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Our House Part Two


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Hi to those who have checked in since I was in last --


Glad you saw a sign of spring .We're getting desperate here, he will be glad to hear the tiniest tidbit of spring news .



Hope you find something fun to do with your day off since its been stressful this week at work. What baby shoes are you making ? I must have missed out on that post .



Sorry you missed out again today on yarn shopping. That's very discouraging if you have your heart set on doing something ,then have to put it off .

We have plenty of the same issues in our family and I know how difficult it can be . You get VERY frustrated when your adult kid is not handling their responsibilites, and you have to do it . Heartbreaking .


Howdy Linda

We are getting rain today too.Sure hope no one gets flooded like the last rainstorm we had . Bet you are counting the days til the quilt event !


HiYa Jude

Good to see you .

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Back from my errands. It's yucky here, raining and snowing at the same time.


Julie I am making fabric baby shoes, from a pattern I found on-line. The first pair didn't turn out too well, because the pattern is rather poorly written, but I think I can make them correctly now.

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Since when is using oils VooDoo? I have quite a few friends who use them and swear by them.


That is absolutely gorgeous, Cheeria! :clap :clap :clap


I'll volunteer to test it for you, Tammy. Sounds great... lets hope I get the darn thing written up soon... LOL


:hug :hug :hug Poor Lily.


:lol :lol :lol

Hi, gang! It is RAINING! Big time! I sure hope it gets it out of its system today so that we don't have to cope with it tomorrow for the Sewing & Quilt Expo. We're behind on rainfall, but it's really coming down out there. I'll be very surprised if there aren't some flood watches &/or warnings out if this keeps up all day long.


I'm very excited about the Expo. Have to gather some things together to take for the classes and have to practice my free motion quilting some more too. Rosie's going to come over later and give me some pointers on the latter.


Well, good (late) morning, peeps! It's so nice when appointments run on schedule...home again now!


I read all the posts....


Poor baby Lily....Tab, Hugs to her mom and everyone...


Cheeria, nice colors on your project!


Joanne, no name on the kitty yet...


Marisa, I got past the first pattern section for the basket weave Knit square...and didn't have to frog. I actually paid attention to the pattern:lol


Tam, a while ago I had a talk with DS about any future grandkids. He already knew I wan't going to be a built in baby sitter if that ever happens,:lolOh... darlin'.......... totally had that talk too! Unfortunately... they dont care...... its all rather ugly. No respect from my older kids. :(


Linda, enjoy the expo! I can feel your excitement:D


Okie dokie...BBL


Hi to those who have checked in since I was in last --


Glad you saw a sign of spring .We're getting desperate here, he will be glad to hear the tiniest tidbit of spring news .



Hope you find something fun to do with your day off since its been stressful this week at work. What baby shoes are you making ? I must have missed out on that post .



Sorry you missed out again today on yarn shopping. That's very discouraging if you have your heart set on doing something ,then have to put it off .

We have plenty of the same issues in our family and I know how difficult it can be . You get VERY frustrated when your adult kid is not handling their responsibilites, and you have to do it . Heartbreaking . Oh honey.. you said it. Heartbreaking!!! I still have 3 of my own I'm trying to raise.. I cant be raising my grandkids also. Not my job.

Oh.. I see myself gettin' started in a rant......... time to hush!


Howdy Linda

We are getting rain today too.Sure hope no one gets flooded like the last rainstorm we had . Bet you are counting the days til the quilt event !


HiYa Jude

Good to see you .





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Hi, all. Rosie came over and figured out what I was doing wrong before I even started to sew. :lol :lol :lol Once that was taken care of I had to adjust the tension, too. Now it's just some practice, but it's already going sooooo much better than I expected. Should be able to hold my own in the class anyway.


The rain hasn't stopped but it has let up some. And we are now under a flood watch. :P We don't have to worry where we are, but people in low areas near streams and such will have to be on the lookout.


And Rosie said that it's supposed to be nice tomorrow and on through the weekend. Yay! :yay

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No worries, ranting is allowed in the House. We all have times when we get frustrated,so it's ok if you need to get it out . You have a pretty full plate to handle right now, so I completely understand why this has you frazzled .




