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Our House [Archive 4]


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Mary Im so glad that Zoe is doing much better :hug


Its freezing here, we have the heater going and still we are rugged up. We are getting some rain too which is great.


As soon as I can figure out how, I'll send some heat your way :)

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Ahh we have us a spammer. I reported it :P


Anywhoo....I'll send y'all some heat. It's been around 100 for days. That's about 30 degrees too many :sweat

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Could you send me some sun, please? :D


That's a tough one. Right now we're only getting the sun in the morning. How about I send you an hour a day? That way my plants will still be happy.

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Hi everyone. :) I made the mistake of going upstairs this a.m. just as the sun was on the loft windows...the dust and dust bunnies were taking over. :lol So, the whole upstairs is clean and vacuumed and now it's time for a break.


Karen ~ yay for another 22 squares. :yes Can't wait to see the next colors added!

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Hi everyone. :) I made the mistake of going upstairs this a.m. just as the sun was on the loft windows...the dust and dust bunnies were taking over. :lol So, the whole upstairs is clean and vacuumed and now it's time for a break.


Karen ~ yay for another 22 squares. :yes Can't wait to see the next colors added!


Need directions to come do my apartment? It's only slightly over 700sf, so it's not big :lol I tend to avoid major cleaning, I'd rather :crocheting Plus, with the dog and 2 cats, I often have to move furniture, which isn't heavy, just an annoyance.

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Okay I tried that invisible finish today and it is wonderful. I'll never finish off any other way. Then I went to have a nap and seriously overslept :P Got woken up by Tuon climbing the bed (she can't jump up there...she slides right back off :lol). It was an hour and a half past her food/shot time. I'm still trying to wake up now :blush


Ok, now you have me curious. I am going to have to try this finish.

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It's 90* and super high humidity.. :yuck I feel like I'm melting.


You can have my sun if you take the humidity with it.


Got that right, this humidity is about enough.

K- what have you in your avatar???

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That is my viceroy shawl/tablecloth...designed by Kathy White (Katchkan)





This is ab-so-lute-ly b-u--ti-ful!:clap

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Need directions to come do my apartment? It's only slightly over 700sf, so it's not big :lol I tend to avoid major cleaning, I'd rather :crocheting Plus, with the dog and 2 cats, I often have to move furniture, which isn't heavy, just an annoyance.


Of course! I'll be right over. :lol (You don't live in Fort Worth, do you? :wink)




I counted my extra saltines...the total is 36 solids. My parents and little niece should be here any moment. I'll check back in when they head back to Alabama.


Thanks, Valerie. I hope your family is okay. :manyheart


O;o i ran out of black/gold so i had to get more. i'm also working on some socks for my best friend - i'm hoping to catch up though


Hi Sunny! Someday I'll try socks...have you made very many?

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Of course! I'll be right over. :lol (You don't live in Fort Worth, do you? :wink)


Nope. So if you're trying to ferret out a secret pal or Elf, sorry, can't help you there :lol

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Krystal ~ That is stunning! I remember seeing it before it was finished...your work is lovely. :hook


Okay, don't know what got into me today. :lol I just quit playing happy housewife (since 7 a.m.) and am ready for a long shower and crochet time.

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