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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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My father was a butcher and always swore to us that you would cut yourself faster with a dull knife than with a sharp one. That never made any sense to me :lol

Me, neither - I would think you'd have to work harder to cause any damage. You should see how fast SDR grabs sharp things from my hand when he sees me try to do something that could have a nasty ending in the kitchen:lol:lol

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Me, neither - I would think you'd have to work harder to cause any damage. You should see how fast SDR grabs sharp things from my hand when he sees me try to do something that could have a nasty ending in the kitchen:lol:lol


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Actually, it's true that you can get a much nastier cut with a dull knife, because you are pressing harder with it (because it's dull) and if it suddenly slips there's a lot of pressure on it going somewhere all of a sudden without any control. And a sharp knife's cut will be cleaner and thus heal better with less puckering than the more jagged cut of a dull knife. (I've done both in the past, so speak from experience.) :eek

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Actually, it's true that you can get a much nastier cut with a dull knife, because you are pressing harder with it (because it's dull) and if it suddenly slips there's a lot of pressure on it going somewhere all of a sudden without any control. And a sharp knife's cut will be cleaner and thus heal better with less puckering than the more jagged cut of a dull knife. (I've done both in the past, so speak from experience.) :eek


Well that makes sense. Daddy never said why. He just told us to make sure ours knives were always sharp :P

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Again, just a quick note, but I had to check-in here, since DH turned the computer on this evening. DD slept all morning while the little one and I made bead bracelets, did 2 puzzles, read a book and practiced writing the letters J, K and L. Both girls thought they were hungry for lunch early, so I made light sandwiches and soup. After that, DD thought she would like to try going to school for the afternoon, so we re-dressed her in school clothes and had her on the campus by the time her class was coming indoors from recess. She managed a half of a day, and that is better than nothing. We had an early evening, and I think everyone will be feeling better by tomorrow :yes I did not get a thing done all day, but at least the girls were happy and content :P

I would love to join a couple of my Double IC blocks tonight or tomorrow. Usually, I join as I finish them, but I have been stock-piling baggies, each containing 25 saltines, all week :eek Time to control the chaos, I think.

Yikes, Linda, your accident with the rotary cutter sounded nasty. Glad your finger is on the mend, but take care of it!

Erin -- not long now, is it?!

Mary -- I loved your executive decision. How did your day go for you? Were you able to see some progress being made on your projects?

Cara -- your shopping trip sounded wonderful. So glad you had fun the other day.

Judy -- sounds like a nice day of staying cozy with your :crocheting and the television.


Have a good weekend!

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Howdy everyone, thanks so much, Im hoping Mum will love it. I think she knows Im making her something but she doesnt know what it is.


Mary thanks for keeping up the listing for us. Wow we sure have made loads of saltines.


Karen wow your so close. You can do it. :cheer


All the squares I made are attached and today I should make more...I love the red and white checked look...


Judy your making great progress with the saltines. What are you making with the red and white checked look.


I didn't get as much done as I had planned on yesterday. I did find out just how very sharp the rotary quilt cutters are. My first finger was too close to the edge on one of the cuts and I sliced a hunk out of it while cutting the cloth. It's about a half inch long, a quarter inch wide and an eighth of an inch deep. Bled like mad. And throbbed. At least it's on my left hand and not my right. I did manage to get all the squares for the preemie quilts cut out eventually and have 9 strips of 3 squares each put together. That's enough for 3 preemie quilt tops. The finger feels better today, so I should be able to get back at it soon.


I grew up in Iowa and we had a skating rink by the house in the winter, too. We had lots of fun on it. You brought back good memories, Dusti. Hope your kids have as much fun on yours as we did on ours.


It's sunshiny today here. More later.


Oh you poor thing, hope your finger doesnt hurt too much and gets better soon. That would be great to have a skating rink right by the house I reckon.


My oldest was just dropped off by DH. They left for school an hour ago, but her tummy did not feel well on the way in to town. I am off to make Pedilyte popsicles and try to keep fluids in her. Talk to you all in a bit. Have a good day!


Hope she feels better soon. :hug


Today and probably the next two weeks solid, will be a crochet day. I woke up this morning and the first thought I had was "Oh no! Today is the 5th! I only have 15 days to finish all this stuff!" :eek Took a while to dawn on me I guess :lol We're having our holiday on the 20th at my out-of-town sister's house. Thank goodness BDs family is just a gift pool :lol


You had better get cracking but then your such a fast crocheter Im sure you will get it all done. :hug


Can you come down and help me with mine. :lol


The finger is definitely better today. I'm keeping it covered more to protect it than because it needs it.


