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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Judy - Glad Sparky is getting his spark back.


Cara - I would love for today to be a jammie day since it's raining and getting cold outside. I'll be able to get back into them after the party.


Just finished a wonderful brunch.


I have sorted all the yarn I bought during HL's discountinued sale. Man, I didn't realize how much yarn I bought. I almost have everything organized. I'll finish it later after I return home. I want to spend my last day doing nothing but crocheting.


CU guys later!

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Judy - Glad Sparky is getting his spark back.


Cara - I would love for today to be a jammie day since it's raining and getting cold outside. I'll be able to get back into them after the party.


Just finished a wonderful brunch.


I have sorted all the yarn I bought during HL's discountinued sale. Man, I didn't realize how much yarn I bought. I almost have everything organized. I'll finish it later after I return home. I want to spend my last day doing nothing but crocheting.


CU guys later!


Well maybe you'll just appreciate your jammie time more after coming in from dismal weather :D


I hear ya on the yarn. I did the same thing at Michaels a while back. I didn't realize I had so much yarn until I had to tidy up for contractors. I think I pretty much have enough here to keep me busy till May :lol

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oh trust me, even if I don't want to think about it, I keep telling myself he will go the full 40 weeks. Doctor says the more your dilated the less you gotta wait to push so thats why Im hoping he has a head start! I know the whole "dropped" dealio means jack squat BUT because Im carrying so high with him, I feel like I can breathe again. Bathroom breaks aren't so fun but oh well! 2 more shifts at the lovely Target! I about wanted to scream today being there...most people are SO NASTY this time of year. Im def gonna put in some work on the Geo today, Ive been lazy about it =(

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Just got back home after the second run of running errands. The first was for me and the second was for John. He decided to stay inside where is was warm and have me go to the drug store and grocery store to stock up for while he is gone. :irk He leaves Monday for 2 weeks in Texas.


Now I can put my feet up, put on the audiobook, and crochet. :hook

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U of Texas scarf #5 is finished. :cheer DH very sweetly went to Michael's on Wednesday while I was cooking and found 1 skein of the dye lot I needed. :D I just have a couple of things to finish up and then it's back to little squares. :hook


DH asked me if I wanted to go anywhere today and I said "Nope, but thank you." Just in the mood to stay home and crochet this afternoon. I hope everyone is having a great day. :manyheart

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Linda - Nice of them to leave the cold to you, eh? :P Enjoy your evening with book and hook :hug


Mary - Awww that was so sweet of DH to go track down a specific dye lot :manyheart Grats on finishing scarf #5 :clap


Down to my last 3 blocks for the BB :clap

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Erin, I totally sympathize with you! I work part time for one of the shopping channels and people are seriously irritating some days. I had one caller last night who took 30 minutes!! I got done ordering what she wanted, thanked her and then "do you have printers?" She wanted to know the size of the ones we had under $100, and the weight. Then wanted to know which was the better brand, which printed better, etc. FINALLY she makes a decision, then decides she wants to hear about wireless printers :rolleyes.

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yeah i had people like running me over with carts(and giving me dirty looks like I was in THEIR way), talking on their phones blocking the end of isles when I was trying to get through with a push cart of product....twice my cart with my things in it disappeared, I always found my things sitting on an endcap. I guess some man called on of our sweetest co workers a pretty bad name to her face for reasons out of her control....and then that poor man that was trampled at a walmart! The shoppers were TOed because they had to close the store because this man died!! seriously...I cannot wait to not work retail anymore.

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I'm back from the party. It was a lot of fun.


Cara - I'm gonna put on the jammies and not take them off till time to take a bath and put on a fresh pair.


Have fun Linda with your book. I joined the audiotogo club yesterday. I was spending too much money on books. It's much cheaper than what I was paying. It works like the Blockbuster movies. I'll get 3 at a time and when I finish 1, send it back while listening to the 2nd one and a new one will be on the way.


Well, I'm going to do a little hooking.

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Mary Im glad your sister is doing ok. :hug


Erin yes watch out for the backache, as soon as that starts then you know your in labour.


Ok I finally have my "2000" gifts ready to go out for Mary and for Dusti. Dusti I pmed you for your address.


Im still doing grecian tile squares, boy I will be glad to get back to 2 row saltines. I cant remember the last time I made any.

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I hear ya on the yarn. I did the same thing at Michaels a while back. I didn't realize I had so much yarn until I had to tidy up for contractors. I think I pretty much have enough here to keep me busy till May :lol


May? Well, I have enough to last me until May, too. MAY OF 2013!!! :rofl


oh trust me, even if I don't want to think about it, I keep telling myself he will go the full 40 weeks. Doctor says the more your dilated the less you gotta wait to push so thats why Im hoping he has a head start! I know the whole "dropped" dealio means jack squat BUT because Im carrying so high with him, I feel like I can breathe again. Bathroom breaks aren't so fun but oh well! 2 more shifts at the lovely Target! I about wanted to scream today being there...most people are SO NASTY this time of year. Im def gonna put in some work on the Geo today, Ive been lazy about it =(


I still think your doctor is giving you false hope. Dilated and effaced really doesn't mean much at a visit. Even if you go into labor 2cm dilated, it can still take forever. And the reverse as well. Remember, I was NOTHING at a visit and then had my DD 5 hours later. Every single time (4 kids), I had this MONSTER contraction where I dilated from about 2 or 4 all the way right to 10, and then I was done... ready to push. We won't be talking about the amount of yelling that went on during that contraction, though... :no :no :no But it was sure a relief when you're going on and on forever and not dilating, gettting frustrated, to know that all of a sudden I was READY to push. FYI, the doctor/midwife/nurse didn't believe me each time I said "I feel like I have to push"... they had just checked me each time and told me that I was only a few cm. Then they checked again, shook their heads and said.... "well, you're right!" :lol


Also, if you're going on and on, not dilating - try going pee. That was the trick with my last one with the epidural.


