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Our House [Archive 3]


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Thank you all for the compliments. :manyheart


Cara ~ The tile colors are RH Frosty Green and TLC Medium Thyme. Glad you got some rest today and hope your RA "eases up" soon. :hug


Wendy, I can't wait to see what you do for your Mom's gift. It would have been fun to take the class with you, but this way you can help me when I do take it. :idea;)


Hi Valerie!


Mary not sure what pattern yet although I have bought a easy filet crochet book to try some patterns once I have done this class. I will be glad to help you when you do the class.

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Good evening Mary/Good morning Wendy,


Wendy - I want to live your kind of life when I grow up.


Hey you make me sound old.:lol


Im on holidays so I have to make the most of it. I go back to work on the 29th but I only work Monday to Thursday so I get to do lots of crochet on the friday.

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OK, I'm clueless... All this time, I though Kim was a roommate... I didn't realize she was a minor that you were taking care of.... Is it possible to give me a refresher on the back story so I'm not in the dark any longer? Only what you're willing to provide. If I'm being nosy, tell me to BACK OFF LADY!!! :lol

That's okay Krystal. Kim is only two years younger than I am. Definitely NOT a minor. She has had 3 major strokes, the first one about 8 years ago. (She was under a great deal of stress at the time and had high blook pressure and smoked.) Consequently, she needs help the activities of daily living. She can walk but needs someone to help her out of the chair and to steady her when she walks. I prepare her meals but she feeds herself very well. I give her her shower, give her her medicine, take her to appointments and act as her companion. When I joined John & Kim they had already been through 9 companion/care givers none of whom lasted more than a year and only 2 lasted a year. I live in their downstairs, which is basically an apartment minus a kitchen. We are great friends and she gives me as much emotional support as I give her. She can't speak or write, but communicates very well with gestures and facial expressions. Her spirit and determination to make the best of things are a constant inspiration to me. I'd been through the wringer by the time I met them and they have provided a loving, supportive home as I've grown and healed. It was one of those God things, where He put us together to the benefit of all of us.:manyheart

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Linda, it truly does sound like God had a hand in putting you there for Kim and John and them for you:manyheart

I have a dear friend with MS and when she lived up here she had an aide come in to care for her several mornings a week - she became a good friend to all of us. It's a blessing to have good souls on this earth who do what you do:hug

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Hey you make me sound old.:lol


Im on holidays so I have to make the most of it. I go back to work on the 29th but I only work Monday to Thursday so I get to do lots of crochet on the friday.




It's a joke:lol...actually I have you by 7 years. I'm looking forward to having a normal work week.

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Thanks -- I have been wondering for a long time about that. I thought you mentioned being a nurse a long time ago. we seem to have several nurses and teachers in our group .

I tried private duty nursing, but was at a different time in my life, when I had small kids at home and decided I should spend time with them instead of trying to work .


I'm not sure at this point that I made the right choice, but that's water under the bridge.


It is truly a rewarding profession, and it's amazing how your patients could teach you things about life that you hadn't learned yourself yet .


I think ,sometimes when people are having things rough physically ,they impress me that they keep on going and never give up . That's a lesson I need to learn. I tend to get discouraged when things go bad, but my patients were fighters ... they show us how precious life is and how worth it it is to fight for it every day .

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That's okay Krystal. Kim is only two years younger than I am. Definitely NOT a minor. She has had 3 major strokes, the first one about 8 years ago. (She was under a great deal of stress at the time and had high blook pressure and smoked.) Consequently, she needs help the activities of daily living. She can walk but needs someone to help her out of the chair and to steady her when she walks. I prepare her meals but she feeds herself very well. I give her her shower, give her her medicine, take her to appointments and act as her companion. When I joined John & Kim they had already been through 9 companion/care givers none of whom lasted more than a year and only 2 lasted a year. I live in their downstairs, which is basically an apartment minus a kitchen. We are great friends and she gives me as much emotional support as I give her. She can't speak or write, but communicates very well with gestures and facial expressions. Her spirit and determination to make the best of things are a constant inspiration to me. I'd been through the wringer by the time I met them and they have provided a loving, supportive home as I've grown and healed. It was one of those God things, where He put us together to the benefit of all of us.:manyheart


Thank you for that - I had the situation ALL completely messed up in my head. Funny how you build stories in your head to fill in the gaps of what people post. My head REALLY messed that one up! That's great that you have found placement that rewards you in many ways. It is truly a blessing when we find a "job" that we truly enjoy. It makes life so much better.


I have finished the first sampler. Im not sure how to block the piece so here it is without blocking.

Just had to share as Im so proud of myself for being able to work it out.




