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Our House Part Two


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'morning, peeps!:)


I have to run out in a minute...


I'm going to attempt to embroider on the NY logo tonight. We'll see how that goes!:lol

Look up the chain stitch in embroidery. That's what I used to monogram the last baby ghan and it was super easy!

Good morning. Heading for the hospital and another day with Kim. Have a great day. We've got a spectacular sunrise going on at the moment.

The benefit of gettin up early:c9


Have a good day everyone! BBL!

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Good morning everyone. Bright and sunny out there today, which shows off all the dust I've got collected inside!! My big plan for the day is to grocery shop. I've made a list, just have to get moving.


Marlene, hope you get the car back soon, and that it is completely done this time.


Val, I think we should get back to work on those afghans. How about if we start slow and try to finish two squares this week? I have several of the 53 squares afghan books and I am mixing and matching my squares from all the books.


Joanne, congrats on the scarf finish. Good luck with the logo. And I'm glad you made it to craft club. You've been awfully busy since the beginning of the year.

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Good Morning, House. :waving I have officially read through all the posts since Saturday. :D


Julie ~ Oh, it sounds like a wonderful birthday! I'm so glad Cam was able to come over. Just having Luke here was the best present of all. :)


Linda ~ What great news about Kim possibly coming home tomorrow! She has done so well...and you are amazing! The hospital staff knows she will be in good hands. :yes:manyheart


Shannon ~ So sorry about your ankle. :hug I hope you get the new job! :)


There is no way I can say everything I want to this a.m. - so I'll just say a big HI to everyone for now.


I have to leave by 9 and will be back mid-afternoon. Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I worked another square last night and started the 11th last night too :clap That's about all the exciting news for now.


Linda - Great report on Kim :hug:yay Good idea putting your appointments off until next month for the sake of Kim and since they were routine anyway.


Cindy and Amy - The weather here is crazy too. Yesterday morning there was a light dusting of snow and ice and today it will be pushing 60! :eek Amazing for this time of year.


Marlene - Sorry about your car, I wonder why they didn't call your cell :think I can't believe they missed a dent :eek On the upside, WTG on your valentine hearts :clap


Joanne - Great job on your scarf and I'm sure you'll get the embroidery done to it, I can't wait to see :yes


Shannon - I hope your ankle is doing a bit better today :hug How are your blocks coming?


Mary and Judy - :hi

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Good morning, afternoon everybody,


It's a beautiful day today. I'm still working on the RR from the 2012 Gift CAL and I'm 1/3 of the way on Cindy's afghan (I just couldn't resist) in Honeydew. My goal is to complete it TODAY!! I didn't work on the Heartwarming fan ghan...maybe I'll do a few rows after completing the Peek a boo.


Cindy - I'm still lifting your parents up in prayer. I hope your enjoy your days off. I think that is a good idea (2 squares a week on the 63 square afghan).


Julie - I'm glad you had a good birthday and also got the best present of all "Cam."


Marlene - Sorry about your car. Have fun decorating with your hearts. The news here said that gas would continue to go up because of the closing of several refineries.


Shannon - I hope you've gotten the job. Praying that your ankle feels better soon!


Linda - Hope your day is going well at the hospital with Kim. Kim and John are blessed to have such a rare gem as yourself.


Joanne - Congrats on the scarf and I'm glad you made it to craft club. I'm thinking of moving back home to Alabama later this year. I think starting a craft club is something I would like to do.


Amy - I'm glad you got some enjoyable weather.


Mary, Judy - Hope you get everything done.


Marisa - Great job on getting your squares done!


Trish - Have a great day!

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Hi ladies

Late check in ,but at least I made it . We are having the great sunshine here too. Looks so good for January . Bright blue skies,and no coat !


Not much new to report here . Payday so the usual errands, etc,but they are all done,so nothing more that needs done now .


I had my labwork yesterday for my kidney guy next Monday. You oughta see my arm ! Good grief, it has never looked this bad,and the lady got it so fast ,didnt hurt at all. Just very odd that it looks like this. It's a HUGE welt,and black and blue about the size of a 50 cent piece .


I am scheduled in 2 weeks to go to another rheumatologist. Pretty scarey,but you eventually don't even care if it's scarey, you just wanna feel better .


Not much else new here ,except I found the coolest cross stitch page,tons of freebie patterns. I think it may be another language--some of the wording looks like it and some in english ,but the patterns are SO pretty , I may end up picking my cross stitch back up. These pattterns look much easier than the ones I was doing with the gazillion color changes every couple of stitches . These can be done all in one color of you want,and are also good for filet doilies from what the page says.

I'll put a link here in case anyone is interested .


(all links on left )


You all have a good day .

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Hi Cindy

I like the3 ones done in squares .Such really neat designs. The 4 seasons would look neat of you picked one specific color for each season maybe ,like some type fall color --orange,or browns, golds...

