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Our House Part Two


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'morning, peeps!

I'm raring to go this AM....I have a touch up appt today but before that I'll be browsing in B&N and Michaels.:D I'm off to check my small stash and see what colors I want to use. I have a ton of black, so that may be the MC...the rest...hmmm...not sure...


then I'm going to make breakfast for dinner!!! DH is on board with that so all is good!!!

Sounds like you have a sweet and understanding DH:c9

Good morning everyone! Its Friday!! Have a great day!!

You too, Amy!

Good morning! It's mostly sunny and 50* this morning. Daffodils have been in bloom for at least a week. They normally start about the 14th of February. A number of spring birds have already arrived. The Georgia groundhog said we're due for an early spring. The way things are going, I believe it.

It's very cold here this morning...but not as bad as it could be in a normal winter. At least it's sunny! We've also seen some buds on bushes and things:eek What season is it, anyway?:think


I didn't know about red for women's day, but I put a red shirt on this morning, so I'm with it. :DI was planning on wearing a red shirt, too!

I've been waking up at 7:00 this week so John could be at work on time, so today I woke up at 7:15 even without the alarm. :lol Kim's is smiling to beat the band this morning. Trouble is in bed with her and the stuffed Trouble Jr is under the covers with her.Awwwww... Looks like the chair will work well for her, too. She was sitting in it last night.


I'll fix her small portions of some of her favorite foods today, including a peanut butter and honey sandwich. :lol Squishes each piece, eats the middle first putting the crusts to one side, and then goes back and eats the crusts last. By which time her fingers are covered with peanut butter and honey and have to be sucked clean. No wonder she's got peanut butter residue under her nails every time we go to get them done. :lol

It's good she eats well for you!

Both puppies are delighted to have us both home. I don't think Trouble has willingly moved from Kim's side hardly at all.

That's so sweet...when I'm away for the morning Lucy greets me as if I was gone for weeks!!:lol What love they give us - and it's the best medicine!



CU all later!:hug

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Morning all

Quick drop in just to say howdy . Off to the store. Gotta load up on Cam's favorites since he'll be coming after school .

Nice and sunny out today. Something tells me it won't FEEL as warm as it looks ,but we shall see .

Will check back in later .

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm feeling about the same as yesterday. Just had some bfast and now some :tea


I finished my 12th square last night and started to join them, but am now thinking I really should add the extra squares to make it bigger :think But I really don't WANT to :sigh Before adding a border it's at about 31" x 40", what do you think of that size for a bridal shower gift....acceptable or not? :think


Tonight we're going out to dinner (I have a free coupon to use yet from my birthday and it expires today) and then to a local bar for some live jazz :yes


Mary - Too funny about dd's friend, at least they didn't buy much girlie stuff yet.


Linda - :yay for Kim being home and happy with the pups :manyheart Glad to hear she eats well for you.


Joanne - I had trouble falling asleep last night and tossed a bit after, but overall not a bad night's sleep :think I love bfast at ANY time of the day too, it's my favorite meal :drool I didn't know about it being RED day and don't have any on :(


Marlene - Maybe I need your SIL to work her powers over this way :think:lol Glad to hear you got your car back. I hope your friend's finger is ok :hug I recommend going to hang out at a local sports bar for the super bowl :yes You surely don't have to be drinking to hang out and they'll have the game on.


Val - WTG on your ghan and rr :cheer


Amy - I hope you have a great day and that your back is feeling a bit better :hug


Judy - Animal's surely do have unconditional love and you're right, it IS the best medicine :manyheart


Julie - Have fun with Cam later, I'm sure you'll even have fun at the store getting the things he likes in anticipation :yes

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Happy Friday, everyone. :)


Linda ~ It sounds like Kim was definitely ready to be home...and the dogs were ready to have her back! :manyheart You must have lots to catch up on - take care of you, too. :yes


Valerie ~ Oh, sorry about the internet issues. :( It's so frustrating and phones are sure not user friendly for posting! What is the Heartwarming Fans you're working on? :think My memory doesn't always work right. :lol


Marisa ~ 31 x40 is a good lapghan size - I guess it just depends on how you like it! If you do, then I'm sure the recipient will, too. :manyheart I hope your cold goes away soon. :hug


Hi to everyone at the House!


It's warm and drizzling with thunderstorms in the forecast for later. I'm staying in today. Need to spend time at my desk, but would rather crochet. :hook

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'morning, peeps!

I'm raring to go this AM....I have a touch up appt today but before that I'll be browsing in B&N and Michaels.:D I'm off to check my small stash and see what colors I want to use. I have a ton of black, so that may be the MC...the rest...hmmm...not sure...

