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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi everyone. The day has been a busy one and now I'm ready for a break with you all. :)


Karen ~ 5 more added. Only 8 to go!:cheer


Hi Julie! That would be so special to make something for each grandchild. How many do you have? We're still waiting...;)


Linda, I hope you're feeling better. My cold wouldn't go away and last week the Dr. said I had a sinus infection. The antibiotics have helped a lot. :yay for accomplishing so much on your projects!


Hi Donna!


Erin ~ :hug to you and your DH. Everything will be fine once the little guy makes his appearance! You have lots of "Moms" here, so come talk whenever you need to. :yes


Cara, it's still cold and drizzling here...I really wanted to stay in today, too. Are you going to make your deadlines? :hook

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We got 5 plus inches last night(hard for me to see from inside) THANK GOD we got new tires on our main car before baby boy comes. Now I just hope the weather settles down before my in laws make the drive up. MIL and SFIL will be coming sometime this weekend, the FIL and SMIL along with their kids will be waiting for our call. Im so discouraged right now about it all happening. Mostly Im afraid that DH is gonna be at our bestest friends wedding and I won't be able to go and then the thought of me having to pull him from the wedding for baby delivery breaks my heart...lucky for us our friends are so understanding.


on a happy note, I think I only have 8 more little squares to make and then all I gotta do is sew the last squares into stripes and attach the last 2 stripes! Then its weaving in ends time. Lucky for me when the hand hurts-tingles too much I can at least weave some ends in so hopefully I won't be so overwhelmed here shortly. DH helped me clean really good this weekend so I don't have a ton of things to really do but rest and crochet! YAH! but that just brings me back to the "waiting" downer blah....

Better get your rest now because as soon as the little ones gets here you will be busy!Then you will be wondering where the time went!!

My three littlest ones are all sick this week so I have the 17months old crying and following me while running the 3yr to the bathroom. the 5yr is sitting in a daze. Then they all get the second wind and drive me crazy with getting into stuff.Then back to being sick again.:lol Joys of being mommy wouldnt change it for the world.

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Hey guys! Erin, not much longer and you will be holding him.


I've been looking into the Physical Therapist Assistant program around here recently. One school just recently added it to is curriculum and they're nice and close to me! So I went to meet with an admissions guy tonight. Yeah, I won't be going to that school! They do quarters and it would take approximately 5 quarters. All and good. Except full time each quarter is approximately $5,000! That's $25,000 for a program that would cost about $10,000 total at a community college!!

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Val, those tuition prices seem so out of line...I hope you can figure something out that is more affordable. :yes


I made the last 10 squares of my Double IC! Also got some of the joining done and am so excited to be this close to finishing. Of course, there is no telling when that will actually happen. :lol


Have a good night, all. :manyheart

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I've been looking into the Physical Therapist Assistant program around here recently. One school just recently added it to is curriculum and they're nice and close to me! So I went to meet with an admissions guy tonight. Yeah, I won't be going to that school! They do quarters and it would take approximately 5 quarters. All and good. Except full time each quarter is approximately $5,000! That's $25,000 for a program that would cost about $10,000 total at a community college!!

Wow! That's pretty outrageous. I'd keep looking, if I were you.

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yeah that is a bit much! CC is such a better deal to start with. I used ours for 2 years, however I was a stupid teenager and didn't do what I shoulda. Im looking forward to being able to go back to school now though bc Ive had enough of retail! Good luck with that! Im sure you'll find something..


On another note, the contractions have not stopped today, and they feel like very bad period cramps, but Im still weirded out because they are hard to figure out when the son just squirms right through them the whole time. Still really no pattern because I cannot concentration on timing since I cannot tell if the peak pain is contraction or baby squirms. Bah...guess its supposed to be a confusing time for a first time momma anyways.

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Erin - I know this advice is going to be hard to actually follow, but ignore trying to time them. If you have to work that hard at figuring them out, it is very likely not even close to time. However, don't be discouraged. If you are in early labor, then it's a good thing to have a long span of moderate contractions, because they're doing a little work at a time and you're still fairly comfortable. When it's time to get down to business, you will absolutely know the time has come. The contractions are much more deliberate. None of my babies moved much once labor started, but I can't speak as to whether that's the rule. If your baby is moving that much, he could be getting into position, being squeezed by the contractions, but he probably won't move too much as it progresses.


