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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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long distance scarfing? haha! :lol Ive been a terrible crocheter since the WoW expansion came out :eek tisk tisk!


heres the Geo so far!


Absolutely gorgeous! Great job!!! :yay:cheer:yay

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Erin, the Geo looks great! :cheerDid you mention if it is a gift...or for you to keep? How much more do you have to go? It looks big already!


Linda T - the pictures of your work were well worth waiting for! Fantastic stuff...I love the 3D effect of the stacked blocks, and all that thread work - gorgeous stuff, all of it.:clap

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Erin ~ your ghan is wonderful! I love your colors together and your work is really pretty. :hook


Oh my, Linda. I second what Judy said...it's definitely worth the wait! You've done so much and it's all stunning. The filet pieces are incredible...your family and Kim and John's will be thrilled. :) I have to look at everything again. :D

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I do that too! And yet I still end up with crud on my dishes. The maintanence people don't believe me, so I gave up. I wash them by hand unless I'm really lazy and there's a ton piled up.


Our old dishwasher used to leave some gook here and there, but the new dishwasher has absolutely NO crud left on it. I guess in most dishwashers, there is this filter/screen at the bottom (somewhere :think) that you are actually supposed to clean regularly like the lint screen in your dryer. Never knew that.


Oh yes I just hate that and my daughter hates it even more, she takes forever to do the dishes because she doesnt like putting her hands in the water in case any floaties are there. :lol


Aside from the horrible feel of my hands after washing dishes, you've just hit on the #1 reason why I don't even DO them. I do everything else, HB washes the few pots or pans that won't get into the dishwasher. "Dishwasher safe" is my favorite phrase! :lol


Glad to know I'm not the only one :lol Biggest fight BD and I ever had was when he put a knife with mayo on it in my dishwater without rinsing it off and I touched it and totally freaked out :lol




Thanks for all the compliments. Here we go with some more show and tell.

Here is the Stacked Blocks Quiltghan at the end of the Crochet Olympics. I have the rest of the saltines crocheted for it but still have to put those all together and get them attached. Next is the flower doily that will be my doctor's Christmas present. It's not starched yet but is otherwise done.



They are all beautiful, but you did an outstanding job picking the colors for this - they are BEAUTIFULLY 3-D thanks to that!


Oooh, dinner out was yummy. Good thing weigh-in wasn't tomorrow. :rofl I just realized the best part of today... NOT having to get up in the morning and get the kids ready! :woo :woo

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Thanks, eveyone. :bow Yup, that's me, a busy bee. :rofl:rofl:rofl

And more pictures. The first is of my DD and I when she was here. The second is of Kim in her new warm hunting hat.



Then we have the Hunting Lodge and John in one of the golf carts with it camoflaged.



Inside on the first floor is Kim by the entry and then the living room with satelite TV. I'm standing behind a large, comfy couch.



Continuing to rotate we have the kitchen and dining room with two large porches off the dining room, one of which is screened in.




Also on this floor is a full bathroom, and two bedrooms with double beds. There is also a washer and dryer on this floor. Upstairs is another full bathroom and more bedrooms. Hunting here is definitely NOT roughing it! And the deer are way, way ahead of the hunters this year. Mostly Kim and I and any other gals stay at the lodge and visit and watch TV while the guys hunt. I get to crochet up a storm when we are here. And there is a computer with internet hookup so I can visit with all of you.

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Linda ~ Oh my, your work is delicious. Wow!! All of your talent amazes me. Very nice work. Each and every piece is so special. Thank you for taking the time to share with us :hug


Erin ~ How is everyone at your house this day? Feeling better? Your Geo-ghan is really nice. Like Judy, I am curious about how large your finished ghan is going to be? Looks good :clap


Mary ~ Glad to hear you had an enjoyable lunch with DD. You are still raking leaves, no? If we had leaves on the ground, they are all covered up, now, so I do not have to think about them any more :P We received a couple of inches of snow over the weekend, so everything is wearing a nice, white coat. Girls are tickled and I am resigned to this chilly weather.:wbrr


Krystal ~ Why didn't the kiddos have to go to school, yesterday? Mine did... Your dinner out must have been really good; glad to hear it.


Tracy ~ I do not think I commented on your scarf, but it turned out really nice. I never gave it any thought whether crocheting with black yarn would be difficult, but as Mary mentioned it, I can see the challenge. Is the scarf for Kayla?

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Thank you, Dusti. :D


I don't usually like working with a lot of black, but I had to make it in school colours. It wasn't too bad, because it was v-stitch, I just had to work into spaces and not stitches. :hook The gloves I made to go with it were only 21 rows each, but a bit more difficult because they were also black and had to work mostly in sc. But they are finished and Kyla is happy with them. :D Wore it all to school this morning.

