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Our House [Archive 3]


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Hi Mary, how you? Just working on a order for someone. Roommate ok, he has been given notice to move though. He complained a bit too much. After our talk the other night he still kept complaining about the cold (even though we said to put the heating up) and then the new furniture arrived last week and Thursday my cousin put his bed and bedside drawers together and he sent my cousin a text on Friday night (after he had gone away for the weekend) and said he did not like the mattress on the bed and could my cousin please buy foam pieces to wrap around the mattress? Well, that was the end of that, cousin gave him a week to find somewhere else to stay. :eek

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Gee, the guy sounds like a whiney baby. :lol He should have bought his own mattress!


Today is a busy one. I have to get my car inspected, post office, cleaners...all those fun things. ;) I think I'll treat myself to a trip to Hobby Lobby.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Go Linda :cheer Go Linda :cheer Almost home on the LotL! This is sooo exciting!! :jumpyay


Shelly - Shelly's home!! :hi:hug Sounds like you had a wonderful and productive week with mom! I'm so sorry about Haley's finger. Hope she heals real fast :hug


Judy - Yes, yes a little tug goes a long way with whipstitching :yes Wouldn't it have been amazing to have the 'Ville all these years. Gosh, even 10 years ago. :yes


Tracy - The nerve of the housemate! :irk Yes, he definitely needed notice. You can't live with someone like that :no


Wendy - Almost time to go home! :yay And we're just getting up. Well, I am anyway :wink


Mary - Yes, after a grueling day like that you definitely deserve a little Hobby Lobby :D


Plugging away on the DS here. My head feels as if it's going to explode. Remind me to stay away from sick people. I catch everything that comes down the pike with this weak immune system of mine :P Have to remind myself sometimes that this is why I stay home :lol :lol Hopefully, it's just a sinus and it'll pass by the weekend. I have faith :D


Gotta go all the unfun things today. Laundry. Tidying up. Dinner. Bills. Where's the fun in that? Oh well, once it's done I'm good for the week and it'll just be me and my little hook :hook

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Gee, the guy sounds like a whiney baby. :lol He should have bought his own mattress!


Today is a busy one. I have to get my car inspected, post office, cleaners...all those fun things. ;) I think I'll treat myself to a trip to Hobby Lobby.


That is what my cousin said, but I think he has had enough of the complaints. I got the same bed and mattress (except mine didn't get put together til last night) and I slept really well on it. And I am MUCH bigger than that guy. :D


Sounds like a very busy day, have fun shopping. :crocheting

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Whew! :whew Busy, busy day so far. Since 9:45 this morning (that's 4 hours) I've tidied up, done two loads of laundry, made potato salad, baked a cake, cleaned out the cat box, taken out the trash, updated my computer, crushed a bazillion cans, swept, balanced the checkbook and had a shower. I'm exhausted and now it seems my puter has a virus of some type because I'm getting all kinds of popups. So much for virus protection. Hope it didn't get my bank info :irk


Gotta go straighten this out now :rant

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Morning everyone,


Tracy wow he does sound like a whinger doesnt he. The book that you bought I have found it on ebay, which is great because for some reason Amazon wont post to Australia. Kept getting error messages that said that even though they are supposed to deliver internationally.


Cara hope your feeling better soon. As DH fixed your computer, nothing worse than having popups, they are so annoying.


Mary did you go to Hobby Lobby and buy anything.

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On BDs puter right now. Can't sit here long though and he has this annoying gaming keyboard that's hard to use :P No it all started when I opened an email from JoAnn for a yarn sale. Popup blocker is still on. It's a mess he'll have to figure out tonight. Just means little or no 'Ville for me today :(

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Glad you found the book, Wendy. It looks really interesting. I have to wait a few weeks for mine, it is coming from USA. I did order another one as well for my SP (being sent straight to her) as she doesn't have it and makes lots of afghans. :devil I am hoping that I will be able to not let her know that I am in the UK. She has already asked me where in the USA I live. :eek


Cara, I hope you computer doesn't get very sick. :(

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Tracy that is a good idea, sending her the book. I sent my sp some stitch markers from Victorias etsy shop, not sure if she got them or not.


