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Our House Part Two


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wonderful news, Tam!:hug:manyheart





CLEANING :think what's the definition of that :lol Absolutely GOREGOUS ghan!




Glad your honey will be back in May! As for felting, 100% pure wool only. I get mine at http://www.knitpicks.com Not only do they have wonderful colors, their prices are great.



THANK YOU FOR THE HELP IN BUYING THE WOOL---being a single mama- I was getting worried that I couldn't afford it!

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Good Morning Afternoon.........


I tried to pop on to share the latest update (good news) about hubby............. but the poor 'ville was not awake yet. :D

So... looks like hubby will get to come home today. If the doctor EVER shows up to release him. :sigh

Kinda tired of this particular doc. He's who was on call the day hubby came in... and hubby's regular doc was tending to another hospital... soooooooooooooo........

Anyway... news.........

the tiny spots on his lungs are GONE. The larger one has gone to half its size now. :yay

No fever.... wbc is growing... neutrophils are growing... platelets are growing... kidney and liver function are perfect! They tried to grow something from the sample they took from his lungs... but nothing has grown. All the other tests for fungus came back negative. They are not sure what it was ... but now saying it must have been all bacterial. :think


Bottom line......... Thank you for your love and prayers!

Praise God......... for healing my husband... son and son! And keeping my family safe!


love you guys!!



Hooray!!!!! :yay :yay :yay

Life has a funny way of :box smacking you up side the head when you're least expecting it!:eek DD16 had a Dr.'s appointment last week to try and figure out what is going on with her. We got the test results back and she has iron deficient anemia. Her level was at 9, normal is between 47-110! Needless to say she is taking iron pills and hopefully she will start to feel better soon. They have no clue why it's so low, hopefully it's not because her body can't absorb it properly. She goes back in 3 to 4 months for another blood test.


Other stuff is going on but I'll make it through and all will be right again!


Hope you all have a fabulous rest of your day!

Hope your daughter responds well to the iron. :hug :hug


I got on earlier today but lost two posts to cyberspace and then couldn't make the 'ville pull up at all. It's sunny and nice here today. Went to the oral surgeon. He had a cancellation for tomorrow morning, so it's coming out at about 10:30. Good thing, too, because he's off the rest of the week and I'd have had to wait another week to have it done.


Wrennie, if your new library is looking for books to get up and going again, please let me know. I have quite a few books I would be willing to donate. We'll be moving to a smaller place in the not too distant future and will have to downsize, so finding a new home for some of my books where they'll be used would be wonderful. I have most a shelf of books on the orient and oriental art and culture as well as a number of series of books, some in hardback and some in softcover. Also some research type books on various topics.


I finished the baby quilt this afternoon. Now on to other things. :devil

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hello all,

I stopped at the book sale and picked up a few audiobooks- my newest addiction for commuting back and forth to work. I got James Patterson "Step on a Crack" and Jodi Piccoult "Nineteen Minutes" Also picked up a couple of paperbacks- "Olive Kitteridge" by Elizabeth Strout which won the Pulitzer Prize so I figure it must be good and "Sacred" by Dennis Lehane.


Of course, what is a jaunt to a book sale would be complete without picking up crochet books? I got Plain and Fancy Crochet (1991) and also Yarn Cocktails. There were so many books!! The proceeds benefit the library and since the library is in the town where I raised my girls- I always like to support it. We spent many an evening in that library!


Judy- Hope all is ok with Sparkie!!! I know how worried you must be!!


Trish- Hopefully with some iron, your DD will be fine. Glad you checked in- it was good to see a post from you.


Julie- I see that the Ville was down today- saw that they posted on Facebook-something about the server. Glad it's up and running again.


Cindy- Hope you had a good day at work today- hi, ho, hi ho!!!


Marisa Good luck with the depositions- that's crazy having one tonight and another one tomorrow morning- you are going to be all 'lawyered" out!! Hope the antibiotics took care of every last germ!


Toni- You sound like me- I don't miss work- even on those days when I don't feel good, I drag myself in. Congrats on your racer winning his race!!!


Tammy- Wonderful news- Ken is hopefully home by now!!!! Made my day!!!


Off to eat dinner- BBL!!!

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Linda- That's great about the oral surgeon having a cancellation-good luck tomorrow! At least in a few days, you'll be back to normal~~


Kiyo- The felt pink bag sounds nice- if you get a chance can you take a pic? Where does BF want to go cruising to?

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Hey, ladies...


