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Our House [Archive 3]


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Linda - Awww the bunnies are adorable :manyheart You said you found that on Lion's site?

Yes. I get an email from them each month with yarns on special and free patterns and such. It was one of the patterns for March. There's a lamb on there this month, too. It's cute, but the bunnies were cuter. I added the pink on the ears and made the tails white which isn't in the pattern.


We are going to visit Kim's family for Easter, so I don't know how much time I'll have to get on here while we are gone. We'll be leaving around noon or so. Kim & I won't be back until Wednesday next week.


Soooo..... To each of you I wish a safe and blessed Easter! May your God hold you close and bless you at this time of year. No matter what your faith or religion you are all my sisters and I love you all. :ghug

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Soooo..... To each of you I wish a safe and blessed Easter! May your God hold you close and bless you at this time of year. No matter what your faith or religion you are all my sisters and I love you all. :ghug


Right back at ya Sweetie :manyheart Y'all have a great time and a safe trip :hug

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Linda, you're so sweet...:manyheart

Have a blessed holiday, and a safe and fun trip.


...and such cute bunnies you made!!:c9

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I guess everyone is busy getting ready for the Easter Bunny? :D I've been at my desk for hours...DH's expense reports take me at least an hour or more each week and this time it was extra "busy." My yard is calling me, but I'm going to be good and finish up paperwork. :yes


Does anyone have special plans for the weekend? We'll be here...hopefully enjoying the nice weather.:garden

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Hi, Mary - a quiet day here for Easter. Our son and his GF will pick up FIL and bring him here...then we bring him home later.

I'm keeping it simple for dinner: Pastitsio (a Greek dish) and salad. FIL is bringing homemade cheesecake:eek...on top of which we'll put birthday candles for our son (33).

Have a good one, if I don't see you here before that...:hug:manyheart

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Just a regular day around here on Easter. Might make a roast though. Hopefully I'll be getting lots of crocheting done :hook

We try and keep the holidays the way WE want them...which is uncomplicated and peaceful. FIL and our son are always as much as we do. About 3 or 4 years ago I stopped participating in the annual pre-Christmas party my family did. It got to be too much...traveling to other homes, dealing with weather, traffic, etc. And with about 15 people in one house there was never enough time to visit the way I wanted to...

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Its friday here and its my wedding anniversary. 21 years today.


Just going to laze around today and try and get some crocheting done.

The weather is going to be beautiful this weekend, just nice that you can have the windows open and actually go outside.


Trulyhooked its looking good so far. How are you going with the sc method.


Cara have a fun day today. Fried chicken sounds yummy.


Happy belated anniversary. I hope you two have many more together. :manyheart


Oops!! No pictures. Let me try that again.





Very cute. Great job!


Yes. I get an email from them each month with yarns on special and free patterns and such. It was one of the patterns for March. There's a lamb on there this month, too. It's cute, but the bunnies were cuter. I added the pink on the ears and made the tails white which isn't in the pattern.


We are going to visit Kim's family for Easter, so I don't know how much time I'll have to get on here while we are gone. We'll be leaving around noon or so. Kim & I won't be back until Wednesday next week.


Soooo..... To each of you I wish a safe and blessed Easter! May your God hold you close and bless you at this time of year. No matter what your faith or religion you are all my sisters and I love you all. :ghug


Have a fun & safe trip. :manyheart:hug

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We are coloring eggs tomorrow. Then the kiddos will wake up to there baskets on Easter, probably eat a ton of chocolate before 9 a.m. For Easter dinner we're just having egg salad sandwiches from all those hard boiled eggs. :lol Nothing fancy here. Oh, oh, oh.....we have an easter egg hunt on easter too. We just started that last year & it was a ton of fun. :yes We fill platic eggs with candy & toys, the kiddos have a ball. ;) Last year one of the kids had to reach in the birds cage to get one. :devil:lol


Well, i'm pooped because I went to my sisters yesterday & spent the night. I'm off to bed. Good night. :ghug

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And with about 15 people in one house there was never enough time to visit the way I wanted to...