I knew you'd catch on and do just fine. You were gifted with magical hands that can pretty much do any craft that comes along I bet .


(Turn the faucet off down there ,would'ya ? We're now getting drenched again,and it is FREEZING cold out. Earlier it was fairly warm, but had to turn the heater up a bit ago .)

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Hi Ladies,


I'm caught up on my reading again, but have to get ready to go to dinner. Some friends asked us to go out a couple of weeks ago and they got sick. Everyone is better now. We out for chinese last night for hubbys birthday .

Got a bunch done on the rr. Tomorrow is my last day of physical therapy. It is my 25th visit. They said the most they usually go is 24. They suggested I talk to my doctor at home and have him give me a prescription for this traction unit you can buy. He said this may be an on going problem for me. He doesn't know why my hand is not getting any stronger. It is stronger than it was when I got here but it has room for improvement.

Have to run. Will be back later. Have a nice day (the rest of it)!

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Quick hello.


Hugs and prayers to all who need them.


Thank you everyone who tried to help on the tea cozy. I am going to email her before I just chuck the whole thing and tell my friend I tried but no cigar :lol


We got almost 6" of rain. Water everywhere. Flooding everywhere. Accidents everywhere, you get the picture. Furples wouldn't go out this morning until a break in the rain. Out they went to do their business and then play in the lake that is my backyard. As soon as it started to sprinkle again, in the house they came. Go figure :rofl


Work is starting to get better since I've been logging in early and staying later, I'm finally getting orders caught up. Hoping to complete them tomorrow and then start uploading documentation so the next steps can be completed and end users get their software installed. Hoping next week it will get back to normal.


Off I go to feed furples and figure out something for me to eat tonight. May just be a bowl of oatmeal.

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Hi, all. Rosie came over and figured out what I was doing wrong before I even started to sew. :lol :lol :lol Once that was taken care of I had to adjust the tension, too. Now it's just some practice, but it's already going sooooo much better than I expected. Should be able to hold my own in the class anyway.


The rain hasn't stopped but it has let up some. And we are now under a flood watch. :P We don't have to worry where we are, but people in low areas near streams and such will have to be on the lookout.


And Rosie said that it's supposed to be nice tomorrow and on through the weekend. Yay! :yay



Thank you everyone who tried to help on the tea cozy. I am going to email her before I just chuck the whole thing and tell my friend I tried but no cigar :lol

Let me know if she gets back to you...I really would like to try the cozy...

We got almost 6" of rain. Water everywhere. Flooding everywhere. Accidents everywhere, you get the picture. Furples wouldn't go out this morning until a break in the rain. Out they went to do their business and then play in the lake that is my backyard. As soon as it started to sprinkle again, in the house they came. Go figure :rofl

We had one female GSD who loved playing in th epuddles our yard would collect after the rain. Like a 2 yo...she'd splash, then look at me watching her....and do it again. I could swear she was grinninhg the whole time.

My other furples would act like yours otherwise...wait for break in the weather. Otherwise they kept their legs crossed:lol

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Hi Ladies,


I'm caught up on my reading again, but have to get ready to go to dinner. Some friends asked us to go out a couple of weeks ago and they got sick. Everyone is better now. We out for chinese last night for hubbys birthday .

Got a bunch done on the rr. Tomorrow is my last day of physical therapy. It is my 25th visit. They said the most they usually go is 24. They suggested I talk to my doctor at home and have him give me a prescription for this traction unit you can buy. He said this may be an on going problem for me. He doesn't know why my hand is not getting any stronger. It is stronger than it was when I got here but it has room for improvement.

Have to run. Will be back later. Have a nice day (the rest of it)!

I hope the doctor will prescribe more treatment:hug

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Hi Marlene

Glad you get to go celebrate a late birthday dinner for your husband since he missed out before .

I hope that once you get home, your doc up here can decide what move to make next so your hand works better for you .




Sorry to hear the weather down in your area is lousy -we have flood warnings tonite too. We wont have to worry where we live, but the poor people down the hill just had that happen not long ago.Hope they dont get rained out again !

