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Our House Part Two


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Just a quick drop by to say hello, can't stay long, not allowed.


Eye surgery went well. He did find some damage had been done and cleaned and repaired as much as he could. Put a gas bubble behind retina (which is causing me a great deal of aggravation when the waves begin) and have to look at floor most of the time. Have three different scripts for eye drops that I put in 4 times a day. Best part I CAN SEE! Fuzzy and bubble waves but I CAN SEE! Now just have to continue the healing and the bubble needs to dissolve and see how much and how clear the sight will be. I'm thinking it will be back to normal soon.


Need to get off now. Will drop in when I can. Have a LOT of catching up to do.


Love, hugs, prayers and angels for all

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Hello everyone. Had a great day at work today. It's a little cool here, but nice and sunny. The weather forecast was for cold and rain, so this is a nice surprise.

Marisa and Joanne, hope your days went well also.


Julie, its good to hear from you. Happy belated birthday to Cam.


Toni, glad the eye surgery is over. Hope your recovery goes smoothly, and your vision is much improved when the healing period is over.


Kiyo, nice to hear from you as well. Sounds like you had a fun weekend.


Mary, I recently used a skein of Vannas, and within the first 25 feet there were thre knots. I found that really annoying. I would've rather they ahd shorted me those 25 feet. (I frogged back to the beginning of the skein anyhow)


Marlene, its sweet that your dh misses you.


Dusti, it sounds like your weekend was also very busy. All those things you planted have my mouth watering. I love fresh veggies. We had frost warning last night, so I'm glad we haven't gotten around to planting anything.


Wrennie, just wanted to tell you that we have had a bunch of indigo buntings visiting this week. I got pictures, but I took them with dh's camera, and I don't know how to get them out of the camera and onto my computer.

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Hiya everyone, just stopping in for a sec to say hello. :cheer My darling grandbabies as well as myself have come down with some type of virus that has us throwing up and going to the bathroom. I'm feeling a little better today but the baby had to go to the hospital last night for he didn't have much urine out put. He also has an ear infection. He's doing a little better today and I'm feeling a little better as well just not eating much. :eek I have to shake this for friday I'm on my way to Maryland for my women's retreat. Well got to get back into bed and rest up some more. Will talk to you all real soon. :hug

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Quick post- but want to say It's great to see a post from you Julie!!! Glad that Cam had a wonderful birthday!!!! It's been raining here- and supposed to be all week but last week was gorgeous- that is until the weekend came when I can actually enjoy weather and it wasn't so great!


Dusti- The food you made for the 'workers' sounds delicious- you are quite the cook and glad that you now have leftovers- I can't wait to see your projects!!!


Kiyo- Sounds like a great, busy weekend for you!!!! Congrats to Aree's team on the game and let us know the results of the dance competition. Enjoy the last few days with your Aussie friends


Linda- A normal, routine kind of day is nice- especially when it is gray and damp outside!! Did you make any more progress on your quilt?


Mary1- Hope all went well with your appt and with DH's!!!


Toni- Great to see a post from you--heal up and I'm so happy that you can see!!! Hugs


Cindy-Work was work- I couldn't wait to leave today!!!


Marlene- It sure does sound like DH misses you!!! A few days spent with him would probably be good!!


Judy-So depressing out with the misty rain- how does Heidi like going outside in this weather?


Cheeria- Hope you all feel better really soon!!!


Wrennie- maybe the rain will be gone before the garage sale this weekend!


Off to grab dinner.

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Good morning!


Mary- what can I say other than Wow- SBT#20!!!! I just finished #7 last night---


Hugs to all who need them....thinking of you Tammy- How's Michael? You? DH?


It's another bad hair day here today-in other words, rainy and grey---at least the grey in my hair will be gone tonight since I have my hair appt after work!


See you later!

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Good morning ladies :hi


No crafting for me last night :eek We did our boscov's trip so already have 2 out of the way for the week and will do the third on wednesday. Came home and watched dwts stars upstairs and had a bite to eat. At work yesterday, I spent the day searching listings and talking with different agents from the same company. I have an appt with 1 guy to see 2 different places on friday morning at 11, so will be planning to leave my place by 5 am :eek I don't want to get a late start and am hoping to get a few more in for that day. Have more calls to make today. So, shhhhhhh!!!!!! I'm really not allowed to use the internet at work and have to log into the external server to do so....but it's late to do this stuff by the time I get home and why not use that time to my advantage :think I just keep saying, what's he gonna do, fire me? :think:shrug Bad outlook I guess, but there just aren't enough hours in a day otherwise :no


Am getting ready to head up for my workout, and am really pushing myself this morning :eek


Linda - How's the quilting coming along?


