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Our House [Archive 3]


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Judy, I spend money on 2 things books and yarn, so I'm right there with you. Actually working there makes it a little a little easier to resist temptation. I know what's on sale, and I know that there will be one eventually so I can wait for them.


I just tell DH that I am actually saving him money by working there.:angel:rofl:rofl :devil

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Good morning ladies :flower


Leslie - I like the way you think :yes Everytime BD buys some computer or electronic gizmo I always tell him, "well, that's 5 more years worth of yarn for me" :D


Wendy - We're all so dedicated. Just crochet through the pain. When my thumb gets bad I have the pain management guy give me a shot in the big joint. Clears it right up :D Oh the things we do for our art :lol Hope your thumb improves real soon :hug


Judy - :think You've never completed one of the quilts? I didn't know that.


Well, I made a huge mistake last night. Was feeling really crummy all day yesterday so I slept a lot. Even wanted to lie down again at 10:00 last night. So BD and I went to watch Stargate SG-1 (he got all 10 seasons for Christmas). We watched those things from 10 last night til 7 this morning :eek I drifted off for little cat naps during that but didn't go to sleep until 7 and now I'm up at 11. My body is killing me! :( Have the heating pad on now and hopefully that'll help.


Good news though. Had an email from my aunt about our cousin's shower that we missed. She's due this week. We're forgiven. And we get out for just a high chair :D Guess I should get cracking on a blanket too come to think of it. Everyone else got one so little Ava-Lynn needs one too :yes

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Hi ladies. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :) We had a lot of fun at DD's last night. She fixed a fantastic dinner for DH's birthday.


Not much crocheting for me lately, but I'm going to change that this afternoon. :crocheting

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Morning everyone,


Back to work today, gee I hate it when work interferes with my crochet. So when the girls at work ask me what I did over the weekend I can say well I sat and crocheted and oh yeah I sat and crocheted... hmmm what else oh and on sunday I sat and crocheted, boy it was a busy weekend.


My thumbs not too bad today considering I sewed 80 squares together yesterday. My sp project takes 280 squares and I have 164 left to do. Boy I have to get cracking on this.


Cara wow an allnighter watching Stargate, no wonder your not feeling the best today. Take it easy today and have lots of naps I think.:hug


Judy Im sure you will get one of these quilts done one day dont you worry about that.:hug


Mary Im glad your DH had a great birthday.

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Morning everyone,


My thumbs not too bad today considering I sewed 80 squares together yesterday. My sp project takes 280 squares and I have 164 left to do. Boy I have to get cracking on this.



Good grief I sewed off and on all day yesterday and got 24 squares done i'm beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed. :ohdear


Does one get faster at this? :P

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Good grief I sewed off and on all day yesterday and got 24 squares done i'm beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed. :ohdear


Does one get faster at this? :P


Oh yes. Practice helps a lot :yes

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Indigo, don't get discouraged. The more you practice the faster it goes. I think that we all find that the sewing together takes more time than the crocheting. Just relax and let it happen.


Krystal - 46 solids for me this weekend. So far anyway.

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OK! Well it's good to hear that I might get faster at this. I just really want to do a good job on this as well. I've made two "square" projects and both I was not happy with the whipstitch. I think I didn't leave enough "ends" and it was too loose. Does that make sense. Y'all are so sweet to be encouraging. I'm not frustrated just a little nervous maybe :)

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OK! Well it's good to hear that I might get faster at this. I just really want to do a good job on this as well. I've made two "square" projects and both I was not happy with the whipstitch. I think I didn't leave enough "ends" and it was too loose. Does that make sense. Y'all are so sweet to be encouraging. I'm not frustrated just a little nervous maybe :)

A hint: as you're whipstitching, after a few stitches give the yarn on your needle a little tug. You'll see it tighten up where it goes through the loops - just not a hard tug. You'll see what I mean when you try it.

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If you don't mind the ridge in the back, you could also slip stitch the squares together.


I finished the first block and I'm going to stick with whipstiching or else I'll never master it. Y'all have been so fabulous to me.


I thought I might tell you a little about myself. I'm 38, married for 5 years, one step son age 15, and I'm a counselor. I've been crocheting for about 5 years now. I taught myself from a book thinking that it was something that some of my seriously mentally ill clients could learn as a hobby (some did, it was a day treatment program).


I think I'm pretty slow compared to others but I've made some pretty things that people have enjoyed.


I also love to Garden which sometimes takes away from crocheting in the spring/summer months. Anyway, enough about me. I really hope I stick with this and get to know you guys better :)

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Indigo, practice makes perfect - and with the ladies here the time it takes to learn things is considerably shortened! I wish there had been a group like this in the early 70's, when I taught myself how to hook...would have saved myself so much grief!:D


Have a good week...and :crochetingis very meditative and calming. At least it is for me:hook

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Indigo, thanks for telling us a little about yourself. :) When I found this CAL, I instantly felt at home and hope you do, too. My first little square project took me a while and I remember being in a panic when I finished and had to wash/dry it...but everyone here was more than encouraging and it didn't fall apart in the washer. :lol I totally agree with Judy's tips on whipstitching.:yes

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Oh, man does it take a long time to crochet all the way around this thing! I've got 2 rows done so far with 3 more planned. And it's all in navy blue. I think I need my head examined!

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Hey there, just on my lunch break at work, only 3hours till home time.


Linda I know how you feel, it took forever when I did the border on the Casa and the Amish. You will get there, dont worry. Cant wait to see it.


Indigo thanks for telling a little about yourself. I found this site back in October 06 and its been the best thing. The people in here are so nice and supportive and easy to chat to.

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Hello Ladies.... I'm Back!!!!! I had a glorious week with my Mom... we sat and did a lot of visiting... I finished the graph piece for the middle of the baseball ghan I'm doing for my nephew... I have 4 more baseball logo's to do to go around the outside... I finished my ninepatch red/ green / white lapghan... got about 1/2 a baby ripple done.... made myself a pair of lounge pants out of fleece... made a pattern for a 9 pocket tote bag for my nieces who are in 4 H and want to make totebags, then made one out of broadcloth to show them.. {Mom is teaching them sewing--- their 4 H leader doesn't sew} plus helped Mom rearrange her sewing room... and some other things...

Angel and I came home from Mom's to find Haley with her finger in a splint... she was cleaning her bedroom this afternnon, something fell and she broke the tip of her middle finger on her left hand


good news today... we got our income tax return... this is one time of year hubby is really glad we have the oldest DD and the grandgirls living with us... we got back almost what he paid in this year...


I have not had time to read up on the posts I'll try to catch up as I have time..

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Welcome back, Shelly. It's sunshiny today. Hooray! I've had it with overcast and grey. Laundry is on the list of things to do today. I managed to get 12 replacement blue squares out of another blue, although I almost didn't have enough of it to finish the last square. I've now got enough squares for another preemie blanket. My pile of left overs from all the ripples is about cut in half now. I still have enough to make a lot more pretties. Have a good day, everyone.

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