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Did get baby bunnies, but not as successfully as I would like. The main breed I raise, Mini Rex, have a dwarfing gene and when it double up we get what we call "peanuts" because they are smaller than the rest. They are often born dead or die shortly thereafter. 2 of the 4 litters I had were all peanuts except one and without littermates to stay warm they didn't make it either. The other 2 does had 5 viable babies in one litter and only 2 in the other. Keeping a close eye on the 2.

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Did get baby bunnies, but not as successfully as I would like. The main breed I raise, Mini Rex, have a dwarfing gene and when it double up we get what we call "peanuts" because they are smaller than the rest. They are often born dead or die shortly thereafter. 2 of the 4 litters I had were all peanuts except one and without littermates to stay warm they didn't make it either. The other 2 does had 5 viable babies in one litter and only 2 in the other. Keeping a close eye on the 2.

Oh....poor mommas, too:(

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Did get baby bunnies, but not as successfully as I would like. The main breed I raise, Mini Rex, have a dwarfing gene and when it double up we get what we call "peanuts" because they are smaller than the rest. They are often born dead or die shortly thereafter. 2 of the 4 litters I had were all peanuts except one and without littermates to stay warm they didn't make it either. The other 2 does had 5 viable babies in one litter and only 2 in the other. Keeping a close eye on the 2.

Poor Peanuts and their mamas. :hug


Rosie and I plan to leave at 8:45 tomorrow morning so probably won't be on until afterwards. Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. I'm turning in early tonight. I ended up doing a breathing treatment on me today, after getting totally winded giving Kim her shower. Must be something in the air getting to me, or the cold trying to go from head to chest. Not sure which. Anyway, it helped. :manyheart

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Hello housemates!


I went to the library after work and while I was there my DD called and asked me to come over- her DH was working and she said she could use some company. So I returned my audiobook and took out another- The Help by Kathryn Stockett, which is a book I've been wanting to read. I then headed over to DD's house and just got home about a 1/2 hour ago. I started the book on the way to her house and so far, so good- the narration is very good! We had a nice visit- and you can really see her belly has popped! It's a strange feeling to see my baby with a baby in her belly!


Linda- In case you check in and see this- Have a great time at the expo tomorrow!! I can tell by your posts how excited you are!!!! Enjoy!!!


Tam- Sorry that you have more on your plate- as if you don't have enough. I am thankful that my DD's seem to have their lives under control- and my youngest who is pregnant totally understands that I'll help out as I can with the baby. I'm already penciled in for Sept 9 babysitting overnight since they are in her DH's best friends's wedding. It'll be fun - her MIL and I will both stay at their house--I can't remember the last time I had a sleepover!!!:lol

Tonight she asked if I could babysit on 10/1- they have another wedding to go to. So I'm penciled in already- and the baby isn't even born. :lol


Cindy- did you get a chance to make the booties?


Judy- It is great when appointments are on schedule!! Doesn't happen too often so it's a pleasant surprise when they do!


Julie- How was the rest of your day? I can't wait for spring. It started out warmer than it ended up- couldn't believe how cold it got and of course rain is coming later tonight into tomorrow with chance of flooding. Lots of folks in North Jersey were flooded from the rain earlier in the week- and I hope that they'll be ok with the next batch of rain. I'm lucky- we don't flood where I am- but then again- never say never!


Toni- Wow- I hope the water stays in your backyard! My DD told me that Belle (her English bulldog) is like that with the rain-waits for it to die down a bit before going out- She was in a playful mood tonight when I got there- but that's because DD told me she took a nap today and so did Belle!


Mary 2- Sorry to hear about the bunnies and hope the 2 do ok-


Kiyo- how is BF feeling today?


Mary1- How was your day with Luke?


Marlene- Maybe when you get back home you can see your doc about ordering additional PT-. Have you gotten a good home exercise program from the therapist?


Well, off for the night- see you to open the curtains to the house in the morning!


Mary 2- don't forget to lock up tonight!:hug

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No worries, ranting is allowed in the House. We all have times when we get frustrated,so it's ok if you need to get it out . You have a pretty full plate to handle right now, so I completely understand why this has you frazzled .




I knew you'd catch on and do just fine. You were gifted with magical hands that can pretty much do any craft that comes along I bet .


