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New Bernat Crochetalong - did you see this?


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Good morning everyone.


Jenny, its pretty here, but there is still a lot of green here at the moment. Last year we were here a week earlier and it was more colorful. Maybe it will be better when we go into the park. I think that it will be different at different altitudes.

And I'm not complaining! I still have this gorgeous mountain view to look at!

Mountain views are the best!!! Enjoy!!!!:manyheart

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I was so happy to have a regular square with no color changes! I whipped out all 4 in less than 3 hours and was in heaven. Unfortunately I haven't finished the 16 mitred squares. . .


Don't worry, I'm still on the one before the one beforethe mitred squares :lol

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Hey everyone :hi


I'm still not caught up yet, but now after the weekend have 13 mitered squares complete, which only leaves me with 3 to go :clap:cheer:yay And I did 1 for clue 6, so have 3 there as well. I think I'll try to whip out another clue 5 during lunch break tomorrow :think


Oh and Jenny, I am blocking my squares :yes I've been doing 2 at a time and giving them a couple days to dry. I didn't do any over the weekend though because I cleaned up my 'blocking station' since my parents were visiting :lol

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Hey everyone :hi


I'm still not caught up yet, but now after the weekend have 13 mitered squares complete, which only leaves me with 3 to go :clap:cheer:yay And I did 1 for clue 6, so have 3 there as well. I think I'll try to whip out another clue 5 during lunch break tomorrow :think


Oh and Jenny, I am blocking my squares :yes I've been doing 2 at a time and giving them a couple days to dry. I didn't do any over the weekend though because I cleaned up my 'blocking station' since my parents were visiting :lol


I'm at the same spot as you Marisa!:clap I have 3 more mitred squares to go and I couldn't resist and did one #6 yesterday. I was getting bored with the mitred squares. Now I'm motivated again to finish them off. So 6 squares to go between the 3 #5's and the 3#6's. Not bringing it to work today though since it's going to be busy, busy, busy and will probably end up working through lunch so I can get out on time to go over to DD's for her birthday! Not sure how many I'll get done today--hopefully at least 1!!!

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Cindy, I'm so glad you enjoyed/are enjoying your mountain view!! :jumpyay for mountains!


Marisa, I was doing them two at a time too..those grannies were a doozy! Mine were all twisted--especially my first one. The second one wasn't so bad because I was really paying attention to where I was doing the first "pull up a loop" of the stitch--especially on the corners. That really helped things be straight. But I had to block those granny squares like 2 or 3 times, fiddling with them each time, and they're still a little wonked at the corners, but I figure that will work itself out once I stitch them to something else, and if not--well, then the afghan has character, right?! :heehee I think I'm going to hold off on the blocking though and focus on getting caught up to everyone Clue-wise and maybe there will be a future clue that involves blocking them. If not, I'll block them for sure before I assemble them. In my little crochet checklist I started last week, I'd been calling it "Block Fest O-Ten" :lol

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has no one really posted in this thread sinc eme this afternoon? i find that odd....some things are just odd i guess... :lol chatting to myself then, eh?


helloooooo self!


me: might want to get some more squares done before your trip tomorrow!

me: yeah, i know..i'm eating and cruising the ville right now tho

me: oh--didn't realize you were so busy at the moment

me: oh, that's alright...how were you to know? I'm gonna get a little more to nibble though--i'm thinkin the last piece of cherry pie! yum! then i'll join you for some squares how's that sound?

me: oh splendid!! see you soon!! after your pie

me: okaaaaaay! bye!

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I have not done any more work on my squares for couple of days, Tomorrow I will start again. I guess I need a break.


everyone needs breaks from time to time...even from things and people they love--distance makes the heart grow fonder.


Glad you took a break!! :)

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has no one really posted in this thread sinc eme this afternoon? i find that odd....some things are just odd i guess... :lol chatting to myself then, eh?


helloooooo self!


me: might want to get some more squares done before your trip tomorrow!

me: yeah, i know..i'm eating and cruising the ville right now tho

me: oh--didn't realize you were so busy at the moment

me: oh, that's alright...how were you to know? I'm gonna get a little more to nibble though--i'm thinkin the last piece of cherry pie! yum! then i'll join you for some squares how's that sound?

me: oh splendid!! see you soon!! after your pie

me: okaaaaaay! bye!



