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Our House Part Two


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Wonderful house!


Welcome! It is a very cool house with a wonderful family!


Good morning all!


I ended up going to sleep after reading about 8 pages! Now I'm ready to tackle the day! Hoping to get some things done early in the morning and then work on the RR (ie. finish the RR). Tonight I'm babysitting!!! Can't wait!!! That smile of his just melts my heart!!!


Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!


Have fun with Ryan tonight. You'd better get your hooking done early!


'morning, peeps!

Sunny and cold this morning...but I like it:)


Hi to Cindy, Jules, and all my friends. Have a good day!


I have the baby shower this AM...a "sprinke" really, since it's the aforementioned neighbor's 2nd baby...I made a fruit salad to bring:D


Later, gators!


Hello Judy. Have fun at the baby sprinkle.


Good morning. Off today and tomorrow, so laundry is going and some housework will have to happen as well.


Dh suggested barbecuing for dinner, so I have pork chops marinating. However, it is pretty cold, maybe it will warm up. Otherwise, I guess Dh will be cold while cooking.


I'm glad you had Chinese. The barbecue for this evening sounds good. Don't work too hard. Be sure to have some "ME" ":crocheting" time:D:lol


Mary - I hope DH feels better soon. I'm glad you get to spend a day inside...enjoy it!


Hello Marlene, Marisa, Amy, Julie and the rest of the gang.


Have a great day all!!!

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Finally in from running errands- which included grocery shopping! Of course, I couldn't resist and had to got to Michael's and to AC Moore! I bought a bag of mill ends at AC Moore- in a pretty robins egg blue color--just because I liked the color. (plus used 50% off coupon)!!! Laundry is done and groceries are put away. Also want to run out to the consignment shop. Not leaving myself much time for "hooking" but things just have to get done!! Finishing up my lunch as I check in.....

Time to pour a cup of coffee in the travel mug and head out again!

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Thanks for the well-wishes for DH. :manyheart He sounds a tiny bit better this afternoon.


Now it's back home and time to tackle the downstairs again. Between one thing and another it's been quite a while.




Gee, I can't imagine why you're behind! :wink:lol I'm glad you went out for breakfast and things are going well!


Cindy ~ 'Hope it's not too cold for grilling. DH loves to grill and that makes me happy. Although sometimes he makes me wonder...like when it's raining or snowing!:ohdear


Hi Amy!


Hi to Valerie, Joanne and the rest of the House. :)

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Mary, Dh never thinks it too cold for grilling! Its sunny and in the 40's here, and for Michigan in February, that's pretty warm!


Joanne, please make sure you get a little time for yourself. You've been working hard, and it sounds like that will be going on for the foreseeable future. At least you will be seeing Ryan tonight. That will be a nice break.


I have been cleaning like a mad woman, and nearly everything is done. Still need to vacuum the family room, office, do one more bathroom floor and maybe work on the laundry room.


I am knitting a pair of baby booties at the moment. Well to be more exact I am knitting a baby bootie. It's by no means certain that I will end up with a pair. It's a pattern that is new to me, and I've already had to un-knit some, as I misunderstood the patten. I will never be a great knitter, but I like it for a change of pace.

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I just got in from running errands. I'm tired. I'm finishing up a scarf to go with a finished hat. My RR and Heartwarming fan ghans are both waiting for me to get up and get another skein of yarn. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.


My sister (whose not a member of the Ville) has agreed to do the Mystery CAL.



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I bought a bag of mill ends at AC Moore- in a pretty robins egg blue color--just because I liked the color. (plus used 50% off coupon)!!!

That's another color I love:yes


The baby Sprinkle was nice....being a Saturday morning, there werent' too many people there, but it gave all of us a great opportunity to sit around the dining room table and get caught up. We all chipped in (as did many others who couldn't be there) to get the guest of honor some gift cards so she could get girlie things she needs.


I was just sitting here working on the bright RR. It's taking a while because despite my saying "never again" I'm using a G hook - I don't want big holes in this one since it's going to the NICU.