(Turn the faucet off down there ,would'ya ? We're now getting drenched again,and it is FREEZING cold out. Earlier it was fairly warm, but had to turn the heater up a bit ago .)

Thanks so much hon!!!

You know me... I dont usually complain.

I try not to let things bug me... at least not too long. I'm pretty easy going... pretty quick to let things go and always willing to forgive. But its been so hard having the older kids moving in and out and back in with their kids because they cant get their act together. I know I did not raise my kids to behave this way. But HA... they fooled me. One of my older sons just moved out a couple months ago after living with us with his wife and son for over a year. My daughter and her 3 babies are living here and have been for going on a year now. I still have my three younger boys I'm trying to raise and she thinks I need to take care of her kids too. UM NO! And then gets upset when I dont. :sigh.... big mess! Its not fair to the three younger boys.......... this is Their house not hers. Oh boy! really starting to get carried away................ sorry.

Okay... need to catch up here and get some crocheting done and maybe look at my pattern before I try to sleep. Havent slept in two nights.......... :( little stressed



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Hello housemates!


I went to the library after work and while I was there my DD called and asked me to come over- her DH was working and she said she could use some company. So I returned my audiobook and took out another- The Help by Kathryn Stockett, which is a book I've been wanting to read. I then headed over to DD's house and just got home about a 1/2 hour ago. I started the book on the way to her house and so far, so good- the narration is very good! We had a nice visit- and you can really see her belly has popped! It's a strange feeling to see my baby with a baby in her belly!


Linda- In case you check in and see this- Have a great time at the expo tomorrow!! I can tell by your posts how excited you are!!!! Enjoy!!!


Tam- Sorry that you have more on your plate- as if you don't have enough. I am thankful that my DD's seem to have their lives under control- and my youngest who is pregnant totally understands that I'll help out as I can with the baby. I'm already penciled in for Sept 9 babysitting overnight since they are in her DH's best friends's wedding. It'll be fun - her MIL and I will both stay at their house--I can't remember the last time I had a sleepover!!!:lol

Tonight she asked if I could babysit on 10/1- they have another wedding to go to. So I'm penciled in already- and the baby isn't even born. :lol


Cindy- did you get a chance to make the booties?


Judy- It is great when appointments are on schedule!! Doesn't happen too often so it's a pleasant surprise when they do!


Julie- How was the rest of your day? I can't wait for spring. It started out warmer than it ended up- couldn't believe how cold it got and of course rain is coming later tonight into tomorrow with chance of flooding. Lots of folks in North Jersey were flooded from the rain earlier in the week- and I hope that they'll be ok with the next batch of rain. I'm lucky- we don't flood where I am- but then again- never say never!


Toni- Wow- I hope the water stays in your backyard! My DD told me that Belle (her English bulldog) is like that with the rain-waits for it to die down a bit before going out- She was in a playful mood tonight when I got there- but that's because DD told me she took a nap today and so did Belle!


Mary 2- Sorry to hear about the bunnies and hope the 2 do ok-


Kiyo- how is BF feeling today?


Mary1- How was your day with Luke?


Marlene- Maybe when you get back home you can see your doc about ordering additional PT-. Have you gotten a good home exercise program from the therapist?


Well, off for the night- see you to open the curtains to the house in the morning!


Mary 2- don't forget to lock up tonight!:hug

Oh.. I dont mind the once in a while bring them over so they can go to a Christmas party to a Birthday get together... but dont tell me I'm watching the kids this week because she put off turning in paper work to the daycare for the kids to be able to go.. and now she's just leaving them here because .. why not.. they live here. :think How is that even respectful or fair? Wow.. .I sounded angry there.... sorry........... guess I'm still a little flustered!



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Thanks for the night light..I hate stubbing my toe in the dark. I'll leave it on so if the earlybirds get up before the sun they are ok. Well they get up before MY sun does here :D




Poor Peanuts and their mamas. :hug

the mama's don't really care..the human momma does. The sit in the box on top of them :rolleyes

It's been a frustrating year for babies

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Good morning- and thanks for leaving the night light on Mary2- it's still dark outside! I've drawn the curtains and am ready to start another day! I see that most of you are still sleeping so I'll be quiet while I grab my :coffee


It started raining and is going to be a gray, yucky day-:rain a perfect day to stay inside in pj's reading or crocheting. But that is not in the plans, for Paradise awaits!