Have fun yarn shopping!:yarn


Morning all

Quick drop in just to say howdy . Off to the store. Gotta load up on Cam's favorites since he'll be coming after school .

Nice and sunny out today. Something tells me it won't FEEL as warm as it looks ,but we shall see .

Will check back in later .

Will he be spending the night? Luke was going to be here tonight, but with DH's horrible cold we decided it wasn't a good idea. DD was able to get a babysitter, though.

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Hi folks

Back again .


Mint oreos X

Mint ice cream(YEK) X

Seashell Mac & Cheese X

Salad ,ranch dressing X

Cottage Cheese (YEK) X

Broccoli soup ingredients X

String Cheese X

Pringles X

Cheez-Its X

Sprite X



Not sure of Cam's plans regarding the whole weekend. He said he might go spend some time with Mike's son this weekend (who is a little younger than Cam) ,so not sure how long he will be staying.

A couple weekends back, we had him here 3 days in a row ,but took him home 3 times between all that. He spent time here, then home, then here again,then home,so it's usually not a set list of rules . We don't know til he gets here exactly what is up . It's not quite as entertaining here as it once was. He is older and wants to spend most of his time playing video games or computer games . I tried for so long to keep him doing other stuff ,but it's at the point now that other stuff is boring to him .

He DID say he might bring up his Dr. Dreadful Lab and make me some Zombie Brains . I'd really rather pass on EATING them,but they are apparently Edible ..



Hope you can kick that cold today.no fun feeling crappy . I'd say the afghan could be called a THROW at that size,so it's up to you if you want it larger or not. If not, I'd try putting a real wide type border to give it more inches in each direction .




Kim sounds thrilled to be home . What a quick,serious illness ,then she bounces back so quick .She is made out of good stuff .




That's a ripoff about the super bowl. I agree, go to a restaurant type place that has it on and watch it there if you guys want to . We had something sort of along that line here a couple years back. The local tv stations wouldn't show any of the Browns games,so if you didnt have cable you couldnt see them.

Oddly, nobody really cared much . Probably because our town PeeWee team plays better .



Dont you hate when your computer is messed up ? You get so addicted to these things that you go stir crazy without one .



Hey to Joanne, Amy and Judy and anyone else I missed . Hope you all have a good sunshiney weekend coming up ! It's beautiful here. cold,but the sun and blue skies look so good .

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Thanks Mary and Julie, I really do not want to make any more of these squares. It's horrible to get to the end and think about having more to do :think Plus, this was one of those year long WIP's :lol

Then I say, Wrap It Up and get rid of it! :hook

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Internet is up for the moment...don't know how long.


Julie - Have fun with Cam and whatever time he has for you. They grow up so fast.


Linda - Sounds like Kim and the dogs are in Heaven.


Marisa - I hope your cold is better. I'm the same way about having to make extra squares after I get to the end.


Judy - I hope you found some goodies during your shopping trip.


Mary - Sometimes technology stinks:D. The Heartwarming fans ghan is in LA's "A Year of Afghans" Book 3. It's a combination of shells and V stitches and it has a vine of hearts at each end of the afghan. It's an old book!


BBL. I hope!

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Thanks Miss Tab

I would expect the older boys to not take much interest in a new baby .They usually have bigger fish to fry during those years .

Cam does pretty good with his toddler-aged sister,although he sometimes gets a little frustrated with her when she messes up all his stuff ,but I think that's pretty common .

There's a big age gap between them,so he doesnt really play with her much or anything, but he is a good big brother for the most part .

How are you feeling,any better today ?


I'm sure Jaden will be like that with Elijah too as soon as he is old enough to touch his things. :lol I'm feeling good, thanks. :manyheart


Hi Tabby! Thank you for the birthday wishes. Aww, that is so sweet about Jaden holding Elijah. :c9 Is he eating and sleeping a lot? I hope you're feeling better and getting stronger each day. :manyheart


He is colicky, so he gets in these moods where he's fussy for approx. 4-6 hours staright AND it always seems to be when we want to sleep at 3 a.m. :eek I am feeling better, thank you. :manyheart


Good morning, everyone. With luck we will be heading out of here at some point today. My guess is it won't be until mid to late afternoon. Yesterday was a very good day, busy, but good. This morning she was showing off her "boo boo" where they drew blood this morning the minute her mom and I walked in the door. She didn't want any breakfast, but finally consented to eat part of a slice of French toast with butter and syrup on it. She's back to wanting her normal food. NOT hospital food.


