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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Mary, I'm glad to hear things are going as well as can be expected for your sister. I can almost smell all those good things cooking. Yummmmm!!!!


I have now quilted the 2 preemie quilts. Tried out a number of different ways of quilting the squares. I'm pretty pleased with the results so far. Now it's on to attaching the binding to the body of them. I borrowed samples of how to do it from Rosie as well as one of her books that explains it step by step. This may be the most challenging part yet.

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Hi everyone. You are the most wonderful, supportive friends. Thank you for all your kind words. :ghug My sister is doing really well and has a house full of children, grandchildren and a sister-in-law. This wasn't unexpected (ALS and Lymphoma), just sooner than expected so it's truly a blessing that he didn't have to suffer. After lots of discussion, we decided DH and I can be the most help by making sure our parents don't try to drive to the lake, so we are preparing dinner here and taking it to their house tomorrow. We'll go back to see her Friday or Saturday when the kids have left and we can be of some help.


Meanwhile, my house smells so good. The turkey is roasting in one oven and the ham in another. I made my cornbread stuffing and potatoes are boiling for mashed potatoes. We're doing our family's traditional side dishes and will prepare some of those at Mom's. :)


Gee, this is like an essay :blush ...I'll go back and read posts now.


Mary, two paragraphs doesn't make an essay :lol I'm so glad your sister has so many people that love and care about her around her right now :manyheart Definitely a good idea to keep the folks from driving :yes


One of these years I will have to visit USA at Thanksgiving to experience it. :D


Thanksgiving is fabulous!! It's better than Christmas. Who could not love a holiday celebrated with food :drool


I's gluttony at it's worst.


Yes and that's the great part :rofl :rofl


Family showed up today and we have had a very nice visit with just my sisters, BIL, niece and little baby Peyton :manyheart He is the most lovable baby I've ever seen! My sister told us that he'd be fine but just don't grab for him right off the bat. Well, Peyton had other ideas :lol He was reaching out for us. :manyheart


Okay all completely ready for tomorrow except we're having an unexpected addition. My sister's stepson kept us on hanging on for two weeks about whether he was coming or going to his girlfriend's. Well he decides while his folks are driving down here that he would be coming and oh, by the way, he'll be bringing the girlfriend, too! I'm gonna wring that kid's neck :lol

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Hi Mary,


Thanks. All I've done so far is rest. I can't stay awake. I'm glad that under the circumstances, things are fairly well with your family.


My 2 sisters from Alabama will be here early Thanksgiving morning. Oh! It is Thanksgiving morning.




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Hi Karen, 35 more added! Are you making another adorable baby ghan?


I am :D This newest one will be a scrap one. I have extras of a bunch of colors and will combine them to make a multi-color baby nine block. I have most of the squares done and need to lay everything out on the floor to see what looks best where.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

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Family showed up today and we have had a very nice visit with just my sisters, BIL, niece and little baby Peyton :manyheart He is the most lovable baby I've ever seen! My sister told us that he'd be fine but just don't grab for him right off the bat. Well, Peyton had other ideas :lol He was reaching out for us. :manyheart


Okay all completely ready for tomorrow except we're having an unexpected addition. My sister's stepson kept us on hanging on for two weeks about whether he was coming or going to his girlfriend's. Well he decides while his folks are driving down here that he would be coming and oh, by the way, he'll be bringing the girlfriend, too! I'm gonna wring that kid's neck :lol

That's so sweet about Peyton:c9

...and it sounds like a buffet is the plan for today?


Happy Thanksgiving everyone:hug:manyheart

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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! :pilgrim I hope you all have a good day whether you're cooking, shopping or crocheting. We'll be leaving about 10 to drive to my parents. We'll be back in plenty of time to watch the Texas - Texas A&M game this evening. DD and her DH will be in Austin at the game. Hook 'Em Horns!

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Happy turkey day everyone! Tracey, you're more than welcome to join me for a USA Thanksgiving, I don't cook. I go to places that do the cooking :D I'm sure one day I'll be the one doing it. Gotta love having a kitchen that isn't set up for cooking though.


Today DBF is cooking, so I'm heading over to his parents shortly. Sunday will be Thanksgiving at my parents due to Dad's work schedule. So I'll be getting lots of mashed potatos and stuffing :drool :fork:knife I'm getting hungry just thinking about them. Everyone have a good day!

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Good evening ladies :flower


I haven't even had a chance to sit down with my puter til now. But Thanksgiving went off without a hitch! We had a fabulous time.


I certainly hope that everyone has a glorious Thanksgiving :manyheart

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Cara, I'm so happy to hear that everything went well! Sit back and relax now...I'm heading to bed early. Making the pastitsio was nearly as exhausting as doing the turkey thing!

CU tomorrow...:hug

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We are home again. I guess what we had for dinner today is a tradition on this side of Kim's family to have for Thanksgiving every two or three years, but it was my first time for this menu. We had Chicken/Seafood Gumbo on Rice with side salad. No turkey and dressing, cranberry sauce, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes or pumpkin pie which is what I'm used to for Thanksgiving. It was good, but not what I expected. They had cooked two turkeys and made the other stuff, but that was for tomorrow, not today. There was lots of good companionship and visiting and that was the important part of the get-together. :manyheart Hope everyone had safe trips and a good time whether at home or away. :hug

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Good Morning,


Linda - I'm glad you had a good time and made it back home safe.


Cara - Good job and glad everything worked out okay.


Judy - I hope you had a good night's sleep.


