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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Why did you have to share that wonderful website! I don't have enough hours in the day as it is, and now I want to make one!


Seriously though, what a talented designer!


yes our Miss Cara is quite talented ... and her projects are really not hard to do at alll .... you are welcome to come and visit anytime....

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Hi Ladies! So much for catching up...the day has been crazy. :yes


For those of you who do, please say a prayer for my good friend Rosie. She was at a yard sale today and fell, breaking her nose and bones in her face on both sides of it, breaking her right wrist, and breaking her left tibia right below the knee. They are presently doing xrays to see is her knee is okay or not. AND they talking of sending her home tonight!!! :eek Thanks.

Oh my - Please tell Rosie we're thinking of her and hope she feels better as soon as possible. :manyheart Is her husband at home and able to help?



I made the penguin one for my sis for Christmas, but I don't have a scanner to send a pic.I added a lot of rounds and made it a bigger blanket.I didn't think I could do it either but it turned out pretty good.

Congratulations on finishing the Penguin! :cheer


Hi again, everyone!


Cara - I'm glad you're headache got better. :clap


So, I'm going to post pictures of my other two cats. I've had "mama guilt" since I posted Oliver and Cooper without posting pictures of Pipsy and Jackson.


Jackson is the tuxedo cat. He's my favorite. Shhhh....don't tell the other cats! :blush Pipsy is the other and my only girl. My little Pipsy has feline lukemia. She gets pnemonia a lot, but is in a good spell right now. Thankfully, she has the middle of the road version. She can hope to have a nice, long life as long as she gets the care she needs. I spoil her rotten....well, they are all spoiled rotten. :devil


Have a great weekend everyone!!!!! I'm sure I'll be in and out between naps and yarn. :hook

Hi Nicole! Your cats are adorable. Our DD adopted a stray cat a couple years ago and he had FL when she got him. He is doing great and his name is "Lucky." :)


I've accomplished absolutely nothing today except taking care of Gracie and talking on the phone. My mom fell yesterday while she and dad were out for a walk. They now have the home care agency coming that we've been trying to get them to agree to for at least three years. It's the next best thing to assisted living, which they refuse to do. :( They also refuse to admit they need some help and none of us live close enough to be there in an emergency...sure hope they don't cancel this agency!


I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Gracie is playing at the moment and I'm going to get out my hook and yarn!:hook

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Mary, I know where you're coming from...years back my inlaws cancelled cleaning people, refuse Home Health Care...all of that. Finally we got a nurse to come in and assess MIL...only to find out that my FIL had had a slight stroke 2 days before she arrived!! That was the day MIL (he was caring for her 24/7) went into the nursing home.

Their house is an hour from us... but not around the corner as far as popping over easily goes.


I hope your mom and dad don't do anything foolish. Thoughts and prayers, hon.:hug:manyheart Let Gracie be your tranquilizer...and sleep aid!:lol

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Thanks everyone. I'll pass on your good wishes to Rosie. They sent her home about 6:00 tonight. She fell about 9:30 this morning. It's been an interesting 3 & 1/2 hours but we've finally got her settled in a recliner with her leg up with ice on it, her arm elevated on a pillow, and an ice pack on her nose and face. She's going to have two black eyes by tomorrow. They're well on the way now. I'm going to spend tonight at their house so John can get some sleep and I'll know they're not stuck, because it takes two people to get her upright on onto the commode. She is sooooo frustrated.

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Cara, our Susie is a pet store dog....with lots of high medical bills


Yep, sadly that's the case all too often :( But of course you wouldn't trade her for the world I'm sure :manyheart Any doggie that smiles that pretty is a keeper :D


Thanks everyone. I'll pass on your good wishes to Rosie. They sent her home about 6:00 tonight. She fell about 9:30 this morning. It's been an interesting 3 & 1/2 hours but we've finally got her settled in a recliner with her leg up with ice on it, her arm elevated on a pillow, and an ice pack on her nose and face. She's going to have two black eyes by tomorrow. They're well on the way now. I'm going to spend tonight at their house so John can get some sleep and I'll know they're not stuck, because it takes two people to get her upright on onto the commode. She is sooooo frustrated.


