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Our House [Archive 1]


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Cara, it sounds like Misa was seriously p****d at you!! Good thing you seem to have wooden floors (from your pics) and not carpet in most of your house:lol :lol


You DON'T want to get on the wrong side of those tigers who live with you!

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Well, I just got back home after being gone for 7 hours. Went to a couple meetings, had breakfast in between them, then went for a drive and out to lunch with a friend, and to the grocery store and the bank. I'm bushed. I got a whole bunch of sky squares done at the meetings. A total of 23 in 1 3/4 hours. Not too shabby. Just need a black, a white and two bicolor squares for the next block.:hook

Msmusic, your round smiley pillow is great. Thanks for sharing the story behind it, too.:hug

Cara, glad you had a safe and happy trip. Did you get to meet the grandma?:manyheart

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Wendy- That's great your Mom is getting into crochet. My Mom started a prayer shawl I helped her start when I was there in March I doubt she's finished it. :heehee And I love your Dad's rug.


That gives me an idea for the bathroom rug. I did one in Tunisian stitch but not really happy with it. hmmm I might have to adapt one of Cara's patterns into a rug myself.


msmusic- Great smiley face! I love it!

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Hi Ladies. I hope you've had a good weekend. :) I was going to wait until the border was on to post a picture...but I can't decide what color to make the border...any opinions? :think DH voted for the Ranch Red. The green is Hunter Green, but looks much darker in the picture.





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Judy - Yep, she was either ticked off or bored. My vote is for ticked off :lol We've traveled a lot this year. Usually, we only go to San Antonio at the holidays and that's it. Considering she's been very lovey since we got home, I think I'm forgiven :manyheart


Mary - The bus ghan is fabulous!! :clap:cheer I was gonna make my border Ranch Red, too but the school house is Ranch Red and I don't like the border being the same color as something right on the edge of the color :P But that's a personal preference. I used just plain old "Blue" RHSS.


Linda - Yes, I did get to meet Grandma Elaine :yes She's a lovely lady. When we got there she was working on a pretty pink knit cardy. Turns out she crochets, too. Just happens this is her current WIP. She's 80 years old and kinda fragile but her tension is better than mine is sometimes :lol We finally got a chance to talk about needlework for an hour or so. I love my crochet and love to talk about it. I finally quit rattling on :blush But she did tell me I did beautiful work. That was quite an honor :manyheart


Off to work more on my Big Top :hook

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Thanks Linda and Cara. I had the same thoughts...I like the yellow, but didn't like the "red against red." Why is it so hard for me to make a decision?! :lol I'm determined to finish this soon and go back to other WIPs. :)


Have a good night. :manyheart

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Mary, though I love red in ghans, etc, I don't like the red against red, either...I do think a dark border to ground/anchor it and not distract from the picture would be best. The hunter green might be an option or the RHSS blue I think Cara suggested.

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Hi everyone,


Mary your bus ghan is excellent. well done.:clap Is it for anyone in particular.

By the way is it still raining there. Have you been able to make a start on your daughters garden.


Cara Im glad you had a great time in San Antonio. Your puddy tat didnt like you going away though, I bet she hasnt left your side since you got back. Probably scared you will go away again. It was nice that you got to meet Grandma Elaine and to be able to chat about your favorite subject.

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Good Morning all. :) Thanks for the compliments.


Wendy~No, the Bus Ghan doesn't have a home yet. Just in case I don't make another one, I may save it for future grandkids! :lol


Linda~You are so speedy on the squares...can't wait for the next progress picture. :yes

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Good Morning all. :) Thanks for the compliments.


Wendy~No, the Bus Ghan doesn't have a home yet. Just in case I don't make another one, I may save it for future grandkids! :lol


Hmmm :think Kinda like a Grandma Hope Chest. I like this idea :manyheart

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Morning, everyone. We had another thunderstorm last night with at least 30 minutes of rain mixed in. The grass is actually turning green instead of brown and growing. It's overcast today, so we may be getting more rain today, too.

Night, Wendy.

Glad your trip was so nice, Cara.:yes

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Thanks, Cara. DD absolutely loves this ghan, so I think it would be fun to keep it for them. :) I'm going to experiment with border colors later; at least with straight crochet, I can do a side and frog it if necessary. :yes

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Hi Linda~I'm so glad you are finally getting some rain. Hopefully, it will continue and get rid of that wildfire danger altogether! :yes


Must get busy. Have a good day. :manyheart

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Thanks Linda and Cara. I had the same thoughts...I like the yellow, but didn't like the "red against red." Why is it so hard for me to make a decision?! :lol I'm determined to finish this soon and go back to other WIPs. :)


Have a good night. :manyheart


If it were me, I would do a sc round in the yellow, then a solid border of a couple rounds in dc of the ranch red, or even a navy blue or the forest. That little stripe of yellow will offset any color you want to use.



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If it were me, I would do a sc round in the yellow, then a solid border of a couple rounds in dc of the ranch red, or even a navy blue or the forest. That little stripe of yellow will offset any color you want to use.




Not that's a good idea :yes

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Where's Julie? Julie, are you in hiding? :sher Behind a big old tree? :tree On a trip to far away places? :plane Lurking in the shadows? :lurk Gone in search of cooler climes? :snow Out baking in the sun? :sun On an excursion in search of that oh so perfect yarn? :drive Sleeping in, today? :sleep Going round the bend, because of Arnold? :thair We miss you!!! :hug

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Hi all. I've been running errands today...it's been so quiet here. :eek We're having my dad's 90th birthday party this Sat. at my sister's house, so I needed to start gathering up my part of the list.


I hope to start playing with the border on the Bus ghan tonight! :D

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Morning Mary, have you decided what to put on the border. Wow your dad will be 90,thats amazing. Its a great idea to give him a party. How many generations do you have in your family. We have 4, I took a photo once of my grandma, my mum, my sister and our 2 girls. I dont think we will get to 5 as my grandma is now 85.

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