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when John first went to the hunting lodge they called it the hunting cabin and our thought was of something very small and very rustic. Not at all what the real thing turned out to be. I think it's roughing it without roughing it. :lol :lol :lol


Kim is doing much, much better today. We got the steroids and antibiotics started fast enough that she's really only had one terribly rough day and night and is getting better much faster than usual. Thank goodness. I hate it when her chest gets this congested. She has such a hard time bringing up the gunk. I'm so glad we caught it so quickly this time.


I'm planning on working on the Stacked Cubes today. Alternating that with the fillet piece I'm making John for his birthday which is January first. It's about a third done at this point. It's his initials, which is what everyone at work calls him, JC. I'm thinking that he can put it in his office.


I'm off to crochet. :hook Have a great day all. :hug

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More pictures! Linda, what fun to see you and Joy together. :manyheart The lodge is lovely and it's no wonder you all enjoy it so much! Is it a long way from other houses and towns? That's wonderful news about Kim.


Dusti ~ Yes, we have lots of leaves and they're just starting to fall here. Are the girls getting excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas?


Tracy, I'll bet you all are excited to be moving soon. :) It sounds like Kyla is very happy with her new scarf and gloves.


Off to get my haircut and a couple of errands. Have a great morning. :yes

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Everythings okay in our house. Yep, just okay. I don't know anymore whats a cold/allergies/pregnancy. Im all foggy today and my ears are hurting and clogged. Oh well! Hubby says hes doing a lot better, but thats probably because he is on the max dose of his meds since hes in a flare, however, he did shut off his alarm this morning and was a half hour late for work. Lucky for him I had to get up to use the bathroom when I did(most nights I spend half the night on the couch to be comfy) ans I realized what time it was. I managed to over sleep a lil today too, but I don't have to work so I guess its okay. Im just burning out but well what should I expect being almost 9 months pregnant right?


Thanks for the lovely compliments on the Geo, and yes, it is a present for my parents for Christmas, if I finish it in time. Not really positive how much more I have to go on it, I may make it smaller than the pattern calls for so that they can have it on their bed and not have to take it off every night. We'll see.

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Hi, Erin ~

I JUST made this pattern from Bernat's website a couple of weeks ago. Here is my interpretation:


For each row up to the bold line, you are increasing by 6 stitches, right? Okay, here is what the rest of your pattern is going to look like, written out:


Row 9: Ch1, *1 sc in each of the next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around, join with sl st to first sc. (48 sc)

Row 10: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc.

Row 11: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. (54 sc)

Row 12: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc.

Row 13: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. (60 sc)


And, then you go on to what they list as the Next rnd:


How does that look to you? Holler if that makes no sense.



is it just me or do most hats seem like pancakes? it always makes me think Im doing something wrong with the pattern....*sigh*

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long distance scarfing? haha! :lol Ive been a terrible crocheter since the WoW expansion came out :eek tisk tisk!


heres the Geo so far!



Erin the Geo looks great in those colors :clap I hear ya about WoW. I've been on a WoW kick for 3 weeks now and this is NOT the time for it :lol


Thanks for all the compliments. Here we go with some more show and tell.

Here is the Stacked Blocks Quiltghan at the end of the Crochet Olympics. I have the rest of the saltines crocheted for it but still have to put those all together and get them attached. Next is the flower doily that will be my doctor's Christmas present. It's not starched yet but is otherwise done.



Next is a shot of the 3 fillet pieces for my mother and brothers for Christmas. My maiden name is Roys. There is a close up of one of them, too. They're all alike.



Next is a shot of the 3 Caylor fillet pieces and a closeup of one. These are all slightly different. I have one more of these yet to make.



Here are my preemie afghans for October and November, so far.



The first one here is a Celtic Knot Shawl that I made for myself while in Texas. The Second one is the Lacy Shawl that I'm giving Kim for Christmas. It still needs to be blocked and have a fringe of ribbons added to it and then it will be all set to go.




These bring me pretty much up to date I think. Enjoy!


Oh WOW! Well, I must say at least you got a lot done with no internet. I love, love, LOVE the stacked blocks and the thread work is flat out amazing! The shawls are gorgeous as well. Color me super impressed :yes


Thanks, eveyone. :bow Yup, that's me, a busy bee. :rofl :rofl :rofl

And more pictures. The first is of my DD and I when she was here. The second is of Kim in her new warm hunting hat.



Then we have the Hunting Lodge and John in one of the golf carts with it camoflaged.



Inside on the first floor is Kim by the entry and then the living room with satelite TV. I'm standing behind a large, comfy couch.



Continuing to rotate we have the kitchen and dining room with two large porches off the dining room, one of which is screened in.