CU all tomorrow...

Our son will be over to watch the Super Bowl with us - that should be fun!


GO, BIG BLUE!!!!!!:yay:yay:yay:yay:yay

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Hi, again! Rosie & I ended up going bumming this afternoon. Much more relaxing than cleaning. :D I was able to find an old style sping scale instead of the digital ones!! :yay Now we can get an accurate weight on Miss Kim. John couldn't get one using our digital scale either. :D And I found a curtain that matched the one for their bedroom patio doors that matched the one I bought 7 weeks ago, too. :woo


We went to 2 fabric stores & I added some lovelt pieces to my stash. One is of deer that will be going into a quilt for John one of these days. Much simpler than another one that I'd been thinking of making him. And I'm gradually rebuilding my stash of Christmas fabrics, which I essentially wiped out a couple of years ago.


Mary, Dh never thinks it too cold for grilling! Its sunny and in the 40's here, and for Michigan in February, that's pretty warm!

I totally understand that. I've done grilling in the snow in the winter in Minnesota. :lol

Joanne, please make sure you get a little time for yourself. You've been working hard, and it sounds like that will be going on for the foreseeable future. At least you will be seeing Ryan tonight. That will be a nice break.


I have been cleaning like a mad woman, and nearly everything is done. Still need to vacuum the family room, office, do one more bathroom floor and maybe work on the laundry room.


I am knitting a pair of baby booties at the moment. Well to be more exact I am knitting a baby bootie. It's by no means certain that I will end up with a pair. It's a pattern that is new to me, and I've already had to un-knit some, as I misunderstood the patten. I will never be a great knitter, but I like it for a change of pace.



They're calling for rain and storms coming through here tonight. Hopefully nothing bad. Could be heavy rain, thunder and lightening, and possibly a little hail.


Have a good evening all. :manyheart

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Good morning all,


I haven't been to bed all night so I guess I lay down now and get a couple of hours sleep. Ever so often this happens. What time does the Superbowl start?

You should have time to get in more than a few hours of sleep!!! Super Bowl starts at 6:30 EST---but of course they'll have all the pre-game stuff on before that !


:cheerGo BIG BLUE:cheerLet's Go GIANTS!!!!!:cheer

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Good morning all!!! Welcome to Super Bowl Sunday!!!!!


I had a wonderful time last evening with the little guy!!! We had fun playing and then I read him a Giants story (board book called Giants 101:lol)

Heading over to DD's around 4 for the super bowl festivities!


:cheerGO GIANTS:cheer

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'morning, peeps!:D



I managed to make a pair of baby booties. They even look the same. (Its always a challenge for me to get a pair of something to look the same.)

Are those the knitted ones?

Just a quick pop in to say good night. :ghug
I hope you had a decent night, Tab!


Good morning all!!! Welcome to Super Bowl Sunday!!!!!


I had a wonderful time last evening with the little guy!!! We had fun playing and then I read him a Giants story (board book called Giants 101:lol)

Heading over to DD's around 4 for the super bowl festivities!


:cheerGO GIANTS:cheer

You are sooooo funny!

OMG....that book sounds like it's a hoot!!!!


DS called a couple of days ago and said "when I come over Sunday..." Hubby and I looked at each other! It's nie that he always assumes we have no plans - we didn't:lol It was lots of fun watching the playoffs with him, so tonight should be tense!


Later, gators...off for a Delicious Orchards run!

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Morning all


Howdy Amy,

We had a gloomy looking day yesterday too,but today is sunny.Still cold, with a little snow on the ground again .


Hi Linda

sounds like you have your work cut out for you . Funny how we get behind on housework when we aren't there for any length of time,but it still manages to pile up . Don't work too hard, ths housework always waits on you. It'll still be there tomorrow if you can't get to it all today .

Sounds like you had a good time shopping and found some good deals .


Welcome Kitson !

Drop on in whenever you want. We're always glad for company .




How was the mini-shower ? What did the cake look like ? Bet you are excited-super bowl day !





