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Our House [Archive 4]


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Wendy - Actually I'm gonna spend the next few weeks doing the HIJ :yay And then I need to rework that Medallion Square. I tried making it as a friendship square this morning and it needs some "tweaking" :lol

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I am "always" working on something. I just finished two RR and working on third to send to my cousin's grandbabies. Plus I have two I need to finish for a couple of co-workers and between all of that I try to get some saltines in. :hook

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Mary, 5 solids for me, please. :hook


Added! :)


Hi everyone. It's been another busy day. I stayed at DD's quite a while and did some extra watering, etc. I'm so pleased that everything we planted is growing and healthy. :yes


Here I go with another color decision...Just Ducky #2 is exactly like the first with the "checkerboard" shades of green tiles. I used the Carrot for his beak and the stripe on the white towel. Any thoughts on a different color that would work for the stripe?

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Selanda wow your really busy there, I just love making ripples, havent done one since the zebra ripple though, maybe later in the year.


Mary Im not sure what you could use for the stripe, what about red.

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52 more solids done, and attached a few more rows, so now I have 13 rows attached, and only 8 more rows to attach. I really hope I have time to get everything done by saturday as I'll probably have to ship it when we move as the car is pretty cramped with everything else we've got packed as it is.

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Thank you, Selanda.


Aiea, you are making wonderful progress. Way to go, gal!


I picked up some more of the things tonight that I need to be ready to be gone for a month. Have a bunch of errands to run tomorrow. Did up all the wash today. Tonight I want a painpill so badly and I can't take one while on the Neurontin. :yell Urgh!!!

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You've got it. I stitch the front side and then turn it over and stitch the back side. Most of the ones I make get used every day and I want to make sure that they hold together well. Here's a picture of one done that way. And a close up of one of the squares for the Painted Desert also done that way.DCP_1412.jpgDCP_1375.jpg


One other question for you (or anyone else who has an answer). Do you join in strips as you go and if so, how do you handle the color changes for your whipstitches within the same row? I would need to change from white to pink to white to pink and I don't want pink being in the center of the solid whites, or white in between the solid pinks. I started joining tonight and ended up ended the white, doing the area of pink separate and then joining the two sections together. Thanks everyone!

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Val - I join mine either in strips or sections. When joining the same color (i.e. 2 pink squares) then use that color (pink). When joining squares of different colors (i.e. 1 pink, 1 white) just pick one of those. Yes, it's a lot of color changing but I think it's worth it :yes

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Linda, there is so much to do before a trip - especially for a month. :eek Take care and try to rest some, too. :manyheart


Val, I use Cara's method of joining. Some rows can have lots of color changes. :yes


I've been making squares and joining some...sort of in slow motion. :lol I think the last couple of weeks have caught up with me and it's time for bed. See you all tomorrow. :)

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Val, I vary how I join. In some patterns I pick one color and just use it throughout and on others I switch colors as often as necessary to make colors match one or both of the squares being joined. I usually join my afghan in blocks of "5 by 5" or "6 by 6" squares and then join these blocks together to make strips which are then joined together.

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Mary, 3 more solids for me, please. I had miscounted on my colors and needed another 3 made so did those. Still joining. Hoping to get all joined today or tomorrow.


I think DH has decided that he wants the woven blocks afghan either in the blues as shown or possibly burgundy, mauve, and light gray. We'll see when we get the yarn. And I still want to do the gingham one. Maybe I'll just get the yarn for both this weekend :D

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Good Morning Everyone!

Very busy day yesterday. Makes me wonder how I ever got any of this other stuff done when I worked full-time with 2 kids. :think I guess we just do it. Anyway most of the errands were with/for my husband so I got 38 solids done and I joined two more rows last night. I'm heading into the home stretch! I need to get some smaller things done for other CALs I have. May need to take a little break. :( Hope everyone has a great day and it's wonderful to see so many new people on here the last few days! Happy crocheting! :crocheting



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Val - that's where joining as you go (join each square as you make it, or leave a long tail later to join) comes in handy. You always have just the correct color to join.


Except I'd either have to start over from the beginning or go back and re-do the second round of 80-90 something. Then again, I do only have less than 100. I have a feeling changing colors so often would drive me nuts. Hmmm, I might just go back and re-do those. :lol

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Good morning, everyone. I'm not really awake yet. I'm hoping to get the baby blanket done before we leave on Friday, but I'm not sure that will happen. We'll see how it goes with all the things that still have to get done in preparation. I have started sorting out what I want to take with as far as clothes go. I think I have decided on my games project. I think I am going to use the blocks ghan pattern with my goal being to finish 2/3 of it during the games (200 squares made and joined). I will use the finished ghan as a Christmas gift for my aunt and uncle. Aunt Peggy quilts beautifully and she will appreciate it. She'd appreciate the snowflake one, too, but that one is for me. :lol :lol :lol

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Busy, busy getting ready for that trip. The prep is always rough but it always seems worth it in the end :D


M - Yep, I agree. Make two at a time :hook


Val - That's the great thing about these. You can do 'em however you want. You'll hit on a way that you love and that'll be your personal signature :hook


Carla - You're just chugging away on those saltines :clap I hear ya. Since I quit "working" to stay home I'm busier than I ever was :lol


Not awake fully myself here :yawn Gonna work on an HIJ project for about 45 minutes until time to wake the bear. BTW it's BDs b-day today :yay He says he's 27 this year. This of course after being 26 for about 3 years running :lol He's actually 38 :D

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Busy, busy getting ready for that trip. The prep is always rough but it always seems worth it in the end :D


M - Yep, I agree. Make two at a time :hook


Val - That's the great thing about these. You can do 'em however you want. You'll hit on a way that you love and that'll be your personal signature :hook


Carla - You're just chugging away on those saltines :clap I hear ya. Since I quit "working" to stay home I'm busier than I ever was :lol


Not awake fully myself here :yawn Gonna work on an HIJ project for about 45 minutes until time to wake the bear. BTW it's BDs b-day today :yay He says he's 27 this year. This of course after being 26 for about 3 years running :lol He's actually 38 :D


I actually decided to try joining as I go this morning. I frogged back round two on I think 2 of them and I was able to get 5 joined (or was it 6 :think). So I'm thinking I'll do that. I wouldn't mind the whipstitches, but I have too many areas where I only have one or two of each color before I'd have to change colors again.

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Hi Happy House Ladies. :)


Linda M.~ You're definitely hooked now...talking about starting more while finishing one. :hook (3 added)


Hi Carla ~ 38 added! :cheer


Cara ~ Sing "Happy Birthday" to BD from me, too. :D


Hi to those I've missed. Lots to take care of today and hope to get some crochet time this evening. Some of it can be done over the phone, but may have to drive to my parents...oh joy. :lol

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