Winter could maybe be blue for snow or maybe red and green type colors for Christmas , spring could be pretty Easter-type pastels maybe,then summer ? I'm not sure, maybe bright beach type colors, or red white and blue .. That would take come thinking .

They are all pretty though .

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Well ladies, I'm meeting a guy from the online thing tonight :eek I must be crazy!!! Yes, I'll be very careful!!! :yes I'll let you know how it goes when I get back tomorrow. I must say though, this is quite nerve racking.



I'm sure you know all this stuff,so forgive me for sounding like a grumpy little old lady .

Rules for meeting an online person :

1- Meet in a busy restaurant with LOTS of people .:yes

2- Bring a friend who will spy from another table to keep an eye on you,even if you get brave enough to get up and walk out the door with the guy to get in your OWN car, have them get up and follow you . :sher

3-Have a weapon . Gun, knife or metal ballbat .:tryme

4-Don't be afraid to SWING the ball bat if need be.

5-Wear a whistle for a necklace. If he lays one paw on you,blow the whistle until the little ball-doohickey pops out of it . :yell

6-If you have ever learned karate or TaiKwon Do, practice your moves before you leave.:box

7-Wear pants so you can do some CROTCH KICKS if you need to. That'd be hard in a skirt .

8-Look him in the eyes. If he has shifty eyes, he's either a pirate,an outlaw or a gang member . Tell him you're going to the bathroom,then climb out the window to your car . :scared

9-Have your cell phone on 911 so all you have to do is press the button to call for help . :phone

10-If he wants to take you to his place to look at his artwork ? NOPE ,tell him you are too smart to fall for THAT stunt . :gallery

11-If you are friends with a cop, ask him to be on standby out in the parking lot .

12-Don't tell him your address ,work address ,or any other info that he might follow you or show up unexpected. :2nono

13-If all the above things fail,and he kidnaps you, rip a button off your shirt and jam it in where his car keys go,so he can't get the car to start.

(If you have a cop out in the lot, ask him to SIPHON all the guy's gas out while you are meeting him)

14-If he gets you in his car,blow your whistle and scream til you pop a blood vessel so someone will hear you .

15-Ask him if he is related to Jeffrey Dahmer. You THINK he is buying you supper. YOU might BE the supper if he is Jeff's cousin or brother .:fork

16-If he happens to be SAFE, try not to look surprised if he tells you online that he is an NFL player and works out 3 hours a day, then he shows up looking like the midget in the circus . :juggle

17-If he sounds too good to be true, he is .

18- Talk about G-rated stuff like old people like me would talk about.

For example : What's your favorite Disney movie ?

19-If he is OGLING other body parts when your are across the table, do the bathroom escape described on line 8.

20 -Good luck . I hope you like him and it works out perfectly . If he has a brain the size of a chickpea, he will see that he has struck GOLD when he meets you ,and we'll all be talking wedding dress colors after an appropriate time limit has gone by . :D


** I'm just kidding with all this,no offense intended. Just be REALLY careful .

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Well ladies, I'm meeting a guy from the online thing tonight :eek I must be crazy!!! Yes, I'll be very careful!!! :yes I'll let you know how it goes when I get back tomorrow. I must say though, this is quite nerve racking.

I hope it works out, please be really careful! I'm sure you ahve thought about the possibilities and will make sure that you stay safe. (please don't be offended, I just care about you.) I see Julie has offered you all the advice that you could possible need!!:lol


That said, I have a co-worker who met her dh via an on-line dating site, so I know it can work.

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Hi Cindy

I like the3 ones done in squares .Such really neat designs. The 4 seasons would look neat of you picked one specific color for each season maybe ,like some type fall color --orange,or browns, golds...

Winter could maybe be blue for snow or maybe red and green type colors for Christmas , spring could be pretty Easter-type pastels maybe,then summer ? I'm not sure, maybe bright beach type colors, or red white and blue .. That would take come thinking .

They are all pretty though .

Still perusing the patterns and don't think I have seen those yet.

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Still perusing the patterns and don't think I have seen those yet.


Yea, they are all listed by category on the left under Tante Zolder's charts I think it says. Must be the person's name ? I dont know what language that would be. Do you think it sounds like maybe Dutch or some such language ?

It'd actually be interesting to do up some of the squares and somehow connect them all together ,kinda like a cross stitch quilt top. Not sure if it'd be do-able with cross stitch material,and not sure if you sewed it together if it'd fray out or something .

She does have a few charts done like a quilt ,with several patterns all on one, made into their own squares .

It also might be a neat thing to do like a stitch-along or round robin cross stitch type thing .

Lots of possibilities I think .

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Wow, Cindy

That's really interesting ! Good guess on my part,coming from a PODUNK town like this ,all we know is hillbilly . I took Latin in school,but it really didnt do much for me regarding any other languages and how to tell which is which .

