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It's time to admit defeat,

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and give up on this mass of yarn. This project is so old I can't really remember how long ago I started it.


A couple of months ago someone posted this EXACT SAME WIP.:faint My secret came back to me from the dark depths of the bedroom closet. How many times was this poor yarn going to be passed over? How many times have I opened the closet doors and glared at the project bag only to reach for something else?


I still like the colors, but the living room set the afghan was meant for was given away how many years ago now? :think I love the pattern, Rugged Ropes from a Leisure Arts little book of Aran Afghans.


Last night I pulled the bag from the closet and made the fateful decision. I will! never! finish! this afghan. It was time. I think the yarn may have let out a sigh of relief. Maybe it was time we both moved on.


What are the odds that I would immediately begin crocheting with this long forgotten Aspen print? It is to be recycled into pet beds for some needy animals. I can't think of a more fitting end for this ever faithful and patient yarn. :dog:cat


Who else would like to admit defeat and repurpose that yarn? It will be okay, we're here for you.




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You're not alone...I just finished a sweater using yarn I'd frogged TWICE because I didn't like the way the first 2 patterns were turning out. Though, you have me beat on the time scale, sweater #1 started last autumn.

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Yes, I have to admit--I did that once. Many years ago--in 1968, as a matter of fact--I decided my new husband needed an Aran Fisherman knit sweater! I bought the yarn, the needles, and the pattern, and began knitting away!!! I was but a beginner at knitting, and after about twenty complicated rows--I discovered I'd made a mistake about twelve rows back! I didn't know how to rip out knitting, and had no one to show me--so I packed it away "until later"! I began crocheting, and never looked back...until about 5 years ago, when I was looking through some boxes in the basement...and Lo and Behold! There was the "until later" project!! I had a good laugh (My husband had gained considerable weight--and told me he'd always hated sweters!!) and ripped it out!! I made the most beautiful Diamond Trellis Afghan out of that yarn!!!

There! I feel better getting that off my chest!!


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Since I started crocheting, I have had a baby blanket in progress. It has been in progress since I started. I can't rip it out because it changes colors. I will finish it hopefully! Eventually! Maybe!

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Awe Shelley:

I'm sorry you have been defeated by that afghan....

All i can say is that there will be some really happy furbabies enjoying kittie beds and doggie mats etc...


Although it would make a lovely shawl too and the shawl you can work up fast...

So think about it ...



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I have a Cro-tat project in a bag in the closet. It is sunflowers and I just can't seem to get my mind wrapped around it.

So yes I also admit defeat and this is not easy for me. I do not let projects get me like this.:sigh

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One of my WIPs was something like this. It started as a Journey Scarf (naturallycaron.com) and I didn't like the way it was looking.....so I found another pattern and bought more colors and started that, instead. But I didn't really like the way that was turning out, either. Spa is very soft, and the motifs just didn't look right. So then I had this project that had cut up pieces and 6 colors of yarn, but I wasn't happy with it. I put it in the closet for awhile....and recently got it out again as part of my effort to finish my WIPs. I looked at it for about two days before I finally resigned myself that I wasn't going to make the second pattern, either. So I started searching for a new pattern that would allow me to use the six colors of Spa and hopefully utilize the cut pieces as well. I found it in the Woodcliff Throw (naturallycaron.com) and even though I had to buy one more skein of yarn, I think it's going to be exactly right this time.


Sometimes things just don't go the way we hoped, and we have to take a step back and regroup, you know?


I have another WIP that is similar - I lost interest because I had so much trouble trying to rewrite the pattern as a MAM instead of motifs. I've already resigned myself to frogging it and making it according to the pattern. I'm ready to admit defeat, and I just want to make it and call it DONE! :lol

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I have a starfish doily project. I started it about 4 years ago when my aunt bought a beach home. I finished one and started another so that she could have a matching set for her endtables. I put it away for whatever reason and keep finding it. I know that I'll never finish it but it's easier to shove it to the bottom of the yarn heap and pretend that it's not really there. :lol

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You're not alone!!! I just "found" a baby afghan I had started that was squares made out of baby yarn. It was intended for a co-worker's new baby boy. That baby boy is now 12!!!!!


I will never finish this project either....my only problem is, since it was made in squares, I will have a ton of small pieces of yarn....I think I will just chuck it all! LOL!

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It is a shame that afghan got the best of you. I have made it twice and it is gorgeous worked up. I know the feeling of wanting to rip it out, though!



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Oh, dear. UFO Guilt. I've got it, for sure.


Ahem, speaking of afghans, I have a partially done ripple intended for a granddaughter. Lots of little girl colors — you know the drill. I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember it and I, well, when I cleared out the closet it lives in I promised it that if by the end of the year I hadn't hauled it out to be done, it was going to the Goodwill for someone besides me to play with. I purely hate the thought of it, frankly. eeeeeeeekkkkk!

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