Today and tomorrow are preemie quilt days. I have 4 tops all together, and 4 battings and 4 backs cut. ( I'm being really, really careful with the cutter today.) I have one set pinned together ready for the quilting and finishing stage. So far, no two tops are identical.


Im glad the finger is a bit better, cant wait to see what you have been sewing together.

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Took Kim to the dentist yesterday afternoon. She was NOT cooperative. She smiled sweetly at the hygenist until it was time to do something and turned her head away and clamped her mouth tight shut. :lol And she did it over and over and over again. :lol It just was not her idea of what she wanted to do. We finally finished but it was a battle and the dentist had to come in and help. We went to Captain D's for supper afterwards which she did enjoy.


Lots to do and no ambition so far this morning. We'll see what gets done later.


Have a great day, everyone, and a good weekend. :hug

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12 white, 5 pink added. I keep getting sidetracked with other projects. It's hard to keep focused on this one cuz I dun like all the ends...lol. So this week I also joined ravelry, cataloged my stash, and finished wrist warmers, coasters, and a knifty knitted scarf.


20/192 pink

08/096 green

49/288 white

10/192 bicolor


87/768 total

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You had better get cracking but then your such a fast crocheter Im sure you will get it all done. :hug


Can you come down and help me with mine. :lol


:lol :lol


Took Kim to the dentist yesterday afternoon. She was NOT cooperative. She smiled sweetly at the hygenist until it was time to do something and turned her head away and clamped her mouth tight shut. :lol And she did it over and over and over again. :lol It just was not her idea of what she wanted to do. We finally finished but it was a battle and the dentist had to come in and help. We went to Captain D's for supper afterwards which she did enjoy.


Lots to do and no ambition so far this morning. We'll see what gets done later.


Have a great day, everyone, and a good weekend. :hug


Kim is really a riot sometimes isn't she? :lol Glad they were able to at least get through the appointment :lol


So, yesterday I finished my sister's hat and scarf and one out of 6 facecloths I need for spa baskets. That's what I'm making for my sisters and my niece. Well, the sister that wanted the hat and scarf is getting a smaller spa basket but she thinks that's just fine. All she really wanted was the hat and scarf until I told her about the spa baskets :lol


Have a great day everyone :hook

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Mary... 15 solids for me today.:hook

They're on the list. :) Can't wait to see your baby ghan!


I would love to join a couple of my Double IC blocks tonight or tomorrow. Usually, I join as I finish them, but I have been stock-piling baggies, each containing 25 saltines, all week :eek Time to control the chaos, I think.

:lol Know just how you feel! I have left way too much to join...but then I always do that. I'm glad your DD seems to be better. :manyheart


Mary thanks for keeping up the listing for us. Wow we sure have made loads of saltines.

You are welcome! :yarn


12 white, 5 pink added. I keep getting sidetracked with other projects. It's hard to keep focused on this one cuz I dun like all the ends...lol. So this week I also joined ravelry, cataloged my stash, and finished wrist warmers, coasters, and a knifty knitted scarf.

I think we're all in the same boat...so many projects and so little time. :D

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We put the tree up this a.m. Today is what we call "Zoe's Christmas acclimation day." :cat :ctreeAt the moment, she is asleep about 1/2 way up in the center of the tree. When DH gets home, I'll try to get a picture. Usually she leaves it alone after the first day or two, and then I decorate it. :lol


I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :manyheart

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So, yesterday I finished my sister's hat and scarf and one out of 6 facecloths I need for spa baskets. That's what I'm making for my sisters and my niece. Well, the sister that wanted the hat and scarf is getting a smaller spa basket but she thinks that's just fine. All she really wanted was the hat and scarf until I told her about the spa baskets :lol


Have a great day everyone :hook


What's going to be in the spa baskets? Other than face cloths :D


I'm thinking of curling up and taking a nap today. DBF had to go out of town last night for work (on one of my rare Friday nights off too :( ) So it's just been me yesterday and today. But I had a fabulous morning! I got up and worked out, then headed over to my massage appointment. Oh, that put me on :c9 It was an excellent birthday present that I finally got around to using. I didn't even mind the people so much when I went to get jeans at Beall's. But now, my energy is dipping so I really think a nap is a good idea today :D