Wrennie - What are you working on today?


Judy - Any new stories with Heidi and Sparkie? Is Heidi getting better about staying in bed? :lol


Mary2 - Another SBT, huh? :eek WTG :h5


Marlene - :yay for Paytons soccer win. And what is Agent Orange at the VA?


Mary1 - How did dh's eye appointment go yesterday? And your appt?


Dusti - :yay for dh and his buddy finishing the floors in a weekend. And how sweet of you to take care of them while they do so :hug I think you and I are alot alike :think Acutally, I think I can say that of the group of ladies here and is probably why we all get along so well and are 'drawn' to each other :think


Kiyo - :yay for Aree winning both games. How did the dance competition pan out? How much longer are your friends there for? And yep, getting together with a group of old friends that you don't get to see is usually and whirlwind of laughter :rofl When will you get to see bf again? And I agree on the yard issue, 2x/week is insane!!!! Can you pay a neighbor boy to do it cheap maybe :think Even once a week to cut yourself down to once a week :think


Julie - Glad to see ya back there sweetie :hug Was worried, yet not worried about you if that makes sense. Not worried because I know you just like to do things your way and take your time for yourself, but on the other hand you were gone an extra long time this time :hug Hope you're feeling better and got some much needed relief. I does help to just detach :yes Glad to hear that Cam enjoyed his bday and oh boy! a trampoline? I'm sure you got pics. I know what you mean about him being able to make you smile :yes When I'm having a particularly bad day, my nephews can always brighten it even when nobody else can :yes:manyheart


Toni - So glad to hear from you young lady :hug Been waiting patiently for your return and keeping prayers coming your way for your recovery :hug


Cindy - My day was also a good one at work yesterday, thanks :hug It was a little busy and I did alot of my own stuff (that I shouldn't have been doing, but oh well :shrug:lol ) How's everyone doing over there?


Cheeria - :hug :hug I hope you and the grandbabies feel better quickly and especially you for the weekend. Have fun!!!!


Joanne - :yay for finishing another sbt I still need to get going on #3 so I can send it to Toni, I'm hoping to do at least 2 to send :xfin But time is not on my side right now :( The little bit of time I'm getting to craft, I've been working on my sweater, but even with that, I'm only on the 2nd sleeve and only had the time on saturday when I sat here with my parents. Hopefully I'll have some time tonight, but I've also volunteered to test a pattern for turtlelvr, so we'll see what tonight brings....hmmmmmm but I can always use the testing one to send too :think

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Good morning, gang. We've got partial sun and partial clouds today. We didn't get any of the forecasted rain, but it sure looked like we would at one point.


Rosie and her John are getting ready to make a trip to Colorado later this week, so I'll be watching Tillie, their furbaby, while they are gone.


I got one of the corner squares done on the quilt yesterday and part of one of the side panels, too. I really like how the corner square turned out. I did decide to do the next side panel differently from this one. It'll give the same effect, just a different method of achieving it. So far I'm on track to finish on time.


Just a quick drop by to say hello, can't stay long, not allowed.


Eye surgery went well. He did find some damage had been done and cleaned and repaired as much as he could. Put a gas bubble behind retina (which is causing me a great deal of aggravation when the waves begin) and have to look at floor most of the time. Have three different scripts for eye drops that I put in 4 times a day. Best part I CAN SEE! Fuzzy and bubble waves but I CAN SEE! Now just have to continue the healing and the bubble needs to dissolve and see how much and how clear the sight will be. I'm thinking it will be back to normal soon.

Oh, Toni, I'm so glad to hear that things are going well. :hug :hug :hug

Hiya everyone, just stopping in for a sec to say hello. :cheer My darling grandbabies as well as myself have come down with some type of virus that has us throwing up and going to the bathroom. I'm feeling a little better today but the baby had to go to the hospital last night for he didn't have much urine out put. He also has an ear infection. He's doing a little better today and I'm feeling a little better as well just not eating much. :eek I have to shake this for friday I'm on my way to Maryland for my women's retreat. Well got to get back into bed and rest up some more. Will talk to you all real soon. :hug

:hug :hug :hug Hope you and the grandbabies get to feeling better very quickly.


Hope everyone has a great day today. :manyheart Catch you all later. :manyheart

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'morning, peeps!:)


Hiya everyone, just stopping in for a sec to say hello. :cheer My darling grandbabies as well as myself have come down with some type of virus that has us throwing up and going to the bathroom. I'm feeling a little better today but the baby had to go to the hospital last night for he didn't have much urine out put. He also has an ear infection. He's doing a little better today and I'm feeling a little better as well just not eating much. :eek I have to shake this for friday I'm on my way to Maryland for my women's retreat. Well got to get back into bed and rest up some more. Will talk to you all real soon. :hug

I hope you feel better soon!:hug:manyheart

Judy-So depressing out with the misty rain- how does Heidi like going outside in this weather?

