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Our House [Archive 3]


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Wendy, drink juice, switch laptop on (keep juice away from laptop and don't sip while reading), grab crocheting and every hour take half an hour nap. :)

Krystal, that also clears things up a bit for me, everytime I read about someone getting fries in a book, I imagined the skinny ones (which to me don't go with steaks)! Now you know why my mom thinks I live in world of my own. :devil Oh, and I LOVE curly fries. :yes Oh no, getting hungry just thinking about it and it has only been 3 hours since supper time. :eek

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Where did I miss your post, Denise?:think

Anyway, Linda has done a gazillion RRs compared to me...but I like them with the lighest color first. If you have colors you don't think would look great side-by-side, separate them with your neutral. Just some thoughts....

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Hi everyone. I finally got some crochet time this evening and worked on the Dragonfly ghan - 9 out of 20 squares finished. :cheer The wings are the most tedious part for me.


Barb ~ Krystal is a very good referee and she swears she can't be bribed. :lol


Cara, have you been working on the new pattern?


Have a good night/morning! :manyheart

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Cara, have you been working on the new pattern?


Sure have. I've gotten 1 3/4 thirty-six square blocks done so far. Sitting here contemplating whether to do that last 1/4 block tonight or save it for tomorrow.

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Wendy you're only back in second place 'cause I only report once a week... but maybe you'll stay there this week. I have not done anything today except read, make valentines and reassure a 5 year old that even if school is called off tomorrow they will still have their party... and sleep... nap... and sleep again... I can't take anything for a cold because of my heart meds... so I use good old Vicks vapo-rub and lots of juice...

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I can't take anything for a cold because of my heart meds... so I use good old Vicks vapo-rub and lots of juice...


That's my standard treatment too :yes Plus a warm mist vaporizer.

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Wendy you're only back in second place 'cause I only report once a week... but maybe you'll stay there this week. I have not done anything today except read, make valentines and reassure a 5 year old that even if school is called off tomorrow they will still have their party... and sleep... nap... and sleep again... I can't take anything for a cold because of my heart meds... so I use good old Vicks vapo-rub and lots of juice...


Shelly I know being second is only temporary. I know you will still make a hundred saltines before friday. Go Shelly Go.:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Hi all, I'm finally back to making some progress on the Kitty Quilt. Last night I made the 28 saltines I needed and assembled 2-1/2 more blocks. So, I have almost 6 out of 9 finished. :yay I'm kinda figuring out color as I go along. I"ll try to get a picture up when I get the 6 blocks done.

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While I'm thinking about it, :think do any of you know of a worsted weight acrylic that has 3 shades of orange. I need a light, medium and dark to do a graphghan of a tiger. I checked RH, Bernat and Caron and they don't seem to have it. The Carrot color in RH is good for the medium shade, but I can't find a darker orange or a lighter one. I guess orange isn't a big seller? :shrug

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Good morning ladies :valday


Leslie - Oranges are hard to find :yes But since it's for a graph I'd suggest Vanna's Choice for one of the oranges. Even their Honey color might work for a light orange. Can't wait to see the kitties :clap


Well, not going out today. In fact, it might be close to a month before I have another Thursday out :( It's that time of year and sister can't get off work much until after tax season. But it means I'll get lots of crocheting done....if I don't run outta yarn :lol That's okay. There's still weekends with BD :D

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Day one of my participation in the saltine smackdown yielded 19 solid color saltines.


K - I have 19 solid color saltines so-far.


I feel confident that puts me solidly in last place for now - and I am pumped!


Cara, I know what you feel about not getting out much - I've practically been a shut-in lately just because the weather's been so nasty. I've been doing a lot of reading and napping. My house should be sparkling clean, but unfortunately...well, I've been doing a lot of reading and napping.


Can't wait to see the new design you're working on.

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While I'm thinking about it, :think do any of you know of a worsted weight acrylic that has 3 shades of orange. I need a light, medium and dark to do a graphghan of a tiger. I checked RH, Bernat and Caron and they don't seem to have it. The Carrot color in RH is good for the medium shade, but I can't find a darker orange or a lighter one. I guess orange isn't a big seller? :shrug



What about gold, pumpkin and carrot?

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Morning everyone, Im feeling a bit better today.


Its friday and normally my day off but Im going to work as they are treating everyone to a day out Kayaking, lunch and then bowling. I wont be doing the kayaking as I cant be in the sun too long but I will have fun taking photos. Its going to be a beautiful 31C degrees today. Quite hot really out in the water. The Kayaking should be fun for everyone, they go out in the river and see the dolphins. Its a pity I cant do that part but oh well.

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Leslie ~ it's great to see you! Oranges seem to be in short supply... I hope you find what you need. :yes


Barb, that's a great start on the little squares. :crocheting


Wendy, your day sounds like a lot of fun - is your cold better?

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Hello out there. I'm a newbie here - to this CAL at least - although I know some of you from around the 'ville. I've just started a new project (I literally just started working on it a couple hours ago) which is made up of "many thousands" of saltines and I heard about a saltine smackdown going on over here.


From what I've been able to gather, I'm about a month late getting in on this, but what the heck, if you'll have me, it might be fun, and a way to stay motivated. Here's what I'm working on...





Pretty simple, so I think I can handle it.

Welcome to the group, Barbara. :welcome Glad to have you join us. That's a really pretty pattern that you've chosen.

I'm not sure what happened yesterday. My internet connection didn't want to work last night, so didn't get any posting done then. Cleaning and running errands today. Got the car tags.

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!

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Wendy - Have a great day today :hug Hope it's just the thing to clear up your cold :D


Linda - Well there you are! :hug Glad your internet worked itself out.


Once again I took an entirely too long nap :D But that's okay. Only gotten 9 squares done today but that completed the first 2 of 12 blocks :yay This one isn't going quite as fast as the other one but I'm taking my time. No need to be in such a hurry. Think I got the Argylesque done so quickly because I was still in "hurry up" mode from the Love Letters. :lol

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