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Our House [Archive 3]


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ok im sucked in lol i am addicted to the squares i started the it takes a village in scraps as well as the ducky one in blues and yellow as far as squares im addicted to making them i actually made 2 many of one color so i got to do another blanket as well lol

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Afternoon Ladies!!


It going to get icky here to tonight with a mix of sleet and snow to...we moved here from WV to get away from that and dang if it didn't follow us..i spent the day making a new Cinnamon roll recipe...i make them allot but i hate kneading so i tried this new one that you don't have to and they are so good.

If enyone wants to try them its here..very sinful :hyper.



Welcome Mel and Amber...its fun in here.



Using bribery to win :ohdear my image of you is ruined :grump...i hope your DH gets better soon.

Krystal..what can i do for you?Do you need anything?Rob a bank maybe??Yarn shopping spree??



What did you say you were doing :think



Way to go...you have been busy.

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Shay - Those rolls look good :yes Too much work for me still though. I don't do yeast unless it's in the bread machine :D I make mine like Momma used to....make biscuit dough...roll it out...spread it with butter and cinnamon sugar....roll it up...slice it...bake like biscuits....yum yum.


So I had about my 40th special request for a horsie cuddle today so I decided I felt in a horsie kinda mood and came up with this.....does that look like a horse?

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And it's just the opposite here unless HL, Michael's or JoAnns has a sale :(

Same here. WalMart is the cheapest, even with the recent price increase.

So I had about my 40th special request for a horsie cuddle today so I decided I felt in a horsie kinda mood and came up with this.....does that look like a horse?

Cara, that looks very, very much like a horse. Great job!

If enyone wants to try them its here..very sinful :hyper.


Wow, Shaylen!!! Those look delicious and so NOT on my diet. I bookmarked the site anyway. I wonder how long I can resist making them?

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Shay - Those rolls look good :yes Too much work for me still though. I don't do yeast unless it's in the bread machine :D I make mine like Momma used to....make biscuit dough...roll it out...spread it with butter and cinnamon sugar....roll it up...slice it...bake like biscuits....yum yum.


So I had about my 40th special request for a horsie cuddle today so I decided I felt in a horsie kinda mood and came up with this.....does that look like a horse?



When you say biscuit dough do you mean the homemade or store bought??Ive never been good at making biscuits so thats why im asking.I would like to try this it sounds so easy.I love the horse and it looks like a horse to me!!



Come on just one little bite wont hurt :devil

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Cara, it looks like a horsie to me! Just one thing...or maybe I'm too much of a city slicker to recognize the real thing...not sure of the positioning of the back legs.

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Morning everyone,


Me into bribery nooo Im not like that, I just wanted to make the referee feel comfortable as she has a long competition ahead of her. Hope you liked the icecream



Julie it was a strawberry icecream coated with double chocolate. yummo


Welcome to the newcomers, you will love it in here, the ladies are so funny to chat to and Cara's patterns are the best.


Shay thanks for the recipe it looks delicious. Hows your picture block coming along.


Linda I did the bird square it looks excellent, thanks so much. The instructions were great and the only thing I do different is when I do bi color squares and add the second color I do that at the chain 1 not after it.


Cara your horse looks great, just looked in my cross stitch book and your missing the hooves so maybe some black on the bottom of his legs.

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Come on just one little bite wont hurt :devil

But who can stop at just one?????

Linda I did the bird square it looks excellent, thanks so much. The instructions were great and the only thing I do different is when I do bi color squares and add the second color I do that at the chain 1 not after it.

Glad it worked for you. It's the first time I've tried to write out directions, so I was none too sure about it.

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Its getting really dark here to Linda but no snow yet just icky out.



I will have to try that...i have some bisquick in the cabinet.



Im almost done sewing the second block together....the first one was 5x6 and this one is 10x6,then back to making squares.

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:yuck BISQUICK!!! :yuck


I can't stand it - in biscuits, pancakes, doughs, cakes, muffins... NOTHING!!!


It's gotta be from scratch for me...


I'd rather have scratch too but mine come out greasy :yuck




Okay, so I agree with Judy the back legs didn't seem right on the horse :no So I redid it. Does this look better?

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I just looked at the patterns on that page! OMG! WOW! I can't believe that I am starting christmas gifts already! My close group of friends are nick-named the Flamingos... and there is a flamgino afghan!!! I can't explain how exctied I am! There aren't enough exclaimation points!!!!!



*quietly runs away for fear of sounding crazy*

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Hi Mary, I am going to make the Casablanca (if I ever get it started :blush)


Cara, you are VERY good.


I almost fainted today, when to the shop to see what shades of yarn they had, and they only had 1 (that's right, ONE) ball in the shade I wanted/needed for the Casa. I was in shock and walked straight out and was almost at the school to pick DD up before I realised I could've asked someone working there if they had anymore in the back somewhere!! :oops Well, I will ask tomorrow and if there isn't any, well, no just not going to think like that. :no

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I just looked at the patterns on that page! OMG! WOW! I can't believe that I am starting christmas gifts already! My close group of friends are nick-named the Flamingos... and there is a flamgino afghan!!! I can't explain how exctied I am! There aren't enough exclaimation points!!!!!



*quietly runs away for fear of sounding crazy*


Oh you have no idea how much I needed that right now :manyheart:hug I'm so glad you like them :)

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I am glad that I am not too crazy for you guys!


I am going to go against my stash busting and go and buy yarn for that... maybe even tonight. Wwwww wait..... someone yell at me! I have to finish the afghan I am on, I have to give it on FRIDAY! LOL


Cara-the patterns are BEAUTIFUL! I meant it when i said I am excited... it is going ot be hard not to share the patten as soon as daycare Mom picks up her kids, she crochets too. I want to surprise her with one for Christmas next year!

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I am going to go against my stash busting and go and buy yarn for that... maybe even tonight. Wwwww wait..... someone yell at me! I have to finish the afghan I am on, I have to give it on FRIDAY! LOL


Cara-the patterns are BEAUTIFUL! I meant it when i said I am excited... it is going ot be hard not to share the patten as soon as daycare Mom picks up her kids, she crochets too. I want to surprise her with one for Christmas next year!


Okay, you're definitely hooked. :hook Cara's plan is to get everyone addicted to her squares. :devil

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K - good point on Cara's horsie....


...but what about having the one back leg look to be "in motion" as the front leg is...? Just a thought - not to complicate things:blush

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