Oh no! Poor Rosie :( That was some fall! The poor, poor dear. Give her our best and you are such a wonderful friend to come through in a crunch! :hug


I've accomplished absolutely nothing today except taking care of Gracie and talking on the phone. My mom fell yesterday while she and dad were out for a walk. They now have the home care agency coming that we've been trying to get them to agree to for at least three years. It's the next best thing to assisted living, which they refuse to do. :( They also refuse to admit they need some help and none of us live close enough to be there in an emergency...sure hope they don't cancel this agency!


Oh no! Two in one day? That's awful. I surely hope they don't cancel the home care either. Sometimes they're just so stubborn! :rolleyes


Mary, I know where you're coming from...years back my inlaws cancelled cleaning people, refuse Home Health Care...all of that. Finally we got a nurse to come in and assess MIL...only to find out that my FIL had had a slight stroke 2 days before she arrived!! That was the day MIL (he was caring for her 24/7) went into the nursing home.

Their house is an hour from us... but not around the corner as far as popping over easily goes.


I hope your mom and dad don't do anything foolish. Thoughts and prayers, hon.:hug:manyheart Let Gracie be your tranquilizer...and sleep aid!:lol


Your FIL is another that needs a keeper :lol Thank goodness for his neighbor :yes And yes, our furbabies can be a wonderful tranquilizers can't they? :manyheart



I got to go out today after all :dance Suddenly it got quiet so I check outside and it had stopped raining! I saw just the tiniest patch of blue sky and proclaimed that the sky was clearing and let's go! :lol


It hasn't started raining again that I can tell. So it was a nice several hours worth of showers and it'd cooled things off quite a bit but short enough so we could get out and get the errands done :D

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Cara - I'm glad you got a chance to go out.


Linda - God has a blessing for you. You're such a good friend to stay over and help out. I'll continue to pray that Rosie has a speedy recovery.


Mary - It's a blessing to have both parents. I hope they will allow the help to stay so that you won't worry so much.


Tomorrow is my last day of vacation so I'm going to lay down so that I can enjoy as much of it as possible. I wished I had another week off to crochet only. Oh well, I will take another one in July and that's not too far off.


Have a good night ladies, see you all tomorrow.:hug

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Mary, I know where you're coming from...years back my inlaws cancelled cleaning people, refuse Home Health Care...all of that. Finally we got a nurse to come in and assess MIL...only to find out that my FIL had had a slight stroke 2 days before she arrived!! That was the day MIL (he was caring for her 24/7) went into the nursing home.

Their house is an hour from us... but not around the corner as far as popping over easily goes.


I hope your mom and dad don't do anything foolish. Thoughts and prayers, hon.:hug:manyheart Let Gracie be your tranquilizer...and sleep aid!:lol

Thank you, Judy. It sounds like we've been through a lot of the same things. Mom and Dad (93 and 91) have plenty of money and won't spend a dime...one of my sisters gave them a cell phone and pays for it and they don't ever take it with them. DH and I have already been through much the same thing with his parents and it ain't fun!


Thanks everyone. I'll pass on your good wishes to Rosie. They sent her home about 6:00 tonight. She fell about 9:30 this morning. It's been an interesting 3 & 1/2 hours but we've finally got her settled in a recliner with her leg up with ice on it, her arm elevated on a pillow, and an ice pack on her nose and face. She's going to have two black eyes by tomorrow. They're well on the way now. I'm going to spend tonight at their house so John can get some sleep and I'll know they're not stuck, because it takes two people to get her upright on onto the commode. She is sooooo frustrated.

Linda, I know Rosie and John are so blessed to have you for a neighbor. :manyheart






Oh no! Two in one day? That's awful. I surely hope they don't cancel the home care either. Sometimes they're just so stubborn! :rolleyes





I got to go out today after all :dance Suddenly it got quiet so I check outside and it had stopped raining! I saw just the tiniest patch of blue sky and proclaimed that the sky was clearing and let's go! :lol


It hasn't started raining again that I can tell. So it was a nice several hours worth of showers and it'd cooled things off quite a bit but short enough so we could get out and get the errands done :D

"Stubborn" is right! :lol I'm so glad you were able to get out today. After the rain stopped here, a wonderful cool front came through and it's a nice evening. :yes


Hi Valerie ~ It's been so nice to have you back with us again. :manyheartPlease check in when you can!