In a couple of hours we're off to the big veterinary practice 20 minutes away (Susie used to go there). He hurts his leg at times from running, and gets better on its own, so I didn't bring it up here days ago when it happened again....even though his attitude and play drive are still pretty good, the swelling in his back leg has gotten worse.:( Poor guy...seeing him try to lay down so carefully and try not to use it...it hurts to watch.


CU all tomorrow, most likely....


Awww, poor Sparkie, hope its a minor injury and easily treated.

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I had a great day at work, actually a little slow, which made the time go by slowly.


Kiyo, how exciting...a cruise. Your honey probably won't mind sitting with you to tan, if you are in a bathing suit!:D


Joanne, sounds like you got some good books at the book sale. I love used book sales. Much as I love my Nook, I think I'll always have real books as well. I like audio books too. I used to listen to them on my ipod before I went to sleep. I found them very relaxing, kind of like reading with the lights off. I also like listening to them when crafting. I often listen to old time radio shows on my commute to and from work. My drive is generally between 25 and 30 minutes, which is just enough time for a half hour show.


Trish, I hope your daughter responds to the iron. That level is really low, no wonder she wasn't feeling well.


Linda, glad you can get into the oral surgeon so quickly. Hope all goes well tomorrow.


Toni, I don't miss work very often for illness either. I know that most of my co-workers just keep going as well.


Marisa, hope the depositions go well. At least you will get them both over and done with instead of having to wait to do the second one.

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Hi Ladies!


Tam, That's wonderful news about Ken coming home. Glad you and the boys got to go out and have some fun saturday night. They use to have that kind of basketball/donkey games years ago where I went to school. I've never been but I bet it was a lot of fun. All your projects are awesome. It's nice the monkey and bear could let you know they needed blankets.


Cindy, I remember Art Linkletter and "Kids say the Darndest Things". The restaurant your hubby took you to the other night looked like a romantic place to go. Keep those warm temps up there please. We'll be heading home soon and it is really warm here.


Marisa, Glad to hear Mary's mother is home. Good to hear your feeling better to. Hope that one dose takes care of you. Your sweater looks great. That's a nice color to. A cute scarf to. Glad your getting your sewing machine fixed at your work. Hope it is an easy fix.


Mary1, Glad Luke is feeling better. He has a whole new world now that he is walking. Hope your Mom's birthday dinner went well. My Grandpa had Alzeheimer for 7 years.


Joanne, Congrats on WW. How sweet of hubby to remember your first date anny and buy you roses. That's a nice babyghan for your grandson.


Judy, Hope nothing to serious is wrong with Sparkie's leg. We had corn beef dinner on St. Patricks Day to. We made dinner for 106 people that day. Quite an easy dinner to do.


Julie, That was a pretty baby oblong round ripple. I think it would be a pretty placemat to. You can come in my family we will adopt you. Glad Cam came and spent sometime with you this weekend.


Linda, Your just a quilting away there. Way to go finishing up the baby quilt. Glad you had the weekend off. It's good you can get right in tomorrow and get that tooth taken care of.


Mary2, How was the bunny show? I like your FROG!


LeAnna, Congrats on the sewing machine!


Wrennie, I'm sure your up to 1000 points now. Congrats! Sad news about your library.


Cheeria, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! It sounds like you had a nice day with the family. Kids do say the darnest things.


Trish, Prayers that the iron pill helps raise the iron levels.


Kiyo, Good to you DBF is coming back in May and wants to go on a cruise. I've never been and not sure that I want to either. But everyone that I know who has been on one have always had a good time.


Toni, I never liked missing work either. Glad your driver won. I'll have to see who it was I have heard.


I'll be back in later. Going to go play cards.

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Guess what ladies..........tonights deposition was cancelled :clap:yay Boy oh boy was I excited :lol They sure pay nice, but I don't care, I just hate them :(


I stopped at the wawa and got some soup on my way home, which was yummy :yes and I was on the phone with my parents for quite a while. I got pictures today of an office out in Pitt, well just outside and forwarded it to my parents and my sister, so we were chatting about that. My sister didn't see them yet and might not until tomorrow. But she's going to meet the guy (or his wife) to check out the office for me :think Right now he only sees him maintenance patients on saturdays while he's transitioning. He's selling because of some personal situations that are preventing him from putting the energy and time into building and running the practice so took a job working for someone else. He continues to see his regulars so as not to leave them 'high and dry' :lol and is willing to remain as such during a transition period as necessary.


That's about all that's new here today. Still feeling not so great and congested :( But again, improving overall :yes Just slow, but hey....that's better than not at all :yes


Wrennie - I sure hope your library is able to rebuild and that the community will come together :xfin


Julie - What did you make for dinner?


