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Our House [Archive 3]


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Well good morning Miss Shelly Sunshine :hug You sound nice and chipper today :D I, too, am gonna have DH (well nephew actually, DH will just pay for it) build some raised beds so I can sit in the walker and garden. Saw that on a TV show and it'll work great with our house. Hope you get yours real soon :hug What a shame about having to frog. Hope it fixes up quickly :yes

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Cara and Shelly - when building your raised beds, make sure they aren't too low that they require stooping, and not so wide that you can't comfortably reach the middle areas.


Oh now that's something to keep in mind :yes Especially the not too wide part. I'd've never thought about that. Thanks for the tip :hug

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Thank you, Mary. It is the moments like that which make up for the times she stresses me out. :lol

I hear you, Tracy. Just when I was ready to strangle mine, they'd do something that would turn me to mush. Sounds like you and your daughter are really close. My daughter and I are like that still. In fact, I called and talked to her yesterday. It's soooo good to hear her voice across the wires. She lives over a 1,000 miles away so I don't see her often, but we can still talk and laugh together. That helps a bunch. :manyheart

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Cara --- the seated walker is about the best invention ever.. Mom and I both have one and while Angel and I were over there last week the three of us would go for walks... Angel wanted Mom and I to race.. of course she was riding on my walker at the time... I need to fix my kitchen so I can use it in there..


I was figuring about 4' square that would only be 2' to the center... and about 2 1/2' to 3' tall... I want to grow tomatoes, Angel wants little tomatoes and carrots, Haley wants pumpkins... and everybody wants flowers... hubby is even talking about planting some rose bushes... must be a little of his father coming out... my father-in-law grew the most beautiful roses of all different colors- he even had purple and black ones- but his favorite were the tea roses...


Linda and Tracy.. my daughter is 28 and still living with us (mainly due to my health) sometimes I wish I could ship her 1000 miles away and then she does something like Sunday when I came home from my Mom's she had picked a huge bouquet of Daffodils and had them by my chair... (along with a bag of red licorace) I think she missed me running interference between her and her father (they are so much alike)

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Hey everyone! Finished the doll blanket for my little friend Tabea, so I've done 9 squares over the past 4 days. Haha, this is going to take a while. :P

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Just have the border left to do :yay My crocheting has gone a bit slowly today. Hands aren't being cooperative :lol


Yay! I bet it's beautiful in red. :hook I hope your hands are better today.

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Hi Amy ~ everyone here always says not to think about the total number of squares...but I do and am still making the ghans. :lol Enjoy! What colors are you using? Sorry, I think you told us but I forgot. :blush

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Hi Amy ~ everyone here always says not to think about the total number of squares...but I do and am still making the ghans. :lol Enjoy! What colors are you using? Sorry, I think you told us but I forgot. :blush

Amy, I counted the squares on the first one I made and almost fainted. Like Mary, I still count the squares, but from then on I focus on just one block at a time which makes it manageable. I can deal with 25 - 36 squares at a time without breaking into a sweat.

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Amy, I counted the squares on the first one I made and almost fainted. Like Mary, I still count the squares, but from then on I focus on just one block at a time which makes it manageable. I can deal with 25 - 36 squares at a time without breaking into a sweat.


Skysmom, I'm using "orchid," "grape," and "ivory." yeah, the number of squares is daunting :(. I think I'll just do one block at a time. Thanks! :hug

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Cara and Shelly - when building your raised beds, make sure they aren't too low that they require stooping, and not so wide that you can't comfortably reach the middle areas.

There's a chiropractor's wife for ya!!:lol I agree with the recommendations, too!


I was ROAKd today!!! I came home from FIL's and found that I was gifted with The Best of PK - I do soooo LOVE those doliies! Also got G and H Clover hooks and a beautiful tropical square for my "friends" ghan...along with a cute little fridgie in the shape of a broom that is now hanging on the file cabinet next to my desk.

