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Our House Part Two


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Bad time for me to ask you,but since you are a major quilter, I wanted to ask if you had any good ideas for me ...


I got a stamped embroidery lap-sized quilt top to work on .Now mind you,it will be roughly 2034 when I get it done,but was wondering how to go about finishing it once the top is embroidered ?


Any EASY way to do it for someone with no sewing machine,and even less sewing ability ?

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OHHHHH jULIe------you have some big fish to fry! I would NOT be good in your family! lol-- i would say to ****-oOOOOO with them a LONNNG time ago !!! As my boyfriend's most favorite sayings is.......I can live better without you than I can with you!! (He did admit to me the other day that I am the best thing that has ever happened to him and he CAN"T live without ME!!!)) Not to sound rude or harsh but.....that type of drama, I can't live with---you're trying to be a good person and do and have fun and be positive, but I do agree with what you've mentioned before that it sure makes it hard to stay that way when nothing around you is. HOWEVER.....it takes MORE energy to be sad, negative, etc etc etc.....than it does to be happy. If someone wants to be miserable ---let them. Feel sorry that that is how it has to be but let them!!! I ALSO agree with you------I would get the same award as you are going to this year but I would of gotten it years ago!!! Keep your chin up honey!! Take care of you and hubby and grandson and that's what matters most.

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I am working on the quilt for my niece's newest baby today. I have decided that the part that I like the least about quilting is making the sandwich of the top, batting, and backing. Putting in all those pins to hold it in place and keeping every thing smooth during the process is just a pain in the (you know where.) Most quilters dislike the quilting, but I don't really mind it and even kind of enjoy seeing the design coming to gether. The designing and piecing the top is the most fun, of course. :lol



My most favorite part is making the blocks. Putting them together is my lest favorite part. My youngest DD likes hand quilting the best. I guess we all have different ideas of what is enjoyable.

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Hello everyone. Busy day at work today, although I enjoyed it.


Linda, I wonder if there is something about Kim's diet that is making her blood too thin? Another possibility would be a drug interaction, although I would expect a pharmacist to catch that.


Mary, hope that your Mom's birthday lunch went better than you anticipated.

And Wtg to Luke, walking so well! My youngest dd went from crawling to walking across a room without any in between steps at all. She rarely even stood up next to furniture, and all of a sudden she was walking around the house.


Wrennie, you chatterbox, you!!:lol Congratulations on all that posting!


Julie, I think you've got a lose-lose situation there with your mom. Whatever you do will be the wrong thing, so I think you should just do what you want and ignore the repercussions. :hug


Tam, how are things today. I hope that you got some good news today. You and your family continue to be in my prayers.


Kiyo, you are a very wise young woman. Your sweetie is lucky to have you. No wonder he thinks you are so wonderful!


Well, I'd better go change into some going out clothes. Dh and I are going to go out for dinner here because he bought a $50 gift card for it months ago, and it expires next week. After dinner we will walk around the town of Rockford for a while. Rockford is a really quaint town, it has lots of cute shops and is located on a river, so its a really nice place to walk around.

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I got a stamped embroidery lap-sized quilt top to work on .Now mind you,it will be roughly 2034 when I get it done,but was wondering how to go about finishing it once the top is embroidered ?


Any EASY way to do it for someone with no sewing machine,and even less sewing ability ?

Julie, if I'm around when you get it finished, I volunteer to quilt it for you. So There! :P

Linda, I wonder if there is something about Kim's diet that is making her blood too thin? Another possibility would be a drug interaction, although I would expect a pharmacist to catch that.


Unfortunately I think her system is just getting more and more frail.


Well, I'd better go change into some going out clothes. Dh and I are going to go out for dinner here because he bought a $50 gift card for it months ago, and it expires next week. After dinner we will walk around the town of Rockford for a while. Rockford is a really quaint town, it has lots of cute shops and is located on a river, so its a really nice place to walk around.

Oooooo! Are you having the Friday special. It sounds yummy. Havve a marvelous time with hubby.


I've got the baby quilt about 1/3 quilted. I may make the 1/2 way point yet today, but not sure.

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Hello all


Cindy- Have a great time at dinner tonight and afterwards walking around- it sounds like a wonderful evening!


