- It WAS a gorgeous day today! Went outside at lunchtime to soak up some of the beautiful sunshine and a co-worker and I walked for a bit. It felt good! Hope your DH doesn't get any bright ideas that he needs to talk about in the middle of the night again tonight!!


Toni- :hug Hope all went well with your chemo today!!!:hug


Wrennie- By the time you read this it may be only 1 more day till HL!!! Have fun!!!


Cindy- Have a good day at work tomorrow! And it looks like I may be training new employees in my dept once I'm back up to speed on all the procedures and policies- probably will take effect in about 6 months. We'll see how it goes.


Tammy- Loved the coffee picture- as much as I love my coffee! I'm glad that you had some Alone time today:hug and hope that you were able to fix the sox


Oh, Linda- I :lol after reading about Froot Loop Lady:lol:lol I'm sure Mary 2 will get a kick out of it too!


Hope everyone had a good day----see you again in the AM ---

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Helooooo House!


Been long day with my LAST chemo this go round and one step closer to getting my eyes done :woo Dr. appt Tuesday to get release and have him contact eye doctor. I'll follow-up to see if they can do them on the 5th when my appt is. If not, make new appt. Don't want to go until they can do my eyes!


As always, the day was long with the treatment taking around 2 hours, then groceries and then pick up lobster/seafood salad for supper at Quiznos, home, feed furples and then put away groceries and feed myself. But, because of the steroids and my excitement that this round of chemo is over and the eyes being fixed soon, I'm just a tad bit hyper right now.


Going to finish up this post and go sit in my chair and crochet to see if it will bring me "down" a bit. Plan to work a couple of hours in the morning, prepare for the storms tomorrow evening and get out the weed whacker and attack weeds/edging in front yard. Trying to be careful not to ovedo it with the steroid energy boost :rofl


Tam, so glad you had the house all to yourself and some ME ME ME time! That will help to rejuvenate you I'm sure! Prayers at work! :hug


Linda, sorry Kim is ill. Hopefully, you can nip it in the bud before it becomes full blown. Prayers for her speedy recovery. :hug


Judy, love your photo of your backyard! Gorgeous!


Dusti, SNOW??? Oh, my goodness. Your projects are wonderful.


Cindy, teaching is a gift, what a blessing. I am always in awe of nurses and what they do and what they accomplish, many times more than the doctors!!! :hug


Joanne, how did the 1:1 go? Sorry it took you so long to get home. Amazing what 10 minutes one way or the other can make in traffic flow! Enjoy your game and what I said to Cindy goes for you too! :hug


So, will log off for tonight. Need to try to come down off this euphoria I'm feeling so I can sleep tonight :lol


love, hugs, angels and prayers to one and all!

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Hi, Friends :hi


I am not sure if I will be able to get in here tomorrow morning, so I will show off two of the projects I finished this week. A cap for Kyri to wear in the spring: [ATTACH]38027[/ATTACH]

My ruffled shrug/jacket for Mass tomorrow: [ATTACH]38030[/ATTACH]




Have a good night, everyong! :hugto Everyone.


Very nice....love the jacket!!


Helooooo House!


Been long day with my LAST chemo this go round and one step closer to getting my eyes done :woo Dr. appt Tuesday to get release and have him contact eye doctor. I'll follow-up to see if they can do them on the 5th when my appt is. If not, make new appt. Don't want to go until they can do my eyes!


As always, the day was long with the treatment taking around 2 hours, then groceries and then pick up lobster/seafood salad for supper at Quiznos, home, feed furples and then put away groceries and feed myself. But, because of the steroids and my excitement that this round of chemo is over and the eyes being fixed soon, I'm just a tad bit hyper right now.


Going to finish up this post and go sit in my chair and crochet to see if it will bring me "down" a bit. Plan to work a couple of hours in the morning, prepare for the storms tomorrow evening and get out the weed whacker and attack weeds/edging in front yard. Trying to be careful not to ovedo it with the steroid energy boost :rofl



I'm so glad it went well and its the last...i have to go in on Thursday to get my eyes checked and i cant wait because im tired of the headaches and not being able to see without everything being blurry.Ive never had glasses before so im kind of worried about that.


Nite Everyone :hug

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