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Our House [Archive 3]


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I was at HL today and decided to pick up some of the ILTY that was on sale at 20% off. I keep hearing from you gals about how nice it is to work with so decided to give it a try. I got 5 skeins of a dark red so should have enough for a fair-sized project. Maybe something for me. (Now THAT'S a novel idea!) :lol :lol :lol

Just finished a novel this afternoon that I've been working on for the last week or so. 926 pages of international espionage/intrigue that was very well written, if long. I'm ready for something lighter now. The title was "The Lion's Game" by Nelson DeMille.

Think I'll turn on the TV and go back to sewing squares now.

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Hi everybody.


Im back from spending the day at Mums place. I just concentrated on my zebra round ripple today, it was nice to have a break from squares.


Mary your colors sound wonderful. Cant wait to see it come together.


Shelly well done with the square making.


Well at the moment Im going to take out the dark blue squares and put the light blue or white in its place and maybe fix the whale up. You cant see it but he does have an eye there, I might reposition the eye so you can see it better as well.


Do you think the white in there will be ok, or should I just make it all light blue.

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Wendy, I'll let Cara answer your design question:blush


Linda, I read Nelson DeMille's Charm School (I think that's the title) and it was excellent. I'll have to put that book you read on my TBR list. I love that genre. Tom Clancy is another favorite author of mine.

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Ok here is my picture quilt. I havent sewn any of the adjustments in yet. Until Im sure it looks ok.


Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.


th_P1030150.jpg This was with the dark blue in the sea. Im now going to use the dark blue for the border.


th_P1030158.jpgNow i have taken the dark blue out and replaced with white and light blue. Also I have adjusted the Whale a bit but I need more help with it. The squares will look better of course once they are sewn but does his nose or front or whatever you call it look ok. The rest of his body is supposed to be under water and in the next block you see his tail. Will that look ok or should I do his whole body.


th_P1030159.jpg Here is a close up of the whale. You can just see his eye here as well.


Boy I can sure pick easy patterns cant I.

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th_P1030159.jpg Here is a close up of the whale. You can just see his eye here as well.


Boy I can sure pick easy patterns cant I.

I can see his tail and eye in this pic...IMO..leave him as is. Don't have him floating completley out of the water. One lady's opinion...

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Happy Sunday morning. :) It's supposed to be 70 here today and our yard could sure use some winter clean up, so that's where we'll be most of the day.

Hi Tabby. :manyheart


Wendy, I think it might be better if all the water was blue? Cara is sooo much better at picturing (no pun intended ;)) things than I am. :yes

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Hi Mary. :manyheart Enjoy that gorgeous weather. It is suppose to be 40 here today, not too bad for NY. :cheer:lol



I'm itching to do some squares. I've been looking through some of my cross-stitch books & getting my gears turning. I may just stick with simple though. Although I do have that peace ghan going but blah. :lol:P I'll think of something. ;):yes

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Linda, I read Nelson DeMille's Charm School (I think that's the title) and it was excellent. I'll have to put that book you read on my TBR list. I love that genre. Tom Clancy is another favorite author of mine.

Judy, this was the first of Nelson DeMille's books that I have read and I did enjoy it. I also like an occasional Tom Clancy.

Wendy, I like the way you have modified the whale and the water. I would leave the water in the blue and white the way you have it now.

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Morning ladies :yawn


Late start for me today. Been very tired this weekend for some unknown reason.


Wendy - The whale is great! I'd do him that way exactly. And leave the eye the way it is. I realize it's hard to see in the photos but in person that little eye probably works perfect so I'd leave it be. But....if it were me, I'd take the white completely out of the water and just go with the lighter blue. Now that I know what the picture is gonna be I'm very excited to see this one done! :yes Don't beat yourself up. You're doing a wonderful job! :clap


Yesterday I finished the first column of the Argylesque :yay And got 6 rows of the second column done. This one seems to be going very quickly. Just need to get more burgundy while we're out today. Bought some on Thursday. One skein. Don't know what my brain was thinking. My sister even said "you only need one?" and for some reason my brain was convinced that I only needed one more :rolleyes:lol

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K.. put me down for: 170 solids and 2 bi-color f


Got it


It's in the "Betty Crocker Cookbook" It's listed as a variation of the Oatmeal Cookie recipe. My modifications were to substitue Splenda for the white sugar and substitue olive oil for the butter/margarine. I was going to substitue whole wheat flour for the white flour, too, but forgot on this batch. Even John likes them and he's not much of a sweet eater.


I don't know if you know this, but you can't substitute wheat flower for white flower on a one-to-one basis. To get the best results, you need to put in 2/3 c wheat for every 1/2 C of white it calls for. Wheat doesn't absorb the liquids as much as white, so it will wind up too dense if you don't substitute this way. I'm not that smart, I read it somewhere.


here are where most of my 170 saltines for this past week went...


Trip Around the World in scraps



random quilt blocks



I like the TATW in scraps! How pretty! I've always been a sucker for a 9-patch, too. Another good scrap user!

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Morning everyone,


Shelly your ATW and your scrap squares are beautiful. :clap How big are you going to make the ATW.


Cara well done on your progress with the Argylesque ghan. Now why arent you counting your squares and being in the smackdown with us. Come on count them up.:D


Tabby its great to see ya and Im glad your joining us with the square making. Have you picked out a pattern yet.


Thanks for all your help with my picture quilt. :hug It does look better without the dark blue in the water. Now I just have to sew in the replacements and I then can get on with more square making.

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And now... for the latest standings in our SALTINE SMACKDOWN!!!!


Misa 0:devil


:fame :fame :lol :lol


Well, got the shopping done. Got groceries and cat food/supplies and more yarn and BD even sprang for burgers on the way home. I'm ready for a nap now :lol But he's up in the attic moving wires again to install some sort of video machine in our room so I guess I have to run interferrance with the cats :D

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Cara when DH has to go into the roof I too have to stand guard so that the cats dont try and climb the ladder and get into the roof. It would be impossible to catch them if they got up there. So are you ready to starting counting your squares now.


Tracy I never got into Supernatural but I do love the shows Torchwood and Primeval.

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