Linda- That's good that you finally got in touch with the oral surgeon! And WTG on the drapes- I love to hear about someone getting a good bargain!!!!


Kiyo- Sounds like you have a good man there! I'm so happy for you.


Julie- My DH has a mother that sounds like yours- no matter what he did or said it was never the right thing or good enough or anything. So, basically, he has written her out of his life. Sometimes when I say to him, but she's your mother---he says right back at me that just because she is his mother, doesn't mean he has to have her in his life causing misery and grief. Maybe we could hook your mother and his mother up and they can commiserate together?


Tammy- I've been thinking about you today and praying for you and DH and your family


Mary1- That's wonderful about Luke taking his first steps!! How much fun is that?? DD had her ultrasound today and it is confirmed- it's a boy--for sure!!!! Can't wait till my grandson arrives! I stopped on the way home today at TJMaxx, and I bought a little Rutgers bib and onesie type thing- so cute!!!


Marisa- Hope your day wasn't too taxing and that the dayquil helped. That's good news about Mary's Mom and hopefully by the time you are reading this she is home.


Judy- Wasn't the weather today outrageous? What a tease- it was almost summer-like- 77 degrees when I left work!


Going to sit outside for a bit while the sun is still shining- BBL!

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Have a nice dinner tonite !



I'll take you up on your deal,but you should have time to complete probably about 97 more things before it will be done . I'm not very speedy .




Thanks -- I'll keep the chocolate bribe in mind !!!



I really do feel sorry for your husband . It is SO hard to have a mother like that .This isn't a recent development, she has always been this way.Nothing is EVER good enough,no one ever pleases her, she is always raking someone over the coals . My dad has really had a difficult life with her ,and sadly it has changed him into a very difficult person too . I guess the old saying "If you can't beat 'em,join 'em .... must be true .


And I understand why your husband has to distance himself . You either do it, or end up being changed in some way that is not good . It's really constant never ending pressure .

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Well, I'd better go change into some going out clothes. Dh and I are going to go out for dinner here because he bought a $50 gift card for it months ago, and it expires next week. After dinner we will walk around the town of Rockford for a while. Rockford is a really quaint town, it has lots of cute shops and is located on a river, so its a really nice place to walk around.

That looks like a wonderful place! Enjoy a romantic evening:c9

Judy- Wasn't the weather today outrageous? What a tease- it was almost summer-like- 77 degrees when I left work!


Going to sit outside for a bit while the sun is still shining- BBL!

It was amazing! Sat outside on the back patio for a while. It was wonderful:c9

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Oooooo! Are you having the Friday special. It sounds yummy. Havve a marvelous time with hubby.


No, I'm not big fan of fish, but dh had the potato leek soup.


We ended up coming home after dinner. It's getting cold outside, and after working all day, I didn't feel much like walking around for an hour. So we are here, and dh is building a fire. We'll have a glass of wine and maybe watch a netflix movie, (if we can find something we both agree on!) I'm not really into movies or TV, but dh is. Sometimes he watches, while I read on my Nok. That way he can have the lights off, and I can still read.

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I finished a lapghan (Grannies thread) and am going to slow down my hook time - fingers are hurting....


But here's the lapghan!


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Good evening ladies :hi


I made it through the day :clap:yay Definitely feeling better....not great, but better :yes Tomorrow will be laundry day for me. I may even have some crafting in me for tonight :think It's been a while since I've done anything :lol The whole week has been pulled out from under me :eek I have a pizza in the oven....probably not the best choice with this congestion, but the only non-meat product I had here. So it was that or grilled cheese which puts me in the same predicament :lol


Mary's mom was released at lunch time today with a very low sodium diet. So that's do-able :yes and definitely the lesser of all evils.


Wrennie - I sure am on the mend and plan to keep an easy weekend :yes If I were you, I'd do 3 more posts quickly just to make the 1000 :devil:lol


Mary1 - It's quite alright to be all about you sweetie :hug :hug Sometimes it just works that way when there are things going on with scary and proud moments to share :yes Maybe when you take your mom out, you can ask for a patient waiter/waitress due to her Alzheimer's so they kinda get a warning ahead of time :think I find that people tend to be more understand when they realize there's an underlying problem. Just an idea.