My sisters are here. The 2 that likes to cook started last night and I've just awaken to a full blown Thanksgiving Dinner. My sister that lives with me has been sick since Friday and was not able to cook. The youngest of us four got everything started and stayed up all night. Jacqueline is beginning to sound like herself today and feeling better. However, I not feeling so hot myself. I have an allergy/sinus related headache that goes down into my neck. My ears feel as if they want to blow. I've taken my daily prescribed medicine but it's not working. I might have to make a trip to the doctor.


There are 2 of us that like to cook and 2 of us that like to crochet. She brought a project with her and we're getting ready to go at it. I do have to go and get the magazine with Amy's pattern in it.


Ladies, have a great day and I'll CU all later.

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Hi, Valerie....not such a good night's sleep.

Because I gave my dogs a teaspoonful of something that had ground beef...and ONION in it. I KNOW BETTER THAN TO GIVE ONIONS TO A DOG...but I didn't think there anything to worry about in giving them a small taste.:(

Susie, the old lady is fine, but Sparkie started vomitting at 3:30 AM. I won't get graphic, but I was beside myself with concern. He's nowhere near himself yet.:worried

Our 24/7 vet (a tech) said to either bring him in or go NPO and see how he does. I have a local vet I also use and I left a message for her....:(


I'm dressed, already cleaned upstairs (woke up poor SDR at 4AM, so he's been up and dressed sonce 6). And I nearly have all my laundry done....activity is my reaction to stress. Next it's time to take out the hook. I can't think of anything else that needs cleaning while I wait to talk to the vet.

Obviously Sparkie is extremely sensitive to onions :(

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Aww Judi, your poor puppy! I hope he gets better soon!


I'm stuck working a half day today. I really wish I'd had gotten the day off. I didn't sleep so well last night and woke up several times, that is, provided I even fell asleep. So sleeping in would have been fabulous today. On the plus side, I'm working from home today instead of going into the office.

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Hi, Valerie....not such a good night's sleep.

Because I gave my dogs a teaspoonful of something that had ground beef...and ONION in it. I KNOW BETTER THAN TO GIVE ONIONS TO A DOG...but I didn't think there anything to worry about in giving them a small taste.:(

Susie, the old lady is fine, but Sparkie started vomitting at 3:30 AM. I won't get graphic, but I was beside myself with concern. He's nowhere near himself yet.:worried

Our 24/7 vet (a tech) said to either bring him in or go NPO and see how he does. I have a local vet I also use and I left a message for her....:(


I'm dressed, already cleaned upstairs (woke up poor SDR at 4AM, so he's been up and dressed sonce 6). And I nearly have all my laundry done....activity is my reaction to stress. Next it's time to take out the hook. I can't think of anything else that needs cleaning while I wait to talk to the vet.

Obviously Sparkie is extremely sensitive to onions :(




I'm sorry to hear about Sparky. It'll probably wear off. I'm a little sensitive to onions myself. I didn't sleep well myself. I think my body is breaking down because it's finally getting to rest. I have one of those allergy/sinus headaches that won't go away. I'm also feeling blah...don't feel like doing anything but wanting to do everything I've had to put off due to long hours of work.


Check back in and update us on Sparky. I'm going to run to HL to get the magazine with Amy's pattern in it.

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Sparkie is resting...the vet said to try and offer him some chicken and rice later tonight but not to worry if he won't eat yet. She'll see him if it will ease our mind, but I think he's on the mend. He hasn;t been sick in 5 hours now, so that's good. He still wants to go out and pick up his favorite tree limb...so, like kids, that's a good sign, too. The vet did remind me of the symptoms of bloat and said he sould take it easy...

Poor little mush...:manyheart

I can now stop reaching for the comfort food...maybe.

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Happy Friday, everyone. Sounds like everyone had a nice day yesterday! We had a good time with the Parents and my brother came, too.


Judy, poor Sparkie...and poor you. :manyheart I'm glad he's feeling a little better.


Linda, Gumbo for Thanksgiving? One year it was just DH, DD and I and we did "make your own pizza" night at DD's request. :lol (She still doesn't like turkey.)


Where is Tracy? :D Isn't this moving weekend? Check in with updates when you can. :hug


I'm reporting 29 solid squares that I made last night while watching Texas beat A&M. :cheer

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Congratulations to Dusti for reaching #2000 this past week. :cheer And Karen is really close. :hook Please let me know if any changes need to be made.

Karen (econ-nerd) 1963

Tracy (tracystroebel) 1809

Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Cathy (crashcat07) 1076

Donna (sewnsew) 886

Val (Priszm) 806

Wendy (Aussie) ***711

Shay (Shaylen) 682

Denise (denisethorpe) 671

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***627

Heather (hseger) 517

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Erin (EMedley) 461

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 281

Tammy (TammyG) 212

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Mary (Skysmom) *** 124

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Judy (judianne) 71

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 48

Krystal (Krystal 16) 40

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Dusti (rii698) *** 11

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

Cara (Misa)

*** 2000 Squares Winner and Starting Again!

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I'm reporting 29 solid squares that I made last night while watching Texas beat A&M. :cheer


Oh boo hiss! :lol This is one seriously pro-A&M family I've got here. BD, his brother, his wife and my sister's DH are all alumni, one of my nephews is a current student and Peyton and the other two nephews are all Aggies in-training :lol Of course, the rivalry is all in fun. They're both wonderful schools. Texas is one lucky state :D


Gotta decide what I'm gonna do today. I'm thinking it'll involve a crochet hook. I should put the furniture back where it goes but nah :hook

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:hi Mary. Still here for now. :D I think we will be without internet from tomorrow for a few days, I don't think they have confirmed yet when it will be transferred. Half our things are in the new house, furniture and few other bits still need to go.


Judy, I hope Sparkie is feeling a bit better now. :hug


Cara, :crocheting sounds better than moving furniture. :wink


:yay Dusti for reaching 2000.

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