Cara a gaming keyboard sounds very interesting. Didnt know you could get one. What sort of games does he play on the computer. Hope he can fix your computer.

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Sounds like everyone has been having a really busy day. The Lady of the Lotus is finally finished. Had trouble uploading the photos, but finally got the job done by switching to the upstairs computer. So here goes. This is it laid out on the livingroom floor.




Arghh! I resized it and it came through as if I didn't! And looking at the picture I just spotted where a square is in wrong! Oh, blast!

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Sounds like everyone has been having a really busy day. The Lady of the Lotus is finally finished. Had trouble uploading the photos, but finally got the job done by switching to the upstairs computer. So here goes. This is it laid out on the livingroom floor.




Arghh! I resized it and it came through as if I didn't! And looking at the picture I just spotted where a square is in wrong! Oh, blast!


It's stunning, Linda! Congratulations on finishing. :hook

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Sounds like everyone has been having a really busy day. The Lady of the Lotus is finally finished.


Simply Amazing. Very inspiring Linda, (is that right?)


Everyone was so busy today. I worked and had a few clients not show so I actually finished some squares during the day. I'm going to do this until someone says something to me... it is doubtful anyone will say anything. down time is down time. but you never know.


I actually did my yoga ball. First time since I had the flu. I've got to get back on that program. I really enjoy it.


BTW- my first name is Daphne


OH!!! Are y'alls squares ever a little bit "puffy"? Am I crocheting to tight or will this work itself out with blocking?

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Cara, I hope you get your computer problems worked out. :yes


Hi Daphne ~ Yes, it's normal for the squares to be a little puffy looking. Depending on what yarn you are using, you may not have to block anything. :)

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Thanks, everyone for those kind words. I'll decide later what if anything to do with the missewn square. It's been there for at least 3 weeks and maybe a whole lot more and this is the first I've noticed it, so I guess it's not that noticable. But, if I enter it in a fair, some judge is sure to spot it.

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Linda - that LOTL is fantastic!! ANd until you mentioned the mistake and I looked hard....I never would have seen it - but if it's for a fair..well, Wendy can tell you all about her adventures undoing her squares!:eek


Daphne, my squares look a little puffy, too - but I like it - adds to the "quilt look" IMO....


'nite, ladies:hug:manyheart

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Linda - that LOTL is fantastic!! ANd until you mentioned the mistake and I looked hard....I never would have seen it - but if it's for a fair..well, Wendy can tell you all about her adventures undoing her squares!:eek


Daphne, my squares look a little puffy, too - but I like it - adds to the "quilt look" IMO....


'nite, ladies:hug:manyheart

Night Judy.

Yeah, I've had to undo squares more than once. Sometimes it's just a pain and sometimes it's a disaster. John still hasn't found it.

Daphne, my squares also look somewhat puffy. I think it's in part because of the turn to make the second row. I like the effect.

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Wow Linda it's fantastic!!! Judy stold the words right out of my mouth :lol I didn't notice the missewen square till you said that but I know how you feel. The same thing happened to me but since it was going to someone else I left it with the Amish feel. :blush


I got 43 saltines done today for my ville pinwheel. I didn't expect to work on that today but somehow it just called my name.


How's everybody doing? I still run out of time before I get to this CAL but I check in everynow and then. :)

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Hi everyone,

I was not happy today, went to go online to the ville at lunch and they have now blocked the site, I mean how dare they... not happy jan..:(


Linda your ghan is absolutely amazing. :clap:clap:hug You did such a great job with it. I would really show the designer of the pattern how you converted it to crochet squares. Also sorry you got one square wrong, if it bugs you too much then undo the square otherwise I would just leave it.


Heather great going on your saltine making today.


Cara did BD fix your computer and hows the desert star going.


My squares are not puffy, not sure why or how you get them like that. Even in a book I have it shows the pattern squares as being puffy. I do quite like the look though.


I did a few squares at lunch time and will do more tonight. Im making something for my secret pal out of squares, I hope she likes it.

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