Boy, did I need the lift...:yes

Gotta go post on the Wish List thread....:yay

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I've finnished a great amount of my blanket over the weekend. I found that if i get to work early, say 7 - i have 30mins to make a few squares. at my 15 break i make more. if it's a long day i get another 30 during lunch to make them. when i get home at night i join them to existing blanket! and i'm almost done with the first 9 rows! bf is amazed i've done so much already. :lol:

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Howdy everyone,


Sunny hello there, great progress on your ghan.


Judy its nice getting things in the mail isnt it.


Yes when I made the Casablanca I counted the squares and nearly fell to the floor.


Gotta go to work then its my 3 day weekend. Have to get more saltines done, I have been slack lately.


Have a great afternoon and night everyone.

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Judy its nice getting things in the mail isnt it.

YUP! I had such a huge smile on my face when I saw ROAK on the return address!!!

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Hi all sat outside this late afternoon and made saltines (K -- I'll give you a count later in the week) until the BLOOD SUCKERS came out... I still have not figured out why God created Mosquitoes unless it was to torment us... so now I'm watching the Yankees play ball on TV...

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Good Morning, ladies. :) I had to unplug my computer about 6:30 last night (more storms!) and finally went to bed at midnight. Once again, we were very lucky...huge homes were completely demolished about 4 miles from us. I was making squares like crazy with one eye on the TV weather coverage the whole time - I don't think I've ever crocheted that fast. :lol


Must get some things done around here and then errands for MIL and us. Have a good morning. :manyheart

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Good Morning, ladies. :) I had to unplug my computer about 6:30 last night (more storms!) and finally went to bed at midnight. Once again, we were very lucky...huge homes were completely demolished about 4 miles from us. I was making squares like crazy with one eye on the TV weather coverage the whole time - I don't think I've ever crocheted that fast. :lol


Must get some things done around here and then errands for MIL and us. Have a good morning. :manyheart

...nothing like nervous energy to make that hook fly...

I'm glad you're okay...but so sorry about those who went through so much. Back in the day we lived in St. Louis and I remember how firghtening those close calls can be....esp since we're native New Yorkers and hurricanes were as bad a storm as we'd ever experienced.

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Shelly I cant sit outside in the morning and in the evening as the mozzies like me as well.


Mary wow you sure are getting lots of storms there. Im glad your safe though.


Im going to work on the picture quilt tomorrow.

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Good morning ladies. It is sunny and nice here today. Kim and I will be out and about this afternoon.

Mary, I'm so glad that you are okay. :hug We are supposed to have rain and possibly some thunderstorms this weekend.

I realized that I can still make a few squares for the WUA contest, so that is what I focused on yesterday and will focus on today. Then I'll overnight them to Amy on Friday. :manyheart There won't be all that many, but maybe they'll help.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Judy - What a great package to get just when you needed a lift :manyheart


Shelly - I just wanna plant plain ol' flowers :lol The front yard is still so bare looking after 2 1/2 years :irk


Sunny - You're making great progress :clap


Mary - Glad those storms missed you. I find I make a lot of squares if I'm angry :lol All we got was rain. I really dislike the weather this time of year.


Well, my sewing bombed yesterday. Sometimes I'm great at it and sometimes I really, really stink. Yesterday was a stinker :lol I was trying to recover the unattached cushions on the couch. I'd ordered a slipcover for the body. Couldn't get the cushions right and when the slipcover showed up it was HUGE! Just wasn't meant for this type of loveseat I guess :sigh Good thing the plaid that's on it goes with everything cuz I'm stuck with it for a while :lol


I'm going back to making squares. At least that's something I know I can do :hook

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Tabby, great job on the stars and stripes! Very, very pretty.


We're back home finally. Kim's mammogram went well once the order got straightened out. It was signed by a P.A. instead of the Dr. so they had to get another order before they could do it. But all went well, so that is good. They want to do a recheck in 6 months, but there had been no change from last time which was good news.

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