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Our House Part Two


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Marisa ~ The festival sounds like fun! Is Maryann the friend who worked with you?


I think this is so pretty! It would make a cute girlie washcloth, too.:)




Yep, Maryann was my old receptionist and also became one of my best friends :yes


That pattern is adorable :manyheart


Marlene - Maya is just too cute of her own good :yes


I just got back from Sams Club to get envelopes and stamps...I have about 200 letters printed to send to local attorneys (and I'm not even done yet :eek )....next up is local doctors

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The funny thing is that there actually a lot of people out there spinning the hair from their dogs and cats into yarn. I was surprised to learn that it's actually not all that uncommon. So be warned that I might end up taking up your offers of pet fur in the future if I get truly addicted to this new hobby!


I actually WAS serious! I have to brush our German shepherds every 2nd or 3rd day. ANd the youngest has the most beautiful black fur that flies off the shedding comb/rake I use! I leave it out in the yard for the wildlife and their nest building.




I'll definitely share my progress with everyone, and if it ends up being something that I enjoy (instead of want to throw the fool thing across the room in frustration) then I'll definitely have to share pictures. I got notification that it shipped yesterday, so it should be here by the end of the week and maybe as early as tomorrow!

Looking forward to seeing what it looks like!

Thank you all for the comments about DH. :manyheart He almost never feels bad, so he's not a happy camper. :lol

Guys don't handle being sick very well at all! I hope it's not too bad....


I think this is so pretty! It would make a cute girlie washcloth, too.:)



That's gorgeous - I love the site, too! I would make that in WW and use for a ghan:hook


Later, gators!

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I think this is so pretty! It would make a cute girlie washcloth, too.:)




I saw that yesterday, and I also thought it was really pretty. She made it as a dishcloth(!!), but I thought it was way too pretty for that. It would be really ncie as the center of an afghan too.

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We're home! Everything went well. Dropped off some clothes at Goodwill afterwards and picked up fish and cole slaw to have for supper. John met us at the doctor's office and got his questions answered. Doctor said that if she continues to bounce back as well as she has been there's no reason she cant' fly to Texas for a week in late February or early March. Who'd have thunk it a couple weeks ago? Sure not me.

Marisa ~ The festival sounds like fun! Is Maryann the friend who worked with you?


Thank you all for the comments about DH. :manyheart He almost never feels bad, so he's not a happy camper. :lol


I ran errands and went by DD's to drop off some things...they were running late, so I missed seeing Luke. :( But Shelby and Lucky (their cats) were happy to see me. :D


I think this is so pretty! It would make a cute girlie washcloth, too.:)



Cute! Hope DH is feeling better soon now.

Hi Ladies,


Joanne, That's a pretty scarf and lip balm holders are cute. Hope you enjoy your conference. Sorry it won't work out for you and DD to meet up.


Judy, I love being a Grandma and I got a request from Maya last night. I'll post it at the end of the individual posts.


Val, The chili was good and enough for 2 days.


Cindy, Hope you have an easy day at work today.


Marisa, That's some early visitors 4am. My Dad use to like to leave at 10 or 11 at night for us to visits friends up north. We would arrive at 1 or 2am. He probably figured that was the best time with all of us kids and all of them but me would be sleeping.

Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Enjoy!


Mary, I heard you could connect the two together so I checked out the books. Hope DH gets some meds and is on the mend soon.


Linda, Hope yours and Kim's outing and doctor appt. goes well.


Faile, Sounds like an interesting new hobby your starting.


Last night talking to Maya I told her I finished her hearts and they were in the mail and she should get them thursday.

Maya: Grandma I want you to make me something that you can send to me for everyone in my class. Like green and white (Spartans colors).


Her Mom: Those aren't your school colors. And Grandma can't do that.


Maya: Yes she can. She can crochet it.


Me: I'm thinking what could I do. I said how about chapstick holders like I made Grandpa and he has on his key ring.


Maya: That's what I was thinking about. Her school school colors are black, white and royal blue. They are the huskies.


I think I've started something. But it is fun and maybe it will keep her interest in it and I can teach her to crochet.

