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2011 Combo Challenge


Would you like to have more than one book category per month ,and how many would you like ?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to have more than one book category per month ,and how many would you like ?

    • 2 different choices
    • A new choice each week

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I didn't read at all yesterday :eek I was asleep early in front of the tv and seeing as I usually read before bed.......well, that just didn't work out yesterday :lol


I think I'm going to pass on the extra bonus afghan, but I am going to make the little book bag :yes


I hope everyone has a great day :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I didn't read at all yesterday :eek I was asleep early in front of the tv and seeing as I usually read before bed.......well, that just didn't work out yesterday :lol


I think I'm going to pass on the extra bonus afghan, but I am going to make the little book bag :yes


I hope everyone has a great day :hug :hug :hug

Oh, I forgot about the little book bag- and I so want to try my hand at felting. I guess my mind is on overdrive!! Do I dare try and squeeze that in today too?:lol

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Hi, gals!


About the bonus project...if anyone wants to try their hand at one of the squares (there are graphs on there) you can always just make one...

And if you don't know what to do with it once you make one, you can send it to me and I can always incorporate it into another lapghan for the nursing home.:hook


I'm half finished with The Narrows

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I just attempted my first thread snowflake. Snowflake B- Doesn't look like it's supposed to look- but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I guess it would help if I was doing the TC correctly!!! I never use TC and just thought I could do it without looking up how to do it. Anyway, snowflakes are supposed to be unique.


I want to try another I really need to concentrate and DH just isn't being very cooperative about that right now!:lol

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Well, grocery shopping is done. Now am eating brunch and then am going to get the laundry started and some straightening so I can be done by 1 for football and crochet time :lol


Joanne - I also had to concentrate with the thread :blush


Julie - I openned the site earlier and then got side tracked :oops Will do it today :yes but probably after my chores otherwise, I'll keep procrastinating.

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I don't think I've ever read any of hers...

I know about reading books and then deciding they're just not for you...if that happens to me I try and pass them on:yes There's always someone who'll like it.:)

Oh my! You have to find one to read. I've liked all of the books I've read by her.


Hi, gals!


About the bonus project...if anyone wants to try their hand at one of the squares (there are graphs on there) you can always just make one...

And if you don't know what to do with it once you make one, you can send it to me and I can always incorporate it into another lapghan for the nursing home.:hook


I'm half finished with The Narrows

Or make them into snuggles! :hook


Well, grocery shopping is done. Now am eating brunch and then am going to get the laundry started and some straightening so I can be done by 1 for football and crochet time :lol

1:00 I'll be in front of the tv too!

Jets and Seahawks won yesterday. we'll see who goes forward today.


Well I started 4 projects yesterday. The square I started, a few rounds in wasn't making sense to me, made me mad at it,:angry so I ripped it out and started something else..... which will not lay flat like it should, :irk so I tossed it aside to think about later, and another..... that I was using homespun for, which made it hard to see the stitches, aggravated me, :thair so I ripped it. Then i was going to try a sweater, the beginning of the pattern wasnt in the instructions "sc 5, shell in next stitch" uh, what stitch, theres no beginning round or chain to stitch in :rant... Then I did a square from here by Champygirl :manyheart It was well written, nothing missing, new stitch patterns to me so still a bit of a challenge. It was a pleasure to do. I added 4 more rounds to make it large enough for a snuggle. I'll get a picture after I weave in the rest of the ends.

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1:00 I'll be in front of the tv too!

Jets and Seahawks won yesterday. we'll see who goes forward today.


Well of course I'm for the EAGLES!!!!!!! :cheer That's my team :yes and for the 1:00 game, I'm rooting for kansas city, but that's just because I'm rooting AGAINST baltimore (sorry Joanne) :lol

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Hi, gals!


About the bonus project...if anyone wants to try their hand at one of the squares (there are graphs on there) you can always just make one...

And if you don't know what to do with it once you make one, you can send it to me and I can always incorporate it into another lapghan for the nursing home.:hook


I'm half finished with The Narrows

Now that has possibilities.

I just attempted my first thread snowflake. Snowflake B- Doesn't look like it's supposed to look- but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I guess it would help if I was doing the TC correctly!!! I never use TC and just thought I could do it without looking up how to do it. Anyway, snowflakes are supposed to be unique.


I want to try another I really need to concentrate and DH just isn't being very cooperative about that right now!:lol

:lol :lol :lol Unique is good. A tc has a double wrap around the hook, insert in the appropriate space and pull a loop through, work off two loops at a time times three.

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I finished my first book of 2011--Island of the World by Michael O'Brien. Whew. I read it on the Kindle, but I understand the print version is over 800 pages. Amazing book--I'll probably blog about it in depth this week.


I have a Good Reads account I set up, but never really pursued. I can't remember if I used this nickname, or Karen in Krakow, my "other" moniker. I'll have to go look it up and let you know.


I'm not really sure the snowflakes are going to happen for me--I made 1, and 1/2 of another, and got sidetracked by another project.