Jeez, then you wouldn't want any of my family's gatherings. We can't seem to keep it under 25, even with half the family living elsewhere. When lotsa kids have lotsa kids, it just sort of explodes!


I have 9 nieces and nephews, and I have 4 kids... give you an idea of holidays? :lol Easter's not really celebrated by my in-laws, though - and my parents are still in FLA. We're just having dinner here by ourselves.



Oh, oh, oh.....we have an easter egg hunt on easter too. We just started that last year & it was a ton of fun. :yes We fill platic eggs with candy & toys, the kiddos have a ball. ;) Last year one of the kids had to reach in the birds cage to get one. :devil:lol


I have done that since my son was a baby (he's 11) I buy stuff to put in the eggs and they have a hunt. They LOVE it.


Party went very well tonight. My evil plan worked, too. :devil Turns out, everyone was so tired after swimming that they didn't come back to my house. Now I have a clean house (still) that I get to enjoy all by myself! :lol


Now, off to finish that book on CD and my test project. :yay

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Hello all hope you're having a good day...

WE have 2 annual gatherings for the entire family a year just before Christmas and the end of August.... we have a "small" family there is my Mom, My older brother has 3 kids, 1 DIL, 1 SIL and 4 grandkids. next is Hubby and I, my 2 DD and 2 grandgirls, then comes brother #2 and his wife ,their son, DIL and 2 grandgirls, then comes Sis (the RN) and her hubby, her DD and SIL and 1 grandson, her DS, and their DD, then comes Sis #2 (the teacher) her hubby and 4kids... then there is my baby brother , his wife and their 3 kids.. so we only have small gatherings with the 41 of us in the immediate family .... of course there are about 20 - 30 extended family we invite to the gathering in the Summer which is held at a park ...


I have been working on the Seraphina shawl for my friend... I was making it as a wedding gift but she had surgery today for a ruptured Aorta .. her fiance said she is doing well so far... I'm going to send it to her as soon as it is done... she can have it as a comfort shawl or save it for her wedding...

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Good Morning, ladies. I miss the Easter egg hunts and coloring eggs...maybe someday we'll have a grandchild. :) Today is supposed to be a beautiful day with rain tomorrow. So I think it will be play in the yard today and crochet tomorrow. :crocheting


Shelly, I hope your friend is okay. The shawl is a wonderful gift idea.

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Howdy everyone.


Today Mum and Dad and my grandma are coming for lunch to celebrate DD10's birthday which is on Wednesday. We are going to have a barbeque.


Seeing as its just past midnight here I think I had better go to bed.


Catch you all later on, enjoy your morning.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Sounds like you have a fun weekend lined up :yes


Mary - So what's wrong with coloring eggs for yourself? No grandchild needed :D


Dunno exactly what I have lined up for today. Think I need more caffeine to help me decide :D

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Ok, a little over halfway. I was cooking right along on it at work when I RAN OUT OF BLACK YARN!!!! Horror of horrors! :eek A 34 hour shift and to run out of yarn in the middle of it! Ok, breathe, good planning, always got a backup roll of something in my bag, so I broke out the purple and started making charity squares. But...


There were no runs. It was a quiet day and just when it seemed everything would be ok, I ran out of charity yarn too!!:eek:eek:eek AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


I've stopped twitching now. :lol I have today off, gonna toss the kid in the car and we're going to WalMart. No bother we had 4 inches of snow last night, momma's on a mission. Got another 24 hour shift tomorrow!!:hook


Happy Easter!


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Colleen, I feel for you...we need to keep up with our supplies so we can support our yarn addiction or we can have serious withdrawal symptoms!!:lol:lol:lol

That is beautiful as a graph ghan (my own sub-addiction):D

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