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Our House Part Two


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Good morning peeps!:D


Mary2, I hope your shoulder feels better! It's tough trying to get comfortable at night when your body won't cooperate.


Joanne, I need to start getting pedicures...a couple of weeks ago I did my own and nearly hurt myself trying to reach my toes:lol

Hey ladies :hi


I had a very long day at work today and was miserable all day :eek


I've decided that I need to spend less evening time here so will be stopping the individual posts for a while, so don't anyone be offended. I need to use the time I spend here towards searching for office space and such. I find that by the time I finish here, I can't sit at the computer any longer :lol Just wanted to give you a heads up so you didn't worry about me at all :yes

You do what needs gdoing, sweetie. I don't always have time to answer individual posts, too, so I totally get it. As long as you pop in to say hi when you get a second, that's fine.

When DS was looking to start his own practice he happened to meet an older chiro who had an office in the WOW gym...that was the start. He leased a room from him and now, years later, the older guy has a small prctice out of his home I believe, trating just a few patients and DS has the lease for the office AND opened another one in another WOW gym when it opened up.

You never know where you'll end up - just keep spreading the word that you're looking.

We are home from visiting my parents. We ahd a good visit, but its always nice to get back home.

Home is always better:c9

Instead of taking some of my WIPS with me, I took a Caron pounder and some hooks along. While mom and I sat and visited, I made a baby dress, a baby hat and a pair of baby booties. i also started a preemie blanket. When that is finished, there will still be some of the yarn left over.

Wow! Did you hook in the car, too?? You were very productive.

Looking forward to the pics!

Thanks for all your support :ghug I truly love you ladies :manyheart

We love you, too!:hug:manyheart

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Well, the baby sprinke was fun! We got the new baby a nap nanny. pTRU1-9566413t130.jpg

The hostess last night is the owner of the Happy Housewife Project site...here are the posts from last night with pics of her edible and non-edible creations:



I think the guest of honor suspected...but it was still fun! The nap nanny is green, and a perfect compliment to the RR I made: one of the colors in it being sweetpea:hook

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Hi, Wrennie! Whatcha up to?


Jules, I'm trying to finish the baby 9 patch so when I see my friend next week I can give it to her. In between, when my hands need a break, I work on the knitted scarf (scrunchable scarf pattern Cindy shared the link to).

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Well, I've monopolized the "conversation" long enough:lol:lol:lol:lol


Time to start my day!


Have a good one and CU all later:hug

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:hi house!


Woke up not feeling good so not even going to try to catch up. May just go crawl back in bed. Good thing it's my off-Friday :yes


Hopefully I'll feel better later. I think it was to much "out" time yesterday when we went to town. I'm just tired and sore all over!


:heart:hug :hug and :angel :angel to all!

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Good morning everyone.


Judy, I started the dress in the car, and the little blanket on the way home.


I have a quiet day planned, but I do need to go grocery shopping, since I have to work this weekend. We are out of milk and bread.


Here are pictures of this weeks finishes. The dress pattern is here.

I didn't use patterns for the hat and booties.




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Good morning, my friends. It's overcast today. I don't think there's rain in the forecast until Monday, but I could be wrong. John and Mark are leaving from work to go to the hunting lodge for a weekend of turkey hunting, so it's just Kim and I and the pets until some time Sunday afternoon.


As far as the cleaning goes, I don't know how far I'll get, but I'll give it the old college try. I'm achy today, so a lot will depend on how my joints feel as to how much gets done.


I checked out the pollen counts again today. All the rain last week and the middle of the week really helped. I'm guess that I've got about a week or so to go, before my spring pollen allergies die down. Last week the counts were really low, but by Monday they are a bit over 3,300 :eek, dropped on Wednesday after the rain and are now a little over 1,100. :sigh


I have two more rows to go to finish the back portion of the Celtic Knot prayer shawl I'm making. Then it's on to the sides. The RR has passed the halfway point in rounds and maybe a quarter of the way in crocheting. Each round is taking longer and longer as it gets bigger and bigger. I really like the color scheme on this one. It's going to be stunning, if I do say so myself. :D


good way of spelling it! Yes it was Snoqualmie. Chains were still required Wednesday morning too. Looking at the pass camera just now it looks lots better.


Wild day today. Packaged up some pet food to ship on Monday. Ran to town to help set up for rabbit show Saturday (yay for local shows!) and a friend that was riding with me was called into work. So I took her there and then went and did errands, bought yarn, did more errands, bought more yarn :lol Great afternoon :hook

Then it wasn't worth going all the way home just to turn around and come back to pick her up after work. So I stopped and bought ...yarn :lol and a crochet hook (I do NOT like the bamboo handle hooks)and sat in the car and started on a 2 color divine hat :crocheting. Got home, had to make dinner and feed the rabbits yet. DH had already eaten leftovers.