Funny you should mention that...last night was okay but when Heidi felt the torrent this morning when it was time for her second trip out and I had to drag her out...and then she just sat there and stared up at me, looking so bredraggled...:lol

At work yesterday, I spent the day searching listings and talking with different agents from the same company. I have an appt with 1 guy to see 2 different places on friday morning at 11, so will be planning to leave my place by 5 am :eek I don't want to get a late start and am hoping to get a few more in for that day. Have more calls to make today. So, shhhhhhh!!!!!! I'm really not allowed to use the internet at work and have to log into the external server to do so....but it's late to do this stuff by the time I get home and why not use that time to my advantage :think I just keep saying, what's he gonna do, fire me? :think:shrug Bad outlook I guess, but there just aren't enough hours in a day otherwise :no good for you! good luck with the search:hug


Judy - Any new stories with Heidi and Sparkie? Is Heidi getting better about staying in bed? :lol

The pillow mountain keeps her in the bed...and she likes laying down and putting her back against them.;)


The pups tug on the same toy - outside playing only, for now. Sparkie still flips her onto her side or back and Heidi lets him check her out before popping up, ready for more. Seeing her chase after Sparkie, running on her little legs, is such fun to watch!

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Funny you should mention that...last night was okay but when Heidi felt the torrent this morning when it was time for her second trip out and I had to drag her out...and then she just sat there and stared up at me, looking so bredraggled...:lol




Moose (4.5lbs) doesn't like rain..which is ok since we live in high desert, but a few days ago it was RAINING. On the back patio there is a cement mixing tub that is his potty box in winter. The grass in the back goes directly to orchard and it quite long. He took one look at that rain and popped into his box to do his duty and back in the house. As soon as it quit raining again he was willing to go back out into the orchard.

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Moose (4.5lbs) doesn't like rain..which is ok since we live in high desert, but a few days ago it was RAINING. On the back patio there is a cement mixing tub that is his potty box in winter. The grass in the back goes directly to orchard and it quite long. He took one look at that rain and popped into his box to do his duty and back in the house. As soon as it quit raining again he was willing to go back out into the orchard.

That's funny!:lol:lol:lol


I gave Heidi a washcloth to chew on this AM - I wet it, squeezed it out and froze it for her. Kept her busy for quite a while!

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Melon Tote

Beautiful tote, Mary. :clap :clap :clap


1/4 of the squares within squares is now done. 2 hours straight is too much at once though. My back doesn't want to bend now. :eek I guess that means it's break time. :lol

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Hello everyone, Horrendously busy day at work today. I'm off until Saturday now. Dd wants to go to Kohls again tomorrow and get some more 30% off items, and use the $40 in Kohls cash she earned last week.


Mary that is a nice tote.


Cheeria, hope you are feeling better today.


Marisa, I sure hope you find the right location for a practice of your own soon. It'll be exciting to hear how that goes.


Sophie does not mind rain in the least. In fact I suspect that she enjoys being wet. (remember she is the crazy dog that floats around the pool in an inner tube.)


Here is a picture of the Indigo Bunting that's been visiting my back yard this week. Its a much brighter blue IRL than the picture shows. (It was taken through the window.


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1/4 of the squares within squares is now done. 2 hours straight is too much at once though. My back doesn't want to bend now. :eek I guess that means it's break time. :lol

Sounds like you lost track of time! Be careful!:hug

:thair:bang:yell Argh!!!!! I've now done the same two rows on this prayer shawl three times!!! :yell:bang:thair


Hello everyone, Horrendously busy day at work today. I'm off until Saturday now. Dd wants to go to Kohls again tomorrow and get some more 30% off items, and use the $40 in Kohls cash she earned last week.

I have a feeling if DD wasn't such a shopper you would be like me, and find any reason NOT to shop - for clothes, anyway!:lol

Sophie does not mind rain in the least. In fact I suspect that she enjoys being wet. (remember she is the crazy dog that floats around the pool in an inner tube.)

I still remember that picture!

Here is a picture of the Indigo Bunting that's been visiting my back yard this week. Its a much brighter blue IRL than the picture shows. (It was taken through the window.

Wow - beautiful!:c9

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Hello everyone, Horrendously busy day at work today. I'm off until Saturday now. Dd wants to go to Kohls again tomorrow and get some more 30% off items, and use the $40 in Kohls cash she earned last week.


