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Our House [Archive 4]


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Denise is now allowed to chat and craft again. She has finished her assignments for this week and will not be getting any new ones until the 24th. :D


:lol :lol Glad to hear it :)

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I finnished the eight pocket carryall tote. :cheer:cheer

Will post photo later. :yes


Congratulations :yay


Funny how projects for everyone else get done, while ours get sidelined... :think


Yeah funny about that.


I got to work on the BIC again. I got 16 solids done.


Well done :clap


Karen, love the 9 patch. Great colors!


Mary, 6 bi-colors and 22 solids for me.


The weather here in WI has difinately cooled down...nice and cool....makes me want to cuddle up under an afghan and crochet the day away!


Great progress.:cheer


Happy Monday, everyone. :rain We're thrilled to see some much needed rain, but our power was off from 4:30 til about 7. DH had to shower and get ready to leave with flashlights. :lol


Cara ~ Glad the trip to the bank is over with...and that you're home out of the rain safely. :manyheart


Donna, I've added 16 more solids. :hook


Laura Lee ~ You're past the half way mark now, aren't you? :cheer Will you be able to show us your Casa? Squares are added.


Hey Mary Im glad you got some much needed rain there. Isnt it a pain when the power goes off and it always does that at the most awkward times.


Denise is now allowed to chat and craft again. She has finished her assignments for this week and will not be getting any new ones until the 24th. :D


Tracy thats fantastic. :yay



I havent done any saltines but I have another 4 GT squares done.

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Wendy~Hi! Yay for 4 more GT squares. :hook How many more do you have to make?


Denise is now allowed to chat and craft again. She has finished her assignments for this week and will not be getting any new ones until the 24th. :D

Great news, Denise. :lol What are you working on now?


Hope everyone has had a good day/night. I was good today and did some cleaning and desk stuff. I'm reporting 32 squares for this evening. :)

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Hey ladies! i know i haven't been around much! Its been so crazy here! Anyways, just dropping by to let you know there is an update about Baby Kael's family's comfortghan for those of you that donated squares. Check it out under comfortghans. Thanks!

Hope to be around more later this week!

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here is the photo of my bag :)

That is just great, Denise. Amazing, actually. Are you starting anything new at present?


Pickles -- sorry to read about your friends' loss of their sweet baby. I took your words to heart and hugged everyone extra-tightly this morning. Here's one for you, too :hug


Wendy -- Only 106 GT squares, no? :eek Best of luck to you. How are you feeling, Dear? I'm thinking of you and hoping all is well.


Mary -- thanks for the comments on my scarecrows. The pattern came from the Lion Brand Kids e-mail and appealed to my love of fall. I was happy they were so well received by the Pre-K kiddies. Please add another 50 solids for me.


Have a nice day, Everyone!



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Another 6 Bi-color and 22 solids for me.....I'm really getting excited about this again.....the pattern is emerging wonderfully!!!


I'm hoping to get a picture of my progress soon.....waiting for my daughter to come home for a visit one of these weekends!!

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Happy Tuesday, everyone. :) Wow, you all have been busy. :hook





here is the photo of my bag :)

Denise, it's gorgeous! I love the colors and your work is wonderful. :cheer


Mary 11 solids for me please


I got 16 more solids done on my BIC. Boy this job sure cuts into my crochet time. :lol What will I do if I ever get a job with more hours :eek:lol


Please add another 50 solids for me.





Another 6 Bi-color and 22 solids for me.....I'm really getting excited about this again.....the pattern is emerging wonderfully!!!


I'm hoping to get a picture of my progress soon.....waiting for my daughter to come home for a visit one of these weekends!!

Squares are added, Ladies.

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here is the photo of my bag :)


Absolutely fabulous :clap Great job :hug


I got 16 more solids done on my BIC. Boy this job sure cuts into my crochet time. :lol What will I do if I ever get a job with more hours :eek:lol


First housework and that family of yours cutting into your hook time and now a job :rolleyes I don't know how you stand it :lol


Hey ladies! i know i haven't been around much! Its been so crazy here! Anyways, just dropping by to let you know there is an update about Baby Kael's family's comfortghan for those of you that donated squares. Check it out under comfortghans. Thanks!

Hope to be around more later this week!