Rest, relax and try not to get too amped up. The best way for labor to progress is to relax and let those hormones not be interfered with by adrenaline. Deep breathing, self-relaxation, meditation are all your best friends during labor. Keep us posted!

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Yeah, that school is definitely out of the question. Which is too bad since it's the closest to me and small! Oh well. There's another one that's much cheaper. I might go ahead and wait until the 2010 admission. That would give me a chance to pay of my credit card and save up for the classes.

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Rest, relax and try not to get too amped up. The best way for labor to progress is to relax and let those hormones not be interfered with by adrenaline. Deep breathing, self-relaxation, meditation are all your best friends during labor. Keep us posted!

This is definitely good advice. Walking at a slow pace is also good, because it lets gravity help the process along. If your bag of waters should break before things settle into a pattern go to the hospital immediately. Things will probably get serious quickly after that and you should be there in any case once that happens. We're pulling for you. :hug

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I have not been working on saltines all week, but my fingers are flying, as I am trying to finish up some snowman treat baskets for teacher gifts, two prayer shawls, and a quick blankie for oldest DD's Angel Tree present for a little babe at the transitional housing organization in town. At this point, it looks as though everything will be finished by this weekend...whew, two days to spare.


Congrats on finishing your blocks for the IC, Mary :clap I cannot wait to see a pic of yours.


Erin ~ I have been checking in to see how you and Baby are doing. I hope you are feeling more comfortable, today. The time when you can hold him in your arms is so near, don't you just wish it were right now?!? Krystal's right -- it does not sound possible to relax and sit back while you wait, but your body will know when the time is right. And, we will be anxiously waiting to hear of your son's arrival. Do keep checking in, though, as we are all thinking of you :manyheart


Val ~ Glad you went to check out the Physical Therapy Assistant's program, but I am sorry that one is not going to work out for you. You will figure it out and find the program that works best for you. The cost was quite shocking to read :eek -- keep looking.


Linda ~ Hope you are soon feeling back on par. Your quilting is coming along so nicely. What talent, and what lucky recipients at your hospital :yes


Cara ~ Good luck with all of your finishing. The Geo is done by now, I expect. Amazing, My Dear :crocheting.


Wendy ~ How many GT blocks do you have to go, today? Do your daughters go to school year-round, or are they home for the holidays? Take pics when you are finished, please.


Everyone else ~ :waving

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Dusti, I graduated with a Bachelor's from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. That's about what it cost for a year there for me! I could see paying that cost if I was going for the doctorate. But sheesh! :lol

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Cara, it's still cold and drizzling here...I really wanted to stay in today, too. Are you going to make your deadlines? :hook


Yep, looks like it. Just have to sew the last row on and then the border on the Geo :hook


Hey guys! Erin, not much longer and you will be holding him.


I've been looking into the Physical Therapist Assistant program around here recently. One school just recently added it to is curriculum and they're nice and close to me! So I went to meet with an admissions guy tonight. Yeah, I won't be going to that school! They do quarters and it would take approximately 5 quarters. All and good. Except full time each quarter is approximately $5,000! That's $25,000 for a program that would cost about $10,000 total at a community college!!


Holy bankruptcy Batman! :eek I'd definitely wait and go to the community college. :yes


I made the last 10 squares of my Double IC! Also got some of the joining done and am so excited to be this close to finishing. Of course, there is no telling when that will actually happen. :lol


I've got a few projects like that :lol Grats on finishing up the squares :yay


Everyone else ~ :waving


Howdy Dusti :hi


Just have to attach the last row of blocks together then the Geo is ready for the border :hook That probably won't happen til tonight though. Sister is coming over in about an hour and a half for me to help her with her projects. She kept grousing yesterday and asking whose dumb idea a handmade Christmas was. I had to gently remind her that it was HER idea :rofl

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Dusti, I graduated with a Bachelor's from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. That's about what it cost for a year there for me! I could see paying that cost if I was going for the doctorate. But sheesh! :lol

