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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good morning, everyone. I'm awake, but that's about it at this point.


Wendy, you're making great strides with your picture! It's looking great! And the birdie turned out great! I'm so glad I could help.


Cara, I'm getting such a thrill out of being creative with these squares. All of you here in the 'ville have given me the courage to try to make pictures with them. I think the one side of my brain gets the idea of what I want and then the other side figures out how to make the picture work. What fun being ambidextrous and ambi-brain-ious is!!!! (Do you like my new word? I just made it up.) :rofl :rofl :rofl

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Good morning ladies :flower


Amber - Well howdy hon :hug That's so cool about your kids! And never think they're too young. Momma taught me to crochet at 5 and I was using the sewing machine by 6 :yes Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. That's the kind of thing that keeps the 'Ville homey :manyheart


Linda - Well, I must say you've definitely got a natural talent for square manipulation! I've been continuously amazed at the works you've turned out! Can't wait to get that rooster on the site! :clap I'm just so darned proud of you :manyheart


Wendy - Oh wow! That looks great with the bird in it! Is that gonna be a Noah's Ark? That would be soo cool! I've been wanting to do a Noah one forever but I keep complicating it. Gotta realize I don't have to include every animal in the ghan :lol


Today I shall be spending the entire day just schlubing around with my hook! :jumpyay I'm not gonna do any chores. Dinner is ready because I made extra last night for leftovers today. I might not even get outta my jammies today! So what do you think about that? :D Yep, gonna just be me and my hook and a plethora of itty bitty squares :hook

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Yay, we already have pictures with more to come. :cheer


Wendy, your Becky's Blocks looks great! The quilt ghan is growing fast...the birdie is wonderful. :yes


Cara, enjoy your crochet day. DH is coming home today so I need to get some things done...I tend to ignore things when he's gone. :lol


Hi to everyone else, too. :manyheart

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K:-37 solid last night!!



Welcome Amber...glad you could join us.



hat is amazing and it looks so real...cant wait to see more.



Im spending the day in my jammies to :hug I would love to do a Noah's Ark one...i hope you can come up with one??


I have 8 more to sew on then i will get a photo up here so you can see what ive done :cheer

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I'm sewing squares together for LotL. Might not get a picture up until tomorrow as I'm putting together 3 blocks and then have to attach them.

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Morning everyone, thanks Im glad you like my picture quilt so far.


Cara it is going to be a boat but no animals Im afraid. Spending the day in your jammies doing crocheting sounds like a great way to spend the day. Go for it girl, oh ok you probably already have.:lol


Shay cant wait to see your picture quilt, your way ahead of me. You go girl.


Linda how far are you with the LOTL. Cant wait to see more of it.


Amber welcome to the group, you will love it here, the ladies are so helpful and funny and Cara's patterns are the best, you wont want to leave.

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I have a pattern leaflet for a Noah's Ark made from squares...but it has very little detail. Unless you dump stuffed animals on top of it ...well...it could be better.

This group can produce a better effort!:clap

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Judy how big is the pattern. My boat is about 12 squares long. It looks like a noahs ark I think but you couldnt put any animals on it.

It's probably crib size. Not sure. I'd have to dig it out - now that I put all my patterns into one tote:eek

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Afternoon all :flower


Well our next project just might have to be a Noah's Ark :scrachin:yes


Shay - Hmmm, well I can't tell what it is but I love the colors! :yes



Well, I did end up putting on my houseclothes cuz my jammies were just too cold. It's freezing here today...literally! :wbrr But this is fabulous stay in the house and crochet weather :hook Nephew even called and asked me to a movie and I turned him down. Too miserable out there cuz it's drizzly too.

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Shaylen, that's pretty. :clap And I haven't a clue as to what it might be.:think

Wendy, when I get these three blocks added LotL will be about 70% done. Still got a lot of squares to go, although I do have about 100 squares crocheted for it in addition to what I'm putting together now.:crocheting

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Cant wait to see it!!!



The only reason im ahead is becouse its the only thing im doing right now...im really into it :lol


Ok here it is...the frist whole row of blocks 6x131 :P....Can you guess yet :devil




Beautiful colors and lots of squares already...and now we're really curious. :think

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K just 8 solid squares for me tonight. thanks.



Good morning ladies :flower


Today I shall be spending the entire day just schlubing around with my hook! :jumpyay I'm not gonna do any chores. Dinner is ready because I made extra last night for leftovers today. I might not even get outta my jammies today! So what do you think about that? :D Yep, gonna just be me and my hook and a plethora of itty bitty squares :hook


Oh, I went all over God's Green Earth today and my doggies are barkin'!!!



K:-37 solid last night!!


Got it!


Beautiful colors and lots of squares already...and now we're really curious. :think



:yes We ARE!

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Tabby your just in time to join the SALTINE SMACKDOWN. Come and join us in making hundreds of itty bitty squares, come on you know you want to.:D


I was wondering what you all were up to in here. :think What is the saltine SMACKDOWN or do I even want to know? :lol

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Hello all,

I have not done anything today... I have not been well.. in fact I fell asleep at 7:45 AM and woke up at 3:45 PM.. so far I've played 3 games of Dora GO FISH Angel won all three games, had a cup of coffee and got on the computer. I'll have to get pictures tomarrow... I did finish one block on my quilt.. - only 8 more to go... I have to get busy on my projects for the Special Angels but I'm going to make some totes using saltines.. I found some cute patterns in a cross stitch book I brought home from Mom's. In fact I have my next quiltghan already picked out and starting to graph it from one of the cross stitch patterns.. it is called a Mexican Flower.

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Shelly hope you feel better soon :hug and your mexcian flower pattern sounds awesome.


Tabby we are all in a competition making saltines and its the first one to 2000points. Solid squares are 1 point, bicolor squares are 2 points, 3 color squares are 3 points and 4 color squares are 4 points. Krystal is the referee and we let her know either each day or at the end of the week our total. We have all just started and a few of us are using a cross stitch pattern which is quite interesting.

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Krystal, my total squares for the week are: 12 single color and 26 bicolor squares.

I'm a little over halfway through with joining these three blocks. No picture today.

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Krystal, my total squares for the week are: 12 single color and 26 bicolor squares.

I'm a little over halfway through with joining these three blocks. No picture today.




C'mon, Tabby - I need an extra player here....


Don't forget to post your squares here soon, ladies!

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