Tam- You really have your hands full- and you have every right to be frustrated. Feel free to vent- I agree that I think your daughter is being totally disrespectful- YOU after all, are giving her a place to live with her 3 children. (God will surely bless you for that) It is not her right to live back home and I get the impression that she thinks it is. She is very lucky that you have opened YOUR home to her and her children. Not all parents would do that. I know I would help my DD's out if they needed SHORT term help with moving back home- but I've done my raising of children- they are adults - and time to make their own lives- with all its ups and downs! I feel for you my friend- difficult times and heartbreaking too. You really are an :angel Wish I could give you a real hug but these will have to do.:hug:hug:hug:hug


Linda- Again- in case you stop in- HAVE FUN at the EXPO!!!:yes


Marisa- Safe travels today and hope the nasty rainy weather doesn't cause too much of a delay- have fun at your sister's and good luck out there- when will you be back home?


Cindy- Enjoy your day off today!


Marlene- Sorry that you lost your post- that is so frustrating!

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Morning ladies

I'm a little slow on getting in here today. One of them mornings where your body is awake but your brain is still half asleep . Slow to get moving .



Hope your work day goes well and quickly for you . That was nice to you stay with your girl last night for awhile to give her some company . I would go yak at her if I lived close ,just to give her some background noise if the house was too quiet. Kinda like turning on the tv and radio both at once .... I'm sure I'd find something to yak about even if we never met. I talk to strangers all the time ,so am used to just gabbing to anyone with EARS .




I know you probably wont stop in this morning,but if you do, have FUN today !!! We wanna hear all about it when you get time .




It's interesting learning more about these bunnies. Another subject I know NOTHING about . I like those big old bunnies with the ears that hang down -- do you know what they are called ? We see them at the Fair every year .




Have a good visit with your sis !!




Please dont make apologies for having a normal reaction to a frustrating situation . Anyone who has grown kids who make a habit of bad choices, and continually want you,the parents, to dig them out each time, will understand .

Nothing wrong with offering help on occasion if it is appreciated and not taken advantage of .

I know how it feels and how hard you try to deal with it ,but sooner or later, you gotta let it out . Sounds like you have helped out long enough,and she is taking advantage now .

It may be time to sit her down and give her a time frame to move out and take care of her family on her own in her own place .

It makes me sad to think of all you have to deal with right now,and she is leaning on you too . She should be helping YOU out right now .

It's OK to feel frustrated ,REALLY !

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Oh.. I dont mind the once in a while bring them over so they can go to a Christmas party to a Birthday get together... but dont tell me I'm watching the kids this week because she put off turning in paper work to the daycare for the kids to be able to go.. and now she's just leaving them here because .. why not.. they live here. :think How is that even respectful or fair? Wow.. .I sounded angry there.... sorry........... guess I'm still a little flustered!








I don't blame you for being angry, you are right, it isn't respectful or fair. Your dd's failure to follow through, doesn't make the results your problem. Just because you are there, doesn't mean that you are available at the drop of a hat. Helping out at your convenience is one thing, but being "used" is another.


You have a lot on your plate already, what with Michael, your dh's illness, and two other children at home.


My mother would say, you can't be used, unless you allow it, but unfortunately your dilemma can't be resolved with that attitude. Innocent children are involved, (and they are children that you love), and for most of us that is a reason to just take it. Hopefully, your dd has done the paperwork now and the situation is temporary.

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Good morning, peeps!





the mama's don't really care..the human momma does. The sit in the box on top of them :rolleyes

It's been a frustrating year for babies

I guess rabbits don't have amaternal instinct...I know that dogs get anxious if their newborns aren't moving....


Off I go - breaky and a food store run.



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Good morning. It's snowing here. It doesn't seem as bad as it could though, because I know it can't last more than a few more weeks. Still I wish the sun was shining.


I plan to go shopping with DD today. She wants to buy clothes and I need to buy a wedding gift and a new coffee pot. Mine still works, but it leaks all over the place while the coffee is brewing, so its just a matter of time....

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