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Our House [Archive 4]


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Good Morning, all. :)



Linda M ~ Yay for more yarn. :yarn Yes there is another yellow in ILTY. It's just called "Yellow" and is more of a school bus yellow. I think it would look great with the Buttercup and white for the gingham. They may have it online at craftsetc.com. I'll be glad to check at our HL, but it may be a couple days til I can get there...let me know. :manyheart


Thanks Mary. I'll check for it on line. Or next time I get to HL, they may have it in stock. Just didn't know whether there was another choice or not. One question, is the yellow lighter or darker than the buttercup, do you know?

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I had a nice long chat with my Mom (Linda T) last night and she said that I really needed to post this poem that I read her as it could easily be applied to fit the lovely ladies here with the substitution of terms like yarn for fabric.



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Hello all,


Well, my ATW is still just almost finished. Didn't have much time to work on it yesterday. But I did get the yarn to make 2 more ghans! Maurice picked out royal blue, medium blue, and buttercup for the woven blocks for him. And I got buttercup, ivory, and white for the gingham. I wanted 2 shades of yellow but HL only had 1 shade-----does anyone now if they make I Love This Yarn in another shade of yellow?----so I got the ivory for the light yellow. Do you think this will work out okay or should I try something else? I'm open to suggestions.

Those colors sound great.


Good day, everyone. It's too late to say good morning. John let me sleep late as he worked from home this morning. I woke up at 10:00 in a panic thinking he had woken me when he left for work and I had answered him in my sleep and slept on. We are back to the routine, although he said he will probably get off early today. I haven't started packing yet, although I have some stuff laid aside as going. Pack light to be gone a month. That's just crazy making for me. I'm planning on taking thread projects with me instead of yarn projects as they will take up less room. But I might have to pack one of the smaller yarn projects anyway. We'll see what I can fit in. Definitely will be taking the filet projects and maybe a 3rd that I found as well. Hmmmmm.... Have a good day. :hook:devil

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Howdy ladies :hi


Joy - Great poem! And it's way too true if you change a couple words :lol Thanks for sharing that :hug


Linda M - Ah yes, the age old search for two yellows to make the gingham. That's been a challenge for us, too :lol Hopefully, you've stumbled upon a combo. Good luck :hug


Aiea - Yep, I have the same problem. That's why I'm using an upholstery needle. It's just easier to work with imo :yes


Ohhhh, I am not well today :sick I didn't even get up to see BD off to work. I always see him off. I have a faint recollection of him saying something to the effect of, "Okay, guess I'll go now." kinda sad :( Poor guy. I did get up briefly for the Tuon routine because she yowls thank goodness :lol


I have tons to do today which makes it worse. Have to make potato salad and pea salad for a family thing tomorrow, take Tuon to the vet and clean. The cleaning might just have to wait. Of course, all I wanna do is crawl back in bed :P

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My ATW is finished except for the border! :cheer:cheer Will work on that in a bit.


In the meantime, I have been viewing the quilts block galore site and picking out patterns that would work well with saltines...... YEP, I'M ADDICTED! :hook

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My ATW is finished except for the border! :cheer:cheer Will work on that in a bit.


In the meantime, I have been viewing the quilts block galore site and picking out patterns that would work well with saltines...... YEP, I'M ADDICTED! :hook


Woo hoo!! Grats on finishing the body of the ATW :woo:h5


We warned you that it's an easy addicition :lol At least it's one that's not bad for you :hook

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Hi. Back home from DD's and the store and glad to be here. :lol It is sooo hot and humid!


Oh Cara~Feel better soon. :hug Potato Salad and Pea Salad...two of our favorites. :) Will there be lots of family?


Linda M.~Way to go! Will you be able to post pictures? I finally had time to go upstairs and check the yellows. I have both of them and think they would look good together for the gingham. Let us know what you decide. :yarn


Linda~How does one "pack light" for a month? :lol I have to take everything I own when we drive somewhere...and almost that much on a plane. :blush Good Luck! Of course, you can take your crocheting and just buy toothpaste, undies, clothes as needed. :D


Joy, thanks for sharing the poem. It's great!

