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Our House [Archive 4]


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Mary- I've never quilted before, but I know my aunt does and I've seen some of her work it's really pretty.


Shelly - Thanks, I don't have kids yet nevermind grandkids so I can't use that as an excuse yet. Someday though, hopefully soon if my plumbing can get sorted out right.


Now though it's time to get back to crocheting! Company is nice but it interrupts my crocheting... bah. :hook Hopefully I'll finish off the rest of the pinwheels tonight so I can start my black/gold/white solids in mass quantites tomorrow.

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Mary, I love your colors! I've seen that sampler pattern, and always loved it.

So many patterns...so little time...:lol

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Mary, those are very, very nice. :yay:clap:yay You've been busy with sick kitty and parents and still managed to do a lot. Way to Go!!


I've finished the filet pattern. It's 45 blocks wide and 159 blocks long. I highlighted the pattern at every 5 rows to make it easier to keep my place. (I hope!) Now I have to choose the thread to use. I've got ecru, cream, and peach to choose from. Decisions, decisions, decisions.


You are really making great progress, Sunny. Can't wait to see a picture.


Carla, the drowsiness wore off just in time to take another one. How soon before they start to work on the pain? I'm on 3 a day.

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Linda, you are so brave. :D The filet is going to be lovely...I'm not sure if I could follow a graph like that without going cross-eyed. :lol


Thank you all for the compliments. :manyheart I love the Just Ducky pattern and this one will be exactly like my first except maybe a different color stripe on the towel. :think I decided to stay fairly close to the original Sampler pattern for my first one, but am changing some stitches and colors. It is lots of fun to work on. :hook

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Morning everyone


Im going to my Mum and Dad's place today, Mum wants to go shopping, not sure what for though. I suggested maybe yarn :lol but she said no something else. Hmm wonder what it could be. Im going to take the ATW with me to try and get more done on it.


Carla ebay is a great place to get rid of things and to get extra cash for yarn isnt it.


Mary your just ducky is coming along beautifully and I love the all seasons ghan your making. Is it all in one and how big does it get.


Linda congrats on finishing the filet pattern

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Yay, I finished the last 6 pinwheels (5 squares each) and another 8 black squares. So tomorrow as I finish the black/gold/white I need for each row I'm going to start attaching them together row by row.


And I figured out what I am going to do with it. I remembered a friend of mine is getting married later this summer, and I don't have the time/cash to fly home for it, so I can send them this as a wedding present. Since my friend has been a friend of mine since childhood (and my uncle actually dated his mother once a long long time ago) I think the whole it takes a village to raise a child theme is perfect.

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Yay, I finished the last 6 pinwheels (5 squares each) and another 8 black squares. So tomorrow as I finish the black/gold/white I need for each row I'm going to start attaching them together row by row.


And I figured out what I am going to do with it. I remembered a friend of mine is getting married later this summer, and I don't have the time/cash to fly home for it, so I can send them this as a wedding present. Since my friend has been a friend of mine since childhood (and my uncle actually dated his mother once a long long time ago) I think the whole it takes a village to raise a child theme is perfect.

Wonderful idea for a present!:yes

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Man what a busy day we've had. First I didn't even get up until noon-thirty. Then BD was ready to go. We've been to Home Depot twice and WalMart once. Bought lots of lumber and stuff for him to work on the floor in the dining room. It used to have a floor furnace and the idiots didn't redo the floor right so it's very weak right there. It'll become a safety hazard if it isn't fixed. He also drew up some plans for an addition we're wanting to do and I'm terribly excited about it. Now we just have to figure out how to pay for it :lol


Okay gonna finally get some crocheting done :hook

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Lots of busy people in here today. Not only did I finish the filet crochet pattern today, but I've started it as well. I have the first 8 rows done already. It's going well and I am pleased. I did 8 rows and had supper with Rosie & John all in about 3 hours time. Rosie egged me on to get it started and I think she's as excited about the project as I am. It doesn't look like much yet, but the pattern is just barely beginning now. Most of the initial rows were the border pattern. I'll take a picture once there is actually something to see. :hook Nighty-night all.

