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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Here is what a square looks like with buff and soft white


That should work great, Donna. I think there's plenty of contrast there.


Sue and Lou arrived about 6:00. Later than I was expecting, but not too bad. They got a late start. I fixed rice with meat sauce with lots of spices and okra, onions, mushrooms and garlic. It turned out yummy. About ready for bed now.


Julie, I'm glad the knee is progressing steadily. Sounds like you're right on track.

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Morning gang

I thought I'd check in here early today to see whats new with you ?


Thanks for all the well wishes for my knee, and the extra tips for getting through it as best as possible .


The exercises they have me doing at therapy are always changing -- they started out with real basic things, like bending and straightening it, then each week, they add a new machine .Some of them are easy and others I don't like as much. They also add a little more weight on the machines each week . I like the girl who is helping me. She's young and gabs a lot ,so we get along real well. She talks so much, I kinda lose track of my knee at times . We have also been working a lot on the stairs -- going up and down. The down ones are the scariest .


I made more squares last night, but will give an update later tonite sometime, since I hope to get more made today .


Cara- thanks for all the pointers on how to walk around and hold onto stuff, and yea, I wouldnt try walking outside yet without my cane, with the snow out there. I have a fear of falling and not getting up . Embarrasing.


Tracy- you are one of the ones I envy, who can keep so many projects going at once. I'm not very good at that myself .


Hey Mary- thanks for adding me onto the list, and it sounds like you are putting lots of thought and effort into your angel . Can't wait to start seeing them .


Hidey- Ho, Donna -- your angel-ghan sounds nice too. You guys will all be making the same pattern, but with different colors. This is such a fun group, when a lot of people work on the same thing, but use their own color ideas-- it makes for an interesting photo tour when they are all done .


Val - I dont think they are making me do squats -- if they are what I think they are . If you saw me, you'd know I'm not much of an exercise GURU , but I think squats are like leaning your whole body down, bending your knees( kinda like a frog ?). I'm no better at explaining them than I would be at doing them .:lol

Anyhow, they havent made me do anything like that yet. I don't think my knee is quite that bendable at this point. I could do ONE SQUAT, then they'd have to call in the HYDRAULIC LIFT to get me back up .

Most of my exercises are on machines .


You all have a good day, and happy crocheting ,:hook

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Good morning everyone.


Julie I know it's going to be great seeing all the different angels there are.


Krystal I'm going to try this soft white for now but if I don't like it I'll try the warm brown. I didn't even think of a lighter brown.


I have 27 solids and 4 bi colors to report.

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Oh Cara, I definitely took some me time. I took a nap for about an hour and a half! And I could still sleep!


Here's the baby 9 patch I did. I still think it could be bigger, but three friends, all moms, say it's a perfect size.



WOWZERS!!! That is very nice (and you all know how I am kind of partial to the baby nine-blocks :lol )


Howdy, HH ladies


I have been wanting to jump back in someplace with you all, and happened to get an email from Judy today,mentioning that this might be a good area to jump into. I'm too slow right now to keep up in the Sky group( with posts ) ,but maybe I can keep up in here . I have been making some saltines anyhow, so why not put them to good use ?


Mary, can you put me on the saltine list ? I will go way down at the bottom, I only have 37 made so far, but it's a start .

I saw a photo in the show-n-tell section today of Cara's Rail Fence quilt, so it was kinda like a light bulb went on when I saw it .

I have 4 colors of squares started, so it'll work out perfect .


Good to be back among all you fun ladies . Hopefully I can keep up in here and keep in touch with you here .:)


It sounds like several of you are working on the angel-ghan. I can't wait to see it come to life ! It'll be another pretty one, I'm sure .


Val-the baby 9 patch is so cute !


Hope all is well in here ,and Tab, if you happen to read this, your new red-white and blue quilt-ghan is a stunner ! I saw the photos of it the other day ,but not sure if they were here or elsewhere .



HIYA Julie!! Good to see you here!

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I haven't been making any saltines the past little while but am mulling over some ideas :D


I donated my multi-colored baby nine patch to a silent auction fund raiser here for Alternative Spring Break (a program that has University kids going to different places in the US to do volunteer work instead of spending their break drinking and partying). It sold for only $10. It was a bad weather day and turnout at the sale wasn't as good as it could have been. It's going to a good cause though :yes

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Morning gang

I thought I'd check in here early today to see whats new with you ?