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Hmmm, now that I see that "stubborn" message it looks like I meant just your parents. I was speaking of all parents in that situation :lol

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I finished the scrappy doo. :clap



Now I'm going to try to get the kaleidoscope finished and then get the path to the cabin out again. I will also probably start another scrappy doo soon too.


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Linda, you're a good friend...I hope the next several days see a rapid improvement for Rosie...:hug:hugto her.


Yep, sadly that's the case all too often :( But of course you wouldn't trade her for the world I'm sure :manyheart Any doggie that smiles that pretty is a keeper :D


Your FIL is another that needs a keeper :lol Thank goodness for his neighbor :yes And yes, our furbabies can be a wonderful tranquilizers can't they? :manyheart

Susie is a sweetie...

Yup, FIL is a piece of work alright.


I finished the scrappy doo. :clap

I like that! It appeals to the "random" side of my crochet addiction. My Friendship ghan is going to be wild, too...:)

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Donna ~ Your Scrappy Doo is wonderful. It looks like so much work -- congratulations on finishing that cheerful collection of colors :clap


Linda ~ I hope Rosie had a comfortable night. I immediately sent a prayer your way, and I will continue to think of all of you as she starts to recover.


Mary ~ :hug


Cara ~ Hope today is just as great of a day for you as yesterday was. Glad you got out and mingled with the fresh air :manyheart


It was SO cold here, yesterday -- great high of 31 degrees:wbrr I did not even want to poke my nose outside to hang the laundry on the lines. So...I put that chore off until today, when I am sure it is going to be warmer :blush Last week, DD's class started playing softball for PE class, and she was pretty sad that it was so difficult for her to understand the basics. I went on a shopping spree and picked up *beautiful* pink gloves, a bat, a couple of softballs, and a tee, so we could introduce some skills to her over the weekend. She loved everything and spent more than a couple of hours learning to stand and swing the bat. Catching the ball...well...we will work on that today. Just to be out running all over the yard was great for all of us. Yes, I went out with my light-weight gloves and skiing headband on to play. No crocheting got done, but it was a good family day :yes


Have a nice final day of vacation, Valerie. It has been nice to see you around, and I hope you feel a bit more energized as you return to work.



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Hi, Dusti!

How old is DD? I asked because I still can't catch...and in some States I'm classified as a Senior citizen:lol

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Good morning all,


Great job Donna!


Thanks Dusti, I do feel much better. At least now, I'll have my evenings and 2 days a week my mornings. The managers are required to work at least 2 nights a week, Mon, Tue, Thur, I work day shift and Wed & Fri, I work 1:30-10PM. It's my weekend off (we work every other weekend) and I have a bonus day on Monday (holiday). I take another week in July and September.


I have a great staff now. I went to the store yesterday to take the schedule and everything was well. I'm even excited about work too because now I won't have to do it all.

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I'll pass on all the well wishes to Rosie and John. She had a pretty good night last night, but today went less well. We couldn't get her on the commode even with her taking double the pain meds. John called the ER and spoke to the doctor on call and he said to bring her back to the hospital. The ambulance just took her back. I gave her daughter, Andrea, tips on getting the patient advocates and social services involved, too. And the ambulance guys even said that they shouldn't have sent her home yesterday with the amount of pain she was in.


Valerie, I'm glad you've had such a good week off. And I'm even more glad that you've got a good crew now. We miss you. :hug


Donna, your scrappy doo is wonderful! :yay :yay


We had a good rain here last night with just one solitary lightening flash and a huge clap of thunder. The rest of the time it was just rain, sometimes light and sometimes heavy.


I'm going to make a banana cake this afternoon, but don't really have any other plans other than resting up.

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Good Afternoon Linda,


How's Rose? Hope everything is going well. You deserve a rest today.


Thanks, I missed you guys too. Hopefully, the next time we plan a get together, we'll actually get to do it.


Have a great day!:hug

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Linda, your poor friend. I feel so badly that she had to go through being home with all that pain. With the proper pain meds maybe she'll heal faster in the hospital.:hug

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Cara - Sorry about your Tuon, too! Like you, it was hard with her at first. I kept waiting for her to get really sick and leave me. Now, it's just normal and she does well most of the time.


