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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Howdy Miss Priszm --

Sorry I don't know your first name, I've been MIA for so long that I'm a Man without a country now ....

Well, not a MAN , but you get the point .


I'm glad to see so many new names in this area -- keeps things fresh and fun .


So what are your working on and what colors ?

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Howdy Miss Priszm --

Sorry I don't know your first name, I've been MIA for so long that I'm a Man without a country now ....

Well, not a MAN , but you get the point .


I'm glad to see so many new names in this area -- keeps things fresh and fun .


So what are your working on and what colors ?


My first name is Val, most stick with my user name since there's another Val/Valerie on here :lol. Oh lord, what aren't I doing right now? 2 Double Irish Chains, a baby rings mile a minute, an H bag and a Prairie Star afghan :lol

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Hi, Julie. :hi What have you been staying busy with? We miss you. I've got 2 saltine projects in the works and 2 more waiting on the side. All 4 are patterns I came up with on my own.

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Val- it certainly sounds like you've come to the right place with all them projects going at once . You are braver than me !


Hey Ho Linda --- good to see you, too . It sounds like you have turned into a regular designer yourself ! Do you have photos anyplace yet of the current items ? Is Cara gonna put them on her page when done ?


I am, believe it or not, once again attempting a Prairie Star. That thing is gonna be the death of me yet . I just cant seem to let it alone .


I am also gonna be starting in the mile-a-minute gang -- I saw a pattern the other day that I thought was so pretty, so as soon as I get the yarn, I'll be starting on it .

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You took the words right out of my mouth. :lol


Yes, she stole my words as well.


Val- it certainly sounds like you've come to the right place with all them projects going at once . You are braver than me !


I am, believe it or not, once again attempting a Prairie Star. That thing is gonna be the death of me yet . I just cant seem to let it alone .


I am also gonna be starting in the mile-a-minute gang -- I saw a pattern the other day that I thought was so pretty, so as soon as I get the yarn, I'll be starting on it .


Be careful of the Wendy character.... she's always trying to get people to add MORE projects.

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I am being good and not being :spin into more big WIP until I have finished one. I can always hope, right? :lol


Come on! A mile a minute is a "Small, quick" project!


:spin :spin its only a mile ghan, it shouldnt take long. :lol

SEE! Told you! (until you start 3 like I did! ssshhh!)


I told you! Its a dream for me! might be a ways out but I will get there! :crocheting


Well I came in to tell you I'm almost finished with a WIP just to find out you ladies are discussing two new ones.


That tree of life looks amazing. I *might* be interested in it after the LTK.


The projects all look great.


The garden quilt just needs a border then it is done.


Mary over the last two weeks or so I've done 76 solids.


I plan on working on the border today.

How about a mile a minute to add to the LTK? come on an easy mindless project to go with the daunting task of the LTK?


Im going to show Mum the Tree of life pattern tomorrow. She needs another wip:lol

OOOH thats a great idea! Find an experienced knitter to do it for me!! hehehe


Good morning, everyone. Nope! :no No way! :no I am NOT joining the insanity of knitting an afghan! :no Even one as pretty as the Tree of Life. I haven't lost all my marbles yet. :no Good luck to you on the project. :D I've got too many of these saltine ghans in the works to want to knit one. Have fun.

Even better reason to join us for a mile a minute! :yes


Happy Thursday, Ladies. :manyheart


Heather, your Pinwheel ghan is gorgeous! I've added 17 solids and 8 bi-colors. :hook


Jessica ~ Making scarves for the boys is a great idea! I really like making them - at least something gets finished pretty fast. ;)


Linda M. ~ Your afghan is so pretty, as are your other projects. We love pictures. :D


Donna, I've added 76 more squares. Congratulations on nearly finishing! :cheer


And for all you enablers :devil, I only have 2 more rows on my IC border and refuse to be drawn into anything yet. Linda T. and I will stay strong. :lol

OOOOH i see the word YET!!! Come on Mary! Add a wip for the TEAM! hahahaha:lol

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Uh oh... Pickles is trying to put us all in a pickle... getting too many WIPs for our own good.


I'm pretty sure she's the kind of person my parents warned me about when they gave me the speech about sex, drugs and rock & roll! :rofl


:lol:lol:lol Oh so true!!! :D


Oh no there's two of them trying to get us roped into more WIPS. Must resist:spin The temptation is too strong.
:goodorbadYou know you want to!


"you are getting VERRRY sleepy! :yawnWatch my hook swing back and forth. Now when you wake up:night, you will have started another WIP! :spin:mdust:spin:mdust"

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Pickles you're a liar! Those MAM's are not quick :D But it's gonna be so cute when it's done.

I will have to say the baby rings one you are working is not quick at all! I tried one square with rings like that and pulled my hair out by the time I was done. But most go pretty quickly!

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Uh oh... Pickles is trying to put us all in a pickle... getting too many WIPs for our own good.