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We put the tree up this a.m. Today is what we call "Zoe's Christmas acclimation day." :cat :ctreeAt the moment, she is asleep about 1/2 way up in the center of the tree. When DH gets home, I'll try to get a picture. Usually she leaves it alone after the first day or two, and then I decorate it. :lol


I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :manyheart


You know that's a very good idea at Zoe :lol They do kind of get bored with things after a day or two don't they? :lol


What's going to be in the spa baskets? Other than face cloths :D


Well, let's see. So far I have several little bottle of shower gel, body lotion and body mist in different scents so they'll each get 3 each of those. Then I'll add 2 facecloths, Priscilla Hewitt's crochet back scrubber, some bath puffs (non-crochet...the crochet ones just never seem to dry properly) and lip balms so far.


I'm gonna search out some of those massage things that you hold in your hand. Gosh hard to explain but they're usually made of wood. Thinking of adding a loofah, some little bath salt sachets I saw recently and maybe a little manicure set. And anything else I can think of :D I'd add a robe to each one but those are expensive and we're supposed to keep it to $15...$20 max. I like that idea. That way everything doesn't get overblown :yes

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Again, just a quick note, but I had to check-in here, since DH turned the computer on this evening. DD slept all morning while the little one and I made bead bracelets, did 2 puzzles, read a book and practiced writing the letters J, K and L. Both girls thought they were hungry for lunch early, so I made light sandwiches and soup. After that, DD thought she would like to try going to school for the afternoon, so we re-dressed her in school clothes and had her on the campus by the time her class was coming indoors from recess. She managed a half of a day, and that is better than nothing. We had an early evening, and I think everyone will be feeling better by tomorrow :yes I did not get a thing done all day, but at least the girls were happy and content :P

I would love to join a couple of my Double IC blocks tonight or tomorrow. Usually, I join as I finish them, but I have been stock-piling baggies, each containing 25 saltines, all week :eek Time to control the chaos, I think.

Yikes, Linda, your accident with the rotary cutter sounded nasty. Glad your finger is on the mend, but take care of it!

Erin -- not long now, is it?!

Mary -- I loved your executive decision. How did your day go for you? Were you able to see some progress being made on your projects?

Cara -- your shopping trip sounded wonderful. So glad you had fun the other day.

Judy -- sounds like a nice day of staying cozy with your :crocheting and the television.


Have a good weekend!



Lets hope not!!! He's really becoming abusive in there :eek Im positive I had two contractions yesterday, but none so far today that I can tell. 13 days left husband tells me. Hes so cute counting down the days. I think its because the guys don't have a lot to do at work usually now most days that they are able to talk more to each other. I'm just crossing my fingers he is here by the 20th(hubbys in a wedding!!) but I don't know...

Our next appointment is Monday and Im not sure Im gonna bother having the doctor check me, I don't want false hopes. Im curious as can be but still.



The last pan of cookies is in the oven!! :lol Now we should have plenty for company if Alex comes around Christmas. I just gotta talk hubby into frosting them with me, and not eating them! :devil I has been snowing on and off the past 3 days here...very chilly out! We actually reached 30 today, yesterday was more like 20. I was able to sew another stripe onto the Geo last night, and weave in some ends. My parents may get the "Its almost finished" at Christmas but I know they will understand. I also still have to put the handles on 2 more purses! :eek yikes!

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Hi Val! A massage, a little shopping and a nap sounds like a perfect Saturday to me. You deserve a day all to yourself. :)


Sounds like my idea of a good time, too :D


The nap was wonderful! Didn't worry about how long I was going to sleep, just laid down, and eventually drifted off. It's amazing how well even a short one can recharge my batteries. Now, hopefully tonight I'll finish the doily I'm testing for Katchkan. yes, I'm still working on it! I've got one last round, but it has lots of picots, so fingers crossed it goes quick.

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Picture time for me. Here are pictures of the Christmas stocking I did for Kim's cousin (I'll do 2 more after Christmas.), and the first three completed Christmas mice preemie quilts. The gal at church was very excited to hear about the quilts and will pick them up on Wednesday, so we don't have to get out in the cold.




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Linda ~ The quilts are adorable! You did a beautiful job and I know they will be much appreciated. :c9 I love the stocking, too. You are so talented! :cheer


Cara, you've helped me solve a problem! We draw names on my family's side and my Dad drew my sister's name...he asked for my help and I've had a hard time coming up with just the right thing. I'll do a Spa Basket! Thank you! :manyheart

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