Now it's 11:30 and time to turn the heat down, the lights low and snuggle up..in my recliner... this shoulder makes sleeping in bed hard! My Moosie dog doesn't care as long as he is under the blanket.


Night house!

Sounds like you got a lot of good yarn buys. Good for you! Hope the aches and pains calm down soon. Good luck at the show this weekend.

Good morning ladies :hi


I did alot of searching last night, but feel like it led nowhere. I'm going to try to get myself organized while at work today :think:xfin It's really very difficult to search through properties online. I was also looking through job listings, since I'll need somthing in the meantime while getting my office going. However, it has to be something non-chiropractic related to avoid non-compete clauses by working for someone else and openning my own.


Tonight I have a sixer game and will then be heading up to my parents house :yes Mom's going to color my hair tomorrow and hopefully I just get some peace and rest....their house is always good for that :manyheart So, I won't be back until the morning.


Thanks for all your support :ghug I truly love you ladies :manyheart

We love you too. Good luck with the searching. I know that you will find the right spot sooner or later. Some times it seems to take forever, but the right site is out there and you will find it..

To answer a couple questions that some of you have asked :

The nebulizer/new meds are helping somewhat . My breathing is better than before. not where I'd like it to be, but at least these meds dont have any nasty side effects..mostly just a constant headache,but it's not bad, just bothersome,but it's manageable . Anyhow, I feel a little better .Have had to use the Albuterol a few times this week,but not every day .

I'm glad it's starting to work for you.

Also, the house colors-- although I'm not a huge BLUE fan ,I am thinking of possibly a chocolate brown for the house with a colonial blue for the shutters . Trying to choose something other than green,which I love, but the house has been green forever. I remember driving by this house 30 years ago and it was green then, so it's time to pick something different and not matching any of the neighbors .

Those colors sound awesome.

Also, I did try using the mask the other day to crochet,and had a full blown asthma attack that evening.My hands were bright red and swelled, eyes were burning .... just something in the stuff that drives me batty ,so I have to officially give up on yarn,so back to my embroidery. Not my favorite hobby,but I need something to do with my hands .


We are supposed to have high 70's on the weekend ! Cannot wait ! I think it is supposed to rain a lot,but at least it'll be warm .

Yay for warmer weather.

:hi house!


Woke up not feeling good so not even going to try to catch up. May just go crawl back in bed. Good thing it's my off-Friday :yes


Hopefully I'll feel better later. I think it was to much "out" time yesterday when we went to town. I'm just tired and sore all over!


:heart:hug :hug and :angel :angel to all!

Oh, Toni! :hug :hug :hug Hope you feel better soon.

Here are pictures of this weeks finishes. The dress pattern is here.

I didn't use patterns for the hat and booties.

Absolutely gorgeous, Cindy. :clap :clap :clap


Hugs to everyone in need. You are all in my prayer and thoughts daily. :hug :hug :hug Catch you later. :manyheart

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Happy Friday, everyone. :)


Cindy ~ Welcome back! I'm glad your trip was a good one and you sure got a lot accomplished! Your baby things are all adorable. :clap


Marisa ~ It sounds like you've got a good to-do list...doing things long distance can be frustrating, but I know you'll make it work! :manyheart Have you contacted a leasing agent? DH had good luck with one several years ago when we were starting a business.


Toni ~ I hope you feel better as the day goes on. :hug Crochet time is a good thing. :D


Mary2 ~ Wow! You sure had a long day yesterday. That's great news that your show this weekend is local!


Judy ~ I love the idea of a baby sprinkle shower! Luke has a nap nanny and it worked well when he was smaller. :yes Can't wait to see your current projects!


Linda ~ Yay for John going to the cabin! :wink Yep, those RRs really slow down as they grow. :hook Looking forward to pictures.


Julie ~ So sorry about the yarn. :hug I am horrible at making decisions on decorating...that's why we haven't updated in years. :lol Keep us posted on what you find!


Hi to all my friends at the House!


Luke arrived about 8 this a.m. and is taking his morning nap. It's been quite a while since he stayed here, but he seems just fine and went right to sleep. :c9 We're going for a walk when he wakes up - it's supposed to be near 90* today, so I want to go this a.m.


And I hope to crochet a little while he's napping this afternoon. :hook

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good way of spelling it! Yes it was Snoqualmie. Chains were still required Wednesday morning too. Looking at the pass camera just now it looks lots better.