Thanks for all the well wishes for my knee, and the extra tips for getting through it as best as possible .


The exercises they have me doing at therapy are always changing -- they started out with real basic things, like bending and straightening it, then each week, they add a new machine .Some of them are easy and others I don't like as much. They also add a little more weight on the machines each week . I like the girl who is helping me. She's young and gabs a lot ,so we get along real well. She talks so much, I kinda lose track of my knee at times . We have also been working a lot on the stairs -- going up and down. The down ones are the scariest .


Cara- thanks for all the pointers on how to walk around and hold onto stuff, and yea, I wouldnt try walking outside yet without my cane, with the snow out there. I have a fear of falling and not getting up . Embarrasing.

Hi, Julie. I didn't have anyone to drive me after my surgery, so they came to me. Thus no machines for me either. Going down stairs was definitely scary in the beginning. I thought I could do it before she was going to let me try it and got stuck. She had to help me get out of my pickle. I was terrified of going out in the snow. I was so afraid of falling and injuring that knee or the the other one. (I actually did fall once or twice later, but was lucky and landed in piles of snow and didn't hurt myself. Just my dignity. :rofl:rofl:rofl)


I finished another preemie ghan up yesterday. I had to try a different joining method with these, because when I got to the reunion I realized I had forgotten to bring a yarn needle with me for whip stitching them together. I did the first one with alternate sc and sl st working back and forth between two squares. It wasn't bad but had more of a ridge than I really liked. On the next one I tried doing a sl on one, a ch, two sl st on the second square, ch 1, 2 sl st on the first square, etc., but it ended up too loose and I ripped it out. My final version was a sl st on the first square, ch 1, sl st in same spot on second square, ch 1, sl st in next st of first square, ch 1, sl st in next st of second square, etc. There's still a very slight ridge but not much and it gives a very pretty effect to the whole piece. I'll try to get a close up of the results for you. I don't know if it would work on a regular quiltghan, but maybe. The back side is nice, too.


Just can't trust me anymore. My creativity keeps sneaking out in unexpected ways more and more often. :rofl:laughroll:rofl

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Good Morning all. :) I hope everyone is having a good Saturday!


Donna, I've added 27 solids and 4 bicolors. As far as the shoes, I think there's plenty of contrast between the buff and white. :yes Just about any color would work...I've been thinking about the burgundy. :think


Julie ~ Hi! 'Hope your knee is better each day. :hug What colors are you using for your Rail Fence? The angel ghan is fun and once I join a couple sections, I'll be ready for a picture. Can't wait to see what everyone is doing color-wise.


Linda, your supper last night sounds really good. You are so creative...looking forward to pictures of your preemie ghans. :hook


Hi to those I've missed...DH and I are leaving to check on the grandcats while their parents are in Houston. Then to the store and lunch. :)

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Howdy ladies :flower


Jules - Sounds like you're making good steady progress. I hear you on that fear of falling thing. I'm always afraid I'm going to fall a break a hip :lol But being careful helps. Plus, slowing down. I always moved too fast before. I find I like the slower pace :D And I am super excited to see all our different angels :clap


Linda - I think your creativity is a beautiful thing :manyheart


Mary - Hope you have a great Saturday as well :manyheart


Still got up too late today. 10:30. Guess I should be happy that it's not noon or 1 anymore :lol I spent a good hunk of yesterday arranging my thoughts now that I can actually stay awake and think so very much more clearly :D


I've gone back to making a list of things to do for every day. I really need the structure. I do so much better with some direction and lists and schedules do it for now :yes


After I finish all the boards and email stuff I'm going to be working on that blasted mouth square :lol I have one more idea to try before I just chuck the whole idea and go with Donna's idea of a smile. Only thing is I really wanted it to look as if she were singing so that I could call the piece Make a Joyful Noise or just Joyful Noise. :scrachin

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Morning everyone. Er, it's actually afternoon. So afternoon everyone! DBF and I hauled our butts out of our nice warm beds at the crack of dawn this morning. Why? Because we RSVP'd for a bike MS training ride that was occurring an hour away today. That wouldn't have been a big issue, except his thermometer read 36 for our area. We braved it, headed out and I made it a whopping 2 miles before I had to turn back. The cold just does not work well with my MS :lol After stopping for some food, we made it back to my place about 11:30, he dropped me off and after my shower I laid down for a nap. 2 hours later I finally woke up and I STILL want to sleep. On the plus side, it's warmed up here!