Also on this floor is a full bathroom, and two bedrooms with double beds. There is also a washer and dryer on this floor. Upstairs is another full bathroom and more bedrooms. Hunting here is definitely NOT roughing it! And the deer are way, way ahead of the hunters this year. Mostly Kim and I and any other gals stay at the lodge and visit and watch TV while the guys hunt. I get to crochet up a storm when we are here. And there is a computer with internet hookup so I can visit with all of you.


Hmmm, with digs like that even I might be convinced to "rough" it :lol The photos of you and Joy and Kim are fabulous! Thanks for sharing those :hug


when John first went to the hunting lodge they called it the hunting cabin and our thought was of something very small and very rustic. Not at all what the real thing turned out to be. I think it's roughing it without roughing it. :lol :lol :lol


Kim is doing much, much better today. We got the steroids and antibiotics started fast enough that she's really only had one terribly rough day and night and is getting better much faster than usual. Thank goodness. I hate it when her chest gets this congested. She has such a hard time bringing up the gunk. I'm so glad we caught it so quickly this time.


I'm planning on working on the Stacked Cubes today. Alternating that with the fillet piece I'm making John for his birthday which is January first. It's about a third done at this point. It's his initials, which is what everyone at work calls him, JC. I'm thinking that he can put it in his office.


I'm off to crochet. :hook Have a great day all. :hug


Very glad to hear Kim is doing better :hug


Almost finished with nephew's hat. It is going more slowly than I thought it would. Oh well, almost done. Then I have to decide what to work on around here. I'll be losing all day Saturday now as my in-laws are coming through town to deliver the centerpiece my MIL has made for my T-day table. I really needed all day Saturday to get BD off his rump and do two things for me. Guess he'll be doing it on Sunday then because they ARE getting done or he'll have to listen to me whine which he hates :devil


Off to catch up with everything else. Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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I love the geometric squares, and stacking blocks! The thread work is amazing too. I don't know if I have such patience and commitment to do thread. You have my admiration for that reason only. :yes


Washing dishes... I am used to it since my dishwasher days at a restaurant where I have to do all hand washing... :yuck I don't have a dishwasher machine at my place either.

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Dusti - the kids had school, it's just they are at my mother's for the overnight so HB and I could go out on the date. :yes :yes

Ah-ha ~ So glad you did get an evening together, then :) Can't the kids stay all week? Then, you would really feel as if you had a break ;)


Mary ~ Please add another 25 solids. Yes, the girls are looking forward to Thanksgiving, because we will be going down to visit both sides of the family for the long weekend. They have already started practicing songs for their school's Christmas program, so we get to enjoy carols being sung in sweet little voices at bath time and as they fall asleep at night :heart The snow on the ground really brought out the holiday spirit in everyone, and they were making lists of gifts we should give this year, lists of Christmas cookies they are going to help me make, lists of people to whom they need to send artwork, lists, lists, lists :eek I hope I can channel some more of that enthusiasm this weekend, as we actually start getting the house and food ready for the fast-approaching holidays :)


Linda ~ what a fun tour you shared of your hunting lodge. It looks like a fantastic place for cozy-ing up with lots of yarn and family. Sorry you and Kim will not be going this weekend, but it does look awfully wonderful. It was also nice to see you with your DD -- big smiles from both of you :manyheart


A benefit is being planned for one of DH's co-workers who was hurt pretty badly at work two weeks ago. I am off to raid my bins of completed projects, to see what I can donate for the silent auction. I have already agreed to make a bunch of food for the pot-luck dinner, but I would like to help out with the auction, too. Have a good evening, everyone, and I will catch you all tomorrow.:waving

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Hi everyone. :)


Erin ~ What part of December is the little one due to arrive? :c9 Good luck with finishing the quilt ghan. :yarn


Cara, how many will you have for Thanksgiving? Aren't you glad you got your new dining room table? :yes


Dusti ~ 25 more added. :hook You are putting me to shame...I haven't made any squares in days. :blush


It's been a busy day - I can't go to bed too early or Maggie will wake me up at 4 in the a.m. So off to crochet I go. :crocheting

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Cara, how many will you have for Thanksgiving? Aren't you glad you got your new dining room table? :yes


Either 11 or 12. Depends on if my sister's step-son comes. We doubt he will though. Yes the table will be nice even though it only seats 8. Better than the 4 seater it replaced I guess.

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that's when the card table comes out .. . when my Dad was still alive and we had the big family Dinners it would be the dining table seating 10, the kitchen table seating 6 plus card table and even coffee table occasionally....

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I can't go to bed too early or Maggie will wake me up at 4 in the a.m.

I have the same thiong with Susie! Her internal closck is 4:15AM! This AM, though, they both slept in...it's either because of the cool weather or the stew beef I added to their dinner. Gotta try the beef again, if that's the case:)

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