I'm pretty sure she's the kind of person my parents warned me about when they gave me the speech about sex, drugs and rock & roll! :rofl

And, Miss Krystal -- we see how well you listened to your momma and daddy .:D

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Hmm...I suppose I'll have to see if I have enough yarn for one. If not then I'll have to sit that one out since yarn isn't in the budget for at least another month.:( I do have a book or two with some MAM patterns in it though. :scrachin Pickles you are soo bad. I will not look until this garden one is finished though. I have to get at least one FO before I start yet another project.

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Howdy to all you Happy House Ladies

Thought I'd jump in here and give a shout out to you . Hope all are doing well and still making those saltines .:)

I've been EATING saltines rather than making them .:yes


Howdy doody Julie :hi


Yes, she stole my words as well.




Be careful of the Wendy character.... she's always trying to get people to add MORE projects.


Little ol me, I think Pickles is doing a pretty good job herself. :lol


Come on! A mile a minute is a "Small, quick" project!



SEE! Told you! (until you start 3 like I did! ssshhh!)



I told you! Its a dream for me! might be a ways out but I will get there! :crocheting



How about a mile a minute to add to the LTK? come on an easy mindless project to go with the daunting task of the LTK?



OOOH thats a great idea! Find an experienced knitter to do it for me!! hehehe



Even better reason to join us for a mile a minute! :yes



OOOOH i see the word YET!!! Come on Mary! Add a wip for the TEAM! hahahaha:lol


Pickles your so good at getting people sucked in interested in projects. :yes:lol


Uh oh... Pickles is trying to put us all in a pickle... getting too many WIPs for our own good.


I'm pretty sure she's the kind of person my parents warned me about when they gave me the speech about sex, drugs and rock & roll! :rofl


And you didnt listen I guess. :rofl


Oh no there's two of them trying to get us roped into more WIPS. Must resist:spin The temptation is too strong.


You know you wanna :spin :spin Its only a mile ghan


:lol:lol:lol Oh so true!!! :D


:goodorbadYou know you want to!


"you are getting VERRRY sleepy! :yawnWatch my hook swing back and forth. Now when you wake up:night, you will have started another WIP! :spin:mdust:spin:mdust"




And, Miss Krystal -- we see how well you listened to your momma and daddy .:D


shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - you weren't supposed to pick up on that.


:rofl :rofl

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Hmm...I suppose I'll have to see if I have enough yarn for one. If not then I'll have to sit that one out since yarn isn't in the budget for at least another month.:( I do have a book or two with some MAM patterns in it though. :scrachin Pickles you are soo bad. I will not look until this garden one is finished though. I have to get at least one FO before I start yet another project.


I knew you couldnt resist. :lol

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Julie, lets see if I can find the patterns I'm making. I called the first one "Stacked Cubes." It's a belated Christmas present for an aunt and uncle of mine. All the saltines are crocheted and I have 2 more blocks to put together and the border and it will be done. The next one is one for me, called "Snowflake" and is on the yet to be started list, although I've got the yarn for it already.


This is my "Painted Desert" ghan. I have three more rows of blocks to add to it, but all but 1 1/2 blocks worth of saltines are already crocheted and just waiting to be put together. The "Dachsund" ghan is for John's folks and I've actually crocheted a few of the saltines for it, but not many.



I've been working more on filet pieces for various people as Christmas present for the last 6 months. I have one of those left to finish, then it's back to saltines.

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Hey ladies!! So sorry I won't have time to read back on this thread and actually understand all I've missed over the past few days. I am home now, and with Alexander of course. It was not a fun ride but he was terribly worth it. This was my little "blog" entry from last night for you guys to read...


"As some of you know I was pregnant! Now Im not...finally. After 10 months of pregnancy we had to induce. I didn't feel hardly a thing til around 12pm that night and decided I needed help with pain, so I got the lovely back tube. When it was finally time to push, I did for 2 straight hours. I basically was so tired I feel asleep between contractions. My back pain was the only pain I could feel really, but turns out little Alex was a face up breech and I was WAY too tired to try. Decided to c-section him...and thank god we did, he was NOT gonna fit anyhow.


Alexander Dean Medley was born on December 28th at 11:40am via c-section weighing 8lbs 11oz and 20 inches in length.


He is a doll so far and I could not be happier with how I was treating over the 4 day stay. Look forward to posting more pics soon...but I am supposed to rest! ;)"


So yeah as you can tell it was a really hard delivery, and I basically was not going to have him natural regardless because of his size and breech. :( but hes out and healthy and thats what matters. Im sore and whiney because I hate being so helpless and the husband is trying so hard but hes also worn out. Oh well, one night home what should I expect! Anyways...pictures...




Momma's first time holding booger



Daddy and Alex



First family pic...I look a mess because of fluids and crying/pushing/ect but I have my two loves so thats what matters:)


If you wanna see more of him this link should work http://www.flickr.com/photos/eemedley/ let me know if it doesn't


Thank you all for the support, answers, thoughts and prayers :manyheart

:clap:c9congrats!!! had to read through pages and pages to find out when you had your little guy!! But it was like christmas looking at everyones projects !!:manyheartHope you are doing great!! enjoying motherhood!!!

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