Karen, thanks! I really do like how the colors turned out.


Julie, squats are like you're going to sit down. Weight stays on your heels as you bend down and then stand back up. My PT people really love making me do those. They also have me doing the STEMS unit. Electrodes go on my inner thighs above my knees, and while there's electrical stimulation I contract my quad muscles. Tons of fun :rolleyes

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Still got up too late today. 10:30. Guess I should be happy that it's not noon or 1 anymore :lol I spent a good hunk of yesterday arranging my thoughts now that I can actually stay awake and think so very much more clearly :D


I've gone back to making a list of things to do for every day. I really need the structure. I do so much better with some direction and lists and schedules do it for now :yes


After I finish all the boards and email stuff I'm going to be working on that blasted mouth square :lol I have one more idea to try before I just chuck the whole idea and go with Donna's idea of a smile. Only thing is I really wanted it to look as if she were singing so that I could call the piece Make a Joyful Noise or just Joyful Noise. :scrachin

Cara, that's such good news that you're feeling better and ready to take on the world again. :D I need lists and notes, too...I've been called the "sticky note queen." :lol


What did you decide about Miss Angel's mouth? I went with the round rose pink...DH told me it looks like she is either singing or puckering up to give a big kiss. :lol I love the ideas for her name! They would still work even if the mouth is different. :yes I collect Santas - my very favorite is an angel dressed like Mrs. Clause sitting on a crescent moon...the name is "Oh Joy."


Morning everyone. Er, it's actually afternoon. So afternoon everyone! DBF and I hauled our butts out of our nice warm beds at the crack of dawn this morning. Why? Because we RSVP'd for a bike MS training ride that was occurring an hour away today. That wouldn't have been a big issue, except his thermometer read 36 for our area. We braved it, headed out and I made it a whopping 2 miles before I had to turn back. The cold just does not work well with my MS :lol After stopping for some food, we made it back to my place about 11:30, he dropped me off and after my shower I laid down for a nap. 2 hours later I finally woke up and I STILL want to sleep. On the plus side, it's warmed up here!

Congratulations on sticking it out for 2 miles! I hope you're okay and staying warm. :hug

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Congratulations on sticking it out for 2 miles! I hope you're okay and staying warm. :hug


Still having trouble with the staying awake part. It's going to be an early night for me. I'm supposed to work 9-midnight, but made the decision that tonight my health and need for sleep is far more important. And I did warm up, eventually. I told DBF that during my nap, I left my bedroom window closed (even though by then it was pretty nice out) and I was still curled up under my sheet, my blanket, 2 crochet afghans and a wool blanket :lol

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What did you decide about Miss Angel's mouth? I went with the round rose pink...DH told me it looks like she is either singing or puckering up to give a big kiss. :lol


I'm think I'm going to do the same thing. I have some rose pink yarn as well and I think I'm just going with the original idea but pink instead of black. Which I think is what you're saying you've done, correct? :think I've spent almost 2 days stalled because of it and I just want to move on so I can get it done :hook

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Still having trouble with the staying awake part. It's going to be an early night for me. I'm supposed to work 9-midnight, but made the decision that tonight my health and need for sleep is far more important. And I did warm up, eventually. I told DBF that during my nap, I left my bedroom window closed (even though by then it was pretty nice out) and I was still curled up under my sheet, my blanket, 2 crochet afghans and a wool blanket :lol


Oh dear. I'd say you definitely got too cold. Get some rest :hug And grats on making 2 miles :clap


Well, I'm off to spend some quality time with my book and hook :hook

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Oh Cara, I definitely took some me time. I took a nap for about an hour and a half! And I could still sleep!


Here's the baby 9 patch I did. I still think it could be bigger, but three friends, all moms, say it's a perfect size.