Wild day today. Packaged up some pet food to ship on Monday. Ran to town to help set up for rabbit show Saturday (yay for local shows!) and a friend that was riding with me was called into work. So I took her there and then went and did errands, bought yarn, did more errands, bought more yarn :lol Great afternoon :hook

Then it wasn't worth going all the way home just to turn around and come back to pick her up after work. So I stopped and bought ...yarn :lol and a crochet hook (I do NOT like the bamboo handle hooks)and sat in the car and started on a 2 color divine hat :crocheting. Got home, had to make dinner and feed the rabbits yet. DH had already eaten leftovers.

Now it's 11:30 and time to turn the heat down, the lights low and snuggle up..in my recliner... this shoulder makes sleeping in bed hard! My Moosie dog doesn't care as long as he is under the blanket.


Night house!




lol- on my spelling, we spell it SNOOOOW QWAAALAMIE----but I didn't want to offend you, lol Sorry I should of spelled it correctly! :0)

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**~* Good Friday morning My girlies*~** Hope you are all well this.........Snowy April morning......... LOVES to you all!


All is well here......except for the snow! I'm counting down the days until my Honey gets here again......can't WAIT for it to be for good!!! Keep my fingers crossed.

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Mary1, enjoy your day with Luke:c9

:hi house!


Woke up not feeling good so not even going to try to catch up. May just go crawl back in bed. Good thing it's my off-Friday :yes


Hopefully I'll feel better later. I think it was to much "out" time yesterday when we went to town. I'm just tired and sore all over!


:heart:hug :hug and :angel :angel to all!

Awwww:(...sending you gentle:hug:hug:hug

Judy, I started the dress in the car, and the little blanket on the way home.


Here are pictures of this weeks finishes. The dress pattern is here.

I didn't use patterns for the hat and booties.

You're very talented!! Beautiful work:clap

And no pattern for the hats and booties!!!:eek:nworthy

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Hi, Kiyo! Hold down the fort here...it's time for me to get back to my hook since I just finished the cleaning I wanted needed to do...had to promise myself the reward of time with my yarn in order to get it done. I'm pathetic:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Hi Wrennie

It seems to be any and every yarn. I have tried so many different ones it's ridiculous. Some bother me at different levels than others, but they all bother me. Not sure if it's the dye, the little fiber things that fly off it, or what it is ,but I have to finally just give up. I tried wearing the mask thing the whole time, tried holding the yarn farther away from my face .. it just isnt gonna work . Even my hands get bright red and swelled up from it,and my eyes feel like someone sprinkled fiberglass in them.

I guess I have no choice, gonna have to do a new hobby .



The shower sounds like it was fun,and wow, dont those foods on that web page look good ! Those cupcakes ... holey smokes, I'd almost drive clear down there to get one,but I guess it'd be much smarter to just make me some and save on gas money !

That's right-- the babyghan that the lady ordered,plus the knit scarf. Now I remember you mentioning them.As I said my brain just isnt working well this week . Too many things diverting my attention lately I think .



Sorry you arent feeling well. I'm glad it is your day off so you can rest . I know it wears me out if I am gone for a long time too. I get used ot being at home most of the time, so when I have lots of stuff to do, it wears me out .



Really cute job on the baby set !



Morning Linda

Don't wear yourself out down there cleaning -- you have worked hard all week,so take a breather this weekend while you get the chance . I never heard of cleaning the house BEFORE you hire a cleaner ... If he is gonna pay them to do it, then he should leave it as is and get his money's worth when they do it .

Sounds like we will have some pretty photos of finished items from you soon !


Hi Miss Mary1

Hope you enjoy your time with Luke ! It seems SO long ago now that Cam was little like that and took naps. Steph just emailed me last night about Cam;s birthday party . She was gonna have it at the Rec center so all the kids could swim,but he wanted it down at the park instead. He has had several of them at the park so he must like it there .

We have no clue what to get him -- he is getting to be a hard age to buy for .. he loves games ,but we have tons of them,and I buy new ones everytime I see one we don't have.

I'll have to ask him what else he wants I guess .


Howdy Hi Miss Kiyo

How are things in the Wild West ?

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Afternoon¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


:cry I knew I shouldnt have left the house yesterday.

Came home to find that the 3 yr old got into a package of puff paints and got it all over one of Michaels blanket and his bedroom floor.... and some of Davids toys.

My daughter is now sick also along with all three of her kids.

I went straight to my room locked the door and bald!!!


