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Our House [Archive 3]


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Morning everyone,


Nearly finished the second block of Beckys Block last night.


Julie all the best at the doctors Monday.


Julie and Tabby have you both started the Spinning wheels yet.


Cara hope your toe will be ok, you poor thing, just rest up and have Big Daddy wait on you.

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Here's a little something to cheer you up, Cara. My third BB block.


Good luck to you and Julie on Monday with your doctor visits.

Kim & I just got home after seeing "Waterhorse." It's excellent. Well worth the effort to go out to the movies.

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Thanks guys

Judy, yea, that's what I keep telling myself, I'll get them both over with in one day, but something tells me that at least one will be more testing or more poking and prodding as Cara calls it . I actually try to make out a speech of what to say, take notes, etc before I go.

THEN, I TALK to myself the whole way there, starting out NICE, then I get MEANER the closer I get .

By the time I get there, I am forcing myself out of the car with bodily harm if I don't pull up my bootstraps and get my buns in there .


I actually have to make myself so MAD that I go in, just to shut myself up .


I know, I sound like a weirdo, but I was raised to believe that going to the Dr is a sign of weakness ,and you should just stay home and deal with whatever life throws at you .


I'm not real good at doing that, though , so I go to the Dr, even though voices are telling me not to go, you are being a weakling .

( It's like those cartoons, where you have an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other )


Sam offered to take work off and go with me, but that'd throw off my SYSTEM of my PEPTALKS to myself, plus if he goes, I act more like a weenie, so I'm actually braver if I'm alone .


Where's Dr Phil when you need him ?


He could do a whole SEASON of shows on the 3 M's :Me , My family and my malfunctions .

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Linda- beautiful !!! So are you going to do the whole thing in reds and blacks, or a combo of lots of colors ?


Wendy- nope, I have the yarn to start my next Cara project, but wanted to finish at least one of the afghans I am on. Have been working all day on the circle/square one since I thought it'd go faster .


I'll holler when i'm ready to start though. How about you ?

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Well i have the colors but not sure if they will work together. Must get a photo of them and see what you all think.


What does everyone do with all the blankets that you make. I asked this same question to a lady that does lots of cross stitch kits. I said "do you get them framed"and she said "no that costs too much, when I have finished them I just put it in a drawer and get another kit. I just like doing them".

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It's been a wonderful afternoon with my hook and I may just crochet this evening. :crocheting


Linda and Wendy ~ Great progress on the Becky's Blocks! It's a beautiful pattern.


Hi Miss Tabby and Judy, too. :)

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Wendy, although I think it would look stunning in just black and red, this is going to be a 'em up ghan. I just had enough of the black and red for about 4 squares total. The next color I picked is a bright orange color. Maybe with a dark orange? I use that dark orange a lot, so I've got quite a bit of it.

You can do it, Julie!

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Linda - Oooooh I've been wondering what that stitch looks like in a stipe. Very cool :yes You wouldn't happen to have a closer up view would you :lashes


Julie - I hear ya :yes:hug Doesn't help when I go to my pain management guy and he has signs all over the place that say, I kid you not, "Pain is weakness leaving the body." Those signs ticked me off royally when I first started going there. They still tick my sister off. I ignore them now :lol If I'm in pain I let him know!


Howdy Wendy and Mary :hug


I've gotten exactly one row on a stadium blanket for my BIL done today :P Slept the rest. Now I'm awake and have sent BD off to the store. He wasn't real happy about it. He doesn't like going on his own. Oh crap! :oops I forgot to make him eat before he went! He does not do well in the store if he's hungry. Think that short little list is gonna grow :eek

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Hi, ladies...


Looks like Linda is going to pull the yarn out of her magic bag and come up with another masterpiece.:hook Girl, you're amazing!!


I still like the BB as another stash buster - or a great showcase for the Brites I have (with black)

Good thing I have lots of time to think before I get to it...:lol


I really have to put this list of projects on paper so I can keep my wits about me.:D

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He could do a whole SEASON of shows on the 3 M's :Me , My family and my malfunctions .


You forgot the fourth "M" - My friends... ;):lol


Julie - I hear ya :yes:hug Doesn't help when I go to my pain management guy and he has signs all over the place that say, I kid you not, "Pain is weakness leaving the body."


What an @$$! Pain is your body telling you something's wrong.. DOLT!

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You forgot the fourth "M" - My friends... ;):lol


AWWW! See? K can be mushy too :manyheart


What an @$$! Pain is your body telling you something's wrong.. DOLT!


Absolutely!! And I've told him that several times :D He likes me because I argue with him. Most of my docs are that way. They seem to like getting a rise out of folks. Except my poor little timid rheumatologist. I have to be careful with him. He's very silly and funny but you can't call him an @$$ to his face :lol


Yep, I knew I made a mistake sending BD to the store on an empty stomach. Had "cheese, cheddar" on the list....he came home with 6 different cheeses :lol And a meat slicer, various cold meats, new plastic storage containers (which are actually kinda cool), a Battlestar Galactica movie (okay, I can live with that too) and a whole host of other stuff. He told me, quote, "See what happens when I go to the store hungry and unsupervised?!?" :rofl :rofl But this means he's in charge of supper and I get to just sit here with the vaporizer I had him bring me, prop my foot up and :hook

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Linda - Oooooh I've been wondering what that stitch looks like in a stipe. Very cool :yes You wouldn't happen to have a closer up view would you :lashes

I'll see what I can do tomorrow. My camera doesn't get real close before getting all fuzzy, but we shall see how close I can get before that happens.

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Krystal - Oh it'll be a simple dinner. Sliced summer sausage and cheese and crackers. I know, I know not real nutritious but it's one of our favorite things to have. We usually have red grapes with it but they're out of season I guess because the price shot way up and they're bitter :yuck I'm just gonna work on my stadium blanket. The vaporizer is already doing the trick. I'm feeling better than I have in days! Whoda thunk it?


Linda - Thank you dear :hug Yeah my camera doesn't do closeup real well and it's supposed to have a macro feature. Of course, it might help if I read the actual directions :blush

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Cara, grapes here are $3.99 a pound! Guess I'll have to wait until the get cheap again. I did get some strawberries for $2.99 a pound and a mango (50 cents each) this afternoon. I just ate half the mango and a handful of the strawberries, and it was delish!


I'm tempted to make myself the Casablanca. Not sure yet if I will, because I hate weaving ends, but it sure is pretty. But then I remember I have an afghan I finished 18 months ago except for all the ends that need to be woven in (it's a striped pattern). Not to mention the 63 more squares all waiting for me to weave in the ends and assemble...

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Renee - Yep thats about what I paid last time. 3 bucks and change. And bitter, bitter grapes. I like it better when they're $1.99 and sweet and juicy :c9 I practically live on grapes for lunch in the summertime :yes

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hey everyone :)


I have seen a few posts with some doing beckys block, is that pattern on the happy Yellow House? still working on the block, didn't get to crochet as much as i wanted to today, but hope to get to do more tomorrow!


Yep sure is. Right here. :D

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I'm tempted to make myself the Casablanca. Not sure yet if I will, because I hate weaving ends, but it sure is pretty. But then I remember I have an afghan I finished 18 months ago except for all the ends that need to be woven in (it's a striped pattern). Not to mention the 63 more squares all waiting for me to weave in the ends and assemble...

I see a pattern here....:lol:lol:lol

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