I love, love, love this! :clap:manyheart:clap Beautiful & the colors just look great. :clap


Howdy, HH ladies


I have been wanting to jump back in someplace with you all, and happened to get an email from Judy today,mentioning that this might be a good area to jump into. I'm too slow right now to keep up in the Sky group( with posts ) ,but maybe I can keep up in here . I have been making some saltines anyhow, so why not put them to good use ?


Mary, can you put me on the saltine list ? I will go way down at the bottom, I only have 37 made so far, but it's a start .

I saw a photo in the show-n-tell section today of Cara's Rail Fence quilt, so it was kinda like a light bulb went on when I saw it .

I have 4 colors of squares started, so it'll work out perfect .


Good to be back among all you fun ladies . Hopefully I can keep up in here and keep in touch with you here .:)


It sounds like several of you are working on the angel-ghan. I can't wait to see it come to life ! It'll be another pretty one, I'm sure .


Val-the baby 9 patch is so cute !


Hope all is well in here ,and Tab, if you happen to read this, your new red-white and blue quilt-ghan is a stunner ! I saw the photos of it the other day ,but not sure if they were here or elsewhere .


hi Julie-O! :hug I sure hope you are feeling much better. I skimmed over the posts but my eyes are not working real well this late. I'm so happy to see you back in here. :yes:c9

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So I was going to figure out where a Michaels is and go buy yarn today, but that didn't happen...


I went to the Farmer's Market this morning with my roommate, her friend who is in town visiting, and her other friend who lives here. Initially, it was Farmer's Market and then Target on the list of things to do. Hahaha About 6 hours later we finally got back home after going to about 8 zillion places. I mostly sat in the car and crocheted, though. I have a cold and have been sluggish and headachy all day, but I needed to get some stuff at Target and I was craving a scone from the Farmer's Market.


However.. I didn't just buy my scone. There's a lady in a neighboring city who spins and dyes yarn that comes to the Farmer's Market and has a booth. I've been thinking about trying a skein of her yarn since I first saw here there in December. It's not the most affordable stuff, of course, and I am a grad student.. But.. Heh.. I've been having fun with the varigated 100% merino wool I bought today. First time I've ever used 100% wool.


I'm hoping I'll get out to a Michael's tomorrow. I cannot wait for the Michael's they're putting in next to Target in Woodland to open. It's the closest, most convenient location to buy yarn since Wal Mart is not a viable option for me anymore.. And there are *no* yarn stores in Davis these days.


And I swear I'll get pictures up before the weekend is over. I have a couple low-res pictures on my website photo gallery that I took on my cell phone last week of a scarf I made, but I need to get more pictures off the computer and actually into the gallery. :P

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Oh, Jess, that sounds wonderful. Have fun with your splurge.


I'm awake but that's about it. I worked a little on one of my February scarves yesterday and helped with the cooking and did a lot of visiting. Not sure what's on today's agenda. :think

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Good morning everyone! So I ended up going to bed at 9:45 last night and I got up at 11:07 this morning. I think I definitely need the sleep. Part of me a is a bit bummed, I was hoping to crochet some last night. But the sleep was definitely more important. I'm glad I called in sick to work last night. So I'll be doing some crocheting at some point today :cheer

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Good Morning, ladies. :)


Hi Jess ~ Your new yarn sounds wonderful...it's fun to treat yourself once in a while. :manyheart


Val, I'm so glad you're taking time for you this weekend. Rest is obviously what you need right now. :hug 'Hope you get some crochet time, too!


I'm think I'm going to do the same thing. I have some rose pink yarn as well and I think I'm just going with the original idea but pink instead of black. Which I think is what you're saying you've done, correct? :think I've spent almost 2 days stalled because of it and I just want to move on so I can get it done :hook

Yes, that is what I did and think it looks fine. :yes


Hi to Tabby and Linda, too. :)


Today is DH's Birthday and we're not doing anything special...it's just nice to have him in town for a few days. He left a while ago to go look at a small fishing boat - so that will be his Birthday present if he pulls in the driveway pulling a boat behind his truck. :lol


I'm determined to clean up some things on my desk and then crochet later.:hook

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