I am NOT like this. I'm the strong one...I'm the possitive one.... I'm the one everyone comes to for comfort.. advise... support.... I dont have the strength. I look to God for all my support... I know He's there... I know He's getting me through all this ... cuz I know if not for HIM... I would be ...... well.............. anyway......... I've been crocheting alot to keep my mind focused. I seem to spend more time with God when I'm crocheting.













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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Afternoon¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


:cry I knew I shouldnt have left the house yesterday.

Came home to find that the 3 yr old got into a package of puff paints and got it all over one of Michaels blanket and his bedroom floor.... and some of Davids toys.

My daughter is now sick also along with all three of her kids.

I went straight to my room locked the door and bald!!!


I am NOT like this. I'm the strong one...I'm the possitive one.... I'm the one everyone comes to for comfort.. advise... support.... I dont have the strength. I look to God for all my support... I know He's there... I know He's getting me through all this ... cuz I know if not for HIM... I would be ...... well.............. anyway......... I've been crocheting alot to keep my mind focused. I seem to spend more time with God when I'm crocheting.













Oh, Tammy! :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug Prayers, Hugs, Thoughts, and Love coming your way. :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug


Finished that back of the prayer shawl and have started on the first side. It's done in Real Teal, although it looks black in the picture.


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~~Tam----LOVE YOU GIRLIE!!!! keep that chin up!!!Broaden those shoulders and just let out the biggest scream right in front of EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! If they ask What's up----TELL EM!!!!! lol

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~~Julie--- Wild WIld..............WESSSSST SUCKKKKS!!!!!!!!!! IT's been snowing all D---DAY! I'm sure you could guess what I was going to say and suddenly caught myself! It's nothing that's accumulated, but made giant puddles in our parking lot, dirtied my car, and........on and so on and on! lol


How are you feelin' sugar?


Linda---_STOP CLEANING!!!! That's why he's going to pay someone!!! :0) You know me!! I'm the Onry one! lol You're makin my back hurt!

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Thanks, Linda, Judy, Julie, and Mary.


Tam and Linda, nice crochet projects.


Tam, :hug:hug Don't be so hard on yourself. A lot of "bad" stuff has happened to you in the past few months, and it would be really unusual if none of it affected you. It's okay to need some support. I don't know of anything to say that will make things better, but I want you to know that I'm praying for you.


I'm really tired tonight for some reason. I made soup for dinner, and even that was a chore. I think it will be an early night for me.

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Hello everyone!


Oh, Tammy- I'd be crying too- and screaming and crying some more. You ARE strong and we are here for you- wish I could knock some sense into your DD Prayers and Hugs for you!!!!!!


Linda- enjoy the "john -free' weekend! That shawl is beautiful- and on my monitor I saw the teal!! It's stunning!


Kiyo- What's on your agenda for the weekend?


Marisa- have fun at the game and enjoy your time at your mom's (and your haircolor)


Julie- Brown with colonial blue sounds really nice for the house! I was happy to read that the brreating is getting somewhat better with the nebulizer, but not so glad about the yarn situation! Hang in there


Judy- those pics you linked to are gorgeous- What cute food items!!! I listened to the Yankee game on the way home- and glad I didn't see the whole game since the Yankees lost-! Hughes is terrible this year- only lasted 2 inning????


cindy - Enjoy your quiet time this evening! Your projects are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

Time for dinner- BBL!


Toni- hope you got a nice rest in and feel a little better this evening

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I'm really tired tonight for some reason. I made soup for dinner, and even that was a chore. I think it will be an early night for me.

Rest up :hug

Judy- those pics you linked to are gorgeous- What cute food items!!! I listened to the Yankee game on the way home- and glad I didn't see the whole game since the Yankees lost-! Hughes is terrible this year- only lasted 2 inning????

Awful game...the problems with Hughes: velocity and location. Red Sox had a party with him.

Finished that back of the prayer shawl and have started on the first side. It's done in Real Teal, although it looks black in the picture.


Like Joanne, my monitor shows up the Teal. It looks beautiful...as always, you did a great job:clap

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It's rainy and dreary - tomorrow is supposed to be warmer. I hope so - I actually feel chilly while hubby seems fine...


Back to my hook - took a break to watch some of the Masters on Golf channel. It's going to be good this weekend. The holes are hard:yes


Havea good night everyone:hug:manyheart:hug

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Ken just took his temp… he’s running a fever of over 100*

Have a call into the doc to see what we are to do.



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Ken just took his temp… he’s running a fever of over 100*

Have a call into the doc to see what we are to do.






:hug :hug :hug Prayers heading your way. :hug :hug :hug

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