Oh no. I am so very sorry about baby Kael. Big hugs to you and his family :hug

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Congrats on the new laptop! My geeky side is asking the system properties of the laptop. What is the company brand, how much memory in it, what kind of processor chip (AMD or Intel), processor speed, etc ? :P


I assume you use the Magnifier tool under Accessibility Wizard ? It's under Accessories on Start menu >> All Programs. (Microsoft tool to expand text on the monitor)

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Congrats on the new laptop! My geeky side is asking the system properties of the laptop. What is the company brand, how much memory in it, what kind of processor chip (AMD or Intel), processor speed, etc ? :P


I assume you use the Magnifier tool under Accessibility Wizard ? It's under Accessories on Start menu >> All Programs. (Microsoft tool to expand text on the monitor)


Let's see if I can answer any of these questions....


It's an IBM ThinkPad. 2g memory, 32 bit video card, 1.56 processor, Pentium M, dunno if it's AMD or Intel. Doesn't have the Intel logo on it so I'm assuming it's not Intel. I've had several Intel machines and they always have the logo :) Tried the magnifier. I'm not coordinated enough for that. I'll just wear my glasses like I'm supposed to :lol

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Oooh Cara! A new laptop-IBM is the only brand that DH's company will buy, so that's what he has.


After a not-so-fun morning full of phone calls, I'm going to crochet away the afternoon. :hook It's cooler now, so I should get back to my Stitch Sampler. :think Have a great afternoon, everyone. :manyheart

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What's the lady bird? I think I might start on my IC tonight :cheer I got the baby RR done (picture will be taken today) and decided I wanted to throw in a pair of booties. Yet, for some reason I seem incapable of making booties. They're not that difficult! I'm on the third pattern, and I'm liking this one. The other two patterns the booties didn't resemble the patterns :think


Mom finally gave me a final number of hotpads for her Christmas gifts. She needs 24 and I have 11 made. So I might do one of those tonight and some saltines. I'm itching to start on my IC :lol

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Val, yes you need to start your IC. :hook Wow! 24 hotpads is a lot...and I don't do well with booties or socks. I finally decided it was a mental block and quit trying. :lol


I already have 11 done and the patterns I'm using are super quick and easy! Man, now I need to find them for you :lol There's this one which I love because I love the different colors it can be done it. And then this one. The snowflake one I actually adjusted. For one side, I'm not joining the two pieces, instead I'm doing sc along each piece individually. I'm going to put velcro at the top and then insert potpourri pouches. Someone suggested I make it so the potpourri can be changed, which is a good idea but I don't think I want to make the pouches velcro too. As for the booties, I found this pattern and it's super easy! My booties actually look like the picture :yay

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Hope to see the pictures of them when they are completed! The tote bag look great!


Im doing the ladybird and irish chain.


The Thinkpad is a good laptop. Intel used the copyright term, "Pentium" to show the chip version so I would assume that the laptop has an Intel processor chip. The laptop's properties sound like it's suited to your needs as an user. :yes So happy for you! :D


Let's see if I can answer any of these questions....


It's an IBM ThinkPad. 2g memory, 32 bit video card, 1.56 processor, Pentium M, dunno if it's AMD or Intel. Doesn't have the Intel logo on it so I'm assuming it's not Intel. I've had several Intel machines and they always have the logo :) Tried the magnifier. I'm not coordinated enough for that. I'll just wear my glasses like I'm supposed to :lol


I am sure it would be easy to do 12 hotpads within a month, 3 per week. And it looks like you are near 1/2 way to the goal!


Mom finally gave me a final number of hotpads for her Christmas gifts. She needs 24 and I have 11 made. So I might do one of those tonight and some saltines. I'm itching to start on my IC :lol
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Hi Ladies. :)


Val, I love the Starburst pattern! I agree that the color possibilities are endless.:yarn Yay for your booties coming out just right!


Denise ~ Your colors will be lovely for the IC. :yes


Tracy and Denise ~ I envy you two for sharing your love of crocheting and knitting and having so much fun together. :manyheart I want to come live with you. ;)


DH came home this evening instead of tomorrow, so I made potato-leek soup and cornbread. Thank goodness I had the ingredients for something. :lol Blocks #11 and #12 are joined! Now on to making more squares.

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