ChezMichelle - I have a feeling that they will be addicting, too.


Linda - Rosie will be in my prayers. Keep us up to date, okay?


Mary - Thanks! All of my cats except Oliver have been adopted from a no-kill shelter. Oliver was abandoned by someone or his mom by my car in the parking lot at work. I was just going to nurse him back to health and give him to a shelter. Well, it has been three years and I haven't given him up yet. :D Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope the agency is able to give your parents the help they need.


Valerie - I hope you had a restful last day of vacation. It goes too fast, doesn't it?


Donna - I love the scrappy doo!


Dusti - Wow, that is cold. Geesh...I wasn't very happy that it got down to 44 degrees last night.


I hope to work on my angel quilt today. I have a bunch of chores to do though. I should be able to get a few saltines done between loads of laundry.


Have a great afternoon and evening, everyone.

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How old is DD? I asked because I still can't catch...and in some States I'm classified as a Senior citizen:lol

:lol Oh, I am no star, either, but I really feel for the li'l gal. DD is 7. We had both of her eyes operated on a few years back, and we think they are not working well together yielding no depth perception :think I will have to bring it up with the ophthalmologist at our next visit. Being this young, it really is not bothering her to chase after numerous balls and not catch a one, but I do feel for her. We'll keep trying :cheer


Thanks Dusti, I do feel much better. At least now, I'll have my evenings and 2 days a week my mornings. The managers are required to work at least 2 nights a week, Mon, Tue, Thur, I work day shift and Wed & Fri, I work 1:30-10PM. It's my weekend off (we work every other weekend) and I have a bonus day on Monday (holiday). I take another week in July and September.


I have a great staff now. I went to the store yesterday to take the schedule and everything was well. I'm even excited about work too because now I won't have to do it all.

Well, your new staff does sound as though they will be able to help you out, more. How great that you have a team on which you can depend. I recommend putting up your feet and crocheting on those odd weekends off :hook Were you able to get all of your yarn sorted and arranged in your new crates--those sounded great, by the way. Take care as you return to your regular routine.


Oh, Linda ~ I am so sorry to hear Rosie was in so much pain. I hope the doctors at the hospital are able to help her feel more comfortable, so that her body can get on the road to healing, rather than being incapacitated by the pain. :hug to all of you!


Nicole ~ I graduated from college in Richmond, IN, and I remember how wonderful it was to experience green grass, tulip buds, flowers on trees and spring in March :yes Forty-four for all of you at this time of year is not normal, either. Hope you could cuddle under a big quilt-ghan WIP and stay warm :D


I have about 30 min until the munchkins wake up from their naps, so I am going to grab my :yarn and make some progress on the RR I am making for my college roommate. It's going alright, but I would really rather be making saltines ;)

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Valerie, I asked John about where he got Trouble and he couldn't remember the name, but he said NOT to get one there. She had fleas and worms and some other stuff that cost quite a bit to correct. She's fine now. It was located on highway 20 near Conyers and Covington. Just don't go there. :no I just put in "miniature schnauzer breeders georgia" on my search engine and it pull up a bunch of resources for finding good breeders here in Georgia. Try that.

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Okay, I just got the latest update on Rosie. She's more than a bit loopy from the pain meds, but no longer in pain. They are doing surgery on her leg tomorrow. They'll also put the cast on her arm before she comes home and have the specialist evaluate her nose and face. Today's doctor also couldn't understand why they sent her home yesterday. Makes you wonder....

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Nicole - Thanks. It has been a good day. I am catching up on friendship squares and 99 CS. You need to take a few days off yourself. Hurry!


Dusti - I've sorted everything except the partials/scraps. I might have to get 2 more boxes because I also have sorted yarn in plastic tubs. I'm trying to get everything in once place...sorted by brand and color. However, I'm very pleased with my progress.


Have fun crocheting.


Linda - I'll do that. How are you and Rosie? As a caregiver, sometimes we forget us. Take care of yourself.

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Okay, I just got the latest update on Rosie. She's more than a bit loopy from the pain meds, but no longer in pain. They are doing surgery on her leg tomorrow. They'll also put the cast on her arm before she comes home and have the specialist evaluate her nose and face. Today's doctor also couldn't understand why they sent her home yesterday. Makes you wonder....

