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Our House [Archive 1]


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Cara - what you need is a comfy couch. That way, you can fall asleep on the couch and just tell DH that you "fell asleep" while working. Be sure to put props around you, like a skein of yarn with hook inside. I pull this a couple times a week, and that seems to help me catch up on the zzzzz's I miss thanks to DH's snoring AND tossing! Can't really suggest twin beds when you're not even 35. I'm not sure all I'd get would be a hurt look! But I certainly sleep beautifully while he's away. I need about 6.5 hours of sleep when he's gone, and I hop out of bed ready for anything. When he's home, I drag my butt out of bed after 8 hours and try not to fall asleep during the day.


I want a couch so bad sometimes :yes The way the living room in this old house is, large easy chairs work better. Definitely made before the advent of TV and oversized furniture :lol Plus, when you have company folks never share a couch, I've noticed. Here you have this big honking piece of furniture with one person on it :P But boy oh boy would I love to have one to nap on :c9

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i`m from another country than you so we have diffrent traditions

me and hubby got engaged but not yet living together

he is living with his parenst so do i

so today he will have dinner in my parents house :)

i wish this is clear enough:)

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Thanks, Krystal - I felt very tiny bumps on my eyelid...cool water eased that...and when I rinsed my eyes with the warm water the gunk went away. So far so good!

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Wendy, that's what I think too. Hopefully we are right in thinking two won't be hard.


Oh I love my couch although usually it's hubby that falls asleep in the living room. Which is fine by me cause then I get the whole bed :yes I definitely sleep better although I can't mention it to hubby cause he gets upset. So I just enjoy the time he works nights while I can :lol

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Cara and Krystal - I have a beautiful guest room - looks like a bed and breakfast place...that is beckoning me. DH snores a lot sometimes and can't go to sleep without the TV (the occasional radio talk show I can deal with) he also has PTSD and is very restless...but when I mention moving to the other room I get the puppy dog, hurt look, too.

I guess after nearly 40 years we're stuck with each other.:manyheart Besides, when I can't get back to sleep all I need to do is inch over on our king size bed and hug him - and then I go right to sleep!:) Good and bad...ying and yang...oh, well.

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Glad to hear I'm not the only one :yes I kinda felt bad about it. I just think it's quite funny how they always say we're so emotional about everything and all ours hubbys seem to get that crushed look if we mention separate sleeping :lol I knew they were softies under there :lol


Judy - Yes, I have a very nice guest room always made up and ready to go....and I'd actually sleep in there more if my nephew wasn't always in it :lol Gotta find that boy somewhere else to hang out sometimes :lol But I love having him here :manyheart

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i`m from another country than you so we have diffrent traditions

me and hubby got engaged but not yet living together

he is living with his parenst so do i

so today he will have dinner in my parents house :)

i wish this is clear enough:)


Aaaah - you confused me by referring to him as "hubby". Here, we call a person we are engaged to as "fiance", and wait until the actual marriage ceremony to refer to them as hubby. Don't watch too much American Television - there are quite a few of us here in the US who did not live together before getting married. I lived with my parents until my wedding day, as DH was living at school 160 miles away. When is the actual date of your wedding ceremony?


Cara and Krystal - I have a beautiful guest room - looks like a bed and breakfast place...that is beckoning me. DH snores a lot sometimes and can't go to sleep without the TV (the occasional radio talk show I can deal with) he also has PTSD and is very restless...but when I mention moving to the other room I get the puppy dog, hurt look, too.

I guess after nearly 40 years we're stuck with each other.:manyheart Besides, when I can't get back to sleep all I need to do is inch over on our king size bed and hug him - and then I go right to sleep!:) Good and bad...ying and yang...oh, well.


I think as time goes on that DH is figuring me out. It's a matter of "Don't ask, don't tell" - he doesn't ask why I sleep on the couch, I don't get the puppy dog look.


I'm finishing up my next dishcloth! How many is this? 14? 13? I dunno. Have to go look later.

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Krystal- Athba can correct me if I'm wrong but what I think it is is they ARE married but waiting for their apartment or house to get finished so are still living at home with their respective parents.


Did I get that right for you Athba? :)


I haven't done much today but maybe will get to work a little more on my calliope.

