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Our House [Archive 3]


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Morning, everyone. It's sunny but cooler here today. Have to take Kim to the doctor this morning, so don't have a lot of time to chat now, but I'll hop back in this afternoon. John is finally getting to the point where he accepts that most of my friends are here in the 'ville, too. He's even starting to know some of your names.

Nice to see you back in here, Valerie. You've been missed.

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Morning, everyone. It's sunny but cooler here today. Have to take Kim to the doctor this morning, so don't have a lot of time to chat now, but I'll hop back in this afternoon. John is finally getting to the point where he accepts that most of my friends are here in the 'ville, too. He's even starting to know some of your names.

Nice to see you back in here, Valerie. You've been missed.



Thanks Linda. I missed you guys too. It is good to be back.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Yep, I've finally gotten to the point with BD that you don't all have the same last name "(insert first name) from the 'Ville" he knows most of you now. He went to the store the other day and picked up some groceries and he even picked up a nifty gifty that had a certain theme to add to my prize closet for the next time I need a gift for one of y'all :manyheart Did that make sense? I'm trying not to let on who it was for :lol


Anyway, gonna try to get some crocheting done today. I'm beat from yesterday. It was one of those days where I think my rheumy may be right....I need house help :lol

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Hi everyone! I've spent the morning at my desk and have more to do. I hope you are all having a great day. Going to take a break soon and take pictures so I'll actually have something for Photo Friday! :yay

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Mary, that is lovely. I especially like the wall tile.

Kim made out great at the doctor's office. Not problems and the blood work was "absolutely normal."

Then we ran errands and had lunch at Captain D's. I ordered her two sides of coleslaw today, because she is always eyeing mine when she finishes hers. She quirked an eyebrow at me and then grinned like mad as she ate every last bit of the second order. On the way home we stopped at WalMart to get my glasses tightened and pick up yarn for a prayer shawl. Ended up with enough yarn for two. 6 skeins of RHSS in Fall and 8 skeins of RHSS in Bluberry Pie. That ought to keep me busy for a few days. :lol :lol :lol

I have to finish the BB block the I started yesterday and then I'll take some pictures of what I have done so far.

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Mary Just Ducky looks great, I too like the color of the tiles.:clap


Cara thats nice that BD bought a pressie for someone on here. You need to take it easy, remember the housework doesnt have to be done all in one day. Just do one room a day or something like that, just so that you dont overdo it.:hug


Linda sounds like you had a great day with Kim, Im glad her doctors visit went well.

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Okay, here's what I have done so far on my Becky's Blocks afghan.




I will have been taking care of Kim for 3 1/2 years on the 7th of next month. The time has passed very quickly. It doesn't seem that long. Those are Kim's feet in the picture. She was bending forward looking at the squares as I took the picture.

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Wendy, no I didn't sign up for this one. There's so much going on right now and I think I've been a bit overwhelmed. :blush Hopefully, there will be another class offered before long. :yes (And if I could send some family members to Australia, that would help me a lot. :D)

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Here is Just Ducky with 9 of 17 rows completed! You can just see the tip of his (or her?) tail. Cara, thank you again for sharing your patterns. :manyheart







LOVE the tile colors!!

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Here is Just Ducky with 9 of 17 rows completed! You can just see the tip of his (or her?) tail. Cara, thank you again for sharing your patterns. :manyheart






HOw totally adorable! I love the colors of the background.



That reminds me, I have been meaning to ask how long you have taken care of Kim ? I don't think it's ever been mentioned before .


OK, I'm clueless... All this time, I though Kim was a roommate... I didn't realize she was a minor that you were taking care of.... Is it possible to give me a refresher on the back story so I'm not in the dark any longer? Only what you're willing to provide. If I'm being nosy, tell me to BACK OFF LADY!!! :lol

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Afternoon ladies :flower


Mary - Love the color choices for the tiles on Ducky! What colors are those? Don't want my sister to see that. See already saw it recently and she's been hinting for one for the new baby :lol


Linda - Love the squares! :clap That is gonna be a cool ghan.


Wendy - Good for you for doing so well in the filet class! Of course, we knew you would :hug You're ahead of me. I have no idea what an edc is :lol


Well, I've slept most of the day and I'm feeling a bit better. Think I'll spend a couple quality hours with the :hook

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Wendy - Good for you for doing so well in the filet class! Of course, we knew you would :hug You're ahead of me. I have no idea what an edc is :lol


A edc is when you put the yarn over the hook insert into the chain and bring up a stitch, you now have 3 loops on your hook now yarn over and go through one stitch you still have 3 loops on the hook and now its just a normal dc to finish off, hope that makes sense.

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Mary yeah you have to be ready to spend some time on the filet and if you have too many things to do then it is best to wait. Im sure there will be more classes in the future. I just wanted to learn it now as I want to make something for my Mum for Mothers Day and well its only 4 mths away. I will need that time I think.

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Thank you all for the compliments. :manyheart


Cara ~ The tile colors are RH Frosty Green and TLC Medium Thyme. Glad you got some rest today and hope your RA "eases up" soon. :hug


Wendy, I can't wait to see what you do for your Mom's gift. It would have been fun to take the class with you, but this way you can help me when I do take it. :idea;)


Hi Valerie!

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Valerie morning to you.


Its Saturday morning here, just doing some rows on the filet, then maybe later I might do another BB block. Tennis is on and the Australian Open starts on Monday gonna watch that while I crochet. Its a hard life I lead.

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