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Our House [Archive 3]


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John was hoping to leave between 10:00 and noon today. They didn't make it. Pulled out the driveway at 1:30.


I then went yarn shopping. Went to Hobby Lobby first and then to WalMart. WalMart ended up having the best selection of colors in the RHSS and was 20 cents a skein cheaper.

DCP_1203.jpg I bought Soft White and Real Teal for this one and I'm going to flip the color scheme so that it's a white flake on a background of teal. There will be a border of the teal around the outside row of white squares, too.


DCP_1139.jpg And then for this one. The background color is Aran. The left side of all the blocks will be Light Grey, as will the border. The middle three cubes in each set of cubes will be Cornmeal and Gold. One set of the two cubes in each set of cubes will be Orchid and Dark Orchid. The other two cubes in each set of cubes will be Pale Green (It looks like a light teal to me.) and Real Teal.


I'll be redoing both patterns on Paint Shop Pro now that I know what colors I'll be using and will post those patterns once I have it all worked out.

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Linda, I LOVE the snowflake! and I like it in pink!


I'm here to say IT IS FINISHED! The Jasie I was working on for my Aunt is done, and it is GORGEOUS! It's done in Simply Soft in baby green with white lacing. I SO WISH I had a digital camera to show it off! I can't wait for my Aunt to see it! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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Congratulations, Sandi. It sounds gorgeous.


And where mine are concerned, I keep reminding myself that they are only 1/3 the size of the one that I made for John and Kim. That one had 900 squares in it and these only have 320 and 324 squares, so they will go much, much faster.

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Howdy doody everyboody


Thanks everyone.


Cara I so hope its diabetes at least you can control that disease. When will you know for sure.


Linda way to go:clap, your sitting on top of the ladder and Shelly was worried about me. :lol Great colors by the way for those ghans, which one are you doing for the games.


Sunny wow you sure have made heaps of saltines already, you go girl.:cheer


Krystal sure we cant tempt you into a saltine ghan project. :D


Mary what project are you doing now.


Shelby :hi

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For today, since she's home and away from the vet's she's actually playing for a change. :manyheart


That's a good sign!


Mary, my mom will tell you I was a :devil teenager and have only behaved myself lately. :yes


Mary, 4 solids for me, please. :hook


You a devilish teenager? No way. :D I've added 4 more squares.

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Sandi ~ congratulations on finishing the Jasie ghan. :cheer


Linda, I can't wait to see your patterns when you get them on Paint Shop with the colors you bought. Nope, you're not crazy...well, maybe just a little. :lol


Hi Wendy. :) Not much crocheting for me this week, but am still working on the Ohio Star and started the Stitch Sampler (also called Bobbles and Lace). I love the pattern!

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Morning Wendy. :hi


Mary, I think my mom went grey early because of me. And my brother and sister. :lol Hopefully you will get some more crochet time (and weather) soon.


Linda, can't wait to see the ghans when they are done. I will try not to nag you to make them before they Games. :hook

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I'm narrowing down my choices for the Games slowly but surely. The one with the cubes is 2/3 bi-color squares which is just too many to make it a viable option especially when you add in all the different colors. I'm going back and forth between the teal and white one and the poncho I want to make. I'm more certain of getting the poncho done in the 16 days available, but the quilt ghan would be much more of a challenge. It's still 1/3 bi-color squares. Here's the picture and pattern for the poncho:


I don't like filet crochet well enough to seriously want to do one for the Games.


Wendy the top slot has been between Shelly, you, and me for some time now. We just seem to keep trading back and forth as to which of us has the temporay lead. There's only 70 saltines difference between the three of us. Wouldn't it be a hoot if we all crossed the 2,000 mark on the same day?!?! :devil :devil :devil


Krystal, Nope. I always work mine in blocks and a block a day is too much. Besides, I'm already working on the Painted Desert. I don't mind having two going at once, but it just doesn't lend itself to that kind of CAL.