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Hey guys,I have a quick question if you don't mind me cutting in. Has anyone figured out approximately how many squares you can get per ounce of WW? I'm brainstorming again, and wondering what I can do with my stash. I really like "All God's Children", but a simple "Around the World" looks more doable. I have painted desert, and thought I could pull coordinating colors from it. Anyhow, I'm trying hard to stashbust, so a rough estimate of squares per ounce or per skein would be awesome. Thanks!


Now back to your regularly scheduled program....

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Julie - I think I remember Cara or Julie saying about 48....


Hi Julie B~And I think the 48 squares was for the Red Heart Super Saver skein. Cara will know for sure. :)

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yup as heather said we are marreid and made marreige sermoneis and i know the meanning of fiance but waiting for our apartment to be done so we can live together

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7oz skeins makes only 49squares???

mine made 40 of 3'' squares and still have the other half of it not touched

so it would giv me about 70-80squares

thats why when i was working on the casa i asked about the yarn and said it was too much

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Oh my.... Athba - is it customary for married couples to live separately like that at the beginning? Not sure that that would be a popular choice among newly married couples here. Then again, housing might be a little easier here. I know my husband and I got married, lived in an apartment the first year (we didn't care what it looked like!) then bought our own house a year later. If we waited for it to be "done", we STILL wouldn't be married! LOL! We are working on it a little at a time, and might be working on it forever! :lol


Still putting yarn away. Separating WIPs from WIMs (I have some bags of yarn grouped by WIM) and the WIMs are going UP, while the WIPs are staying down where I can reach them. Hopefully my vertical handicap will help to stop me from starting something NEW!


(One can hope)


Where's Darski with a smart-alec comment when you expect one?

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Well, ladies I just give up for now. I went to upload my pics. & it wouldn't work. GRRRR......my memory card is just garbage. My camera only holds 7 pictures internally so that doesn't do much. I got so annoyed that I didn't take anymore pics. on the internal memory. :angry



More sad news........:( I came home from grocery shopping this evening & one of my birdies was dead. The other bird was sitting on her. It looked like a scene from the exorcist because her head was completely backwards & she was pretty badly beaten up. I called the pet store & ranted/raved over the fact that there suppose to be SOCIAL birds. Yeah right. She said since they were both girls it was less common but still can happen, well duh I have a dead bird here. She said it was hormonal between girl birds. She also suggested only putting a male bird with her since she's so aggresive because he'll fight back. My Hubby thought I was nuts because I cried but it was my birdie & now i'm having a hard time liking the other one at all. And the way I found her was horrible. I went to fill there dish because I just bought them a treat & she was in the food dish with the other one pecking at her on top. GRRRRR, mean bird. :( :( :(


Sorry, but now i feel a bit better. I had to get that out & Hubby just thinks i'm being weird about it because "there animals, what do I expect?". MEN!!! :angry:(


Anywhoo, i'm done now. :yes

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Hi Ladies. :) Okay, I've slaved away most of the day in the kitchen getting ready for my Dad's birthday party tomorrow.:lol So I check in here and there are absolutely no pics for Photo Friday. :eek We need entertainment! :D


Hope you are all having a good Friday. :manyheart

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Where's Darski with a smart-alec comment when you expect one?

...she's busy on the lumberjack CAL:lol ...she just enticed a guy (Gene) to join us:devil

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Tabby, are those the new chicks you just bought?! I feel so badly for you - I would have been devastated!

:hug :hug

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Judy~Krystal has the chicks. Mine was a zebra finch & i've had them for over a year. Thanks for the :hug . :manyheart



Mary~Thanks, it was sad. I actually dropped the food dish when I noticed her. Thanks for the :hug . :manyheart

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Leave it to Darski to recruit some male hormones for us... hope he doesn't mind being a rooster in a hen-house... ;)


Well, all my yarn is back in my closet. Thank God for the air-compressing qualities of ziplocs and the snap-tight lids of totes. I had to sit on some of them in order to get everything to fit. No more working on new stuff, because the minute I touch anything in there, it's going to sproing like the guts of an overwound clock. The WIPs are separate, in MY closet, so they're easy to access. I've got a few of them to add to what I thought was a complete list.


First is the viceroy and my secret project. I'll rethink the order of what's next when one of those is done.



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