Her Mom asked me to make one of her friends a baby blanket. She's due in June and having a girl.

Maya is sick. Her Mom took her to the doctor she has a virus and they gave her a prescription for her cough. DD took today off and has tomorrow off so she is hoping Maya is better and can go to school thursday.

Bbl. Have a good day everyone!

Looks like you are really on a roll with things for Maya's classmates. Hope she bounces back quickly.

Yep, Maryann was my old receptionist and also became one of my best friends :yes


That pattern is adorable :manyheart


Marlene - Maya is just too cute of her own good :yes


I just got back from Sams Club to get envelopes and stamps...I have about 200 letters printed to send to local attorneys (and I'm not even done yet :eek )....next up is local doctors

Way to go on networking! :cheer :cheer :cheer

Marisa--thank you. And thank you for asking about my back. It still is hurting. I am sure I will end up having to have another MRI. Fun times. It just isnt easing up.

Doggone it all anyway! :(:hug :hug :hug

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Another very busy day at work today. Off tomorrow though.


I didn't do much last night. I got out the yarn to make another knit slipper, but never actually started the slipper.


Mary, hope the Dr was able to do something for DH.


Linda, how did Kims visit go?


Marisa, sounds like you and Maryann have a very fun weekend planned.


Well, I'd better go make something for dinner. I think I'm going to make potato soup. I have some ham in the freezer leftover from Christmas, that I ought to use up. Our springlike weather is gone, its cold and gloomy, and good soup weather.

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Quick stop in before dinner.


Linda- glad to hear that Kim's appointment went well!!


Marisa- Say hi to Maryann- I'll bet you two will have lots of fun this weekend- I had read that the Knit and Fiber Festival was in Pittsburgh!!


To everyone else- I've got to run but am thinking about you all!

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Marisa - What is your line of business? Have fun with MaryAnn. I'm going to Alabama for a long weekend. We have an afternoon meeting on Friday with the zoning committee and a pm meeting on Monday with the City Board in regards to our property. We're driving in Friday morning and returning to Georgia Monday night. I'm excited about going home.


Mary - Hope DH is feeling beter. Thanks for the link to the dish cloth. I think I'll probably try a ghan.


Marlene - I make the gifts for my DGN's favorite teachers. I hope Maya gets well soon.


Amy - Sorry your back is still giving you problems. Hope you get some relief soon.


Linda - Glad Kim is doing so well.


Cindy - Potato soup sound delicious. I've never made it, however, my sister that lives in Alabama makes good potato soup...hmm...I will be in Alabama for a long weekend-sounds like a request.lol


Good evening to all my other housemates. Have a good night.

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Howdy ladies

Quick drop in to say hey . Hope all are doing well .



Hope your hubster is feeling better today.



Great news on Kim with her continued improvement . Amazing !



Have a good weekend visiting with your friend .



Sounds like you are very excited to tackle a new crafting chalenge. Hope you enjoy it a lot . There's a llama farm right outside town here. I think maybe that's what they do with their hair or fur ,whatever you call it -- long and sorta wavy-looking tye stuff. I've never petted a llama,so not sure if it's soft,but it looks like it would be .



Hope Maya is better soon. It's sad when little kids are sick. I bet her class will love their Hearts .


Well,gotta get a move on .Not even bathed and dressed and I have been up for hours .

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Good morning, peeps!


Not much happening today...which is nice:) Might actually get in some hook time:hook


Have a good day, everyone:hug

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Happy Wednesday, Ladies. :)


Good morning, peeps!


Not much happening today...which is nice:) Might actually get in some hook time:hook


Have a good day, everyone:hug

I hope you have lots of time to crochet today!


Marlene ~ Maya is such a cutie. :lol I hope she feels better very soon. The chapstick holders in school colors sound perfect!


Cindy ~ Potato soup sounds yummy! I love making soups and having some of each in the freezer...tonight will be Taco soup for us. (and cornbread for DH ;))


Tabby ~ Hi! I hope you are all doing well. :manyheart


Valerie ~ Oh, that's wonderful that you'll be going home this weekend. Of course, I can't get "Sweet Home Alabama" out of my mind now. :lol


Faile ~ How neat that you've already had a lesson! I'm so glad you discovered the yarn shop. :yarn


Hi Julie ~ Are you working on the cross stitch? Have you been playing with your new Kindle? DH is even taking the nook to work when he is in the office and reading at lunch time. :)


Hi Amy and the rest of the House, too!