John took off for work dressed in jeans and a Sesame Street shirt. Today is "team" day in honor of the Super Bowl this weekend. When we get the go ahead to go home, he'll be here with bells on.



Hi, Tabby. Sounds like pretty normal behavior for boys. Girls would probably be making more of a fuss over Elijah. But boys, especially older boys, not cool. Glad things are improving. Is the edema going away yet? Hope so. :hug :hug :hug


Hope everyone has a good day. :manyheart We've got sunshine with a few clouds and warm temps.


The edema is gone, my feet are feet again. :lol Enjoy the warm weather & sunshine. :yes:manyheart

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Hello everyone. Much busier day at work today. Still odd weather here, not really warm, but certainly warm for February.


I think we are going to go out for dinner tonight. I could cook something, but dh really wants to go out. I"m hoping he wants Chinese, but he has been hinting about going to the Rio Grande. (I'm not crazy about their food, too much pepper.)


Julie, have fun with Cam, for however long he is there. Its nice that he still wants to come visit, despite getting older.


Val, hope your internet issues are resolved soon. I can't post much from my phone either.


Linda, sounds like Kim is doing very well. She must be a very strong lady.


Tab, glad you are feeling better. Hope Elijah's colic doesn't last long.


Joanne, hope you don't have to work at all this weekend, you need some time for yourself.

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Thanks Mary and Julie, I really do not want to make any more of these squares. It's horrible to get to the end and think about having more to do :think Plus, this was one of those year long WIP's :lol

It is lapghan size....maybe you can just work some rows of hdc around it?? It'll still make a nice throw on the back of a chair!

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Oh - my Bernat CAL colors are from my stash...some are Caron Pounders: MC is black, then I have a vivd purple, purple and lavender, with Cream (or off white:think) as a contrast

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Taby, I'm glad your feet are back to being feet. That was starting to be an issue with my DD, but didn't get as far as yours.


Oh - my Bernat CAL colors are from my stash...some are Caron Pounders: MC is black, then I have a vivd purple, purple and lavender, with Cream (or off white:think) as a contrast

That sounds like a stunning combination of colors, Judy. Of course, I'm pretty fond of purple myself. :lol :lol :lol


We've had a pretty normal day, all things considered. She did nap more than normal, but that's to be expected. The visiting health nurse for PT came out today to do an assessment. I mainly wanted to see if we were missing anything. He had one minor change to suggest, but otherwise said that we were doing a great job. Always nice to hear from a professional. :manyheart So we will be keeping on keeping on. I'm impressed with how well she's done after such a long time on bedrest. :clap

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Good evening, everyone. We're under a severe storm watch, so the flashlights are out just in case. This is more like our weather in Spring and early Summer!


Cindy ~ I vote for Chinese! :wink


Tabby ~ Aww, colic can be so hard - probably worse for you than for the baby. :hug I'm so glad the swelling has gone down and that you can see your feet again!


Judy ~ Oooh, your colors will be wonderful together. :yarn I hope you had a good time shopping and getting your hair done.


Linda ~ Yay for a good first day back home. :clap


Valerie ~ The pattern sounds lovely...looking forward to pictures. :)


DH came home about 2 and has been resting/asleep. I have my veggie soup warming on the stove. Have a good evening!

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Hi all,

I worked till 7 tonight- but am NOT going in this weekend. I decided to just stay and get a few things done! I"m tired and will probably just read a little tonight- I'll have more energy to post more in the AM


Oh, and Go REd for Women Day is sponsored by the American Heart Assoc to bring awareness about Heart disease in women! I wore my Giants jersey that my DD and SIL gave me with a long sleeve tee underneath it(In RED)

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Joanne - I'm glad you're going to get some time off this weekend.


Tab - I'm glad your feet are okay!


Cindy - I hope you get to eat Chinese.


Mary - I'm going to try to finish it before the Bernat Mystery CAL starts.


Judy - Great colors!


Linda - Don't forget to take care of YOU!


Good night all. See you guys tomorrow.

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Cindy ~ I vote for Chinese! :wink




DH came home about 2 and has been resting/asleep. I have my veggie soup warming on the stove. Have a good evening!


It was Chinese. We visited with the inlaws for an hour or so after dinner. They were so pleased to have us drop by. They are not quite housebound, but the colder weather tends to keep them indoors.


Mary, hope that some rest helps your dh feel better. Soup sounds like it will hit the spot for him.

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Good morning all!


