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Our House [Archive 1]


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'Morning all. :) Someone needs to build an ark here...the rain won't quit and we've had over 10" at our house this week! Many areas have had twice that much. :eek


Patty ~ Good for you for finishing ahead of deadline. :cheer


Linda ~ Your surroundings sound so pretty. It must be wonderful to have such a great view. :yes


I have to read more posts and will be back!

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Mary - Yeah, I saw the neighborhood dogs and cats marching out two by two :lol It's gotten ridiculous and they're saying it'll rain for the next 10 days at least. We're supposed to go to San Antonio on Saturday and come back Sunday morning for DHs birthday but I dunno if I want to brave weekend traffic in this rain :no

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Cara, I hope you get to go to S.A....maybe we'll get a break soon. :)


Amanda ~ Your Penguin is wonderful. :manyheart He just makes me smile. :D


Tabby ~ Good luck with the a.c. :( You all are having what we usually have right now.

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You're still doing the Calliope as a lapghan right Heather? I think you were right. That thing is just stupid huge with way I did it. Obviously in the beginning I didn't pay very close attention to dimensions :P

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It's so quiet here today - maybe we are all busy crocheting. :think:)


Cara, did you have your "day out?" I hope you were able to stay dry! :rain The sun is out here, but black clouds are out there, too. Are you going to show pictures of your Big Top tomorrow?


Julie ~ How are you today?

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In between laundry, etc...and tripping over 2 german shepherds who have been in the house all day because of the horribly hot weather, I'm trying to work on finishing a prayer shawl (my lightening round project for this week on the Sky CAL).

TG for central air!!


Not that I've ever been there, but it feels like a bit of Texas weather out there today!!

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Hi, everybody. Kim and I took a friend to the oral surgeon this afternoon. Bought yarn for another rr while we were out and about. Jennifer is zonked out in the guest bedroom now. She was pretty miserable when we picked her up, but doing much better now. Kim and I had lunch at the International House of Pancakes, IHOP for short. Kim loves their buttermilk pancakes with blueberry compote and whipped cream. She chases down every single blueberry. Not one is allowed to escape her.:lol

I've been busily sewing together squares on the train today and should have two blocks done and connected by tomorrow. Can't wait to see everybody's pictures.:yes

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Evening Ladies.


How is everyone on this fine day?? :D


I've been running, running, running & now i'm pooped. :yes


Me too :P The sun came out so we ended up running all over town! It was much fun but I need to rest now :lol

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Hi, everybody. Kim and I took a friend to the oral surgeon this afternoon. Bought yarn for another rr while we were out and about. Jennifer is zonked out in the guest bedroom now. She was pretty miserable when we picked her up, but doing much better now. Kim and I had lunch at the International House of Pancakes, IHOP for short. Kim loves their buttermilk pancakes with blueberry compote and whipped cream. She chases down every single blueberry. Not one is allowed to escape her.:lol

I've been busily sewing together squares on the train today and should have two blocks done and connected by tomorrow. Can't wait to see everybody's pictures.:yes


Hi Linda ~ It sounds like you had a really busy day; IHOP sounds so good right now. :lol You've gotten lots done on Mr. Train - can't wait to see pictures!

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Just checking in before dinner. Yes, the sun finally came out this afternoon so DH and I have been mowing and cleaning up the yard before it was knee deep. :eek And more rain is on the way. :(


Cara ~ I'm glad you've had a good day out. :yes


Hi Tabby and Wendy. :hug


Judy ~ I'm always tripping over a dog (or cat) around here, too! :lol


Have a great evening, everyone.:manyheart

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Cara- Yeah I'm going to just do 4 squares of the calliope for a lapghan. It would be a good size for a bedspread but I just wanted a lapghan for the nursing home.


We usually eat IHOP every Sunday my DD loves it. I love the stuffed french toasts they do on special every now and then.

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Mmmm IHOP :drool I love those buttermilk pancakes :yes Gosh, the way I go on you'd think I do nothing but eat all day :lol Actually I usually just eat once a day :P


Heather - Think I'm going to change the pattern for the Calliope to a lapghan. :yes


Well, even out all day I'm making decent progress on the Big Top. Almost have block #3 sewn together. I planned to be on the fourth block by now but since the sun finally appeared today we went driving around to find a house for my sister to buy. Makes me glad we bought ours when we did. Seems the prices have gone way up in two years :yes

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Cara- I only eat one meal a day usually too.


I wanted to do the Calliope as a bedspread at first but the colors I'm doing just weren't working for my room so I decided to cut it down. That's what's so great about these quilts just by adding or subtracting blocks you can make it whatever size you want. :yes

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Hiya Linda Y!! Where ya been hiding yerself? Glad to hear from ya :hug


I'm here just about every day reading posts and keeping track of you gals, but I'm not much of a talker.


I've been working on baby blankets for the Family to Family project and have almost three done.


I also made a dishcloth in solidarity with you Circle of Friends gals. See?






I'm going to get back to working on my quiltghan soon! Really!:yes


Take care, Linda Y

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These patterns are great. I'd love to join and work on the Baby Gingham afghan. I've chosen Caron SS in Country Blue, Light Country Blue and Dark Country Blue for my cousin's baby. She's due in Sept. but the shower is in about a week. I'll see which deadline I can make...

I started tonight and finished the first row. Hopefully they all go this fast!

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