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Our House [Archive 4]


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Cara good luck hope you win the pattern. :hug


Have fun everyone with the IC, BIC, STIC, GT and whatever else everyone is making. Wow it sure is fun that a lot of us are making the same pattern, I cant wait to see the different variations in colors.


Well I gotta go to work, hopefully the day will go quickly.


Bye for now.

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Hi Ladies. I just got caught up on posts since this am...great entertainment. :lol


I think the "chain gang" name is perfect. :yes My single IC was just not doing anything for me-too much background color. What I have joined is officially trashed and the other squares will be used for something else. :blush


Val~I hope you're feeling better. :manyheart


Cara and Tracy~The leaflet is wonderful!


See you all tomorrow. :hug

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Mary - 3 more solids for me!


Hi Krystal ~ 3 more added! (Did you really say 3? And how big are you making this? :devil) You know I'm kidding...we're just glad you finally decided to make something with the little squares.:D

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Sunny... it is beautiful (and so is your son)


I'm back to making saltines again.... you guys and your baby IC's ... I'm doing it in blue, baby varigated and white... in sport weight yarn...

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Hi Wendy :hi Hope you have a good day at work.



That is great...i love your colors and your son is a cutie.



Boy...everyone is getting in on the IC...but not me :no I have to finish what im doing now...no no no.

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Sunny the casa looks great. I love the colors together.


I got 24 squares done last night.


The BIC doesn't look like much yet but I'm sure it will after another day of working on it. Won't be today though. My patience level is high enough that I can bring the darn train back out again. I had to put it away yesterday because I had messed up again on it. So I might drag one of the quilts out tonight but the day is going to be focused on the train.

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Good Morning. :)


Hi Wendy - only a few more hours and you're free for the weekend. :cheer


Shay, Donna, and Sunny~squares are added.:hook


Sunny, your Casa is fabulous and your little boy is adorable!

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Sunny ~ your Casablanca is BEAUTIFUL :drool!! Such nice work! Your little guy made me smile right back at him -- what a cutie!


Mary, so sorry to hear your IC was not working out the way you wanted it to. Are you going to try a Double?


Nice to see you all. I met my mother and grandma for lunch, yesterday, and then I brought the girls home with me. They had such a good summer with my folks; it completely warms my :heart to know the bunch of them is so close. Today, we have a bring-a-dish pot luck dinner at the school and an Open House, so we are not going to be lazing around all day. The girls are excited to be starting school (1st grade and Pre-School 2 days/week), and I just love their enthusiasm. I am looking forward to getting back into a routine, jumping in to volunteering with school activities, and anticipating crisp fall/sweater weather -- it's right around the corner ;)


I started a little hat for my nephew, yesterday, while I waited for my daughters, so I did not get any saltines made. I will have to remedy that, today :yes


Have a nice day!!

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Hi Wendy~:blush Gee, I could have looked at the time you posted. :lol Have a wonderful 3 day weekend.


Dusti~I'm so glad the girls enjoyed their time with your Mom and Grandma. Your day sounds super busy, but fun. :yes We're anticipating cooler weather, too...but it usually doesn't happen here til late October or November. :) I was raised in Iowa, but have been in Texas since college where I met DH - and can still remember Fall as being a wonderful time of year.


Today is a shopping day! We leave for San Francisco on Sept. 9th and I really need a few things for the trip. I don't enjoy shopping unless it's for yarn. :lol

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I hope you find some cute pieces for your upcoming trip, Mary. I do not get too excited about shopping, as a rule, but I doo look forward to my trips to the yarn store :D I would take autumn in late October, if I had a choice. Can you believe our maple leaves are already starting to turn red :eek That seems a bit early.


For what type of pattern are you searching, Krystal? Something to do with saltines? ;) You are off to a running start with your IC.

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