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Our House [Archive 1]


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Linda - Oh I see, you can't get a word in edgewise with us :rofl :rofl Good for you making all that progress on the blankies. Love that dishcloth! I really like the variegates :yes


Tani - Welcome to our little group! :hug The baby gingham is an excellent place to start :yes All solid color squares, not too big and (if I do say so myself) a nifty project to work on. We share photos on Fridays. Of course, we know you probably won't have much today but feel free to share anytime you like. We love photos, don't we ladies? :photo


Hiya Heather and Wendy :hug:manyheart

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It goes early today :lol About ready to go catch an extra couple hours of sleep. Just waiting to hear from my sister. Her daughter is pregnant and was having abdominal pains yesterday afternoon. We're hoping it's just that early prenancy gas :P

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Morning, everyone. We had RAIN last night! Yeah! A real good soaker. The ground is still wet this morning. We even lost power for about 1 1/2 hours. It was bedtime, so no big deal.

I've got a few more rows to sew together and then I'll take a picture of the train. I really like the colors I chose. They are nice and bright with lots of contrast, which little kids love. I'm going to try to go to Iowa for Christmas, so I will get to see Ayden's reaction to it first hand. That'll be so much fun.

Cara, hope everything is fine with your niece.

Tandi, welcome to the group! :welcome Your colors sound great. I've posted pictures of skeins of yarn, so feel free to share whatever, whenever. We love pictures.

Hi, Linda Y. Long time no hear from you. Your dishcloth is very nice. I like that star pattern. Sounds like you have been very busy with your crochet hook. :hook

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Good Morning, all. Lots going on here already today!


Tandi ~ Welcome! :) We have lots of fun and obviously love Cara's patterns. The colors you have chosen sound great for the Baby Gingham. :yes


Linda Y. ~ Hi again. It's great to hear from you and your dishcloth is so pretty. I need to make some of those one day!

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Linda Y., Yay for finally getting some real rain. :yay Your train sounds like it's coming along great. I was born in Mason City, Iowa and lived in Des Moines until my dad was transferred to Texas when I was 12. We still have relatives all over the state, but I haven't been there in a long time.


Cara ~ I hope your niece is okay. :hug


Hi to Wendy, Heather, and everyone else too. :manyheart

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Linda cant wait to see a pic of the train.


Mary morning to you.


I have been busy with dishcloths. Boy I dont want to do anymore of those for awhile. The thread we have here is very thin(number 5) so of course most patterns I have to add some more rows to it to make it bigger. All done so now going to concentrate more on the amish, but thats tomorrow.


Im going to bed now.


Night all

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Good morning ladies :flower


Thank you all for your concern for my niece. :manyheart The doctor told her everything looked okay during her visit. But, late last night she woke with even worse pain and quite a bit of bleeding. She's in the hospital on bed rest right now. :sigh Just a little tragic is something goes wrong. This is her first child and the father was killed in a traffic accident before she even got a chance to tell him :( But things happen the way they should. I know this.


Anyway, I'm going to finishing sewing my third block together this morning and then I'll have a photo :photo


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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Cara, how awful to watch your niece go through this... I'm like you, though. What's meant to be will be. I'll keep your sister and your niece in my thoughts and prayers.:hug

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Thanks for the wonderful comments y'all :manyheart


She's stablized now thank goodness.


And more good news. I got my gall bladder scan results this morning and it works perfect. No stones. A little polyp on it though so they'll probably just take it out. There was a scare there briefly about my Lupus now attacking my liver but that checked out too so far :D So things are definitely looking up :jumpyay

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Thanks for the wonderful comments y'all :manyheart


She's stablized now thank goodness.


And more good news. I got my gall bladder scan results this morning and it works perfect. No stones. A little polyp on it though so they'll probably just take it out. There was a scare there briefly about my Lupus now attacking my liver but that checked out too so far :D So things are definitely looking up :jumpyay



Awesome news Cara! :jumpyay:woo:party:dance

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Cara- I'll too keep your niece in my prayers. That's such a sad thing about the baby's daddy. My MIL has Lupus too and I know all about how that works, glad to hear it isn't attacking your liver.


Welcome Tandi- That's a great pattern to do! The colors sound pretty too!

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Here's a picture of the train's first two blocks. And one of thread centerpiece I started while on vacation. Hmmmmm? I'm not sure what's going on with the pictures. It's posting links instead of pictures. I'm not sure if this is a problem with Photobucket, Crochetville, or both. At least it takes you there.




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