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Mary - There will be 7 of us and that's plenty. The next day is the big family gathering in San Antonio but we won't be there. We can't leave Tuon alone over night We'll have to come home early tomorrow, too. Suits me fine though. I find these gatherings tiring most times. They're fun and I love them but I tend to get too worn out :P

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I totally understand, Cara. No way would I leave Zoe or Maggie if they needed shots or meds. :manyheart Sunday is my Dad's birthday, so we may go down and take them to lunch if they feel like it. Other than that, we'll be right here. :)


Now, back to laundry and then some crochet time. :hook

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Linda M.~Way to go! Will you be able to post pictures? I finally had time to go upstairs and check the yellows. I have both of them and think they would look good together for the gingham. Let us know what you decide. :yarn


Thanks for checking. I will look for the other yellow. It's not like I don't have something else to work on in the meantime!:D


Yes, I should be able to post pics when I get the border done.

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Cara... :sneeze I am right there with you....


Darn library employee, coming to work sick as a dog! Every time she coughed, she sounded like a seal barking. I thought I stayed far enough away, but her germs were probably EVERYWHERE in that place! :irk

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K - Yep I went out yesterday and I think everyone in the grocery store was sick. I was already feeling a bit punk so that didn't help.


Mary - I'd rather stay home myself if the truth be known :lol But it's BDs b-day celebration too so I will go, have a good time and not whine like a good girl :D I want it to be a special day for him :manyheart


Okay, cooking done and I feel like a wrung out rag. But it's done :yay Supper's gonna be leftovers after that. I'm planting my hiney right here on this couch when we get back from the vet and I'm gonna work on my HIJ projects :hook

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Morning everyone


Im going shopping today for HIJ.


Joy nice poem.


Cara and Krystal hope you both feel better soon :hug


Linda M congratulations on finishing the ATW and yes the saltines are very addictive and you know of course that there is no cure. :lol


Mary howdy, whatcha upto.

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Mary - There will be 7 of us and that's plenty. The next day is the big family gathering in San Antonio but we won't be there. We can't leave Tuon alone over night We'll have to come home early tomorrow, too. Suits me fine though. I find these gatherings tiring most times. They're fun and I love them but I tend to get too worn out :P

We come home early from places all the time - even if it wasn't Susie and her meds...I mean, these pups can only keep their legs crossed just so long!:D

And if anyone has a problem with it... tough beans.....:yes

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Hi, Wendy!


Cara and K - feel better, my friends:hug(from a distance:lol)


I'm almost done with the lapghan for Sissie...then to work on the last biggie for HIJ...then Friendship squares..then the graphghan:loco:tired

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Mary, 5 solids for me, please.


Done! :)


Hi Wendy! Enjoy your long weekend. I've not had much crochet time lately, but hope to change that over the next few days. :hook


Wow, Judy~You are making such wonderful things...looking forward to pictures. :yes


I am reporting 17 solid and 4 bi-color squares. :D

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Wow, Judy~You are making such wonderful things...looking forward to pictures. :yes

The only thing I can post will be the lapghan I'm finishing - the other 2 things are surprises for HIJ:)

I'm planning to do some friendship squares, though - Jeannie gave the names of a couple of patterns she found and when I looked them up in my books they were beautiful...so they're on my list...if I decide to take my time with these...I'm often more inclined to get them out to people fast, so I often stick to what I know.


Off to watch the NY Yankees and Boston play while I :crocheting



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Wendy - Have fun in the shops :yay


Judy - Yeah, folks always know we're gonna leave early, too. Animals or not :yes


Well, Little Miss Tuon's sugar level was 72 today. That's a little low this time. So she's gonna get pushed back to 2.5 units of insulin twice a day instead of 3 and get rechecked next week. We just thought we'd be able to go to monthly vet visits :lol

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