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Our House [Archive 3]


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Thanks so much ladies...i love doing it.



Im using a size 5 and a 0 hook becouse i wanted it bigger then it called for... have blank wall in my kitchen on either side of the window and i want them to go there...i have a matching one where the kid is holding wheat instead of flowers and facing the other way.



That is so scary...im so glad he is ok.

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I think im going to buy those big poster frames you can get at walmart and use a black poster board behind them...i have never done it that way before but im hoping that will work,they look just like a photo frame but alot bigger and i tink they are big enough...i will have to block them first of course.

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Thank you all for the kind words. :manyheart Yep, the good news is DH is fine and they can fix his truck. The bad news is...they gave him a brand new F150 (with 60 miles on it) to drive and now he wants a new truck. :lol His is only 2 years old and paid for, so don't think that will happen. :no


No time with my hook yet today. DH will be out of town most of the next week, so I hope to get lots of crocheting in.


Cara, I hope you're okay and not overdoing it. :)

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:yarnI forgot to mention earlier - Our Hobby Lobby is discontinuing TLC Essentials and had some on the Clearance shelves. I got some Black and a couple of other colors for (I think) 60% off.


13 squares made tonight! See you all in the morning. :manyheart

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Mary- yea, there's just something about a man wanting a truck,aint there ? Sam has always wanted one to HAUL STUFF IN ... ( don't know exactly what he wants to haul, but anyhow .)


He finally got his first one about 2 years ago. One of his goals in life has now been achieved .:lol


Judy and Cara- sorry, I just now saw your questions abour Monday --- didnt skim far enough back through the posts in any of the threads, was just skimming the top .


Monday went ok, and nope I don't need bail money yet, but I may in the future ! :D


Went to both Dr's -- the specialist first, she was so nice, spent almost 2 hours with me just "talking" about things in my life right now. I am so lucky to have found her. I was also lucky she had a light patient load the first hour or 2( I think she had skimmed it down,because she had just come from delivery for someone and must have asked her nurses to call and lighten the patients that morning due to her being in delivery . )

first time I've been there without a crowded waiting room .:yes


Anyhow, physical -wise, I guess things are ok. The mental end of this whole mess is what I am having trouble dealing with, so between her and the Dr Monday night, they have ordered 2 new medications and also want me to get my gall bladder scanned to see if it's ok. ( stomach has been giving me fits .)


Now today I wake up and the same malfunction that I had the surgery for last summer ,is back with a vengeance. Where did that come from ? :think

So I MAY have to schedule and go back in yet again before the week is done if that doesnt right itself within the next day or 2.


Good grief.....


Anyhow all in all, I survived 2 doctors in one day, and that is an achievement for me. :eek


Thanks for asking !:)

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Julie howdy. Its nice to be able to spend the time to chat with your doctor isnt it. Not many have the time or make the time to do that. Im glad you have found a great doctor. I hope things will be ok and that you dont have to have your gall bladder out. I have had that done and the side effect for me is sometimes worse I feel. I hope the new meds will help. Goodluck with your scan, when is it scheduled..:hug

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Wendy- the Dr said the test wont be bad, that it's just an ultrasound, so I can deal ok with that .... I Think ....

They hadn't called it in yet since my Dr appointment was at 6:15 pm... they were supposed to call yesterday to schedule it, but never called me back ,so I just figured they were really busy or couldnt get me in for it yet.


I know they said that Dr was totally jam-packed all week with no openings at all, and when I went to to first Dr ( she's got an office in the hospital ), every parking space was full over there, so it must be a busy time of year for Dr's and tests...


So, I need to call them today to see if they scheduled it yet . I think if they haven't, I'll ask them to hold off a day or 2 -it's no emergency - I've had this bad stomach for a long time, so I dont guess a couple more days will make it any worse .

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By the way, Wendy-- my block had holes just like that too -- it looks almost like something is too loose on that side, or that the stitches aren't in the right places.. don't know how to describe it. I thought maybe i wasn't following the pattern closely enough .

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Good morning Julie & Wendy,


Getting ready to go back to bed after dropping off DN at work. I have to close tonight. Just wanted to drop in and say hello.


I started Becky's block and I have holes also.


Julie, I hope everything works out for you with your test.


Have a great day Ladies!

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Yeah when I was pregnant with Meaghan I had an attack and they decided to just get it out right then. I had it done with laproscopy. The surgery wasn't too bad either and I was up and taking care of Maddie on my own within three days. :yes

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