Hope you had some fun grandma time ..Today's your big football day ! Bet you are excited .




Hows' the husband today ?




You sound like you were on the ball with your cleaning. You put me to shame. I do it when the mood strikes . Sometimes that isn't real often .

Good luck with the knitted booties .



Hi Val

That will be neat to have your sister joining in with you on the mysteryghan. hope she has fun .



Hey Tab

Good to hear from you ! How's it going and has the babe settled down any ? Are you feeling better ?


Nothing new here today. Cam was here all day yesterday and went home after supper .It looks as if today will be very quiet.

Anyhow, nothing else new or exciting for us . Just a regular old day .

Hope you all have a good one .

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Good morning. It's overcast but warm here today with a breeze. I've been awake and up for a while, but all I've accomplished is to watch some of the recorded TV shows I've missed over the last two weeks. I've got absolutely NO energy today. I think it's caught up with me today. At this rate I may well veg in front of the TV all day long. :lol :lol


I managed to make a pair of baby booties. They even look the same. (Its always a challenge for me to get a pair of something to look the same.)

:woo That's a great accomplishment! :woo


Hope all you football fans have a great time watching the Super Bowl. Good luck to whoever you're rooting for. (See I'm impartial. :D)


I'll catch you the next time I wander upstairs looking for something to eat. :manyheart

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Good morning all!!! Welcome to Super Bowl Sunday!!!!!


I had a wonderful time last evening with the little guy!!! We had fun playing and then I read him a Giants story (board book called Giants 101:lol)

Heading over to DD's around 4 for the super bowl festivities!


:cheerGO GIANTS:cheer


I'm glad you had fun with the baby. Have fun with your super bowl festivities.


'morning, peeps!:D




Are those the knitted ones?

I hope you had a decent night, Tab!


You are sooooo funny!

OMG....that book sounds like it's a hoot!!!!


DS called a couple of days ago and said "when I come over Sunday..." Hubby and I looked at each other! It's nie that he always assumes we have no plans - we didn't:lol It was lots of fun watching the playoffs with him, so tonight should be tense!


Later, gators...off for a Delicious Orchards run!


Are you and your son rooting for different teams? Have fun!


Good Morning everyone!! I have my coffee in hand.. sitting here looking through posts.

I hope everyone has a great day!!


Have a great day!


Good morning. It's overcast but warm here today with a breeze. I've been awake and up for a while, but all I've accomplished is to watch some of the recorded TV shows I've missed over the last two weeks. I've got absolutely NO energy today. I think it's caught up with me today. At this rate I may well veg in front of the TV all day long. :lol :lol



:woo That's a great accomplishment! :woo


Hope all you football fans have a great time watching the Super Bowl. Good luck to whoever you're rooting for. (See I'm impartial. :D)


I'll catch you the next time I wander upstairs looking for something to eat. :manyheart


You deserve a break so wear the sofa out!

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Lovely sunny day ehre today. Think it will be a good afternoon for a walk.


'morning, peeps!:D




Are those the knitted ones?



DS called a couple of days ago and said "when I come over Sunday..." Hubby and I looked at each other! It's nie that he always assumes we have no plans - we didn't:lol It was lots of fun watching the playoffs with him, so tonight should be tense!


Later, gators...off for a Delicious Orchards run!


Yup, they are the knitted ones.

And I think its nice that ds wants to watch the game with his parents!



Hope all you football fans have a great time watching the Super Bowl. Good luck to whoever you're rooting for. (See I'm impartial. :D)


I'll catch you the next time I wander upstairs looking for something to eat. :manyheart


I'm impartial too.:lol

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Hi Ladies! I hope everyone is having a good Sunday. No Super Bowl party for us today, but we'll have the game on later. DH is resting and I'm getting papers organized to do the taxes - no telling when I'll actually get them done. :lol


Have a great afternoon! :manyheart

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Finished up 3 lip balm holders and the mosaic scarf---


Tonight, I HAVE to have something with me to crochet since the last time the Giants played, I had just learned how to crochet and was making a scarf when they won the Super Bowl then. So a scarf it will be- (no, I'm not superstitious:lol:lol:lol)





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Hi Ladies,


I have you on the big screen. I checked out the book for the computer and the tv and found out what cable to buy and was hoping for the best. Hubby and I wen to walmart and they had it. It's an rgb pc cord, but the store sells it as rga. It works, I did a pretest first. So we get to watch the superbowl.:yay Were really not big football fans but it's a big game and I want to watch it. I'll be ruting for the giants with Judy and Joanne.

