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Mary (as of 8/8 - 12 Midnight) add 30 solids and 8 bi-colored...


I went back and counted and got it right now I think ... I added 46 to the 260 and got 306 is that right?


cool this is my 1,111 th post

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Hello, everyone. I got home at 5:00 pm on Sunday to discover that our internet service had changed and we still can't get on the internet at home. I'm currently at the library and don't have time to catch up on the posts, but wanted you to know that I'm still here and safe and sound. Kim's had two doctor checkups this week and both went very well. She doesn't have to go back for a year unless there are problems. Yeah! I'm all set for the games. I got the pattern printed up and organized by blocks and a spreadsheet set up so I'll know how many of which color squares I have to do for each block. Pulled the yarn out of its storage container and have it all organized, too. I really miss all of you and will try to keep in touch via the library until our system is fixed. :hug :hug :hug


Hi Linda,


We missed you too. I would like to get with you one day this week.


Yay - Linda is okay! I have been so worried about you and am so happy to see your post. :manyheart I hope you get your internet back quickly. :yes


Valerie, do you have the weekend off? Hope so. :hug


No Mary. It's my weekend to work. The AM is gone so I have to do a double for the next 8 days. I will then have 1 certified shift supervisor. I will still have to work 7 days for the next week...just not doubles while I train the second shift supervisor. They are hourly and cannot work doubles. Sooo, by the end of the month, I should be able to start back taking off days. I will also be training 2 more shift supervisors...1 ft & 1 pt. We will then have rotating weekends on and off.


I only got to do 10 squares today. I came home with an earache. Allergies are acting up. I'm taking my project with me to work.


10 saltines.

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Mary, I have 24 solids for yesterday....I don't think I posted them before but if you already have 24 down for me for yesterday, don't double; that's the total. That made me 6 short of having enough saltines for this ghan. Will get more yarn today.

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Val -- So glad you made it home safely. Sounds as though you have your work cut out for you for the next couple of weeks, but I hope you will soon be able to start enjoying time off again, while leaving the store in the capable hands of your trained employees. Are you feeling better, today? Darn those allergies! Looking forward to hearing from you again, when you have a chance to pop into the library.


Priszm and Dusti - I'm a bit late in on your conversation but I was born in Winnipeg and grew up about two hour drive north of Winnipeg. After high shcool I lived in Winnipeg for about ten years before moving to Ontario for graduate school (and then onto Maine where I am now) :D


So you had all the beautiful spring/fall weather too! I miss that soooo much! But I definitely don't want to deal w/ the cold again. I never did like it. Friends down here can't figure out how I managed to last 22 years in Minnesota :lol


I cannot imagine giving up the 4 seasons, well, I would give up the depths of winter and the days-on-end of -40 degrees if pressed to do so, but I love seeing the changing leaves and the warm days/crisp nights of spring and fall. Maine isn't too much different, is it? I would expect it to be more picturesque than our endless fields... :hi to a fellow northerner.


Mary -- Please add 34 solids and 4 bi-colors for me. It was a good day to sit out in the sunshine, yesterday ;)

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Howdy everyone,


How is everyone going with their projects. I have done 12.5 percent of my Koala ghan now. I have the Koala's backside done :lol it was just all grey. I did an outline for the leg in black but not sure if it looks ok or not. I wont show a pic just yet as its all grey with a couple of white squares in the top corner. You wouldnt know what it was at the moment. :lol


Mary please add 62 solids and 6 bicolors thanks.


Val hope you feel better soon. :hug


Joyce your colors for the windwalker will look fabulous.

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Hey Wendy! :hi

How are you???


Howdy everyone,


How is everyone going with their projects. I have done 12.5 percent of my Koala ghan now. I have the Koala's backside done :lol it was just all grey. I did an outline for the leg in black but not sure if it looks ok or not. I wont show a pic just yet as its all grey with a couple of white squares in the top corner. You wouldnt know what it was at the moment. :lol


Mary please add 62 solids and 6 bicolors thanks.