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I finished up Karen Blixen's Out of Africa - it was written under the name Isak Dinesen. I intended it for a book set in another country, but put it in memoirs instead. It - I'd give it a 3, my designation for a book that's ok, but not one I'll ever read again. I actually really liked the beginning, but tired of it by the end. That, however was probably the fault of the reader, not the book.


I didn't get the snowflakes started last night, but worked a little on a snuggle. Maybe tonight. I'll pass on the bonus project. I'm not into hearts - at all.

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Well, we are getting ready to get some snow and ice here in GA so you know we had to stock up on food and supplies. I know what I will be doing. Crocheting some cute girly inventory for my soon to open Etsy shop. I hope we don't lose power though. I hate to have to do everything without it. Plus I can't get online lol. Kidding, I know there are more important things. We have food, water, drinks, kerosene, firewood and Diet Mtn Dew and some chocolate stashed so we are set. Heck, if it gets too bad and we have to go I guess we can always saddle up Samurai and ride to where ever we need to. Do any of you have bad weather coming?

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Or make them into snuggles! :hook

I make those, too:lol



and another..... that I was using homespun for, which made it hard to see the stitches, aggravated me, :thair so I ripped it.

I use Homespun a lot...I use a K hook, though a bigger hook will also work and you'll be able to see the stitches much better.

Though if I have problems seeing a stitch I just shove the hook in and guess:lol

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I had some "can't see the stitches" while ago. We lost power in the library, so I moved closer to an emergency light and tried to work on a snuggle I had with me. Unhappily the light was dim and the yarn was dark green, but it's a pattern I could do pretty much by feel.


What was worse, the only way to get into the stairwells here, to get out without using the elevators, is through fire doors, so most of that time we were not only in the dark, but had raucous fire alarms sounding. Someone decided he had to be somewhere and should leave - about 5 minutes after security had come through and checked on everyone upstairs. They have keys to get though the doors without sounding the alarm. Could he have left with them? Of course not. Then after about 10 minutes of the alarms, a student on the second floor called the desk and actually asked us if we could turn them off so he could study. Did he think were enjoying them and were just waiting so we could listen to them a little longer? We explained that only security could do that, we had called them again, but when power is out in the medical school and hospital they are Busy. I never understand why when the lights go out and/or the fire alarms go off, no one wants to leave. Their attitude is -- their laptops are still working -- why should they? Just Go Home! It's a nasty night out anyway. It was over an hour before it was quiet and light again. And I have an iced up car waiting for me in the lot when I get out. What a night. I'll be glad to be home in a few hours and no mistake.


At least a little more of the snuggle is done. I think I want to use it myself!

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Good morning!

Is it really Monday already?


To all of you in the south experiencing the snow and ice- stay safe and warm. I know that the south is not used to this winter snowy/icy weather!


I finished Deadly Sanctuary-and for a free book it was pretty good. So I've read 6 books since this challenge started and it's nice to be reading regularly again- even if only for a short while before bed each evening!

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Morning ladies

Just a quick stop in -- hope everyone is doing well . I've kinda gotten out of my reading mode in the last day or 2--so time to crack open my book and get started again .



Just an update on the GoodReads area-- I will TRY keep it going ,but not sure how well I will do with it . I remember now why I dropped it last year -- I found the place, went in and started trying to add books, etc to my own page,but got boggled with all that you can do in there .

It is a REALLY nice book area,but it reminds me of Ravelry . That is a REALLY nice crafting area, but almost seems too big (for me at least), if you want to do it up properly and catalog all your projects ,etc ...


I get too overwhelmed with places like that . So,we shall see,but at least we have the place if you all wanna use it !

You all have a good day !

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I was thinking the same thing- it can be a bit overwhelming- I like Ravelry for the projects and patterns and ideas. I think Goodreads can serve the same purpose for books but I don't know how many places I can realistically "visit" each day.


It's great that you set it up and we'll see how it goes. I actually feel more at home here on the Ville, if that makes sense.


Have a good day yourself!

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Good morning everyone :coffee


I managed to read 2 more chapters last night before bed :D I'm thinking I don't see myself reading more than 1 book a month, but we'll see :think


Donna - Sorry about the library commotion and you're right....they should just go home! Glad you were able to still do a bit of crochet :yes


Joanne - I also read before bed :D


Julie - I probably won't make it over to GR every day. I know I don't read fast and it's just because I don't have the time for it. I will check in though. It is like ravelry but for books, and I only use ravelry as a place to keep a tally of all my projects and stuff. I don't really get into the groups and forums over there, although I did join up for the bernat cal group (after Joanne told me about it :lol ) I also like looking for patterns over there :yes


Have a great day everyone, I may not be back until tomorrow morning :think

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Hi, ladies...yes...don't feel pressured about GR...it's there if you want it...



You gals are too funny :D I'm with you though. Right now for a baby blanket I'm using the red heart baby clouds and it's quite 'crinkly' and I've used that method a couple times already :lol shhhhhh


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