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Our House [Archive 1]


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Thanks for them kind words.:hug

It's getting dark and starting to thunder and lightening. Maybe we're going to get some more much needed rain. That would be wonderful.:yes

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Tabby, I used that link and I've got a whole bunch of my lost photos now! :cheer I am so happy I could cry!


I am going to run it again to see if I can get those that didn't come out the first time. Then I'm going to hunt down another recovery program and see if that one will get the ones I missed. This is our family vacataion to Boston from last year - over 80 pictures that I lost!

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That's great Krystal. Pictures are something you just can never get back so i'm so happy it worked for you. :clap I don't know why it skipped some because it picked up all of mine & that was over 1,000. It even took my videos I took with my camera & put them into photos (that's why I had over 1,000 pics.). I hope it picks them up the second time through. :)

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The end is in sight for my Bus ghan. :cheer I only have to join one half row of squares and attach the last 2 rows to the ghan...and then add the border. :) It will be so much fun to actually finish something - maybe by the first of the week. The weekend is looking way too busy. :eek


Have a good night everyone. :manyheart

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I just posted photos of my completed Casablanca quilt over on livejournal. You can read the post and see the photos here.


I can't wait to see how my sister-in-law and her soon-to-be-husband like it. I'm looking forward to our week vacation in Colorado for the wedding. We leave on Wednesday. The quilt is going to take up half of my suitcase :)

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Thanks, Suzanne. I've worked on the afghan pretty steadily since early March (maybe late February, I don't remember which day I actually started). I was pretty worried for a long time that I wouldn't get it finished before the wedding next weekend, but I made my deadline :)

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Excellent job on the Casa, Patty! :clap:cheer It looks fabulous! And may I compliment you on your very tidy stitching! :tup Just wonderful :manyheart


Thank you very much. That means a lot coming from the designer :)


Now, I just wish I could get the little ends to stop poking through to the front side.

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Linda - Oh I see, you can't get a word in edgewise with us :rofl :rofl


That's OK, I'm used to it. :sigh My husband is an opinionated actor and a lot of our friends are just opinionated. :lol


I'm glad to hear that your doctor visit went well and that your niece is hanging in there! You are always in my thoughts but I'll add your niece as well.


Thanks everyone for the complements on my dishcloth. Some things just look very nice in variegated yarn.


So, has Julie checked in with anyone or is she just AWOL? I hope everything's all right. :(


Take care all,

Linda Y

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Thropots, that is one fantastic casa!! Your SIL and her hubby will be stunned by its beauty and the work involved. It says a lot about you:manyheart

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Thropots that ghan is amazing. Well done for finishing.:clap:cheer Im sure they will absolutely love it.


Mary your so close to finishing. Wow I cant wait to see it.


Linda the train looks great. I like the colors you have used. Cant wait to see it move further along.. hehe

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Thank you very much. That means a lot coming from the designer :)


Now, I just wish I could get the little ends to stop poking through to the front side.


I find that if I clip the ends close but not "snug" to the work that they don't do that :yes They kind of hide themselves somehow. I don't ask, I just accept :lol

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Good Morning. :rain Thunder and lightning kept me awake half the night and we are now over the amount for the most rain ever in June in North Texas! :eek It doesn't look like we will start on DD's yard today. :no


Patty ~ Your Casa is beautiful and such a special wedding gift. :hook


Hi to everyone else, too. Just going to get my tea and try to wake up now. :)

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Morning Mary. You guys sure have had a heap of rain. I guess you could practically swim in your daughters yard. Its always the way, it tends to rain heaps when you want to do gardening. We had no rain for ages then we decided it was a good time to dig out more on the side of the garage to put a carport up. Well we had the digger all organized he came and just as he started it rained.

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Hi Wendy. In July and August when it's 100 degrees, I'll probably be griping about needing rain. :eek:) Of course, I know better than to think we can do anything about the weather. :lol


How is your Amish coming along? I've been looking at the wonderful "Circle" pictures and all of your dishcloths are so pretty.

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Well, gotta get my rear in gear (or my tail on the trail as my MIL says :lol). Need to head out to San Antonio today for DHs b-day party. Hopefully, one year they'll come here for his b-day instead of us spending $200 in gas and lodging :lol


Oh well, I get to meet his paternal grandma this trip! :yay In the nearly 13 years we've been together I've never met her. She's a hooker from what I hear :hook I can't wait! :jumpyay I'm taking my Big Top along to work on during the trip and maybe during the visit a little bit. It's just an overnighter this time. Hope the rain holds off. This was supposed to be a "pool party" situation at first but I think that ship has sailed and I do believe Noah was the captain :rofl :rofl


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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Thanks Mary. I had fun with the dishcloths but Im happy to put the cotton yarn away for awhile.


I am halfway through sewing the 6th block. The desk here by the computer is just covered in squares. You should see it.


As for the weather, we are never really happy are we. When its hot we want it to be winter and when its cold we want it to be summer. We badly need rain. Melbourne and Sydney have had heaps of rain but we havent had any. Its supposed to rain this week so it will be interesting to see how much we get.


What project are you doing Mary.

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This was supposed to be a "pool party" situation at first but I think that ship has sailed and I do believe Noah was the captain :rofl :rofl


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

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