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:woo I finished clue #5 :clap:yay


Have 3 more of clue #6 to go


Good night :c9

:clap:clapGood for you!!!! Hoping to have the last of clue # 5 done tonight and at least 1 more of clue #6! Won't get home till at least 7 PM though so we'll see. Sometimes RL just gets in the way of my :crocheting


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glad you got a kick outta that marisa...g'night!


Sure did!!! Gave me a good, well needed laugh :D


:clap:clapGood for you!!!! Hoping to have the last of clue # 5 done tonight and at least 1 more of clue #6! Won't get home till at least 7 PM though so we'll see. Sometimes RL just gets in the way of my :crocheting



RL is always getting in my way!!! :think I could knock these xmas afghans out if I didn't have to work!!!! :lol


I made one clue 6 square last night. It turned out exactly 8 inches square without any tweaking of the pattern. Its an easy square to make, but I don't think it's a pattern I would make anything else out of!


I had to go down a hook size for clue 6 :think I was glad I measured after a couple rows :whew It is an easy square and I'm going to try to get one done now before work, but I still have to shower so we'll see if I finish or not :lol

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I had to go down a hook size for clue 6 :think I was glad I measured after a couple rows :whew It is an easy square and I'm going to try to get one done now before work, but I still have to shower so we'll see if I finish or not :lol


I had to go down a hook size for this one, too. Plus, I had to really work at keeping my stitches tighter than usual. It's strange though considering I'm using worsted weight yarn instead of chunky. If I was was using Softee Chunky, it would have been huge! :lol





I'm home from work today and healthy as can be so I'm crocheting. :hook I have two clue #5 squares left to get done. I should have no problem doing that with my "stolen" day.


So, as for the reason I am home...


The sink in the bathroom was clogged. It had been draining slowly. Yesterday, it stopped draining all together. I grabbed a wrench so I could take the trap off the sink. Well, I turned it ever so slightly and the pipe busted. :eek Water went gushing everywhere. :lol It's funny now...I had to have looked like a crazy person running around. Thankfully there wasn't that much water in the sink so it didn't flood into the basement or anything.


I called into work this morning so I could stay home for the plumber. I called at 8 and he was here before 10. I thought about going to work for a half of a day, but it didn't work out. He was here until almost 1. It seemed silly to go to work for three hours. Now I have all new pipes back to the main line from the upstairs bathroom.

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Ok I literally JUST finished weaving in my ends of my ww stripe square. Still only have 3 bulky mitres finished,but I really want to at least have ONE of clue SIX finished before the next clue tomorrow,so I am going to do the bulky SIXES now and then the wws AND then go back to the bulky mitred,then start the ww mitres. My boyfriend has pool tonight so I have more time than usual,but I also have to get up super early again tomorrow for my training for my job so.........:lol

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everyone sounds like they are coming along well!

i finished all my clue 6's and the rest of my clue 5's half way done (i did all of the outside edges.. then all the next colour etc... the beginning is the hardest part anyway).

and today my mom and i made a blocking contraption...with dad's tools! it looks great. I will put up pictures in a while, just have to get them on the computer.

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Does anyone ever feel as if Bernat had several different people come up with their squares? I have fiddled around with gauge more on this project than any other. My 63 square afghan required minimal hook changes (which is lucky because I was a beginner). I'm just getting cranky about it and wanted to complain somewhere. Back to your normal fun banter :)

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no i agree, the gauge is wonky... some come out too small, some come out big... its been strange. hence why we felt the need to block a few of the slightly small squares, cuz they came out a tad smaller than others, especially the mitered ones. So now we have a 6 square blocking "jig" as we saw it called before. hopefully it works! we are going to have to experiment a bit.






and here is a pic of my clue 6... they aren't as defined as i have seen some but i am not unhappy with them. definitely chunky though!



now back to finishing my mitered squares... :( so much work still! but i wouldn't do it if i didn't like it...

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Had to chain 35 in order to get the 8" ;) Funny how my wws come out fine with their counts,but my chunkies have all been modified hmmm. :lol

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WTG everyone! Love that jig Erica!


I just got in after a very long day so will probably only get the final Clue#5 square done -so I'll only be 3 Clue #6 squares behind before the next clue! Not too shabby!


Nicole- OH my, reading your post and thinking about how much worse that plumbing issue could have been! Glad it's all fixed and you got a "bonus" crochet out of it.


Marisa- I could get so much more crocheting done if I didn't have to work too!!! Glad I went to DD's BF's art show tonight though...even if by doing so I cut into my free crochet time!!!


Off to finish the last mitred square!!!!

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