Linda - Glad the drapes worked out well and you got such a great deal on them too :h5 How is Kim doing today? You can live on milkshakes all weekend :drool Not only would they taste yummy, but they'd help with numbbing too :wink


Julie - You don't have to go to another planet....we'll adopt you into my family, you'd fit right in :lol:hug


Cindy - Ooooo, dinner looks fancy....I can't wait to hear what you get. Enjoy your walk around town after too :D


Judy, Kiyo, Joanne, Faile, and everyone else in the house - Hope you ladies all had a wonderful day today :yes

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Thanks, gals...


Marisa I'm so glad you're doing better and Mary's mom was able to go home!


Cindy enjoy your peaceful evening.


'nite everyone.:hug:manyheart

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Good Evening all……………

I am here asking for lots of prayers.

As you all know.. .my hubby is in the hospital fighting a fever that has been caused by a bacterial and fungal infection. He was diagnosed with Leukemia back in October… so you know this is not a good thing.


I just found out today that one of my older sons (28yrs old) is going in tomorrow for a heart cath test which they suspect a blockage and will then put in a stint.


My daughter is living with us with her three kids.. has been for almost a year now.. and its starting to take its toll on me. I have three young ones still that I’m trying to raise.. I cant be raising hers too.


I’ve become physically weak…. I eat only because I know I have to… but not because I want to… I’m nauseous for 2-3 hours after eating.


So……………………….. Any and all prayers would be so very much appreciated!!!!

Thank you!!!!!

I'm going to post this in the Prayer Request area also.






Oh, TAM! You have many many hugs and prayers going up from me. I know how much you love your grandkids, but I think tough love (which from experience is VERY hard) is necessary for your daughter.


You are the backbone of the family and you are wearing yourself out. :heart:hug and :angel :angel :angel being sent to watch over you and yours.

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Dinner is done and the sun is going down.


Cindy- Glad you had a nice dinner and sitting by the fire, watching a movie or reading your Nook sounds like a nice way to unwind after a busy day!


Marisa- I'm happy to hear you are feeling a little better and that Mary's Mom is home! I really should work on weaving in the ends on the baby ghan but I'm not in the mood to do that.


Judy- I love the lapghan! There is just something special about a granny ghan bordered in black!


Julie- DH seems to be at peace with his decision regarding his mother. I don't have either of my parents anymore- and it will be 11 years this year that my Mom is gone and 7 years in a few days that my Dad is gone and I miss them- especially my Dad----


DD had her ultrasound today and the baby is DEFINITELY a boy!!! Clear as can be!!! (and you know what I'm talking about:lol)


Toni- How are you feeling? Any crafting done on that fun tea cozy? LOL


Tammy- I agree with what Toni says- :hug:hug:hug


Enjoy your evening everyone- and I'll see you in the AM.

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Here are those baby shoes I've been babbling about:



Thanks Julie and Linda.


Another finish for today, doily style baby blanket. It's my own design, and is about 40 inches in diameter, which is a bit bigger than I intended it to be. Yarn is Caron Pounder in lilac. It will also go to the local pregnancy resource center.


(I'm not exactly getting a lot of cleaning done here...but there's still time.....I think......)


CLEANING :think what's the definition of that :lol Absolutely GOREGOUS ghan!


*^^* Ummm don't ask me what that is--just playing around

So---Aree and I went out in the pouring rain last night to look for some "WOOL" to felt into bags!! lol----Much to my dismay..........what-in-THE.......do I look for? It was like pulling teeth w/o any lidocane! hobby lobby, had a bunch of "blends" I didn't think a "BLEND" would felt---or will it? and....I need EYE GRABBING colors, not tan! I ended up getting some Patons, it's cool. I made a little MP3 player holder, washed it up this morning, think I want to wash it again and felt it a tad bit more. Kinda like it. Figured I had better get a feel of how it works so as to not make something kid size and it shrinks up to infant!


Hope all is well! I DID get awesome news-----MY HONEY will be back May 2 for a couple of days visit!!! Hate that it's only a couple days---but I must be worth it! :0


Glad your honey will be back in May! As for felting, 100% pure wool only. I get mine at http://www.knitpicks.com Not only do they have wonderful colors, their prices are great.

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Pretty but not something that jumps out and grabs me and says "make me NOW" if you know what I mean.