So does your ancestry have people who are blonde, grow beautiful tulips (maybe that's your love of flowers) , do you have any really old photos of the grandparents or earlier that might have the dutch dresses with the aprons and wooden shoes, or am I thinking of the wrong area ?

And isn't one of the towns in your state kinda -like honoring the dutch traditions, with all the tulips,etc ? What's the place I'm thinking of ? I think my parents went there once on a trip long ago .

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Wow, Cindy

That's really interesting ! Good guess on my part,coming from a PODUNK town like this ,all we know is hillbilly . I took Latin in school,but it really didnt do much for me regarding any other languages and how to tell which is which .

So does your ancestry have people who are blonde, grow beautiful tulips (maybe that's your love of flowers) , do you have any really old photos of the grandparents or earlier that might have the dutch dresses with the aprons and wooden shoes, or am I thinking of the wrong area ?

And isn't one of the towns in your state kinda -like honoring the dutch traditions, with all the tulips,etc ? What's the place I'm thinking of ? I think my parents went there once on a trip long ago .



Actually, the only pictures that showed any traditional dress at all were the ones in which my Grandparents wore wooden shoes. I think they were mostly just for show, but they were easy to slip on to go get the mail or something like that, so they got worn once in a while.


My mom is a blue eyed blonde, but my Dad is very dark skinned with black hair and dark brown eyes.


And yes, Holland, Michigan has an annual Tulip festival with Dutch dancers in traditional costumes, a big parade and all sorts of Dutch food. (I'm ashamed to admit that Holland is about 45 minutes from here and that I've only gone once.) I think there is also a city in Iowa that has a Dutch festival of some sort.

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That's really interesting. It'd be neat to have family from such a neat area . I'd think the wooden shoes would be uncomfortable,but maybe they aren't .


Yep,and Holland is the town I was trying to remember --all the tulips and such . I remember my parents showing me photos of the flowers and all when they were there. It was very pretty .

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Hi, ladies!


Well ladies, I'm meeting a guy from the online thing tonight :eek I must be crazy!!! Yes, I'll be very careful!!! :yes I'll let you know how it goes when I get back tomorrow. I must say though, this is quite nerve racking.

Be careful, hon!:hug

I had my labwork yesterday for my kidney guy next Monday. You oughta see my arm ! Good grief, it has never looked this bad,and the lady got it so fast ,didnt hurt at all. Just very odd that it looks like this. It's a HUGE welt,and black and blue about the size of a 50 cent piece .

Did you ice it?

I am scheduled in 2 weeks to go to another rheumatologist. Pretty scarey,but you eventually don't even care if it's scarey, you just wanna feel better .

That's for sure - you just want answers and some help!

Not much else new here ,except I found the coolest cross stitch page,tons of freebie patterns. I think it may be another language--some of the wording looks like it and some in english ,but the patterns are SO pretty , I may end up picking my cross stitch back up. These pattterns look much easier than the ones I was doing with the gazillion color changes every couple of stitches . These can be done all in one color of you want,and are also good for filet doilies from what the page says.

I'll put a link here in case anyone is interested .


(all links on left )


You all have a good day .

That's a great site! And the seasonal ones are in French!


It was a busy day for me today - tomorrow should be slower:lol


Have a great night everyone!:hug:manyheart

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Hi again. :) Glad to be home and looking forward to crocheting this evening! DH will be gone until Thursday evening...more crochet time for me. :lol


Valerie ~ It's so good to have you back with us. Cindy's pattern in Honeydew will be so pretty!


Cindy and Valerie ~ If you need cheerleaders for your square 'ghan, we're here! :devil:cheer


Trish ~ Sending you lots of hugs. :hug You've had so much going on for quite a while and it must be overwhelming sometimes. :manyheart


Marisa ~ I can't wait to hear about your date! Good luck! :manyheart


Cindy ~ Any news about your dad? I hope he's doing okay. :yes


Julie ~ Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do with the cross-stitch! Are you having fun with your new Kindle? DH loves his nook tablet and I'm so pleased. The font size choices are just what he needs right now and we're having fun finding new books.


Hi to the rest of the House, too. I'd better do some laundry and chores, so I can crochet this evening. :)

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Cindy ~ Yes, there is a Tulip festival in Pella, Iowa each year! My parents both went to Central College in Pella and I had two aunts who lived there. We lived in Des Moines, but I remember loving to go there as a child. :)

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Julie- those cross-stitch patterns are really cool!!!


Judy- Thanks for the idea of the chain stitch embroidery. I googled how to embroider letters on crochet- and a you tube video was found!!!


Linda- Hope Kim was continuing to do well today- and that you got some more answers from her test results on what the plan will be!


Val- Where in AL would you be going to? My step-daughter lives in Phenix City.


Marisa- WTG on the squares! You're going to have that sunflower afghan done pretty soon!!!!


Mary- How was the rest of your day?


I'm off to attempt these letters.

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