Yes it does. We will continue to pray for a speedy recovery.

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I finished the scrappy doo. :clap



Now I'm going to try to get the kaleidoscope finished and then get the path to the cabin out again. I will also probably start another scrappy doo soon too.


Oh Donna I really like how that turned out!! :clap I love the inclusion of the two color squares!


Last week, DD's class started playing softball for PE class, and she was pretty sad that it was so difficult for her to understand the basics. I went on a shopping spree and picked up *beautiful* pink gloves, a bat, a couple of softballs, and a tee, so we could introduce some skills to her over the weekend. She loved everything and spent more than a couple of hours learning to stand and swing the bat. Catching the ball...well...we will work on that today. Just to be out running all over the yard was great for all of us. Yes, I went out with my light-weight gloves and skiing headband on to play. No crocheting got done, but it was a good family day :yes


Oh what a wonderful mom you are trying to help her with her softball!! I was horrible in PE but my folks were no help. I think that's just because they were NOT athletic types at all :lol


Hi, Dusti!

How old is DD? I asked because I still can't catch...and in some States I'm classified as a Senior citizen:lol


I get ask at Goodwill all the time if I'm a senior. I'm only 43 :lol It's only there so maybe it's their lighting :rofl Told one of the gals one day that I was gonna say "yes" just to get that discount :lol


Good morning all,


Great job Donna!


Thanks Dusti, I do feel much better. At least now, I'll have my evenings and 2 days a week my mornings. The managers are required to work at least 2 nights a week, Mon, Tue, Thur, I work day shift and Wed & Fri, I work 1:30-10PM. It's my weekend off (we work every other weekend) and I have a bonus day on Monday (holiday). I take another week in July and September.


I have a great staff now. I went to the store yesterday to take the schedule and everything was well. I'm even excited about work too because now I won't have to do it all.


Oh Valerie I'm so very happy your work situation seems to be stabilizing :yay You've had a tough row to hoe for some time now :hug


:lol Oh, I am no star, either, but I really feel for the li'l gal. DD is 7. We had both of her eyes operated on a few years back, and we think they are not working well together yielding no depth perception :think I will have to bring it up with the ophthalmologist at our next visit. Being this young, it really is not bothering her to chase after numerous balls and not catch a one, but I do feel for her. We'll keep trying :cheer


Oh the poor baby! :( To go through an operation like that so very young.


Valerie, I asked John about where he got Trouble and he couldn't remember the name, but he said NOT to get one there. She had fleas and worms and some other stuff that cost quite a bit to correct. She's fine now. It was located on highway 20 near Conyers and Covington. Just don't go there. :no I just put in "miniature schnauzer breeders georgia" on my search engine and it pull up a bunch of resources for finding good breeders here in Georgia. Try that.


I love the internet. You can find anything!! :D


Okay, I just got the latest update on Rosie. She's more than a bit loopy from the pain meds, but no longer in pain. They are doing surgery on her leg tomorrow. They'll also put the cast on her arm before she comes home and have the specialist evaluate her nose and face. Today's doctor also couldn't understand why they sent her home yesterday. Makes you wonder....


Yes, it does make one wonder doesn't it. So poor Rosie goes all night without her arm in a cast that it needed and a leg that needed to be operated on to correct. That really is unacceptable :irk Thank goodness y'all had the foresight to call the hospital back to get the care she needs :hug


Well, I did well for a couple of days but now not so much. I was up until almost 8 am. Didn't get up until 4. There's my whole day shot in the foot :sigh


Oh well, the good news is that I'm an idiot :lol Yes, an idiot. I was just going like gangbusters yesterday to get the rest of the saltines done for my baby nine-patch. Well, when I couldn't remember which way the last row of blocks needed to go I laid the ghan out on the floor. When I laid down the last row of blocks I realize that it was going to be entirely too large even for a crib blanket! :eek


So I could've already been done with it if I'd bothered to check as I went like I usually do :rolleyes. But that's okay because that means today is just the border left :yay:dance Then I start on a second baby blanket using Krystal's daisy pattern :hook I couldn't decide which I liked better so little Hailey with get both :D

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