Tam - :yay:clap:woo Wonderful news!!!!! Continued prayers all around :hug :hug What time the dr finally show up? Did Ken still come home today?


Toni - :yay for your driver's win and I'm the same way with work. I very rarely call out, I hated doing it last week but just knew I had to. In the 6 years I've worked at my job, that was my 4th sick day :eek


Cindy - Sometimes a slow day is nice to be thrown into the mix of all the crazy ones :yes (not too many though :lol)


Judy - How did Sparkie make out at the vet with his leg?


Kiyo - Glad your big girl panties got you through dinner :hug Cant' wait to see a pic of the felting and :yay for a cruise.....I've never been on one, but would love to go. Maybe you'll let me hide in your suitcase if I promise not to be a nuiscence (sp?)


Trish - I hope the iron helps dd out immensely and that she's able to absorb it :xfin


Linda - I hope the oral surgery goes smoothly tomorrow :hug :hug


Joanne - Not only did I have the 2 deps back to back, but they were for the SAME patient :think So weird.

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Cindy- Glad to hear you had a nice day! I was not very busy today either- not as busy as I'm used to being- maybe it has something to do with the moon the other night?:think:lol I love my Nook, but I do love used book sales too- there is still something about a "real book"- They'll be putting out books all through the week, so I wouldn't be surprised if my car stops there again tomorrow night!


Marisa- That's great the the depo got cancelled- and that is strange- 2 for the same person? Well, I'm not doing great in the bracket challenge at work- I'm 74 out of 125 people--oh, well, it's still fun. Good luck with the potential office! You must be getting excited to make the move!


Marlene- Great to hear from you!!! Enjoy your card game tonight!


Judy- Thinking of you and Sparkie:hug


have a good night everyone!!!

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Marisa, that's exciting that you may have found an office already.


Hoping Sparkie is okay, Judy.:hug :hug


Calling it quits early tonight.


Hi, Marlene! Nice to hear from you. Good luck at cards. When do you start back?


Have a good night, all. Too early to lock up yet, so I'll leave that to someone else. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Hubby and I got all the skirting around the trailer. Two weeks ago we had a cover put over it. That will protect it from all the heat and or any bad storms they may have. They have to come back as fix it as it isn't straight. So next year when we want to put a deck down it will never be straight and a real pain to try and get it straight. The owner of the park went to the company and told them they had to come and fix it. Problem is they sell the covers and hire people from out of town to put them up so we have to wait until they have another job in are area .

Things are winding down here in the park. We will be heading home sometime in April. On are way home we will stop and visit with Hubby's sister and her family. They live near Houston.

Maya has been complaining about her stomach hurting and has a lot of gas so DD took her to the doctor friday. They said she has to much acid in her stomach and gave her a prescription for something. I can't remember what it is. DD said Maya cries every morning now when she has to go to daycare, but after she is there for awhile she is okay. She'll be ready to come spend sometime with us. I don't think she is going to spend the whole summer with us this year. So she keeps her spot at daycare.

My DS and his family still need everyones prayers.

I lost a friend to cancer about 10 days ago. And found out another friend has cancer. It's in his brain and isn't curable. He's in a nursing home. He formed a band and my ex played in the band. The made an album. Glad I have that to listen to and hear his singing (the friends). Not sure if he will ever be able to sing again. They are giving him speech therapy. His cousin is keeping people updated weekly. Things are not looking to good, but you never know. Miracles do happen. But on top of this cancer he has MS and they believe he has dementia. Not sure if they tested for that yet or not.

Going to lunch tomorrow with all the ladies. The owner here is taking us to lunch for are birthdays. Last week the kitchen fund took us for lunch for all are hard work.

We went to a rattle snack race saturday. I didn't find it to interesting. What was interesting was they had a booth and there was a whole bunch of snakes in there and they opened a sleeping bag up partially and layed it down on the ground and a man crawled in it. They put 13 snakes in there with him. When they were done he carefully crawled out.

I'll catch you all tomorrow sometime. I'll check the coffee and see if we need any made. Have a good night everyone.

Prayers for everyone we can't have to many.

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Good morning!:morcoffee


I stayed up too late- and got up too early- feel fine now, but we'll see how the day progresses!