Sophie does not mind rain in the least. In fact I suspect that she enjoys being wet. (remember she is the crazy dog that floats around the pool in an inner tube.)


Here is a picture of the Indigo Bunting that's been visiting my back yard this week. Its a much brighter blue IRL than the picture shows. (It was taken through the window.

Have a great time on your days off, Cindy. I remember that picture of Sophie, too. Beautiful birdie.

The "children" had fun today....:D

Those are such sweet pictures, Judy.


I went back to sewing on the Challenge quilt.


I THINK I finally have those two rows done right now on the prayer shawl. I'm sort of scared to start the next row and see if all the counts work out right. I really, really don't want to have to rip them out again. Too many trips to the frog pond already today.

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:thair:bang:yell Argh!!!!! I've now done the same two rows on this prayer shawl three times!!! :yell:bang:thair


:cheer :cheer you can do it, you can do it :cheer :cheer


Hello everyone, Horrendously busy day at work today. I'm off until Saturday now. Dd wants to go to Kohls again tomorrow and get some more 30% off items, and use the $40 in Kohls cash she earned last week.


Mary that is a nice tote.


Cheeria, hope you are feeling better today.


Marisa, I sure hope you find the right location for a practice of your own soon. It'll be exciting to hear how that goes.


Sophie does not mind rain in the least. In fact I suspect that she enjoys being wet. (remember she is the crazy dog that floats around the pool in an inner tube.)


Here is a picture of the Indigo Bunting that's been visiting my back yard this week. Its a much brighter blue IRL than the picture shows. (It was taken through the window.


Thanks, I have another appointment for saturday morning now too :D Enjoy your time off and that bird is beautiful.


The "children" had fun today....:D


Awwww, they sure seem to be enjoying themselves. Isn't it great when the kids play nicely :wink

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Melon Tote

Beautiful- love it!!!

That's funny!:lol:lol:lol


I gave Heidi a washcloth to chew on this AM - I wet it, squeezed it out and froze it for her. Kept her busy for quite a while!

Amazing how the simple things can keep them occupied!


:thair:bang:yell Argh!!!!! I've now done the same two rows on this prayer shawl three times!!! :yell:bang:thair


Hello everyone, Horrendously busy day at work today. I'm off until Saturday now. Dd wants to go to Kohls again tomorrow and get some more 30% off items, and use the $40 in Kohls cash she earned last week.


Mary that is a nice tote.


Cheeria, hope you are feeling better today.


Marisa, I sure hope you find the right location for a practice of your own soon. It'll be exciting to hear how that goes.


Sophie does not mind rain in the least. In fact I suspect that she enjoys being wet. (remember she is the crazy dog that floats around the pool in an inner tube.)


Here is a picture of the Indigo Bunting that's been visiting my back yard this week. Its a much brighter blue IRL than the picture shows. (It was taken through the window.

Have fun at Kohl's- I have $30.00 in Kohl's $ burning a hole in my pocket- maybe Saturday morning I'll be heading over there again! Enjoy your much deserved days off!


The "children" had fun today....:D
Great pics of the "children"!!!


Have a great time on your days off, Cindy. I remember that picture of Sophie, too. Beautiful birdie.


Those are such sweet pictures, Judy.


I went back to sewing on the Challenge quilt.


I THINK I finally have those two rows done right now on the prayer shawl. I'm sort of scared to start the next row and see if all the counts work out right. I really, really don't want to have to rip them out again. Too many trips to the frog pond already today.

Oh, I hope you don't have to make any more trips to the frog pond!!


Marisa- Great news that you have two places lined up to check out! You'll be up on Friday when I'm up every day. You'll be fine because your adrenaline will be kicking in- with the excitement of scoping out places for your new practice!!!!


I started SBT#8 this morning after I got ready for work- it's to match the baby RR and I'll put the blanket in it! My hair is all nice and pretty again- no more gray and no more dead ends! Just settling in now- I lost another lb and got my lifetime membership and key today at WW!!! Wasn't even trying to lose weight and I did! Go figure!

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Yep, Joanne....the adrenaline will be pumping all right. Plus, I plan to go to sleep right after work on thursday :xfin Well, after getting my bag together :think


I now have the 2 on friday plus one on saturday and am hoping to get in 3 more that are by my sister's house :xfin I need to make another call and email tomorrow on that now that I have a lead as to who I need to speak with. I'm definitely excited and even more so that my parents will be there this weekend too :clap


Going to read a bit before bed :c9

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Judy, great pics of your babies.


Marisa, how exciting to have two possibilities to check out this weekend.


Joanne, I think making an SBT to hold the blanket is a great idea.


Good night everyone.

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