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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good morning, K!

I'm so happy....the Giants are going to the Super Bowl!! :woo:jumpyay:woo:jumpyay:2magic:hyper:applause:dance:bounce


What a game!!

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Hi all


It has taken five days to catch up on all the reading. :)


First I must say Linda MR ROOSTER is LOVELY I am so pleassed your neighbour loved it.:yay


I am enjoying my new job, getting used to it as I am not too tired when I get home now as I was when I first started.:yes


Life is starating to get back to normal, any way as normal as possible and into a little bit of a routine so I am hoping to do a lot more crocheting than I have been able to.:crocheting


Happy birthday Cara and congrats on the grand nephew:clap:clap


Hi Denise! :) It's so good to see you again. It sounds like you've had lots going on, but I'm glad things are settling into more of a routine for you.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Thank you so much for all the great b-day greetings :manyheart


Big Daddy has the day off too for the holiday. Yes. They've made my birthday a holiday :rofl :rofl No, no really for MLK Day :D He's gonna take me to my favorite Mexican food restaurant (a local mom & pop...aren't they always the best?) and he gave me $85 to spend at the Hobby Lobby :jumpyay This should be a good day indeed :D

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Hi everyone, I have officially started on my Casa. I found the yarn I needed is at Joann's website and they have free shipping this week, so I'm going to order it (plus, I just got back from Kitsu's cardiologist appt and it was only half what I thought it would be, so I have a little extra cash).


Last night, I made 30 solid saltines. When do we report our scores?

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Hi everyone, I have officially started on my Casa. I found the yarn I needed is at Joann's website and they have free shipping this week, so I'm going to order it (plus, I just got back from Kitsu's cardiologist appt and it was only half what I thought it would be, so I have a little extra cash).

:yay:yay:yay...on all counts:manyheart

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Renee, you can report daily or weekly, BUT you have to make it clear to me that you are reporting (like this):


K - 30 solid squares


or else I might miss it.


Okee doke. I'll keep a running total in my sig so I don't get confused...

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Howdy doody everyone,


Mary well done on finishing the ducky, cant wait to see it.


Cara how is your Bday going, have a nice time at the Mexican restaurant.


Renee great start on the Casa. What colors are you doing it in.


I didnt make any squares yesterday but sewed 40 squares together. Im trying to get block 2 finished. Its the sky so its all white except for a few light grey squares.

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cant wait to see it!!



Hope you are having a great Birthday!!



Cant wait to see it done in that color....glad you found your yarn!!



Did you ever find the other grays you needed??



My son called me all excited about the Giants winning too...i don't watch football but i do watch Nascar and Baseball and sometimes Tennis although since Pete doesn't play that much anymore i don't watch that as much..

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I have managed to make a few more squares today, but think I might only report once a week or I will get confused. :yes


I am making a RR as a present for my cousin and not sure how big it should be. I had wanted to make it fit a double bed, but not sure if I have enough yarn anymore. :( Should I just carry on til I have used up all the yarn, as it is as tall as me from one point to another?

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I've been working on snowflakes today. It's been a while since I worked with thread and it really makes me appreciate working with yarn. :lol :lol :lol

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Shay I have some medium and dark grey being sent to me all the way from New Jersey from Judy, isnt that nice of her. Cant wait to see it. If I couldnt get the different greys I would have been stuck with my picture as I couldnt change the colors.


Tracy I have a journal going and everytime I do a square or a few of them I mark them down before I put them in the icecream container. Then I just total up the page for the day and let K know. As for the RR I would go till you have used up the yarn. Do you have much left.


Linda I know what you mean, Im doing the beginner filet class and boy its hard to go from thread to yarn and back again. It takes getting used to.

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By the way does anyone know if there is a tutorial on doing line crochet. hmm not sure if thats the name. I need to do the outlining on the clouds and actually some lines for rain. Cara I know you tried to tell me how to do it but I just cant get the hang of it.

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Cara how is your Bday going, have a nice time at the Mexican restaurant.


Ahhh. Birthday was great! :manyheart Ate so much I almost made myself sick :lol Always do at that place. Didn't go to HL though. It's very ugly and rainy and dreary out today. Stopped at WalMart for cat food and the yarn they didn't have at the one on this side of town the other day. But it was still very nice just hanging out with BD :manyheart

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Renee, that's great about finding the yarn with free shipping!


Cara, I'm glad you've had a nice birthday. :)


Just Ducky is finished, except for the border. :hook Now, of course I'll want to start more squares. :lol


Just for fun, I looked back at quilt ghans I've finished...5 of Cara's and Linda's Mr. Train. (I also have made 2 blocks of the Ohio Star Variant that are 100 squares each...a WIP for way too long. :blush) Gee, do you think I'm addicted to Cara's little squares? ;)

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