Marlene- Thanks for setting up the coffee- I've already had one cup and will be taking a cup in my travel mug to work! Oooh- that snake race- definitely NOT my cup of tea!!! Not a fan of snakes! I'm sure Maya is going to be happy to see you and you her!!! Hope that the medicine helps her tummy woes. I have my fingers crossed that the people that fix the cover get there before you leave for home. Prayers being said for your friend!!! And for your DS and family!!


Linda- Good luck at the oral surgeon's today! I'll be thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way!


Judy- You'll appreciate this- I was actually mulling over in my mind doing the baby nine patch from Happy Yellow House!:eek I really like it, but not so sure about all those squares and sewing! And how many more would you need to make it regular baby size and not preemie? Hope Sparkie is doing ok!


Marisa- Good luck at the deposition this morning (that is if you have it)


Have a good day and I'll "see you" all later!:ghug

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So very glad to hear that your husband is doing so much better and may get to come home ! GREAT !!!



Sorry your poor pup has a bad leg. Hope the vet can help him with it .



A cruise sounds like fun . Hope you get to go ! Glad you were able to go to the family dinner .



hope your girl is ok and they can pinpoint why this happened .

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Glad you will get the tooth out before the dentist is gone again for several days . Better if you dont have to suffer with it for another week !


Hi there Marlene

Sounds like you guys are still findging things to keep you entertained down there . You will probably be heading home before too much longer . Might not wanna make it just yet. I think cindy said we are looking at possible snow again at week's end sometime . I heard that for here too, not exactly what I want to hear afyer having those few nice days right in a row .




I hope you can eventually find an office that will suit you . Keep on looking ! I know we have a few Doc's offices here for sale or rent-however they do it .The on building is big and used to hold about 8 docs I think .Its in a good location but has been empty a long time now . I have heard the doc's malpractice insurance is absolutely sky high in our state,so lots of docs are leaving here and starting over someplace else .

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Hi Marlene

Sorry there are several people in your family/friends who are having health issues . I know I never appreciated good health til i didnt have it anymore . It sure makes you think when you go in a hospital for tests or something and see all the sick people in there ,waiting to get tests done, etc .




For those talking about books vs the ereaders -- I agree . I like my kindle,but sometimes it is just nice to have an actualy book in my hands. You can see the cover, you can see what page you are on, you can see how close to the end you are ... i like my kindle and think it's cool,and especially nice if a brand new book comes out that I really wanna read , I dont have to wait to be in line at the library for it (which may take months), I can just push a button and it is on my kindle. That is what I like best .

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Wrennie, I'm sure your up to 1000 points now. Congrats! Sad news about your library.

Yup jabbering away!


Wrennie - I sure hope your library is able to rebuild and that the community will come together :xfin



It seems that the building is salvageable. Time will tell


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just stopping through quick before heading out the door. Nothing new to report here.


Joanne - I'm not doing too good on my bracket either, but you're right....it's fun anyway :yes


Cindy - I think last night's dep is completely canceled, so nope...I won't have to do it :clap


Linda - Sending good thoughts you're way today :hug And yep, all this office stuff is exciting :yes


Marlene - You've sure been one busy little bee there young lady. I hope you get your cover taken care of :xfin And that Maya starts feeling better soon. Also sending prayers for your ds family and your friends :hug :hug :hug


Julie - The malpractice here isn't too bad, but then again, it is much less for me as a chiro as opposed to say a surgeon :think So it does differ by profession :yes


Wrennie - Good to hear they might be able to still work with the building at the library :xfin


Have a great day ladies and I'll be back later on tonight.

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'morning, peeps.

I read through all the posts...TrishH, I hope the iron pills work for DD. And Marlene, it seems like everyone close to you has been hit hard:hug:hug:hug:hug

Linda that's great news about the dentist. At least it'll be over today!:hug

Judy- You'll appreciate this- I was actually mulling over in my mind doing the baby nine patch from Happy Yellow House!:eek I really like it, but not so sure about all those squares and sewing! And how many more would you need to make it regular baby size and not preemie?

I had a brainstorm when I couldn't sleep last night: I'm thinking of making the squares bigger (maybe 3 inches across - not sure) to get it to about 36 inces square. I'm going to suggest that to my friend since she likes the original look she saw on the site.

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About Sparkie

The vet checked him and besides the bad fluid build up she didn't like how unusually large the inner part of his upper thighbone was...and she found an enlarged lymph node on the back of that leg.

We're taking him back in for an xray early Wed AM (he needs to fast so he can be sedated for it) so they can "rule out" a tumor.

And today is a year since Susie went to the Rainbow Bridge:(

I had a rough few hours during the night, to say the least.

tg for my crocheting - it helps distract me.

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