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And DH is on those "mega dose" antibiotics that you only take for 5 days...his chest was clear, so that's good. Thank you for the "feel better" wishes. :manyheart


Off to the post office and store. Have a great morning!

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Good morning housemates :hi


I did get in some hook time last night, but not on my afghan....I tested a pattern for a square for a fellow viller :yes It's snowing here this morning and is chilly again.


Amy - Sorry to hear your back continues to act up on you :hug :hug


Judy - I hope your day is still uneventful and you get that hook time in :wink


Cindy - Enjoy your day off today, potato soup sounds delish :drool


Linda - Great news on Kim's Dr. appt and that if she continues to improve she can go to Texas :clap:yay


Joanne - I think this festival is an annual one here :think I put an Ad in the even program :D


Val - Sorry, I forgot you weren't here this past year :( I moved from Philly to Pittsburgh in September and opened my own chiropractic office in November so am working on establishing my practice and trying to market :sigh The ladies here have offered great support and advice through it all, and this is usually the first place I run to when something great happens, or vice versa :lol


Faile - How awesome that you got a lesson on the spindle :yay:clap I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed it and am even impressed that she even used the silk for you :hug


Mary - I love cornbread too :drool I hope dh's meds kick in and he starts to feel better. :hug


Julie- What's on your agenda for the day?


Tab - No worries, we're glad you get the chance to at least stop in to say hi and let us know that everything is going well :hug

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Good morning friends. It's partly cloudy and cool today. I'm continuing to try to get things out of my area that don't belong there. On that note, I pulled out one of the afghans that the mice chewed on last year. It looks like I'll only have to replace one block to fix it. Crocheted the replacement this morning already and now just have to remove the chewed block and insert the new one. Should have it fixed by this evening unless something goes very wrong along the way.


I'm going to Alabama for a long weekend. We have an afternoon meeting on Friday with the zoning committee and a pm meeting on Monday with the City Board in regards to our property. We're driving in Friday morning and returning to Georgia Monday night. I'm excited about going home.

Have a good time in Alabama and good luck with the meetings. Hope you get to have your potato soup while you're there. Drive safe.

Oh my gosh! I am totally hooked on spinning and I haven't even received my spindle yet.


I discovered that there is a yarn/fiber shop in town not too far from where I live, so I decided to check it out over lunch. After one miss start, I finally found it. Once the owner learned that I was interested in spinning, had a spindle on the way, but had never actually handled one, she offered to give me a lesson. She even pulled out some silk for us to play with since I'm sensitive to wool. I actually got the hang of one of the simpler methods and made about 6-8" of lace weight silk yarn. So very cool watching the twist travel up the fibers you're drafting. She had some lovely options in silk fiber, so of course I had to pick up some.

:woo Way to go Faile! That's something I've thought about, but never tried.


I'm glad they've got hubby on antibiotics, Mary. Maybe he can kick this now.


Have a good day everyone. :manyheart

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Back again, three loads of laundry,some vacuuming, and a little knitting done so far today.


Its cold here, especially compared to the past week, but the sun is shining. I heard some vague references to snow tomorrow, but it certainly doesn't look like it today.


DD has requested homemade pizza for dinner today, so dough for crust is made as well. Might make some bread sticks too. I still need to go get gas for my car and pick up some milk.


Mary, my dh loves cornbread too, but I'm not crazy about it. I always make it with chili, (but I have to confess that I make it from a mix) Hope dh feels better soon. I sometimes take my Nook or Kindle to work too, (If I am in the middle of a particularly good book), but I don't often read there, since usually I am eating with co-workers. I usually have a book in progress on my phone as well so if I do read at work, I mostly do it on that.


Faile, its great that you are already so excited about spinning. When will your spindle arrive?


Marlene, Maya sounds like such a sweetheart. Hope she feels better soon. You're not missing much snow in Michigan, by the way.