Val hope you feel better soon. :hug


Joyce your colors for the windwalker will look fabulous.

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Mary (as of 8/8 - 12 Midnight) add 30 solids and 8 bi-colored...


I went back and counted and got it right now I think ... I added 46 to the 260 and got 306 is that right?

That's what I have, too. :hook


I only got to do 10 squares today. I came home with an earache. Allergies are acting up. I'm taking my project with me to work.

Feel better, soon. :hug


Mary, I have 24 solids for yesterday....I don't think I posted them before but if you already have 24 down for me for yesterday, don't double; that's the total. That made me 6 short of having enough saltines for this ghan. Will get more yarn today.

Wow! You're almost there. :cheer


Mary -- Please add 34 solids and 4 bi-colors for me. It was a good day to sit out in the sunshine, yesterday ;)



Mary please add 62 solids and 6 bicolors thanks.

Super progress, Wendy! :yay

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Good Morning everyone. :) We watched the opening ceremonies last night and they were incredible! It was hard to crochet, because I didn't want to look away from the TV.


Lots of happy homeowner chores to do. It's just so hot, I want to stay inside...the heat doesn't bother DH at all.


Have a great morning/evening. :manyheart

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Mary, I have 24 solids for yesterday....I don't think I posted them before but if you already have 24 down for me for yesterday, don't double; that's the total. That made me 6 short of having enough saltines for this ghan. Will get more yarn today.


So close! You've made excellent progress :clap


Howdy everyone,


How is everyone going with their projects. I have done 12.5 percent of my Koala ghan now. I have the Koala's backside done :lol it was just all grey. I did an outline for the leg in black but not sure if it looks ok or not. I wont show a pic just yet as its all grey with a couple of white squares in the top corner. You wouldnt know what it was at the moment. :lol


Mary please add 62 solids and 6 bicolors thanks.


Wow! You were a crocheting machine yesterday! :eek Great job :clap


Good Morning everyone. :) We watched the opening ceremonies last night and they were incredible! It was hard to crochet, because I didn't want to look away from the TV.


Lots of happy homeowner chores to do. It's just so hot, I want to stay inside...the heat doesn't bother DH at all.


Have a great morning/evening. :manyheart


We've gotta get out soon too. I really, really, really don't want to :lol But it must be done. It was so hot in the house last night. Just tossed and turned all night. No more turning on the oven until November :lol

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I'm loving the Windwalker pattern. i made up two rows of the first block last night and the colors do look good together (the darker color is actually Caron claret and not burgundy). I can't wait to see this come together. So addicting.



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I'm loving the Windwalker pattern. i made up two rows of the first block last night and the colors do look good together (the darker color is actually Caron claret and not burgundy). I can't wait to see this come together. So addicting.




You're just zipping right along :clap Your color combination is gonna be stunning :yes

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Hello Mary. My hands aren't sore yet. I take breaks, naps and I exercise my fingers. :lol I still have another 861 to make, don't know how far I will get though. But I will try. :hook


You ladies should ask Denise about her cheering squad here at home. :devil


Okay, I'm intrigued. What's your cheering square like at home, Denise? :devil

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This morning DH was sitting in his chair, jumping up and down, waving his arms and shouting "go Denise, go, you can do it" then almost whispering "go Tracy, go". And then he almost fell off his chair when he stopped. :rofl

Last night he told us we were crazy to be getting so excited about The Crochet Games and wanted to know what everyone else's other halves thought of all this madness. :lol

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This morning DH was sitting in his chair, jumping up and down, waving his arms and shouting "go Denise, go, you can do it" then almost whispering "go Tracy, go". And then he almost fell off his chair when he stopped. :rofl

Last night he told us we were crazy to be getting so excited about The Crochet Games and wanted to know what everyone else's other halves thought of all this madness. :lol


:rofl :rofl Long as it doesn't effect him he doesn't care :lol

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Denise, see Cara's answer for my other half's response (other than the puzzled look on his face when I tried to explain it):lol

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