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Our House [Archive 3]


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Hello All,


it's impossible to keep up with this board for me and everything that is going on. So- great work everybody *LOL*


i managed one strip last night (really took my time) and I think it looks better. So, I'm going to do my 2nd strip and sew them together and see what it looks like. Hopefully, I'll be more on track!


Busy day at work which is one of the reasons why i couldn't keep up with everything. Welcome Shelly! I just started here too and am only now learning how to do this. Cara I hope you get to feeling better soon!

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Cara, I can hardly wait to see how the new Amish looks!


Daphne...it took me a LONG time to get the hang of checking a lot of posts. There are even more for me to check now, since I'm on so many threads:blush As you might be able to tell from my posting numbers, I'm a real chatterbox when I have the time:devil

You'll be totally immersed soon, too:manyheart

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I'm planning on doing the one with the blue star. I got some very bright turquoise colors that I'm seriously hoping work. I really wanna see how they look with this technique :yes


Cara, the colors sound really pretty...you know we're here for show and tell. :)



Daphne ~ It took me a long time to get everything figured out...you're doing great!

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Mary and Leslie, you both are really moving along!:clap Can't wait for pics.


Wendy, please stay cool and comfy - I foget my C to F conversions, but even I know that 40C is hot!


I won't have anything for photo Friday - at least until my SP and doily swap partner get their stuff in a couple of weeks. Been making rectangles for HAP in between those projects.

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I want to say thank you to everyone for being so friendly and making me feel so welcome, even though I'm such a late joiner. I also have a question.... The original design for the quiltghan that I'm attempting is gorgeous, but it was drawn up with only 4 colors. I have a LOT of stash (ugh) to use up. I'm hoping its ok to use more colors in this? I have had to make a couple of small (very small) changes to be able to use all of my colors and I really don't want to offend anyone. I don't believe, in any way that these designs need improvement or changes I'm just trying to use up some stash. I don't know if it's a rule that we follow the diagrams to the letter ?

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Shelli... we all love creativity here... Cara's patterns are meant to be guidelines... she would be the first one to tell you to give it your own twist..... just let us see what you've done...

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Shelly's right Shelli. Very few of us have followed any of the patterns exactly as they are plotted. We all seem to change things to go with what we have or need. That's just part of being a very creative bunch of ladies and making things our own. I'm apt to change my own patterns from what I chart them out as when I do actually do them. Things just take on a life of their own as we do them. I'm doing Becky's Blocks as a scap ghan so very few of the blocks are the same color. I even increased the size of one block and made it into a preemie afghan. Feel free to experiment.:hug

With luck I'll have the preemie afghan that's half 4 color blocks done later today. It's already half sewn together. I'm pleased with it, although I'm not quite sure of what to do for the border.:think

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Shelli, absolutely go with whatever colors you want! I know Cara will chime in later and say the same thing....besides, that's how the rest of us get more ideas for our own projects:devil

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With luck I'll have the preemie afghan that's half 4 color blocks done later today. It's already half sewn together. I'm pleased with it, although I'm not quite sure of what to do for the border.:think

How about my fav: a round of hdc followed by a rev sc?:D

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How about my fav: a round of hdc followed by a rev sc?:D

It's not so much what stitch to do as what color(s) to use. With 4 sharply contrasting colors in the body of it, it's a little hard to choose which to use in the border. (SHhhhh..... Don't tell on me, but I haven't figured out the rev sc yet.)

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Good morning ladies :flower


Shelli - Oh don't ever think you have to stick to the colors on the patterns. That's just a jumping off point. Folks change colors, move things around, add stuff, take stuff away, etc etc I've seen some fabulous stuff being done with these patterns and I think I'm more excited than they are sometimes :lol :lol If something I've done sparks a little creativity in someone then my work here is done :D


Linda - Oooh can't wait to see this preemie blanket :yes The RSC is worth learning, imo. It's not hard just awkward the first couple of times. Once you learn it you'll use it on everything :yes


Well I'm happy to announce that I am feeling quite a bit better today :yay Didn't get a lot of sleep last night but what I got was good quality I guess because at least the fatigue is gone. Sometimes I think that's worse than the pain :lol

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Hi ladies. It's a bright sunny day here and I have to drive to my parents - so I won't be back till late afternoon.


Cara, I'm so glad you're feeling better!


Linda ~ I haven't mastered the reverse sc either. :blush You go first! :lol


Have a great day, everyone. :manyheart

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I did a quick search a few days ago for someone else and found
which does an excellant job of explaining the stitch (I didn't have a clue what the stitch was before then). This About.com article is pretty good too if your connection doesn't handle the video well.

Thanks, Joy. The video was excellent. Now I just have to actually try doing it.

Linda ~ I haven't mastered the reverse sc either. :blush You go first! :lol

I think I'll try it for the last row of the border on this preemie afghan. I'll let you know how hard I think it is later. It doesn't look too hard on the video and it was really easy to see what she was doing. Sometimes that is the hardest part for me - figuring out what my hands are supposed to be doing. :lol :lol :lol

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Cara...good to see you here:hug


Hi, ladies...I won't have pics for Friday. Anyone have anything they're going to share?

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Hi, Judy. I should have something.

It was funny. Rosie was over this afternoon to get some input on a baby quilt she is working on for one of her grandchildren. When she saw the preemie afghan with all the 4 color squares her comment was, "That's not crocheting, that's quilting." :lol :lol I take that as a high compliment.

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Morning Squaremakers


Cara Im glad your feeling better today.


Mary enjoy the sunshine.


Linda thats a nice compliment isnt it.


Judy howdy, I can probably show something friday, I havent done any squares for a week though, Im going into withdrawal.


Rev stitch I just cant do it, I tried once and it looked so loose. I guess it just takes practice.

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Judy howdy, I can probably show something friday, I havent done any squares for a week though, Im going into withdrawal.


Rev stitch I just cant do it, I tried once and it looked so loose. I guess it just takes practice.

I have other "square things" going right now, so Im getting some satisfaction...


And the rev sc does take practice, but once you get it - it's beautiful!


Off to have a cuppa with Studly....

See y'all later:hug

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Just wanted to pop in & say hello before I went to relax. Hope you all are having a wonderful day! :manyheart

I had a busy day - now I need to get back to :crocheting tonight...while my new slacks are pinned and ready to hem. They'll get done eventually...:P

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Hi, Judy. I should have something.

It was funny. Rosie was over this afternoon to get some input on a baby quilt she is working on for one of her grandchildren. When she saw the preemie afghan with all the 4 color squares her comment was, "That's not crocheting, that's quilting." :lol :lol I take that as a high compliment.


Rosie sounds like a wonderful neighbor and friend. I think that is so nice that you have someone to share your projects with! :)

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