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Wendy the top slot has been between Shelly, you, and me for some time now. We just seem to keep trading back and forth as to which of us has the temporay lead. There's only 70 saltines difference between the three of us. Wouldn't it be a hoot if we all crossed the 2,000 mark on the same day?!?! :devil :devil :devil


I hope that happens! If it does, we all need to buy lottery tickets on that day. :lol


hi add 16 bi colors and 16 solids to my total. 16 bi and solids connected


Fantastic, Sunny. You are putting me to shame lately...hope all is well with you. :manyheart

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Ok Ladies I need help! I was reading the joining method in post 18 and it sounds so easy and much better than joining individually. But something stumped me. What color would I use to stitch the squares together? If I used only one color wouldn't it stand out between the squares that were different colors? Even if I don't use this joining method what color yarn would I use to join? do I just pick one color from one of the squares and use that? :thinkNow I've confused myself! :lol

Well, we slept last night again! WOO HOO 2 nights in a row! :jumpyayLet's hope tonight goes the same! Tomorrow the DH is DJing the pool party at our apartment complex from 1 to 4. Can't have the new baby outside for the whole thing so I am hoping to get some crocheting done while he is out of the house and the baby is sleeping. Will also hopefully get a row or 2 joined and a picture posted! Off to give the baby a bath and hopefully :sleep Good night!

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So anyway, back from our nearly 2 hour vet visit. She still has a fever and it's gone up some. He did a bunch of blood work and a urine test since she tinkled all over the place when they drew the blood :P Most of it looked normal.


Her blood glucose level was 600 though. Normal is around 100 like in humans. So, she's probably diabetic which is easy enough to control. He put her on insulin injections and a special food.


But diabetes doesn't cause a fever so he still thinks she has FIP. He thinks the only reason she's survived this long is the diabetes since it makes them voraciously hungry. Cat's with FIP die from anorexia. They literally starve to death. So keeping our fingers crossed that it's just diabetes.


For today, since she's home and away from the vet's she's actually playing for a change. :manyheart


Poor KITTY KITTY! :hug Hope she feels better soon! Isn't it amazing how they become a member of the family! :cat

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Ok Ladies I need help! I was reading the joining method in post 18 and it sounds so easy and much better than joining individually. But something stumped me. What color would I use to stitch the squares together? If I used only one color wouldn't it stand out between the squares that were different colors? Even if I don't use this joining method what color yarn would I use to join? do I just pick one color from one of the squares and use that? :thinkNow I've confused myself! :lol


Well, we slept last night again! WOO HOO 2 nights in a row! :jumpyayLet's hope tonight goes the same! Tomorrow the DH is DJing the pool party at our apartment complex from 1 to 4. Can't have the new baby outside for the whole thing so I am hoping to get some crocheting done while he is out of the house and the baby is sleeping. Will also hopefully get a row or 2 joined and a picture posted! Off to give the baby a bath and hopefully :sleep Good night!


Hi there, what I do is when I have made a square I leave about a 20 cm tail and use that to sew the squares together, if you use this method it cuts down on the weaving of ends.


Im glad your getting some sleep.:yay

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Howdy everyone


DH had a great day, we had family over for lunch and then we watched cable for awhile. I got heaps of saltines done today.


Tracy you were quieter today, are you feeling ok.:lol


Linda that would be great if we all made it to 2000 at the same time.:yay


Mary - 43 solids 4 bicolors for me thanks.


Cara so sorry to hear about Tuon.:hug


Now Im sewing all the saltines for the next row on the ATW, dont you just love the sewing part.

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Linda that would be great if we all made it to 2000 at the same time.:yay

We might have to coordinate it to make it happen, but it sure would be fun. Do you know if Shelly is going to be checking in while she's gone? The way she crochets up a storm, we might have to contact her before she gets back to set it up.


Good morning, everyone. Sunny and warm here at the moment. It's supposed to be sunny and hot later. The house is quiet and I'm taking it easy.

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Ok Ladies I need help! I was reading the joining method in post 18 and it sounds so easy and much better than joining individually. But something stumped me. What color would I use to stitch the squares together? If I used only one color wouldn't it stand out between the squares that were different colors? Even if I don't use this joining method what color yarn would I use to join? do I just pick one color from one of the squares and use that? :thinkNow I've confused myself! :lol


Well, we slept last night again! WOO HOO 2 nights in a row! :jumpyay

Pickles, what color to use for the joining is always the question no matter what method of joining you use. On one of mine I picked the darkest color and used it throughout and it worked fine. On another I used the most neutral color throughout and it also worked fine although it did show up more against the dark squares. On several others I've matched the color of one of the two squares being used and kept changing colors as the color of the joined squares changed. It meant a lot more tails to hide but it didn't detract from the pattern I was building with all the bicolor squares that were in those patterns. It's really a matter of choice and what look you are comfortable with.


Congratulations on another night of sleep! That's great.


By the way, what is your first name? I feel funny calling you Pickles all the time. We pretty much go by first names in here. It seems so much more friendly.

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