Great job, Wendy. As for blocking, you can wash and pin it to styrofoam (use rust-free pins), OR you can iron it with steam and block it that way. Some people use a starch solution before pinning. Depends on what you want.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Wow!!! Your first filet pieces really looks great even before the blocking! You stitch so nice and neat. Definitely a requirement for the technique. I'm truly impressed :yes


Mary - Thanks for the color info :hug I must admit that is the perfect combo. I really need to start looking beyond RHSS for colors but I really do try to keep it to materials available at WalMart so the patterns are "doable" for folks who don't have craft shops. I went through that for years and it was very frustrating. But of course, we now have the internet!


Linda - Thanks so much for the back story on Kim. I knew you were her caregiver but in my little mind somewhere along the way I thought she had MS. I know there will come a day (and much sooner than I care to think) when I need someone just like you. What Kim and John went through before you were sent to them is my greatest fear. I'm afraid most folks just aren't truly cut out to be caregivers. Meeting you through this board has given me hope, though. I really, really used to spend inordinate amounts of time worrying about it. Especially with docs stressing that I really need some help and I keep putting it off. Once I start down that path there's no turning back. I just hope that I'm as blessed as Kim is and get someone exactly like you :manyheart Sorry y'all. I know I talk about this way too much and it's very boring. Heck it bores me :lol But it's the elephant in the living room, so to speak. I know it's there but I don't wanna look at it. Sometimes talking about it makes that elephant seem a little bit smaller. And y'all are always so good natured about it. I thank you for that :manyheart


Okay, enough of that before I make Krystal ill :wink

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Linda, it truly does sound like God had a hand in putting you there for Kim and John and them for you:manyheart It's a blessing to have good souls on this earth who do what you do:hug

Thanks, Judy.



Thanks -- I have been wondering for a long time about that. I thought you mentioned being a nurse a long time ago. we seem to have several nurses and teachers in our group .


I think ,sometimes when people are having things rough physically ,they impress me that they keep on going and never give up . That's a lesson I need to learn. I tend to get discouraged when things go bad, but my patients were fighters ... they show us how precious life is and how worth it it is to fight for it every day .

You are so right about patients teaching us a lot about attitudes toward life. I've learned a lot from the people I've cared for over the years.

I'm one of those people who can use both sides of my brain equally well. I started as a nurse and did that for 14 years. Then I switched and went into accounting and did that for 12 years. As a kid I was ambidextrous and to a certain extent I still am. While I normally write right handed, when that arm was out of commission I could and did write legibly, if slowly, with my left hand. I can do a lot of things left handed that don't usually come that easy to right handed folks.

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Good Morning, all. :tea I have my cup of tea and am taking a break from morning chores. DH left for the airport at 5:15 and I went back to sleep for a while, which I usually can't do.


Wendy, your filet piece is wonderful! :crocheting


Cara ~ You can never talk too much with us. :) Anything that makes the elephant seem a bit smaller for you is important to us, too. :ghug

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Thanks everyone,:hug Im enjoying the filet at the moment.


Cara you can chat to us anytime about anything, we are here for you.:hug


Valerie your colors for the circles square ghan sound really nice, cant wait to see your progress.


Linda that is just amazing how you have come into Kims world and your really making a big difference in her life. It must be very rewarding.


Mary hows ducky going.


Krystal thanks for the info on blocking will have to see how that goes, I have to do one more sampler for this weeks lesson then I will try and block both of them.


Julie what are you working on at the moment.

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Super job and it looks even and strait...you are a natural.



You just talk all you want....it does help allot...i have the fear of leaving the house and every little thing that i get turns into cancer...even if its just a chest cold i start to panic,where talking cant breathe,cold sweat,heart pounding out of my chest then wham...i pass out,my DH is my saving grace becouse he can always talk me out of it....he has put up with so much from me over the past 30 years and i feel sometimes like he got the raw deal when he married me,thats why i know how blessed i am.



I just hope that if i ever need home care i can find some one like you becouse there isn't enough out there.We had a friend that use to run a home care thing and he was always saying that he just couldn't find enough goods ones out there to do it.

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Thank you ladies....that really means the world to me :manyheart


Shay - Oh dear you poor thing :hug This is why they give me Valium :yes But I don't have near the trouble you seem to have. Thank goodness for your DH :manyheart

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I believe I could care for most people, but not sure if I would have the stomach to do carework that required frequent bodily care. Moving, tending, that kind of thing I could do. Bathing and diapering, not so much. The people that do that have my utmost respect.

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Oh, dear. :ohdear I've done it again. :lol :lol :lol I've gone and started another project. It's a Celtic Knot Shawl from the friendshipshawl.org site. The back is a celtic knot done in filet crochet. I'm making it out of the blueberry pie yarn I got yesterday and already it is soooo pretty. I love the way the pattern is beginning to shape up. I did have to do a practice swatch this time to make sure the gauge was right. I'm glad I did, because I had to use a different hook from the one I expected to use. It's going pretty fast. The main problem is that the pattern is too little. I'm going to try to get it blown up larger tomorrow.

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