Tab, I'm impressed that you were able to type that much while holding a baby!


Judy hope your day stays quiet, its nice to have a day like that once in a while.


Linda, good luck on the afghan repair. Just curious, how will you get the ruined square out. Once I've sewn something together, I have never figures out how to undo it without ruining something. The yarn just blends with the project, and I can't figure out what yarn is part of the seam and what yarn isn't.


Julie, any crafting going on there?


Marisa, Val, Amy have a great day!

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Hi there Amy, Tab ,Linda ,Faile and Jude --


Hope you all have a good day ..



Those 5-pack pills should do the trick. I had Bronchitis last year,was given those 5 pills,then BAM, the sickness was gone . It took about 2 before they hit me and I started feeling better .



My agenda today ?

Well, I stood up .

Now I'm sitting down .:D

(I'm such a smartmouth sometimes .. I went to the store today looking for some small doodads for prizes for Bingo for our reunion in June. I usually sstart looking for stuff far ahead of time so I have a big old pile by the time it gets here .

I also bought all the picnic supplies . I'm going with a REALLY bright theme, so it's all stripes and flowers and colors .

And to top it off,I got some of the ladies who stay at the motel each a little funny something to wear in a group photo . I found us each a pair of funky -glittery sunglasses,and each a matching headband made of feathers. I think we will be quite a FETCHING group when we get all our stuff on .

I also found some really neat coffee cups with sayings about Family all over them,so great for small gifts .




I'm still picking up the cross stitch now and then. I think I told you guys I found an easier one without all the color changes every couple of stitches. I'll get Sam to snap a photo when I get it done. It's very slow going,so it'll be awhile .

Your pizza for supper sounds good .

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Linda, good luck on the afghan repair. Just curious, how will you get the ruined square out. Once I've sewn something together, I have never figures out how to undo it without ruining something. The yarn just blends with the project, and I can't figure out what yarn is part of the seam and what yarn isn't.

Well I spread out the afghan and there are 5 blocks that have to be replaced, not one. :P Undoing it is relatively easy if the yarn is a color where you can see which is which, harder if they match, but I can usually do it by looking at it very closely. On this particular afghan it shouldn't be a problem. Matching the replacement colors will be the biggest challenge. I can come pretty close on most of them though. It won't be as simple as I originally thought though. I'll keep you posted. :hook

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Jules...the first thing that hit me about Cam is that he thinks HE did something to make his dad leave. I've heard that's a common thought. If you could convince him that often adults make bad decisions and it has nothing whatsoever to do with ANYONE else. It's just that a person's feelings and thoughts make them decide to do something that doesn't make sense. We don't know why his dad chose to leave, but it's NOT CAM's fault, because his dad was only thinking about himself and no one else.


My own opinion...I hope it helps a little. He's so blessed to have you - and Steph needs to know it's a situation that has to be talked about....his crying jag was a call for help.



And DH is on those "mega dose" antibiotics that you only take for 5 days...his chest was clear, so that's good. Thank you for the "feel better" wishes. :manyheart


Off to the post office and store. Have a great morning!

Those zip packs of antibiotics are wonder drugs:yes
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Well I spread out the afghan and there are 5 blocks that have to be replaced, not one. :P Undoing it is relatively easy if the yarn is a color where you can see which is which, harder if they match, but I can usually do it by looking at it very closely. On this particular afghan it shouldn't be a problem. Matching the replacement colors will be the biggest challenge. I can come pretty close on most of them though. It won't be as simple as I originally thought though. I'll keep you posted. :hook

Good luck with that!

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Good afternoon all,


Linda - I'm glad everything is still good at your house. Good luck with your repair job.


Faile - I hope you get your spindle before Friday. I'm glad you enjoy your outing yesterday.


Judy - Enjoy your quiet day and I hope you get lots of hooking done.


Mary - I'm glad DH got some meds. He should be 100% in no time. Enjoy your day.


Cindy - Homemade pizza sounds delicious! Hope you get a chance to crochet. You've gotten a lot done early on.


Marisa, Amy, Julie, Tab and Joanne - I hope you're having a good day.

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