Forgot to mention why I like St Patrick's Day so much- My Dad and Mom met at the NYC St Patrick's Day Parade back in 1951! And my DH and I had our first date on St Patrick's Day in 2000.


Off for the night! See you all in the morning!


I love St. Patrick's Day. Have a special shirt I wear and yesterday we went to lunch at Ryan's and they had corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes. I was in heaven!

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I finished a lapghan (Grannies thread) and am going to slow down my hook time - fingers are hurting....


But here's the lapghan!

Another truly gorgeous 'ghan, Judy. :clap :clap :clap


I manage to get 3/4 of the quilting done today, but my back's had it so it's time to put the machine away for today.


Yes, Julie, DARK CHOCOLATE, please. I won't promise anything fancy, at least at this point. But it will stay together and I'll throw in the binding, too.


Cindy, sounds like a really nice evening. :c9


Glad you're feeling better, Marisa. :hug


Have a great weekend, Joanne.


John and Mark are staying home, so I get the weekend off. Yay! :clap Sleeping late is definitely on my list of things to do.

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Okay, had a really, really nice long message with replies to everyone written and submitted it. It's not here, it's not anywhere, it's GONE :eek


So, just to let y'all know, hugs and prayers and angels to all who are ill, have ill family members, are not feeling loved, who have made some really nice things like ghans and slippers and such and those waiting for a loved one to visit again, HELLO and good night.


Enough aggravation at work to put up with losing my message :lol


Just know you all are in my thoughts and prayers and I'll see you in the morning. This time, save me a :coffee!!!! I'm a bear without it :lol

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Boy it must be that time of year again..when I only get on here once or twice a day. Rabbits are all snuggie in their carriers in the truck ready for the show tomorrow. Have to leave here by 5am to get to the show on time. Ugh...


Toni I filled that coffee maker up as much as I can. Hopefully there is a cup left for you in the morning.


Working on a baby blanket for a gal that works at the subway in town. She was carrying twins but lost one. They will do c-section on the other in a few weeks. It will be a preemie so making a little blanket. Boy it sure seems small.


Have a good day tomorrow everyone!

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Good morning,

Thanks for setting up the coffee Mary2- it is good as always! I'll try not to drink too many cups so as to save some for Toni! Good luck at the rabbit show today!!!


Toni- I don't know what it is about this site that sometimes you type a long message and go to post and Poof!:2magic it's gone! Happened to all of us at one time or another I think! I know I always click on the "remember me" box when I log in- because if you don't someone told me your session times out- but even still, I've lost long posts!


Linda- :yay for the weekend off!!! That must have been such a pleasant surprise!! Enjoy your time!


I've already got one load of laundry in the washer- which just went off- so time to move it to the dryer- I'm trying to get my weekly cleaning out of the way so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend!


BBL ---

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Morning ladies

This will be a quickie post. Cam is here and spent the night .He wanted to sleep on the couch, so I am in the room right around the corner and trying to be quiet so I wont wake him, but I am not real good at being quiet. I already dropped something, stubbed my toe and sorta said a bad word (quietly),so I'm not off to a good start of being QUIET . I can hear him moving around in there now, so he may already be partly awake. I always want him to sleep in on weekends because he doesnt get the chance the rest of the week .

Hope everyone is doing ok today .




Thinking of you and your family. Sure hope things are looking better today . Let us know when you are able. I know you are real busy ,so we will be here when you get the chance .


Will stop in a bit later .

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Morning ladies

This will be a quickie post. Cam is here and spent the night .He wanted to sleep on the couch, so I am in the room right around the corner and trying to be quiet so I wont wake him, but I am not real good at being quiet. I already dropped something, stubbed my toe and sorta said a bad word (quietly),so I'm not off to a good start of being QUIET . I can hear him moving around in there now, so he may already be partly awake. I always want him to sleep in on weekends because he doesnt get the chance the rest of the week .

Hope everyone is doing ok today .




Thinking of you and your family. Sure hope things are looking better today . Let us know when you are able. I know you are real busy ,so we will be here when you get the chance .


Will stop in a bit later .


:lol It always seems that when I am trying to be QUIET, I end up being noisier!!:lol I'm trying to be quiet as can be while I'm cleaning since DH is still asleep- and already I've dropped a lid on the floor as I was quietly trying to empty the dishwasher!:lol

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