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I also have crochet ADD:lol

The color combo is great - I like eclectic.....:hook


Is that what my Prairie Star, all the hotpads, my pink ribbon and various squares are? :lol


Thanks everyone.


Skysmom, I hope so! Sometimes it's hard to tell about the colors until you get way into it. I've had a few unpleasant surprises :lol So I don't get excited right away anymore.


Misa, I'm Brenda :)


judianne, the crochet ADD is new to me and I have to say I'm not liking it. I feel like I never get anything done. If you find a cure please share :lol


Brenda, there's a WIP wheel of fortune type thing CAL going on. Obviously I haven't joined since I can't remember the exact name :lol That and what I work on depends on my mood.

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Brenda - I was getting the Crochet ADD too. I went back to one project at a time and I'm much happier now. Also, I seem to get more done that way. I don't end up feeling overwhelmed :yes

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Brenda - I was getting the Crochet ADD too. I went back to one project at a time and I'm much happier now. Also, I seem to get more done that way. I don't end up feeling overwhelmed :yes


I think mine's more dependant on timelines. For example, I'm in the summer swap, so obviously that takes priority over my pink ribbon, which has to be done by end of September at the latest, I think. And the various hotpads are Christmas gifts. The squares are for Sissie44's nuring home Christmas project. So yeah, I guess it's not so much ADD as timelines :lol

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Thanks, Priszm. I will look for the thread.


Cara, I'm the same way. I like the satisfaction of finishing the project. I like to have 1 knitting and 1 crochet project going, the knitting is usually more portable. I will finish these afghans before I start another crochet OR knitting projects. I just can't stand it anymore :lol

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Yeah, I really SHOULD do one big project at a time...I seem to be treading water...

Well, I;m almost done with all I planned to do for the HII...except I will be making more squares for my buds here....:manyheart

Then, back on track with the graph ghan - till I get involved with the Greek Games ...and then there's the charity :crocheting, and...:blush

Uh-oh - I think I need an intervention


CU all later...going to visit my GF whi is just back from Hawaii...might be choc covered macadamia nuts in my future:devil

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Yeah, I really SHOULD do one big project at a time...I seem to be treading water...

Well, I;m almost done with all I planned to do for the HII...except I will be making more squares for my buds here....:manyheart

Then, back on track with the graph ghan - till I get involved with the Greek Games ...and then there's the charity :crocheting, and...:blush

Uh-oh - I think I need an intervention


CU all later...going to visit my GF whi is just back from Hawaii...might be choc covered macadamia nuts in my future:devil


Can I have the chocolate? I'll leave the macadamia's for you, I promise.

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Thanks Mary...that I am once I was able to stay out of the bed. My first 2-3 days, I could only stay up a few hours at a time. I'm still not back to my old routine but i'm getting there. It's still on the morning side of the day when I wake up:lol.


Hi Valerie! - Hey this is a plus!!

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My friend respected my WW membership - there wasn't a container of choc covered macadamia nuts. She brought me back some coconutty shampoo and lotions - and a little makeup mirror in a cloth case with my tropical colors...turqua, lime green and fuschia predominant:c9

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Evening Ladies,


Just got up from a 2.5 hour nap. Yes, Shelby it is a plus. Cara, glad you're getting your routine back too.


I, too, am addicted. I'm still sorting wips so that i can join Krystal's Wheel of Fortune game of completing wips.


I have a bad sinus headache. It is somewhat better after the nap but not gone completely. Took Meds...hope they kick in soon.


Going back to finish sorting.


CU guys later.

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Mary, 37 solids for me today, please.:hook That finishes all the yellow I need for the gingham. Now I'm waiting (impatiently) for the other yellow to come. But of course I have plenty of other things to work on in the mean time!

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Mary, 10 solids for me, please. :hook


Judy, your friend is very thoughtful in her present selection. :yes


Mary, 5 solids for me, please. :hook


Mary, 37 solids for me today, please.:hook That finishes all the yellow I need for the gingham. Now I'm waiting (impatiently) for the other yellow to come. But of course I have plenty of other things to work on in the mean time!


They're added, ladies. :yes

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Judy - Good for your friend respecting your WW :clap I'm kind of on it now. Can't really do the meetings thing and gosh it's expensive. My sister has the books though and her friend (who is a WW rep) told her what our points should be. I'm finding with just a little thought you can eat well and still end up stuffed :lol Usually I don't let myself get that full but tonight was yummy chicken and veggies :drool

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Judy - Good for your friend respecting your WW :clap I'm kind of on it now. Can't really do the meetings thing and gosh it's expensive. My sister has the books though and her friend (who is a WW rep) told her what our points should be. I'm finding with just a little thought you can eat well and still end up stuffed :lol Usually I don't let myself get that full but tonight was yummy chicken and veggies :drool

Good for you! As you already found out, if you figure your points correctly you really don't get hungry - and I know I appreciate healthy food lots more than I did.

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Good for you! As you already found out, if you figure your points correctly you really don't get hungry - and I know I appreciate healthy food lots more than I did.


And I've lost 8 pounds in 10 days :clap Probably mostly water weight but I'll take it :D

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Cara - congrats! That is a great weight loss. That first loss is a nice little boost to keep us honest.


I tried WW. I'm too bullheaded. The minute you give me a limit like that, my brain just focuses on breaking it. Imagine me as a toddler? :rofl

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And I've lost 8 pounds in 10 days :clap Probably mostly water weight but I'll take it :D


that's how it works...the first week or two people can "get rid of" 4 or even 5 pounds a week, but after that, the way to not get it back is to eat according to the guidelines. Then you lose about a couple of pounds a week - that stay "gotten rid of". From experience and word of mouth, going below the recommended points for the day does not help. Hurts, as a matter of fact.

One day at a time, my friend...and don't forget to drink your water!:)

...and the quotes are my group leader's words....;)

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Still no more saltines made... But I am heading out camping :fire this afternoon and will be back on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. I plan to take my stuff with me to see if I get more done around the campfire inthe evenings or when it is hubby's turn to drive. We are heading up to New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. I have some work and research I need to do in NB. We are leaving this afternoon and will spend Friday in Fredericton. On Saturday morning we head off to PEI until Monday morning. I've not been to PEI before so am looking forward to that! I doubt I'll have internet access since we will be tenting in campgrounds so I'll post updates when I get back home.

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Good Morning All :hug


Karen - have fun!!!


Cara - congrats on the weight loss! I really, really need to lose 40 pounds, but I have no willpower. Used to be when I got stressed I didn't eat, now I do.


Wendy - :rofl


Krystal - I'm like you with the bullheadedness. What is it about that? It really can be a hinderance. But don't TELL me I HAVE to do something :lol

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Karen have a great time.


Judy morning to you.


Shelby I too need to lose weight, Im nearly 110kg now and really need to get back to 80kgs but just dont have the willpower and I have done WW twice and everytime I stop doing it I put it all back on and 10kgs more. I was doing WW online and got the points book but it was just so hard. I should make an effort.

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