Ok I finally have my "2000" gifts ready to go out for Mary and for Dusti. Dusti I pmed you for your address.


Im still doing grecian tile squares, boy I will be glad to get back to 2 row saltines. I cant remember the last time I made any.


I haven't done the 2000 gifts, either. :blush


I think you need to be making THREE row squares next, right? :tryme

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May? Well, I have enough to last me until May, too. MAY OF 2013!!! :rofl

Oh, Krystal! :laughroll:laughroll:laughrollI don't have that much, but at the rate I crochet, maybe 2010. If you count my thread then it might make 2013. John would probably say 2030.


I'm awake. Sort of. I'm making 3 round grannies for the Christmas stocking with one triangle thrown in for good measure. All but two of them are three colored. The two for the toe have a two color round, a white round, and a two color round. Does that make them 5 color blocks? :think Only three colors, but five color changes.


It's gray, overcast, gloomy, chilly, and wet here. I don't really want to get out, but I've got 8 preemie afghans I need to drop off at church so I better get a wriggle on.

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Morning all,


Sister #3 is whipping up breakfast which turns out to be brunch when she's the cook. I have truly enjoyed the other 2 girls being here. They will probably leave about 2 pm.


Well tomorrow is back to the grind stone.


I'll CU guys later.

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Morning ladies :flower


Hope all are doing well this fine Sunday afternoon :D I've been up about 2 hours but they have this new thing called Cyber Monday with all the stores so it has taken me this long just to browse the ads quickly :lol


Didn't find much gift-wise but I sure saw lots of things I'd like :wink


Anyway....need to finish up the last BB square then start sewing that puppy together :hook

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Morning ladies :flower


Hope all are doing well this fine Sunday afternoon :D I've been up about 2 hours but they have this new thing called Cyber Monday with all the stores so it has taken me this long just to browse the ads quickly :lol


Didn't find much gift-wise but I sure saw lots of things I'd like :wink


Anyway....need to finish up the last BB square then start sewing that puppy together :hook


Ohh, what ads did you see? I haven't seen any. Then again, I haven't really gone hunting for them :lol


I'm officially done with Thanksgiving! DBF and I headed to my parents today for Thanksgiving with them. We had a good time. And lots of good food. Yum!

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Ohh, what ads did you see? I haven't seen any. Then again, I haven't really gone hunting for them :lol


I'm officially done with Thanksgiving! DBF and I headed to my parents today for Thanksgiving with them. We had a good time. And lots of good food. Yum!


Hmmm, let's see...Penney's, Circuit City, Best Buy, Target, WalMart for the most part. I got one from the place I get a lot of my clothes for 40% my entire purchase :eek That one was just TOO good to pass up, especially since all my clothes are falling off me with my weight loss. So after sweet talking BD I got to order news clothes :D

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Cara, good for you. What all did you order?


I've finished crocheting all the squares for the Christmas stocking and have started hiding tails and sewing them together. Should get well on the way to completing it yet tonight. It's going to be very pretty. :yes

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Cara, good for you. What all did you order?


I've finished crocheting all the squares for the Christmas stocking and have started hiding tails and sewing them together. Should get well on the way to completing it yet tonight. It's going to be very pretty. :yes


Great progress Linda :clap I got 11 shirts, 2 sweaters and 2 pair of pants. I can't even keep my pants up anymore and they have an elastic waistband :lol

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Good Morning, all. :)


Cara, congratulations on the weight loss and getting some new clothes!


Linda, your projects sound wonderful. Can't wait to see the stocking. :yes


Hi Valerie ~ so sorry you have to go back to work today. When are you going to take the rest of your vacation?


I managed to make a few squares over the weekend. Today is errand day and lunch with DH. Have a great morning. :manyheart

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Great progress Linda :clap I got 11 shirts, 2 sweaters and 2 pair of pants. I can't even keep my pants up anymore and they have an elastic waistband :lol

Kathy had the same problem....even with her underwear:lol

What a woderful side effect from getting rid of weight!:)

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Good morning everyone. John left for the airport and Texas about 8:30 this morning. The foot of the sock is together and I'm starting on the leg now. Have a good day. :hook

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Kathy had the same problem....even with her underwear:lol

What a woderful side effect from getting rid of weight!:)


Oh no I needed new drawers quite a while back. Told BD droopy drawers were NOT an option. I could wear kinda baggy clothes but new underpants were a MUST! :lol :lol


I've been having a frustrating morning :irk JoAnn is having a one day only free shipping on any order sale and it's slow going indeed :( Too many people on I do believe. I have broadband. Makes me feel really sorry for folks trying to shop with dial up. Oh well gonna keep trying :D

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