Oh, I know, my BA cost about that per year, too, but I just did not expect your new program to come in with that high of a cost. I suppose there is always financial aid...but, who wants to add new debt to your name at this point in life?? I hope you are able to find something a little more reasonable! Keep us posted. Are you thinking of fall of 2010 or just a year from now, in the spring semester of 2010? Just being nosy :lol


Sister is coming over in about an hour and a half for me to help her with her projects. She kept grousing yesterday and asking whose dumb idea a handmade Christmas was. I had to gently remind her that it was HER idea :rofl
:lol:lol The truth hurts, sometimes :lol:lol Hope the two of you are able to finish up her projects, too.
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Oh, I know, my BA cost about that per year, too, but I just did not expect your new program to come in with that high of a cost. I suppose there is always financial aid...but, who wants to add new debt to your name at this point in life?? I hope you are able to find something a little more reasonable! Keep us posted. Are you thinking of fall of 2010 or just a year from now, in the spring semester of 2010? Just being nosy :lol


The program at St. Pete College (community? junior? No idea! :lol ) starts every August. I may or may not have to take Anatomy and Physiology again (I took it about 3-4 years ago) which might be the extent of my pre-reqs. If I wait until August 2010 to enter the program, that gives me a year and a half to get my CC debt paid off (which can definitely happen in a year) and save up some money to pay for the classes themselves. I do plan on looking into scholarships, but I'd rather avoid loans if at all possible. I'll also have to look for a new job since the program is daytime and the clinicals are daytime. So I'd need to find something that I can work at night and will give me benefits. If I wait until 2010, I won't feel as pressured/panicked about finances. I hope.

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The program at St. Pete College (community? junior? No idea! :lol ) starts every August. I may or may not have to take Anatomy and Physiology again (I took it about 3-4 years ago) which might be the extent of my pre-reqs. If I wait until August 2010 to enter the program, that gives me a year and a half to get my CC debt paid off (which can definitely happen in a year) and save up some money to pay for the classes themselves. I do plan on looking into scholarships, but I'd rather avoid loans if at all possible. I'll also have to look for a new job since the program is daytime and the clinicals are daytime. So I'd need to find something that I can work at night and will give me benefits. If I wait until 2010, I won't feel as pressured/panicked about finances. I hope.


A&P!!! :eek That's a nasty course. My sister's doing her pre-reqs for nursing school (nothing like changing careers at 40 years old :P) and I quiz her for her A&P. How anyone keeps all that in her head is beyond me :blink

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Good Morning Happy House Ladies. :) It's been so foggy here that I couldn't see the house across the street - or the street for that matter. :eek It's much better now and I must leave shortly for an appt. and to feed the grandcats. I will check in later...have a great day, everyone. :manyheart

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A&P!!! :eek That's a nasty course. My sister's doing her pre-reqs for nursing school (nothing like changing careers at 40 years old :P) and I quiz her for her A&P. How anyone keeps all that in her head is beyond me :blink


I took a basic/intro type one a few years ago and managed an A. Of course pretty much all that info left my brain immediately following the course :lol. Oh, and I'm looking to find a career at 30 instead of just a job :D

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Sister is coming over in about an hour and a half for me to help her with her projects. She kept grousing yesterday and asking whose dumb idea a handmade Christmas was. I had to gently remind her that it was HER idea :rofl

I LOVE it! Her own idea has bit her in the bum! You're sweet to help her out.

Cara - HB absolutely LOVED A&P. He often sits and reads his old text JUST FOR FUN.. He's :loco, I'll tell ya! He never took a single note in that class - just sat there, hanging on the edge of his seat during classes and it was "in" his brain... :shrug Weirdo.

I got a C the first semester and a B the second semester when I took it, but that was many, many years ago and it definitely wasn't taken for the FUN of it. It was required for my nursing coursework.


On a brighter note. The crib quilt is DONE! And I'm very proud of it. I'll post pictures later. Hopefully the sun will come out later, too.

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Howdy HH group --

Sorry, but I'm too far behind in here to reply to hardly anyone-- other than I remember Mary asking how many grandkids we now have .

We have lucky number 7 . That may be all, not quite sure. I know the one family is done, the others are still up in the air --who knows ?

Only time will tell .

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