I ended up going to sleep after reading about 8 pages! Now I'm ready to tackle the day! Hoping to get some things done early in the morning and then work on the RR (ie. finish the RR). Tonight I'm babysitting!!! Can't wait!!! That smile of his just melts my heart!!!


Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!

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'morning, peeps!

Sunny and cold this morning...but I like it:)


That sounds like a stunning combination of colors, Judy. Of course, I'm pretty fond of purple myself. :lol :lol :lol

Thanks! When I bought the black and bright purple a while back I was thinking RR....but I think this mystery cal should make the colors, esp with the contrast, really pop:hook

We've had a pretty normal day, all things considered. She did nap more than normal, but that's to be expected. The visiting health nurse for PT came out today to do an assessment. I mainly wanted to see if we were missing anything. He had one minor change to suggest, but otherwise said that we were doing a great job. Always nice to hear from a professional. :manyheart So we will be keeping on keeping on. I'm impressed with how well she's done after such a long time on bedrest. :clap

Kim is amazing!! She's also a testament to great medical care....both in the hospital and at home.:yes


Judy ~ Oooh, your colors will be wonderful together. :yarn I hope you had a good time shopping and getting your hair done.


Thanks...I hope so! I ended up not having time to shop, which is fine. I'll save that for when I'm not pressed for time. But the hairdresser did a perfect job on my color and had a suggestion on how best to style my hair while it grows out (yup, again:lol). She sees it ending up back at shoulder length with the layers in soft curls. She'll keep it under control by texturing it and keeping the layers on the side shorter.

This is totally what I was envisioning and a style I wore many years ago. It suits my hair.:D


DH came home about 2 and has been resting/asleep. I have my veggie soup warming on the stove. Have a good evening!

Oh, I LOVE soup! Is he OK? Or just tired?


Tonight I'm babysitting!!!Oh, that's such a sacrifice for you:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

Can't wait!!! That smile of his just melts my heart!!!


Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!

My heart melts when my neighbor's baby smiles at me...I can't imagine the feeling when it's a grandchild!


Hi to Cindy, Jules, and all my friends. Have a good day!


I have the baby shower this AM...a "sprinke" really, since it's the aforementioned neighbor's 2nd baby...I made a fruit salad to bring:D


Later, gators!

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Hi everyone!


Cindy ~ I hope the Chinese was very good! Do you have a few days off now?


Joanne ~ Have a wonderful time with little Ryan tonight. :c9 I haven't seen Luke since Sunday and that may be a record.


Judy ~ Have fun at the baby shower! DH has (we think) a really bad cold. The guy he shares an office with has been sick for 2 weeks and keeps coming to work. :( He asked for my chicken and dumplings, so I guess it's off to the store again. :lol


Looks like we'll be in for the weekend, which means crochet time for me. I finished one "fishy" washcloth and started another last night. They are so easy and cute! Then there is the RR and scarf, too...:hook


Thankfully, the storms missed us and it's colder and sunny today. :)

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Good morning. Off today and tomorrow, so laundry is going and some housework will have to happen as well.


Dh suggested barbecuing for dinner, so I have pork chops marinating. However, it is pretty cold, maybe it will warm up. Otherwise, I guess Dh will be cold while cooking.

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Good morning friends. It's gloomy, cold, and overcast today. Rosie's John and I went out to breakfast at Golden Corral this morning while she was taking the granddaughters to a show at the high school. Now it's back home and time to tackle the downstairs again. Between one thing and another it's been quite a while.


Wonderful house!

Hi, kitson. :hi Are you going to join us? We'd love to have you. :welcome Welcome to Crochetville.

Good morning all!


I ended up going to sleep after reading about 8 pages! Now I'm ready to tackle the day! Hoping to get some things done early in the morning and then work on the RR (ie. finish the RR). Tonight I'm babysitting!!! Can't wait!!! That smile of his just melts my heart!!!


Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!

Oh, have a wonderful time with Ryan.


Hi everyone!


I haven't seen Luke since Sunday and that may be a record.


DH has (we think) a really bad cold. The guy he shares an office with has been sick for 2 weeks and keeps coming to work. :( He asked for my chicken and dumplings, so I guess it's off to the store again. :lol


Looks like we'll be in for the weekend, which means crochet time for me. I finished one "fishy" washcloth and started another last night. They are so easy and cute! Then there is the RR and scarf, too...:hook


Thankfully, the storms missed us and it's colder and sunny today. :)

Oh, good grief! :eek You're going to go into Luke withdrawal! :eek Hope DH gets to feeling better soon.


Hi, to everyone else. Hope you have a good day. :hug

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