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Our House [Archive 3]


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I havent made any saltines this year so far except the ones that are in the babette.


A start and stop time would be a great idea. To see how many squares we can get done in that particular time.


Krystal are we going to see how many we can do in a particular time or is it the first one to 2000 saltines.

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AMEN, Brothers and Sisters, and Halleujah !


Just the thing we need to liven this place up some . I have noticed our threads are slowing down to about 287 posts a day.


Now we can't have THAT, can we ????


I say that Krystal and Cara should conspire on definite rules, start dates ,stop dates, etc .


Squares already made shouldnt be tallied in the total, because then some people would have a head start on others . everyone should start on the same date ,and end on the same date ...


Come on guys, let's get some rules posted here and get this Saltine Smackdown started.


I'm game. I won't win, since I'm not speedy, but I'll PLAY .:yes


Should we start a separate thread for it to keep better track ?

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AMEN, Brothers and Sisters, and Halleujah !


Just the thing we need to liven this place up some . I have noticed our threads are slowing down to about 287 posts a day.


Now we can't have THAT, can we ????


I say that Krystal and Cara should conspire on definite rules, start dates ,stop dates, etc .


Squares already made shouldnt be tallied in the total, because then some people would have a head start on others . everyone should start on the same date ,and end on the same date ...


Come on guys, let's get some rules posted here and get this Saltine Smackdown started.


I'm game. I won't win, since I'm not speedy, but I'll PLAY .:yes


Should we start a separate thread for it to keep better track ?


Think before I say anything else I'll wait for Krystal to show back up :yes Well, other than that I love this idea and the more I think on it the more I think we should probably have a definite start and end date.

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Julie howdy doody. I have a picture quilt that Im excited to start but dont want to because I want my saltines to count. Im ready when everyone else is.


I might try and get my beckys block done while we wait for this showdown to start.

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I haven't started yet... I finished my pattern ... I graphed it out in a larger size so I could see it better... I'll work on more purses 'til you're ready... I have all my yarn and everything... my hands are itching to go... I'm up for the challenge

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Let me give it a little thought and do a little experimenting to see what I can come up with. I'll try to have something by the end of the week.


Linda, you are so great at making "special squares"... looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

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Never a dull moment around here. :lol DH asked me recently how many squares I've made. I have no idea, but may add them up one of these days. Cara, I can't imagine what your total would be. :eek


I made a few more squares and joined 2 rows for Just Ducky this evening.


Have a good night. :hug

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I might as well jump in too. Don't imagine I'll win, but it will help motivate me to finish LotL and get going on the puppy cuddle I'm planning. I've got quite a few done for the LotL, but haven't sewn any together in quite a while. Does figuring out special squares for Wendy give me any bonus points? :lol :lol :lol

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I have changed my mind...you have inspired me to do a cross stitch chart that i have always loved,but eye sight isn't good enough to do anymore.There will be lots of saltines when done :P I will have to figure out how to do the black out line in crochet but that should be easy enough with SS on top of the squares(I hope).You ladies will get to see it come to life and figure out what it is***evil snicker***



Ummm...i think you should get half of Wendy's points for every one she makes of them :rofl


Ok i have all the yarn i will need so im ready and even more excited now :jumpyay

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Shay thats what i thought I would do. I have divided up my cross stitch pattern so I will do it in sections and it will be interesting to see the pattern come to life. How many squares is your cross stitch pattern.


Hmm as far as Linda getting half my points, I dont think so.:no:lol:lol


Referee Krystal we are all ready.:yes

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Oh, you gals are such a bad influence on me....

I was going to finally use up my purple, lavender, sage and off white for another ghan and put aside any plans (for now) to make the gorgeous ghan from Linda that she posted on Cara's site some time ago...


I give up. I know when I'm beat. I can make the squares with you guys... I'll at least get started. But *when* I join them together may be an entirely different matter!!!!:blush


Count me in:devil

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Good going, Judy ! It'll give all of us something to do together !


Do you mean the pattern by Linda or Leslie ? I was thinking you bought the yarn for Leslie's purple, green and white .

That's kinda the one I have been leaning towards myself.


Morning Miss Wendy !


Going out on a limb with a new design ?

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Good going, Judy ! It'll give all of us something to do together !


Do you mean the pattern by Linda or Leslie ? I was thinking you bought the yarn for Leslie's purple, green and white .

That's kinda the one I have been leaning towards myself.


Of course I meant Leslie...

Meanwhile, I found the saltines I started for the baby gingham....:P

If I want to stick to my goal of doing more charity crocheting, that should be finished first...if....



PS...when do we start?

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