I'll be sewing the pins on Maya's hearts. I have them all done and will be putting them in the mail tomorrow.


Cindy, Great finish on two baby booties. I like to grill no matter what the temp. I've even been known to put the grill in front of the sliding door when it rains.


Linda, Glad you got out and got some me time in.


Valarie, That will be nice your sister joining you in the mystery cal.


Julie, It's so much fun having the grandkids around. I'm missing it.


Mary, I'm having withdrawls to. I did video chat with Maya last night for a bit. We didn't have a good connection but it was fun. Hope DH feels better soon. I still have a bit of a cough that wants to hang on.


Judy, Can't wait to see your new style when your hair grows out. I've wondering what I'm going to do when this perm grows out. It's growed quite a bit since november. I'm going to try and leave it alone until we get home. The lady who cuts hair where my Mil lives does my Sil's hair and she is happy with her and suggested I go to her.


Joanne, Have fun at the superbowl party! Glad you got some alone time with Ryan.


Kiston, Welcome!


It rained all last night and it has turned cold. I decided a good day for chili so it's cooking. I'm off I'll catch you all tomorrow. Have a nice night.

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Finished up 3 lip balm holders and the mosaic scarf---


Tonight, I HAVE to have something with me to crochet since the last time the Giants played, I had just learned how to crochet and was making a scarf when they won the Super Bowl then. So a scarf it will be- (no, I'm not superstitious:lol:lol:lol)

Gorgeous stuff there, Joanne.


I finally took a shower and went to the mall and got my glasses straighened. First real chance since the fall. Then had some Chinese at the food mall. Have mostly just watched TV and and going to do it some more.


Good luck to your teams, Super Bowl watchers. I see it's about to start. :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

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For whoever asked....We're all rooting for the GIANTS!!!:):D:lol


Finished up 3 lip balm holders and the mosaic scarf---

Great work, Joanne!

Tonight, I HAVE to have something with me to crochet since the last time the Giants played, I had just learned how to crochet and was making a scarf when they won the Super Bowl then. So a scarf it will be- (no, I'm not superstitious:lol:lol:lol)Isn't this some game???!!!

No...I would never think you were superstitious!:lol

So we get to watch the superbowl.:yay Were really not big football fans but it's a big game and I want to watch it. I'll be ruting for the giants with Judy and Joanne.Awesome!!!!!!!

I'll be sewing the pins on Maya's hearts. I have them all done and will be putting them in the mail tomorrow.

You're a great grandma!


Judy, Can't wait to see your new style when your hair grows out. I've wondering what I'm going to do when this perm grows out. It's growed quite a bit since november. I'm going to try and leave it alone until we get home. The lady who cuts hair where my Mil lives does my Sil's hair and she is happy with her and suggested I go to her.


After going to this new stylist last year I realize how important the cut is...and when they touched up my hair the ends were drawn through for 2 minutes so not to damage the hair. She's good -:yes


It rained all last night and it has turned cold. I decided a good day for chili so it's cooking. I'm off I'll catch you all tomorrow. Have a nice night.

I make my mom's very simple chili recipe - it's not even a recipe, it's so simple. Good comfort food!


CU all tomorrow...this Super Bowl game is intense!:P

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Good morning to all!!

The alarm went off sooner than I would have liked!!! But worth it since the game was a good one--right down to the end when the Giants pulled off the "W" and were named the Super Bowl Champions!!!


Hope you all have a good day!!

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