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Man what a busy day we've had. First I didn't even get up until noon-thirty. Then BD was ready to go. We've been to Home Depot twice and WalMart once. Bought lots of lumber and stuff for him to work on the floor in the dining room. It used to have a floor furnace and the idiots didn't redo the floor right so it's very weak right there. It'll become a safety hazard if it isn't fixed. He also drew up some plans for an addition we're wanting to do and I'm terribly excited about it. Now we just have to figure out how to pay for it :lol


Okay gonna finally get some crocheting done :hook


Good for you Cara - I'm excited for you :clap

We started building our log house in '86 and we never had the money/time to finish it. Last year we finally got our bedroom carpeted and almost all of the trim work done. We also got the guest room carpeted. But, everytime we do even one little thing, I get so excited and motivated to keep that room neat and uncluttered. Believe me, uncluttered is an accomplishment for me.

I don't really have kitchen cupboards. My dishes are on open shelves. If you can imagine base cabinets without sides or doors thats where my pots and pans are. I do have two actual cabinets and a pantry cupboard that my brother gave me when he remodeled. The one overhead cupboard I use for my glasses, one base for my cookie sheets and trays. What a hodge-podge mess. BUT it will be at least 3 years before we can even think about kitchen cabinets since I know they are going to cost in excess of $15,000. I may even have to go back to work to be able to afford them (OH PLEASE NOT THAT :()

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Howdy doody everyone


Cara how exciting for you, what sort of addition has BD come up with on the house.


Linda great start to your filet pattern.


Sunny great progress on the saltines today. :clap


I havent done any saltines today. I have been making 6x9inch squares.

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hi everyone - well i'm on a roll now. i did 32 squares today :D i hope to do 16 a day. that way i'll be done with the cassa soon. well, i want to win this also. how many points do i have now?


Hi Sunny! Earlier in the day (Saturday), I recorded 8 solids/8 bicolors. Does the 32 include those and were they solids or bicolors? Thank you!:manyheart

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Sunny, congrats, you moving right along, can't wait to see pic.:yay


Shelby, I'm at this moment looking at the bare studs of our new room. Not a money problem (right now), but a DH is busy with paying jobs so it isn't finished. We have furniture coming that may have to sit in storage until it is finished. :eek We'll get there!


I did get 30 solids done last night. I'm planning on a crochet day! :crocheting



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Good Morning, all. DH had to leave for the airport at 5:30, so it's a very early morning for us. :) Miss Zoe is gaining strength and almost back to her normal self. :yes


Will have to catch up later...we're having a thunderstorm! After many days around 100 and very little rain in weeks, we'll take all we can get.


Hi Carla ~ 30 more added. :yay

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Mary, that's great news about Zoe!


Shelby, you DO have a dilemma...I think I'd opt for staying home. Having open kitchen cabinets will help you stay decluttered:lol:lol

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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - That's fabulous news about Zoe :yay


Wendy - Basically, it's a master bedroom/bathroom for us and an attached workshop for him. Right now our back bedroom is housing all his tools :lol


Shelby - I'm with Judy. I'd stay home and get creative with the cabinets :yes We lived in a construction zone for 2 years on our last house but if a project lasted since 1986 I'd have to hurt DH :lol


Carla - Looks like you're living in that same hard hat area. It can be exciting though :yes


Sunny - You've whipped that Casa out in record time I do believe :cheer


Ignore me. I'm not really awake yet. It was just time for Tuon's morning routine and my back was stiff. Just working out the kinks then headed back to bed :P

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Good morning, everyone. I heard the alarm clock at 20 to 8:00 this morning and didn't move at all. Worked on the filet until midnight and just woke up a little bit ago. It's very overcast today which made it a wonderful day to sleep in. More later when i really wake up. ;)

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